Daily Archives: 26. Juli 2014

26.07.2014 - 23:06 [ Washington's Blog ]

High-Level American Intelligence and Counterterror Officials: Islamic Terror Is Motivated by U.S. Support for Tyrants in the Middle East and U.S. Support for Israel

Former high-level CIA officer Michael Scheuer – a 22-year CIA veteran who was the head of the CIA unit tasked with capturing or killing Bin Laden, the Chief of the Sunni Militant Unit, and served in both the Directorate of Intelligence and the Directorate of Operations (and Georgetown University professor at the Center for Security Studies) – had to know his jihadi enemies in order to track and defeat them.

Scheuer testified to the House Homeland Security Committee on October 9, 2013 on the real causes of Islamic jihad:

26.07.2014 - 22:58 [ Counter Current ]

Pro-Peace Protests Are Sweeping Israel Right Now… and Israeli ‘JDL’ Fascists Are Freaking Out

Later yesterday, Neo-Fascist Kahanist members of the “Jewish Defense League” (classified as “a right-wing terrorist group” by the FBI in 2001), showed up in Haifa to form a right-wing violent demonstrations against an anti-war protest where Israeli Defense Forces veterans read testimonies of their service in the Israeli army.

26.07.2014 - 20:09 [ Truthout ]

In Gaza-Israel Coverage, The New York Times Purveys Pro-War Propaganda on Page One

The July 23 article „Hamas Gambled on War as Its Woes Grew in Gaza“ by New York Times reporter Anne Barnard wrongly states, „When Hamas sent a barrage of rockets into Israel, simmering hostilities, and back and forth strikes, erupted into war.“ That statement about the war‘s origin is pro-war propaganda. It has no basis in fact.

26.07.2014 - 18:49 [ OpenCanada ]

In the battle for the Internet, which side are you on?

A couple weeks ago, thousands of OpenMedia supporters joined with open Internet advocates and legal experts at Free Press to challenge the Internet slow lane plan being pushed by U.S. Big Telecom giants. Free Press’ team filed a legal challenge in response to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission’s July 15 deadline for initial comments on proposed net neutrality rules that stand to end the Internet as we know it.

26.07.2014 - 17:29 [ Radio Utopie ]

Daniel Barenboim

In meinem Traum sah ich,‭ ‬wie er zum Präsidenten von Israel ausgerufen wird,‭ ‬eine Persönlichkeit,‭ ‬die Israel und die Welt faszinieren würde,‭ ‬ähnlich wie es Albert Einstein einmal tat.‭ ‬Aber dann wachte ich auf und‭ ‬ sah wie die‭ ‬Kultur-‭ ‬und Sportministerin Limor Livnat‭ ‬ ihn im Korridor der Knesset‭ ‬beschimpfen‭ ‬ und zwar bei der Preisverleihungsfeier der Wolf-Stiftung.

26.07.2014 - 17:19 [ campact! ]

Wer Demokratie als “Attacke” wertet, darf nicht EU-Kommissar bleiben

Als ich das las, habe ich mich furchtbar geärgert: EU-Kommissar Karel De Gucht bezeichnet die etwa 150.000 Antworten von Bürger/innen auf die von ihm vorgeschlagenen Investorenklagen in den Handels- und Investitionsabkommen TTIP und CETA als “regelrechte Attacke”. Wie bitte? Die Beteiligung an einer EU-Konsultation wird als Angriff gewertet? Was ist denn das für ein demokratisches Verständnis!

Klar, die Webseite der EU-Kommission war dem Ansturm von Bürger/innen zeitweise nicht gewachsen – weil sie offenbar lausig programmiert und schwach gehostet war. Es war jedenfalls ganz klar nicht die Absicht der Organisationen, die Formulare und Tools zum Einreichen von Stellungnahmen angeboten haben, die Seite zum Erliegen zu bringen – ganz im Gegenteil: 38Degrees, das Umweltinstitut München und andere wollten ja gerade, dass sich möglichst viele Menschen an der Konsultation beteiligen können.

Karikatur verbreiten und De Guchts Demokratie-Verständnis eine Absage erteilen …

26.07.2014 - 17:17 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Going to San Diego Comic-Con? Put On Your Mask for the Surveillance Camera Network

Operation Secure San Diego—ostensibly intended so first responders could get a view of a crime as it’s happening—encourages private businesses to allow the cops to access their surveillance video cameras. It also gives officers sitting in their squad cars the power to tap directly into live feeds. The first to share its streams was Hotel Indigo, a hotel popular with the Comic-Con set in San Diego‘s Gaslamp district.

26.07.2014 - 17:13 [ Beyond Pesticides ]

Midwest Waterways Contaminated with Persistent Neonicotinoid Pesticides

A new U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) study published yesterday found neonicotinoid pesticides persistent and prevalent in streams throughout the Midwestern United States. The study is the first to investigate the presence of neonicotinoids on a wide-scale level in the Midwest.

26.07.2014 - 17:11 [ RT ]

Heartrending Gaza: Reporter breaks into tears live on air (VIDEO)

A reporter for Al Jazeera news channel broke into tears halfway through a television broadcast while relaying the horrific scenes and destruction he witnessed following over two weeks of Israeli shelling in Gaza.

The correspondent, who had just returned from Gaza‘s Shejaia neighborhood – which came under heavy Israeli bombardment on Sunday, leaving dozens dead – began speaking about what he and his TV crew witnessed. He stated that his team saw a lot of bodies, adding that the crew was in a state of shock.

26.07.2014 - 17:02 [ The Blaze ]

Avoid Online ‘Fingerprinting’ Tracking With This Trick That Other Sites Overlook

The creative-yet-creepy forms of online tracking have become so sophisticated that billions of Internet users have likely triggered the tracking without ever knowing it. But “there is hope,” experts say.

One especially popular program — called canvas fingerprinting — commands user’s computers to draw a hidden image when it visits particular sites. The canvas image created by the process contains a unique set of data that differentiates from millions of other users — much like a human fingerprint, hence the moniker.

26.07.2014 - 16:58 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

White House Website Includes Unique Non-Cookie Tracker, Conflicts With Privacy Policy

Yesterday, ProPublica reported on new research by a team at KU Leuven and Princeton on canvas fingerprinting. One of the most intrusive users of the technology is a company called AddThis, who are employing it in “shadowing visitors to thousands of top websites, from WhiteHouse.gov to YouPorn.com.” Canvas fingerprinting allows sites to get even more identifying information than we had previously warned about with our Panopticlick fingerprinting experiment.

26.07.2014 - 16:52 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

UNESCO erklärt Bolivien frei von Analphabetismus

Seit Regierungsantritt von Präsident Evo Morales und der „Bewegung zum Sozialismus“ (MAS) 2006 wurden die Ausgaben für den Bildungsbereich verdreifacht. Mit Hilfe der kubanischen Lehrmethode „Yo si puedo! (Ja, ich kann es) wurden fast eine Million Menschen alphabetisiert.

26.07.2014 - 16:33 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Wie im 19. Jahrhundert

Ein eng mit dem Westen kooperierender russischer Außenpolitik-Experte kommt in einer Analyse über die Hintergründe des Ukraine-Konflikts zu harten Urteilen über die Rolle der EU und der Vereinigten Staaten. Der Westen habe seit den Umbrüchen von 1989/91 Russland stets ausgegrenzt, Vorkehrungen gegen einen russischen Wiederaufstieg getroffen und seine eigene Machtsphäre systematisch ausgeweitet, schreibt Dmitri Trenin, Leiter des Moskauer Carnegie Center, eines Ablegers des US-Think-Tanks „Carnegie Endowment“. Selbst nach Beginn des Ukraine-Konflikts hätten EU und USA diplomatische Schritte der russischen Regierung nicht erwidert; Chancen auf eine friedliche Lösung wurden dadurch zunichte gemacht. In Reaktion darauf entstehe eine neue Mächtekonkurrenz ähnlich der Mächterivalität des 19. Jahrhunderts, urteilt Trenin; neben Wirtschaftssanktionen sei dabei ein neuer „Informationskrieg“ in vollem Gange. Den USA wirft der Carnegie-Experte „Phobien“ gegenüber Russland vor. Über Deutschland, das ganz besonders an Entstehung und Eskalation des Ukraine-Konflikts beteiligt war, erklärt er, seine Eliten hätten „einen langen Aufstieg zu einer neuen, verbesserten Position in der Weltpolitik begonnen“: „Deutschland entwickelt sich zu einer Großmacht in Eurasien“.

26.07.2014 - 16:00 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Colombian Student Faces Prison Charges for Sharing an Academic Article Online

In many parts of the developing world, students face barriers to access academic materials. Libraries are often inadequate, and schools and universities are often unable to pay dues for expensive, specialized databases. For these students, the Internet is a vital tool and resource to access materials that are otherwise unavailable to them. Yet despite the opportunities enabled by the Internet, there are still major risks to accessing and sharing academic resources online.

26.07.2014 - 15:46 [ Lars Schall ]

Manches gönnt man noch nicht einmal seinem ärgsten Feind

Im Zusammenhang mit der MH17-Tragödie konstatiert Willy Wimmer, dass die Weltöffentlichkeit bis heute vergeblich auf nachprüfbare Fakten wartet. Wo bleiben die Aufklärungsergebnisse der AWACS-Gefechtsführungssysteme, die seit langem jeden Winkel der Ukraine im Visier haben? Warum präsentieren die USA nicht die Erkenntnisse ihrer angeblich dichten Satelliten-Kette? Und warum missachtet man beflissentlich das Verhältnis Flughöhe-Aufschlagort?

26.07.2014 - 15:35 [ Radio Utopie ]

Ein für alle Mal!

Innerhalb Israels selbst fühlen sich anständige Leute immer ungemütlicher. Ich habe viele Äußerungen von einfachen Leuten gehört, die plötzlich an Auswanderung denken.

Die schockierende Atmosphäre innerhalb des Landes, der schreckliche Konformismus all unserer Medien (mit Haaretz einer leuchtenden Ausnahme) die Sicherheit, dass ein Krieg ständig auf den andern folgt – all dies führt junge Leute dazu, von einem ruhigen Leben mit ihren Familien in Los Angeles oder Berlin zu träumen.

26.07.2014 - 15:00 [ Youtube ]

Usama (Fatah) im TV unter Tränen. „Ihr habt den Nobelpreis für Terror verdient“

TV-Diskussion zwischen dem Sprecher der Fatah-Partei Palästina und dem Sprecher von den IDF Soldaten Israel.
Usama (Fatah) bricht dann in Tränen aus „wir wollen nur, dass unsere Kinder die Schule besuchen können, ohne von Bomben getötet zu werden“….. Ihr habt den Nobelpreis für Terror verdient. Der IDF Sprecher bleibt kalt und gelassen und meint „Ich bedanke mich der Komplimente“!

26.07.2014 - 14:53 [ The Foreign Press Association ]

The FPA strongly condemns deliberate official and unofficial incitement against journalists working to cover the current warfare

The Associated Press strongly condemns the unnecessary and apparently intentional use of this weapon against an unarmed journalist. Moghrabi was nowhere near any of the protesters at the time and had clearly obeyed the security forces‘ orders. He was wearing a blue vest marked „press“ and was driving in a car with „Foreign Press“ stickers in the windows.

26.07.2014 - 14:11 [ Radio Utopie ]

Das friedliche Zusammenleben der Völker und Heimat aller Religionen, das ist die Berliner Republik, nicht Israel

“In 15 Jahren von politischem Aktivismus, und rund acht Jahren als ein Journalist, kann ich mich nicht an eine Zeit erinnern, an der Menschen um mich so angsterfüllt waren ihre Meinung zu sagen. Jedenfalls nicht Juden, und definitiv nicht in Tel Aviv”.

Haggai Matar, Jewish Daily Forward, 21. Juni 2014

26.07.2014 - 14:09 [ Adam Curtis / BBC ]

NOW THEN; The rise of the hidden systems in modern society that are stopping us changing the world.

taken together the cumulative effect is that of a giant refrigerator that freezes us, and those who govern us, into a state of immobility, perpetually repeating the past and terrified of change and the future.

To bring this system into focus I want to tell the history of its rise, and its strange roots – the bastard love-child of snooping and high-level mathematical theory.

26.07.2014 - 14:06 [ Mondo Weiss ]

PLO official Hanan Ashrawi: Israel’s assault on Gaza is ‘state terrorism’ and should be referred to the International Criminal Court

“When you target civilians, this is terrorism, but it is state terrorism, because it is taken as a result of political decisions giving orders to the army and the army executing these orders by killing civilians. Otherwise, how do you explain that the vast majority of victims are women and children?” Dr. Ashrawi told me over the phone. She is a member of the PLO’s executive committee–the body that represents Palestine internationally–and is a prominent spokeswoman for the Palestinian cause.

26.07.2014 - 14:04 [ Ceiberweiber ]

Willy Wimmer über Desinformationen und Kriegshetze

„Unsere“ Presse ist absolut unzugänglich für Fakten und stellt sich nicht einmal die einfachsten Fragen – wie jene, warum Russland, nicht aber die USA bislang Satellitenbilder veröffentlicht haben. Oder warum die USA auf eine russische Pressekonferenz mit Aufnahmen auch der Radarüberwachung in Rostow am Don zeigen, damit reagiert, Satellitenbilder von einem russischen Militärstützpunkt in Rostow als „Beweis“ für eine Unterstützung der Volksmilizen anzuführen. Immerhin ist Rostow in Russland – man wird ja wohl noch auf dem eigenen Staatsgebiet Militärbasen haben dürfen?!

26.07.2014 - 13:59 [ Washington Post ]

Darth Vader is polling higher than all potential 2016 presidential candidates

None of the 2016 hopefuls is polling higher than Darth Vader. You‘ll recall that Vader chopped off his son‘s arm and blew up an entire planet, but evidently in the eyes of the American public these are minor sins compared to Benghazi, Bridgegate and Gov. Rick Perry‘s hipster glasses. These numbers suggest that if „Star Wars“ were real and Darth Vader decided to enter the 2016 presidential race, he‘d be the immediate front-runner.

26.07.2014 - 13:59 [ Mondo Weiss ]

Joan Rivers slams CNN and BBC coverage of Gaza — ‘you’re all insane’

Reporter: Where are the civilians supposed to go?

You’re all insane. They [Palestinians] started it. What are you all saying? They started it. The Israelis did not throw their– for months this has been going on. What are you supposed to do? How do I know? I have been over there. That’s how I know. And I wish the world would know. BBC should be ashamed of themselves. And CNN should be ashamed of themselves. And everybody, stop it already.

26.07.2014 - 13:50 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Congresswoman Lee Praises Passage of Bipartisan Resolution to Stop Endless War in Iraq

“This resolution reclaims Congressional responsibility in matters of war and peace. In 2001, Congress gave the Administration a blank check for endless war and it’s long past time for Congress to take back that authority,” said Congresswoman Lee. “Enough is enough. After more than decade of war, the American people are war-weary; we must end the culture of endless war and repeal the AUMFs.” (..)

Congresswoman Lee authored H.R. 3852 to repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force in Iraq. Congresswoman Lee joined Congressman Rigell in a bipartisan letter signed by more than 100 Members of Congress calling on President Obama to seek Congressional authorization before taking military action in Iraq.

26.07.2014 - 13:48 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

ISIS terrorists reeling in southern Hasaka, army’s clampdown continues in other areas

In a relevant context, the reporter quoted a source in the province as saying that army units and national defense forces repelled last night an attack launched by a group of terrorists against the building of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party in the city.

The source explained that a number of terrorists wearing explosive belts sneaked into the building and set ablaze a number of offices before the members of the army and the national defense forces intervened and killed all the terrorists inside.

During the attack, the source added, a number of the terrorists blew themselves up inside the building.

Number of persons were martyred in the explosion, including Hanna Atallah, member of the Baath Party Leadership of Hasaka Branch, according to the source.

26.07.2014 - 13:44 [ trend.az ]

85 Syria troops killed in jihadist advance

The Observatory said more than 50 troops were summarily executed, 19 more were killed in a double suicide attack and at least 16 others had died in the IS assault launched early Thursday.

„Hundreds of troops surviving withdrew on Friday to safe places — either to nearby villages whose residents oppose IS or to nearby Brigade 93 — but the fate of some 200 remains unknown,“ said Abdel Rahman.

„Some of the executed troops were beheaded, and their bodies and severed heads put on display in Raqa city,“ stronghold of the feared IS, he said.

26.07.2014 - 13:38 [ Techdirt ]

Australian Government Proposes New Copyright Law: Basically Hollywood‘s Wishlist

We‘ve been covering the discussion around copyright reform down in Australia for a while, and it‘s continuing to get worse and worse. As you may recall, after a long and detailed process, involving careful input from a variety of stakeholders on all sides of the equation, the Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) came out with a set of proposals that were actually pretty good, including things like introducing fair use to Australia.

26.07.2014 - 03:19 [ The Intercept ]

The NSA’s New Partner in Spying: Saudi Arabia’s Brutal State Police

In general, U.S. support for the Saudi regime is long-standing. One secret 2007 NSA memo lists Saudi Arabia as one of four countries where the U.S. “has [an] interest in regime continuity.”

But from the end of the 1991 Gulf War until recently, the memo says, the NSA had a “very limited” relationship with the Saudi kingdom. In December 2012, the U.S. director of national intelligence, James Clapper, authorized the agency to expand its “third party” relationship with Saudi Arabia to include the sharing of signals intelligence, or “SIGINT,” capability with the MOD’s Technical Affairs Directorate (TAD).