Das Schließen des Spiegel-Forums zu Russland zeigt, dass offensichtlich im Propagandakrieg alle Mittel erlaubt sind – nur: Wie möchte man mit solchen Zensurmaßnahmen die Werte einer „freien westlichen Welt“ gegen die angebliche Diktatur in Russland verteidigen?
Daily Archives: 27. Juli 2014
Die Republik Österreich statuiert hier ein Exempel auf Kosten einer kleinen Familie aus Jena.
Ihr habt ja (u.a. bei mir) den Fall Josef S verfolgt. Am Anfang werdet ihr euch wahrscheinlich gedacht haben, hey, der Richter lacht diesen Polizeizeugen aus, und dann kriegen die ihre Auslagen erstattet und alles ist gut. Die Hoffnung hat sich ja jetzt nach dem Urteil zerschlagen, daher lasst mich mal aufklären, wer da jetzt auf den Kosten sitzen bleibt: Josefs Familie.
Wow. Das ehemalige Nachrichtenmagazin ist endgültig in der Post-Journalismus-Ära angekommen.
In other news: Der Platz „Leitmedium des deutschsprachigen Raums“ ist frei geworden, Bewerber melden sich bitte am Kiosk.
Japan Pledges $5m in Aid to Gaza Strip Amidst Fears Egypt is Blocking Supply Trucks
The United Nationals Relief and Works Agency (Unwra) says more than 170,000 people have been displaced since 7 July and that Gaza faces a „serve humanitarian crisis“ as food and medicine supplies continue to deplete.
Obama to ‚unlock‘ cellphone rights: How free will you be?
A bill passed by Congress and waiting to be signed by President Obama represents a big win for consumers, who have long sought ability to „unlock“ cellphones – allowing them to be used on any carrier‘s plan. But it does not mark the end of the battle and could be only a temporary victory.
„A country cannot claim to be a democracy and support such an extended military occupation without destroying itself from within.“ The diagnosis is irrefutable. Given the magnitude of the harm done to Israeli democracy by the colonization of the Occu
„Therapy Seems To Be What‘s Needed“
Israel’s Slaughter, Based on a Lie
Sheera Frenkel has just tweeted an amazing, deeply troubling statement from Israeli official sources. To most of us here, this tweet will be nothing new. Journalists were reporting within a few days after the kidnapping of the three Israeli teenagers that the Netanyahu claim that Hamas was responsible was false. But now we have official confirmation that this claim was a lie.
Shujayea: Massacre at Dawn
A powerful film with exclusive footage from the day of the Israeli assault on the densely populated district of Shujayea in Gaza City. A film by Amjad Almalki and Ahmed Ashour.
If the U.S. were #Gaza, Americans killed by Israel would equal 52 times those killed in 9/11 attacks
Destruction of Gaza’s children is something ‘every one of us must confront’ — Jon Snow
Jon Snow the British broadcaster at Channel 4 was just in Gaza and demonstrates what it means to bear witness. Our governments are not interested, he says, but we are responsible, and so we must take action, and “that in the end is the greatest hope that the people in Gaza have.”
Video: Protesters set Israeli checkpoint aflame following funeral in Beit Ummar
Video: Protesters set Israeli checkpoint aflame following funeral in Beit Ummar
Kelly Lynn on July 27, 2014 4
An Israeli checkpoint sustained significant damage in the West Bank village of Beit Ummar near Hebron on Friday after clashes broke out following the funeral of 3 Palestinians killed earlier in the day.
Israeli forces incurred into the village of 20,000 on July 25th to quell protests following midday prayers on the last Friday of Ramadan around 2:30pm. Witnesses say two of the three were killed by snipers stationed atop occupied Palestinian homes; a tactic they say is common during clashes.
In Tel Aviv, thousands protest against the Gaza operation
The former demonstration was organized by Hadash, the leftist political party, and the organizations Combatants for Peace and The Parents Circle Families Forum. Several hours before the protest was slated to begin the police announced that it was canceled for fear of rocket fire, but once news that the cease-fire would be extended surfaced, the demonstration was once again given the green light.
VDJ fordert die sofortige Beendigung der Gewalt und die Beachtung des Völkerrechts durch die israelische Regierung und die Hamas
Die israelische Regierung macht für die Entführung und Ermordung der israelischen Jugendlichen zwei Mitglieder der Hamas und damit die gesamte Hamas verantwortlich. Diese Behauptung ist für uns nicht überprüfbar, Informationen der palästinischen Sicherheitsbehörden zu den Tätern sind uns bislang nicht bekannt. Das legitime Interesse der israelischen Regierung, die Verantwortlichen der Mordanschläge vor Gericht zu stellen, kann nur durch Einhaltung rechtsstaatlicher und völkerrechtlicher Standards durchgesetzt werden. Die gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen im Gaza-Streifen zwischen Israel und der Hamas treffen vor allem die Zivilbevölkerung.
Anti war protest in Tel Aviv getting huge. Smaller pro war rally in distance. Riot police everywhere.
(26. Juli)
This image of protest in Tel Aviv shows we can‘t generalise ‚the Israelis‘ in the context of #Gaza
In Photos: Worldwide protest against Israeli attack on Gaza (Updated)
West Bank, Occupied Palestine
Qalandiya checkpoint, Occupied Palestine
Portland, Oregon (photo: Erick Crash)
Salfeet, Occupied Palestine
Karachi, Pakistan
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cape Town, South Africa
Rabat, Morocco
Nazareth (Photo: (Activestills.org)
Activists against the assault on Gaza gathered in New York‘s Foley Square. (Photo: Christopher Hazou)
Bethlehem, Palestine
Aukland, New Zealand
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Valparaiso, Chile
Amman, Jordan
Nablus (photo: Activestills.org)
Madrid, Spain
Ottawa, Canada
Metz, France
Washington D.C.
South Korea
San Francisco, USA
Santiago, Chile
Stockholm, Sweden
Paris, France
Glasgow, Scotland
Tokyo, ,Japan
Columbus, Ohio
Edinburgh, Scotland
Amman, Jordan
Pro-Palestinian demonstration in Kansas City, July 20,photo by Billy Jo Larmore
Milan, Italy
Portland, Oregon
New York City
Ft. Lauderdale, FL Woman with sign is Elena Stein
Army Command: Army establishes full control over al-Shaer Mount, gas fields in Homs countryside
In a statement on Saturday, the Command said the army had carried out precise military operations in the area which resulted in killing large numbers of terrorists affiliated to the terrorist organization of the “Islamic State”, adding that the engineering units are currently clearing these areas of mines and explosive devices.
The Command stressed that the criminal acts of the terrorist groups, including murders, targeting and sabotaging the infrastructure and economic institutions, prove the link between these groups and the U.S.-Zionist scheme, which aims at fragmenting the region and plundering its resources.
Syria retakes Homs gas field from hardline group
„We pulled out because it was no longer good for us to stay. The goal was to get the tanks and rockets present at the field and we did,“ he said. „There is no point in staying there and become an easy target for the regime and its warplanes.“
Hamas Calls For 24-Hour Truce After Israel Resumes Attacks
The militant group that rules the Gaza Strip asked for a cease-fire hours after Israel resumed attacks on the enclave. An Israeli army spokesman Lt. Col. Peter Lerner did not say if Israel would hold fire during, adding that troops would continue demolishing militant tunnels.
And during an appearance on NBC‘s Meet The Press, Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Hamas had not kept to any ceasefire agreement.
Hamas agrees to 24-hour holiday truce in Gaza war
Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said the truce would go into effect at 2pm (1100 GMT) on Sunday. The three-day Eid ul-Fitr holiday, which caps the Muslim fasting month of Ramzan, is expected to begin on Monday or Tuesday, depending on the sighting of the new moon.
Clinton: Settlement policy my biggest complaint with Israeli government
„I’m a strong supporter of Israel, a strong supporter of their right to defend themselves. But the continuing settlements, which have been denounced by successive American administrations on both sides of the aisle, are clearly a terrible signal to send if, at the same time, you claim you‘re looking for a two-state solution.“
After Rejecting a Cease-Fire, Hamas Proposes a New One
But on Sunday afternoon, Hamas backtracked and said “resistance groups” would agree to a new 24-hour truce starting at 2 p.m. local time. A Hamas official in Gaza released a statement saying that Hamas’s decision came “in response to the intervention of the United Nations” and out of understanding for the people of Gaza who are preparing for Eid al-Fitr, the holiday that ends Ramadan.
Police spied on family of De Menezes
“It begs the question — what exactly were the police spying for? We can only assume they were gathering information in an attempt to discredit the family’s campaign for justice in order to deflect accountability for their own failings.”
Vortrag über Ukraine – historische Hintergründe u. Narrative
Im Vortrag geht es weniger um die Beurteilung der aktuellen Lage, sondern um die historischen Hintergründe und um Mythen, die von verschiedenen Seiten angebracht werden. Der Vortragende ist Boris Krumnow, Religions- und Osteuropawissenschafter und Mitglied der Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung.
Mouth Silence is the sound of your brain roasting
It’s the most horrific mix of the ’80s, ’90s, and today.
Imagine the rapture in all its violence and beauty, set to the sound of a trillion angels harmonizing to Third Eye Blind‘s „Semi-charmed Life.“ Imagine yourself hurdling through a lukewarm, glowing, pearlescent wormhole singing, „I‘m not listening when you say goodbye.“ It‘s glorious. And that’s just the intro.
Candu Energy to build nuclear reactors in Romania
Romania already has two operating CANDU 6 nuclear reactors, which came into service in 1996 and 2007. Combined, they are the largest power producer in the country, accounting for about 20 per cent of Romania’s energy supply.
Obama: U.S. companies magically becoming Irish
In the first six months Euro deals by U.S. helped drive the value of Irish mergers to a record 65 billion euros.
Gaza’s ‘Birthplace of saints and death-yard of angels’
The world is witnessing what is happening in Gaza. There is bound to be judgement.
Gaza is not just about them, it’s about us, too
Leaving Israel and beleaguered Gaza far below me, I lay back in my BA seat headed for London. I donned my headphones and listened to Bach’s heavenly violin concerto in E major, and wept, as I rarely have as an adult.
I wept for two peoples with remarkable similarities. Two peoples of extraordinary gifts and ability. Two peoples living in an area far smaller than England, one of which besieges the other, both of which target each other’s civilians.
Jon Snow‘s return from Gaza, Palestine July 2014
Jon Snow recounts the scene in Gaza‘s al-Shifa hospital, where doctors struggle to treat adults and children wounded by Israeli attacks.
+18 He is still alive. He is a Christian Palestinian. #GazaUnderAttack #HumanityUnderAttack
I‘ve always loved Israel but this brutality breaks my heart
Israel says: they started it; we have a right to retribution. But much of the world says: the Jewish people have been historic standard-bearers for civilisation. Does Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s campaign in Gaza represent that — or instead barbarism?
IDF soldiers in Gaza get mobile gourmet treat
Chefs volunteering to cook at gourmet truck on Gaza border to provide combat soldiers with hot meals after days of fighting.
Israel women post nude pictures to support forces fighting in Gaza
The Facebook page became in an instant hit with 12,000 likes and hundreds of nude photos.
The #Gaza death toll has now passed 1050! or as it‘s known in other countries, a horrific war crime.
Two homes targeted in Israeli air strikes in Deir al Balah minutes ago #Gaza 218pm“
Looking at death and destruction stats one would think that #Hamas is running a pinpoint operation #Gaza
So cute RT @sourenian: Well done! Great hashtag, great message! #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies
2.01 pm massive explosion near Shifa hospital. #Gaza
(vor 12 Minuten)
Der mit Abstand schönste, wichtigste und längste Hashtag des Jahres. #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies
Frau sammelt in #Palästina leere Granaten und pflanzte bereits 500 Blumen hinein. #jewsandarabsrefusetobeenemies
This Is What #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies Looks Like
Images of violence, hatred and division between Jews and Muslims (or as the media often prefers: “Jews and Arabs”), have saturated our television, computer and smart phone screens. This latest round of violence and bloodshed in the current War on Gaza, has led some Jews and Muslims to show that these two groups do not have to be enemies.
‚Jews And Arabs Refuse To Be Enemies‘ Movement Demands Peace
As the Gaza conflict intensifies with rocket attacks from both sides, some people are promoting friendship on social media with the hashtag, „Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.“
Ynet reports that about 300 people protested the rocket attacks on Gaza by the Israeli government on Saturday July 5 in Haifa, shouting and holding signs, „Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies.“
Now the slogan has become an international social media campaign with a Facebook page and Twitter hashtag.
Jews and Arabs refuse to be enemies: Social media campaign goes viral (PHOTOS)
As the Israeli operation Protective Edge has so far claimed over 1,000 dead, users have been flooding the web with dozens of photos of Jews and Arabs together showcasing peace and love, under the hashtag #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies.
Robert Serry now confirming Hamas ready to begin 24hr truce – beginning at 2pm local (roughly 5 minutes). Says Israel hasn‘t responded yet.
BREAKING NEWS: Hamas has agreed to a new 24 hour humanitarian truce, which will start at 12pm UK time
EU Regulators Want Google To Expand Right To Be Forgotten Worldwide And To Stop Telling What Links Have Been Forgotten
We‘ve been covering the ridiculous ruling in the EU on the „right to be forgotten,“ which was interpreted to mean that search engines could be forced to delete links to perfectly truthful stories (and even if those stories are allowed to be kept online). Google has been trying to comply with the over 90,000 requests it has received — nearly half of which it has approved — and removed from its European searches. The company has been struggling to figure out how to comply with the ruling, and those struggles continue. Originally, it was going to place a notice on search results pages where links had been removed (like it does with copyright takedowns) alerting people that stories were missing. However, regulators told Google that would defeat the purpose. So now, Google‘s European search results show a message on nearly every search on a „name“ that results might have been removed.
Hamas kündigt überraschend Feuerpause an
Erneute Wende im Nahostkonflikt: Die radikalislamische Hamas-Miliz hat sich nun doch zu einer Waffenruhe im Gazastreifen bereit erklärt. Die Kampfpause gelte für 24 Stunden, ab 14 Uhr (13 Uhr MESZ), hieß es in einer am Sonntag veröffentlichten Hamas-Erklärung.
Israeli military resumes Gaza fighting, says Hamas ignored truce
The Israeli military started fighting again in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, saying Hamas militants had ignored a 24-hour, humanitarian ceasefire requested by the United Nations.
Iran‘s Supreme Leader announces amnesty of prisoners
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei pardoned or commuted prison terms of a number of convicts sentenced by various Iranian courts on the eve of Eid ul-Fitr, IRNA reported.
Agreement reached with Ukraine separatists on access to crash site: Malaysia
An agreement has been reached with separatists in Ukraine to enable international police to oversee a site where a Malaysian plane was downed and investigators to determine why the aircraft crashed, Malaysia‘s prime minister said on Sunday.
Single European Sky: Flugsicherung des Londoner Flughafen Gatwick unter Aufsicht der deutschen Regierung
Stellen Sie sich vor, der Luftraum über Berlin würde, sagen wir einmal beispielsweise von einer staatlichen Agentur aus Albanien – nun seit Ende Juni 2014 offizieller Beitrittskandidat der Europäischen Union – überwacht. Ein Unding, würden Sie meinen. Mitnichten.
Die Deutsche Flugsicherung (DFS), eine staatliche Behörde des Bundesministeriums für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur (BMVI), wird das Flughafen-Management, die Aufsicht, die Befugnisse über dem Luftraum des internationalen Flughafens Gatwick in London von der nationalen britischen Luftsicherung NATS Holdings ab Oktober 2015 für die nächsten zehn Jahre bis 2025 im unteren Luftraum übernehmen. Der Raum über 4000 Fuss bleibt im nationalen Kompetenzbereich Grossbritanniens.
Write, and draw,and sing, and protest, and document this all,one day it will be the history kids will learn in school #GazaUnderAttack #Gaza
Israels Regime ändert Darstellung über Ermordung der drei israelischen Jugendlichen und damit sein Kriegsalibi
Nachdem sich sowohl die Razzien, als auch der Krieg in der Kolonie Palästina, im Westjordanland und in Gaza, für das Regime in Jerusalem nach tausend Toten zum absehbaren politischen Desaster entwickelt haben, heisst es nun, die drei am 12. Juni verschwundenen und am 30. Juni ermordet aufgefundenen israelischen Jugendlichen seien durch eine “einzelne Zelle” und nicht auf Befehl der Führung der Hamas umgebracht worden.
It Turns Out Hamas Didn’t Kidnap and Kill the 3 Israeli Teens After All
When the bodies of three Israeli teenagers, kidnapped in the West Bank, were found late last month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did not mince words. „Hamas is responsible, and Hamas will pay,“ he said, initiating a campaign that eventually escalated into the present conflict in the region.
But now, officials admit the kidnappings were not Hamas‘s handiwork after all.