Noch im April, so das Neue Deutschland, hatte die „die Bundesregierung mitgeteilt, sie werden über die deutsche Beteiligung ‚im Lichte der weiteren Entwicklungen‘ entscheiden“ und es bleibe „beim Bemühen der Bundesregierung, der russischen Seite keinen Vorwand für eine weitere Eskalation zu geben.“
Daily Archives: 30. Juli 2014
Australia Threatens to Jail Citizens Who Embarrass Repressive Governments
The gag is a superinjunction, meaning the terms of the gag are secret, and it is a criminal offense to reveal them. That means, theoretically, anyone sharing the order or linking to it – including news organizations and social media users – could face jail time.
Photo of the Day: Check out this stunning shot of Italy and Sicily at night, captured by an #ISS #Exp40 crew member. Photo courtesy of @nasa #iss #space #photooftheday #italy #photography
Photo of the Day: Check out this stunning shot of Italy and Sicily at night, captured by an #ISS…
@NASA_Johnson Hello #ISS from ISSAbove-KS-024 in Athens, Chalandri/Athens Greece 275 m away. @ISS_Research #issabove
Bis Mitte August ist jetzt wieder die #ISS am Himmel über Deutschland zu sehen #Sternzeit @Astro_Alex (hes)
What others say: International Space Station a symbol of cooperation
Over the past several months, we have witnessed an almost major collapse in bilateral relations between Russia and the U.S., seemingly throwing to the wind more than 20 years of modest but quantifiable rapprochement between these powerful and once bitter enemies.
The Nobel Committee, which will award the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize in October, should look closely at the contribution each candidate makes toward the easing of tensions between Russia and the West when choosing this year’s winner.
One candidate in particular has contributed more toward these ends than any other nominee: the International Space Station partnership.
This partnership, formed more than 15 years ago to facilitate the construction and operation of a $150 billion outpost in space, represents the largest international collaborative project ever undertaken during peacetime.
Space agencies have so far refused to allow political currents to interfere with the International Space Station program. The crisis in Ukraine, however, has thrown the future of the program into question.
In response to U.S. sanctions, and a federal government order for NASA to suspend all cooperation with Roscosmos outside of the ISS program, Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said in May that Russia was not interested in extending ISS participation beyond 2020. Roscosmos is in talks with the Russian government over the fate of ISS participation, but there are real concerns that politics will torpedo the otherwise bright future of the ISS program.
Ending Russian participation in the ISS could easily lead to a return to Cold War enmity with the very real potential of sparking an arms race in space, a scenario only narrowly avoided when the U.S. and USSR competed for glory on the final frontier.
It would also wreck one of the few examples of major international cooperation as governments burn bridge after bridge in the Ukrainian crisis.
The men and women of these national space agencies that make up the International Space Station partnership — the organizational structure established by partner agencies from 15 nations that support the football-field-sized space station — has promoted cultural understanding between all participants. NASA, European, Canadian and Japanese space officials live and work among their Russian peers in Moscow, and Roscosmos officials do the same in Houston.
Their interactions range from the mundane — arranging housing and office spaces for visiting delegations, to the extraordinary — preparing multinational teams of cosmonauts and astronauts to live and work in space through an exhaustive and collaborative training program at space centers around the world.
International space cooperation has also fostered understanding by engaging the military, scientific and industrial bases of the U.S. and Russia in a challenging, peaceful and forward looking mission, rather than pursuing purely competitive and militaristic ends.
Awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to the ISS would also encourage all governments involved to allow their space agencies to work together well into the future. With 50 nations now exploring space, the ISS also sets an exemplary standard for international cooperation, helping ensure that peaceful, civilian space efforts remain the norm.
The ISS shows that it is possible to overlook political differences and work together toward a truly global and uplifting goal: creating the framework for the human race to continue its push beyond Earth’s orbit.
It is due time for the international community to make an unequivocal statement of support for the positive efforts of the U.S., Russia and their 13 partners aboard ISS during times of heightened and dangerous tension between Russia and the West.
— The Moscow Times,
July 16
Amazing ‚cool-burning flames‘ discovered on the International Space Station could result in cleaner, more efficient engines here on Earth
„We observed something that we didn‘t think could exist,“ said Prof. Forman Williams, who was the lead researcher for FLEX, according to the news release.
Next Supermoon Could Hide Best Meteor Shower of Year
The next so-called Supermoon, when a full moon occurs at its perigee – the closest point to Earth in its orbit – is due Aug. 10, which may make for a less-than-super annual Perseid meteor shower.
Debris from Comet Swift-Tuttle, through which our planet passes during this general time annually, will peak around August 12 and 13, with an estimated 100 meteors hitting the atmosphere per hour, according to data from mthe National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
ULA Launches Three Air Force Satellites Into Orbit
The primary payload of the rocket were two satellites for the Air Force’s Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program. These satellites, which were built under contract by Orbital Sciences, aim to give the Air Force the ability to track manmade objects in orbit directly, rather than observing them from the ground subject to the limits of atmospheric interference.
LTT denies having intentionally cut internet services or blocked sites
State-owned Libya Telecom & Technology (LTT) has denied rumours that it had cut internet service or
Mahonien-Beeren: Köstlichkeiten zaubern mit blauen Perlen
Jetzt ist höchste Erntezeit für die Früchte der Mahonie, bevor die Beeren von den Sträuchern abfallen oder von den Vögeln als willkommene Nascherei verputzt werden.
Die Mahonie ist ein Strauch, der oft in Gärten, Rabatten der Städte und Parks angepflanzt wird und weit verbreitet anzutreffen ist. So wie die Früchte der Hagebutte, des Holunders, Preiselbeeren oder der Heidelbeere sind Mahonienbeeren nicht nur essbar sondern sehr gesund aufgrund der vielen Wirkstoffe.
Aegis, Missile Defense and the US Pivot
The U.S. Navy’s Aegis Weapon System is the lynchpin for regional missile defense in Asia.
Insecticides Similar to Nicotine Widespread in Midwest
Insecticides similar to nicotine, known as neonicotinoids, were found commonly in streams throughout the Midwest, according to a new USGS study. This is the first broad-scale investigation of neonicotinoid insecticides in the Midwestern United States and one of the first conducted within the United States.
Effective in killing a broad range of insect pests, use of neonicotinoid insecticides has dramatically increased over the last decade across the United States, particularly in the Midwest. The use of clothianidin, one of the chemicals studied, on corn in Iowa alone has almost doubled between 2011 and 2013.
Processed Feud: How the Food Industry Shapes Nutrition
What exactly does “processed food” mean? According to a new position paper from the American Society For Nutrition (ASN) processing means “the alteration of foods from the state in which they are harvested or raised to better preserve them and feed consumers.” By this definition, processed foods encompass everything from washed raw spinach and frozen strawberries to Betty Crocker’s Cheesy Scalloped boxed potatoes (a box of the latter is made up of reconstituted ingredients held together with partially hydrogenated oils, artificial dyes, and the sodium equivalent of 60 potato chips per serving).
U.S. sanctions spell big damage for Russian civilian shipbuilding – exec
Recent U.S. sanctions against Russia‘s United Shipbuilding Corporation will chiefly hit civilian shipbuilding in Russia, the company‘s chief executive said.
Is That Jazz? #3 By Adam Kvasnica
Is that Jazz? – Part 3
Mix focused on atypical sound of modern electronic jazz. Enjoy!
Aktion: Kein Sonderrecht für das Jobcenter
Das „Hartz-IV“-Gesetz macht Erwerbslose und AufstockerInnen zu BürgerInnen zweiter Klasse. Ihre Rechte sind im Vergleich zu anderen Sozialleistungsbeziehenden deutlich eingeschränkt worden. Vielfach verweigern die Jobcenter aber sogar Leistungen, auf die ein Rechtsanspruch besteht und begehen damit täglich Rechtsbruch. Diese Praxis will die Bundesregierung unter dem zynischen Schlagwort „Rechtsvereinfachung“ noch verschärfen.
Verschleierte Millionen Einkünfte der Abgeordneten
Wie das Internetportal „Abgeordnetenwatch“ berichtet, haben deutsche Abgeordnete seit der Bundestagswahl im vergangenen September insgesamt mindestens rund 2,1 Millionen Euro von anonymen Geschäftskontakten bezogen. Zwar sind die Volksvertreter mittlerweile dazu verpflichtet, Nebeneinkünfte öffentlich zu machen, die exakte Höhe und die Herkunft des Geldes müssen dabei jedoch nicht genannt werden.
Podcast July 2014
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Afghanistan a building block for China-India ties
China is not seeking a leadership role in the country, but is rather looking for regional partners to support its efforts. A key partner is being sought in New Delhi where the Narendra Modi administration has welcomed Xi Jinping’s early overtures for a closer broader relationship. The opportunity presents itself that Afghanistan’s two largest Asian neighbours might be on the cusp of closer cooperation to help the nation onto a more stable footing.
U.S. concerned about criminal prosecution of Georgian ex-president
„The U.S. is concerned that Georgian ex-President Mikheil Saakashvili has been charged under the Criminal Code,“ U.S. Department of State spokesperson Jen Psaki said, according to a statement posted on the Department‘s website.
„The judicial system must not be used as a tool of political revenge,“ she said.
Milliarden mit Rohstoffen
Es ist ein Buch, das bereits vor seinem Erscheinen Kontroversen ausgelöst hat: das Werk der Schweizer Nichtregierungsorganisation MultiWatch über den Rohstoffkonzern Glencore Xstrata, der sich vor kurzem wieder in Glencore umbenannt hat. Wegen des ursprünglich vorgesehenen Buchtitels „Drecksgeschäfte – Milliarden mit Rohstoffen“ drohte Glencore mit einer Klage wegen Rufschädigung. Um einen langwierigen Rechtsstreit zu verhindern, der das Erscheinen des Buches hätte verzögern können, entschied MultiWatch, den Begriff aus dem Titel zu entfernen, der auf die Zwielichtigkeit gewisser Geschäfte des Unternehmens hinweisen wollte.
Khmer Rouge tribunal clears way for genocide trial
A United Nations-assisted tribunal on Wednesday cleared the way to begin the genocide trial of two elderly former top leaders of Cambodia‘s 1970s Khmer Rouge regime.
Erklärung des Außenministeriums Russlands zu neuen Kriegsverbrechen des ukrainischen Regimes
Wir wenden uns an unsere westlichen Partner mit dem Appell, auf die sich verrannt habenden Kiewer Machthaber Einfluss auszuüben. Die Verantwortung für die Opfer unter der Zivilbevölkerung im Osten der Ukraine liegt auf jenen, welche die genannten verbrecherischen Handlungen unterstützen.
Erklärung des Außenministeriums Russlands zum neuerlichen Beschuss des Territoriums der Russischen Föderation durch die ukrainischen Sicherheitskräfte
Am 29. Juli gerieten Mitarbeiter der russischen Zollstelle „Gukowo“ unter gezielten Beschuss aus Granatwerfern und Maschinengewehren der ukrainischen Sicherheitskräfte.
Die Zollstelle erlitt zusätzlich zu den bereits früher durch den Beschuss der ukrainischen Sicherheitskräfte erlittenen neue Beschädigungen.
Offensichtlich fürchtet man in Kiew sehr die sich am Grenzübergang „Gukowo“ einrichtende OSZE-Beobachtermission, welche die Lage an der russisch-ukrainischen Staatsgrenze kontrollieren soll.
UN Presses for Mali Peace Talks Starting Aug. 17
The U.N. Security Council on Monday welcomed agreement on a roadmap for negotiations between the Malian government and Tuareg separatists and called on both sides to engage in follow-up peace talks starting August 17.
Yoko Ono asks youths to spread Hiroshima A-bomb peace message to world
Artist Yoko Ono on Wednesday urged youngsters gathered at a peace event in Hiroshima to help teach the world about the experiences of the city that was devastated by a U.S. atomic bomb on Aug. 6, 1945.
The 81-year-old widow of John Lennon told roughly 300 participants: ” ‘No more Hiroshima’ is a global issue. I want you to spread the experiences of Hiroshima to the world as much as possible.”
China puts former security chief under investigation
China’s ruling Communist Party announced an investigation into a feared ex-security chief on Tuesday, demonstrating President Xi Jinping’s firm grip on power and breaking a long-standing taboo against publicly targeting the country’s topmost leaders.
If he goes to trial, Zhou Yongkang would be the highest-level official to be prosecuted since the 1981 treason trial of Mao Zedong’s wife and other members of the “Gang of Four,” who mercilessly persecuted political opponents during the chaotic 1966-76 Cultural Revolution.
Japan begins anti-piracy campaign against 300 Internet sites
The government and producers of manga and anime began an anti-piracy campaign Wednesday, demanding that around 300 Internet site operators delete their pirated content within the next five months.
„End Torture,“ Ron Paul Demands „Shut Down The CIA!“
Remember back in April, 2007, when then-CIA director George Tenet appeared on 60 Minutes, angrily telling the program host, “we don’t torture people”? Remember a few months later, in October, President George W. Bush saying, “this government does not torture people”? We knew then it was not true because we had already seen the photos of Iraqis tortured at Abu Ghraib prison four years earlier.
Kommentar des Außenministeriums Russlands zur Verhängung von zusätzlichen Sanktionen gegenüber Russland durch Japan
Die japanische Demarche zeugt davon, dass die zahlreichen Zusicherungen Tokios über das Vorhaben, die Bemühungen zur Entwicklung der Beziehungen mit Russland fortzusetzen, nur ein Schirm sind, der die Unfähigkeit der japanischen Politiker verdeckt, das gewohnte Kielwasser Washingtons zu verlassen und eine selbständige Linie zu verfolgen, die den eigentlichen nationalen Interessen des Landes entspricht.
All of the Countries which the U.S. “Regime Changed” – Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya – Have Descended into Brutal Chaos
And things have only gotten worse since then.
Senate’s CIA report could come out in August
Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said in a short interview on Tuesday that she is hoping the White House returns a redacted document to her committee by Friday.
Bundestag on German CIA blacksites and detainee transfers, 31 Mar 2008
(22. Januar 2009) Bundestag investigation into CIA blacksites in and detainee transfers via Germany. The 21 Mar 2008 report, by Dr. Joachim Jacob, is classified as „VS-NfD“ (Verschlusssache – Nur fuer den Dienstgebrauch / Classified document – for official use only) and presents an excerpt of 26 pages from the 132-paged final report. It was issued in context of the 1st Investigation Committee of the 16th Electoral period.
The report gives detailed information about an official investigation into US military transports of detainees via Germany and also incarceration as well as mistreated of US detainees on German soil. It is particularly relevant to the investigation into the US military prison in Mannheim, which is ongoing and receiving attention from German politicians and the media.
Kommentar des Departements für Information und Presse des Außenministeriums Russlands zur Entwicklung der Lage in Libyen
In der entstandenen Situation stellen sich viele objektive Beobachter legitime Fragen, ob man in Washington und in mehreren westeuropäischen Hauptstädten für Libyen eine solche Entwicklung wollte, als man vor drei Jahren das Land für seine „Demokratisierung“ bombardierte.
Human Rights Watch pushes for review of Australian WikiLeaks gag order
WikiLeaks revealed on Monday the existence of a suppression order in the Victorian supreme court cast in broad terms that applies across the country. The order prohibits reporting on the allegations “to prevent damage to Australia’s international relations”.
«Er empfand kein Bedauern»: Der letzte Hiroshima-Offizier ist tot: Theodore van Kirk war als Navigationssoldat…
Russia‘s Interior Ministry intends to set up its own mission at UN and OSCE
„This draft decree will enable a larger number of (Ministry) staff members to participate in the work of the UN and the OSCE and to fill vacancies in police managerial positions. This will contribute to enhancing the Russian Federation‘s prestige in the international arena,“ an official at the Interior Ministry‘s press center emphasized.
Hundreds of armed men riot in southeastern Xinjiang
The rioters armed with knives and axes attacked local authorities and a police station, set fire to police cars and destroyed 31 cars. Attackers supported the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, the media report.
The BBC not acting on Clarkson’s racist comment shows its disregard for us
Slope is a derogatory term used specifically to reference people of Vietnamese or Chinese descent in relation to their facial features, which originates from the Vietnam war era. Jeremy Clarkson’s use of the racial term to describe a local man in Thailand should never have been considered anything but offensive and was in total breach of broadcasting codes, as Ofcom concluded this week.
Illegaler Waffenverkauf nach Kolumbien ohne Folgen
Bundesregierung lehnt Exportstopp für Waffen in die USA ab. Armee lieferte deutsche Pistolen nach Kolumbien. Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt
Soll ich schon mal die Strafanzeige gegen Generalbundesanwalt Harald Range wegen Strafvereitelung im Amt fertig machen, Hr. @HeikoMaas? #NSA
Log kanzleramtschef @peteraltmaier bei #illner o hat er wirklich keine ahnung, wo generalbundesanwalt verankert ist?
Das „S“ in SPD steht schon längst nicht mehr für Sozial, sondern für Sozialdarwinismus.
Substanzreiche Beziehungen
Die Zementierung einer knallharten Militärdiktatur in Thailand, einem der engsten Partner Deutschlands in Südostasien, führt zu keinen ernsten Folgen für die Kooperation zwischen Berlin und Bangkok. Thailand besitzt erhebliche Bedeutung für die Einflussarbeit der Bundesrepublik in Südostasien, die nicht zuletzt darauf abzielt, westliche Positionen im unmittelbaren Umfeld Chinas zu stärken. Einbezogen ist auch eine breitgefächerte Militärkooperation: Während US-Truppen das Land schon im Vietnam-Krieg als Basis nutzten und später auch Operationen im Irak und in Afghanistan über thailändische Stützpunkte abwickelten, beteiligt sich Deutschland vor allem an Ausbildung und Ausrüstung der thailändischen Streitkräfte. Bereits dem Putschregime des Jahres 2006 gehörte ein bei der Bundeswehr ausgebildeter Offizier an.
Ultimatum für Ermittlungen gegen NSA
(16. Juli) Berliner Rechtsanwälte machen Druck auf Generalbundesanwalt / Dienstaufsichtsbeschwerde angedroht
Ukrainische Patrioten
„Befreiung der Weißen Rasse“
Während die KPU verboten werden soll, muss die Organisation „Sozial-Nationale Versammlung“ nichts dergleichen befürchten. Sie ist 2008 als Zusammenschluss mehrerer faschistischer Gruppen gegründet worden und hat sich im November 2013 anlässlich der Maidan-Proteste am Aufbau des Prawy Sektor (Rechter Sektor) beteiligt. Laut eigenen Angaben kämpft sie „für die Befreiung der gesamten Weißen Rasse von der Herrschaft des internationalistischen spekulativen Kapitals“ – eine bekannte antisemitische Chiffre – und für „harte Bestrafung sexueller Perversionen und aller Kontakte zwischen Rassen, die zur Auslöschung des weißen Mannes führen“.[4]
Kritik an Justizminister Maas
„Statt Edward Snowden zu raten, sich in den USA zu stellen, wo er mit einer langjährigen Haftstrafe rechnen muss, sollte Bundesjustizminister Heiko Maas sich lieber öffentlich dafür einsetzen, dass die Bundesregierung Snowden sicheren Aufenthalt in Deutschland garantiert “, sagt ROG-Vorstandssprecher Michael Rediske in Berlin.
Würde mal jemand dieser Schnullerbacke von Justizminister irgendwo Asyl geben, wo er nicht von uns gejagt wird? #Maas
Maas gibt vor zu wissen, was gut für Snowden ist: Rückkehr in die USA
„Er ist erst Anfang 30 und will sicher nicht den Rest seines Lebens auf der ganzen Welt gejagt werden oder von einem Asyl zum nächsten wandern.“
Obama administration grants architects of torture sneak peak at Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA programs
In close collaboration with the Central Intelligence Agency, President Obama has granted the masterminds of the Bush administration’s torture programs access to the Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on CIA torture in advance of the report’s expected August publication. The report includes material gathered from the agency’s “Internal Panetta Review.”
The move is the most recent in a series of steps taken by the Obama administration to protect those responsible for establishing and operating an unconstitutional network of secret dungeons and torture chambers around the world.
US Senate CIA ‚torture‘ report summary to be declassified in a few days: Officials
The White House in the next few days is expected to declassify the long-awaited summary of a US Senate committee study of a Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) programme that used „enhanced interrogations“ and secret prisons to extract information from captured militants, several officials familiar with the matter said.
CIA Tells FOIA Requester That He Needs To Know Everything About The Emails He‘s Requesting Before He Can Request Them
More FOIA-related nonsense, this time from the CIA. Michael Morisy, co-founder of MuckRock, sent a request for internal emails discussing (rather ironically) the fact that the CIA‘s „FOIA Portal“ seems to suffer from extended periods of downtime.
A brief history of climate panic and crisis… both warming and cooling
For at least 120 years, climate “scientists” have been claiming that the climate was going to kill us…but they have kept switching whether it was a coming ice age, or global warming.
(A timeline of claims follows, updated to 2014)
1895 – Geologists Think the World May Be Frozen Up Again – New York Times, February 1895
1902 – “Disappearing Glaciers…deteriorating slowly, with a persistency that means their final annihilation…scientific fact…surely disappearing.” – Los Angeles Times
1912 – Prof. Schmidt Warns Us of an Encroaching Ice Age – New York Times, October 1912