Building on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s theme of “smart cities” will be a key objective as Singapore’s Foreign Affairs and Law Minister K. Shanmugam begins his India visit on Tuesday. Mr. Shanmugam is the latest in the string of high-profile visitors in Delhi wanting to engage with the new leadership, following close on the heels of Ministers from China, Russia and France, and just ahead of U.S. Senator John McCain and British Foreign Secretary William Hague.
Daily Archives: 30. Juni 2014
US urges restraint after teenagers bodies found
US Department of State Spokesperson Jen Psaki called the discovery „a tragedy“ and urged „Israelis and the Palestinians continue to work with one another “ in spite of the enormous pain on the ground“.
SIA Cargo to stop carrying shark’s fins from August
“SIA Cargo carried out a thorough review which took into account increasing concerns around the world related to shark-finning. Following this review, SIA Cargo will no longer accept the carriage of shark’s fins, with effect from Aug 1,” said a SIA spokesperson yesterday.
China expels retired general from party
In the most far-reaching public move so far in Chinese President Xi Jinping’s drive against corruption, the Communist Party leadership yesterday expelled a retired military commander from the party and handed him over for a crime investigation on charges of taking massive bribes in return for military promotions.
“Color Revolutions”: US State Department Document Confirms Regime Change Agenda in the Middle East
The October 22, 2010 document, titled “Middle East Partnership Initiative: Overview,” spells out an elaborate structure of State Department programs aimed at directly building “civil society” organizations, particularly non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to alter the internal politics of the targeted countries in favor of U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives.
Armenia to Receive Tax-Free Gas, Other Commodities from Russia
Russia’s president Vladimir Putin has ratified an intergovernmental agreement on deliveries of natural gas, petroleum products and natural rough diamonds to Armenia, Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported.
The agreement was signed on Dec 2, 2013, in Yerevan. It provides for duty-free delivery of these goods from Russia to Armenia before the latter joins the Eurasian Economic Union. The agreement prohibits re-export of these goods to a third country.
Pacifist sets himself on fire in Tokyo protest against Japan defence policy changes
A man in Japan set himself on fire at a busy intersection in Tokyo yesterday in an apparent protest against Prime Minister Shinzo Abe‘s plans to ease limits of the country‘s pacifist constitution.
‚Stop war‘: Thousands protest in Japan over military expansion law change
Thousands gathered outside the Japanese prime minister‘s office to protest constitutional changes that would expand Japan‘s military role and allow overseas deployment. It comes one day after a man set himself on fire in protest against a proposed law.
What Facebook will do with your data once they get it? Don‘t want to find out? Opt out: …
Please consider attending various #Tor Developer events in Paris this week: … …
Why are 6,000 reporters keeping a U.S. nonsecret?
Journalists ought to publish news wherever they find it, whatever it is, damn the consequences. Credible media organizations don’t protect government secrets. They don’t obey spy agencies. Real journalists don’t cooperate with government — any government, anytime, for any reason. My editor and I believed that by demonstrating a little fearlessness, we might inspire other media outfits to grow a pair and stop sucking up to the government.
Americans’ confidence in government down as 7 percent now have trust in Congress
New security force to debut soon in Mexico
What precise functions the new corps may have are not yet clear. A gendarmerie is usually a militia that carries out police functions in rural areas, most often in Europe. The French one was established in the late 18th century. The Italian carabinieri followed in 1814 and the Spanish Civil Guard in 1844.
Also yet to be determined: How will the Gendarmerie and the Federal Police divide their functions? Both operate across the country. The answer might become clearer in a month.
Ukraine: Kiew und Moskau einigen sich auf Waffenruhe
Barzani: Kurds will hold referendum in Kirkuk and other disputed areas
Barzani made the statement in Arbil after receiving the UN envoy to Iraq, Nikolai Miladinov, and briefing him about the latest developments in Kirkuk and the neighbouring areas. He also invited the UN to observe the referendum.
Referendum is impossible in any country without central government’s permission
It is impossible to hold a referendum in any country without the permission of the central government, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Political Affairs and Security of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, member of the bureau, Azerbaijani MP Azay Guliyev said on June 30.
He was commenting on changes and amendments to the draft resolution „Helsinki 40: For the safety of every person“ discussed at the committee meeting.
Die FAZ hat versucht, Mißfelders Russlandreisen hinterherzurecherchieren und bekam es am Ende mit anwaltlichen Drohungen zu tun. Nanu?
Was hat denn der Mißfelder in Russland getan, das so sensibel ist, dass die FAZ keinesfalls darüber berichten darf?
Suu Kyi races to change Myanmar constitution before 2015 elections
Suu Kyi became an international icon after winning the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991 for her pro-democracy efforts and spent most of the next two decades under house arrest where she continued to resist Myanmar‘s military rulers.
She remains wildly popular at home, but is nonetheless unable to fulfil her wish to become president due to a constitutional clause written to exclude her from office.
What’s going on in Greece? Oh, the usual stuff…
„A friend, a self-employed photographer, was informed by the tax office that he has to pay €1,850 euro tax for the annual income of €3,000 euro in 2013. It is taxing from the first euro plus tax in advance. In addition, the man has to pay €250 for social security per month.
My friend freaked out!“
In other news, all media analyze today why our National Football team lost against Costa Rica last night.
PSA: Blackwater heißt jetzt nicht mehr Academi sondern „Constellis Holdings“.
Facebook conducted secret experiment on users’ emotions
Facebook has conducted a secret massive psychology experiment on its users to find out how they respond to positive and negative messages – without telling participants. What Facebook did was to alter the tone of the users’ news feed to highlight either positive or negative posts from their friends, which were seen on their news feed. Scientists working in the project then monitored the users’ response, to see whether their friends’ attitude had an impact on their own.
Pope tells young people to ‚think big‘
In a message to a national Catholic youth meeting in the Netherlands, Francis urged them to be „revolutionaries“ as outlined in the Beatitudes, in which the pope assured they will „find a new plan“.
Extrabreit – Mama, hol uns hier raus
34 % aller Bürger in E.U.-Staaten wissen nicht, dass sich die Erde um die Sonne dreht
Das letzte Wort haben Extrabreit.
Polish far right party moves into third place: survey
New Right Congress‘s 71-year-old leader Janusz Korwin-Mikke has said Adolph Hitler was probably not aware of the Holocaust, and that women should not have the right to vote because they are less intelligent than men.
Russian and Ukrainian OSCE PA Delegations pledge to pursue two-track dialogue
Members of the Russian and Ukrainian Delegations to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly met today on the sidelines of the 23rd OSCE PA Annual Session in Baku. The Delegations welcomed the opportunity to continue their direct communication following their initial meeting in Vienna in April, as first proposed by OSCE PA Vice-President Doris Barnett (MP, Germany) and hosted by OSCE PA President Ranko Krivokapic, who also initiated today‘s meeting.
Inter-parliamentary group to be created in OSCE
The corresponding proposal was reflected in the amendment to the draft resolution of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly‘s (PA) Committee on Political Affairs and Security during the 23rd session of the OSCE PA in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Russian sailors arrive in France for amphibious assault ship training
About four hundred Russian sailors arrived in western France on Monday for training on Mistral amphibious assault ships before the first of two is delivered to Moscow by the end of the year.
#RIP #Christian #Führer. Danke für soviel #Engagement und #Mut!
New EU sanctions against Russia to affect Finnish, Estonian economies — Estonian PM
The European Union’s possible new sanctions against Russia would negatively affect the economies of Finland and Estonia, Estonian Prime Minister Taavi Roivas said after a meeting with his Finnish counterpart Alexander Stubb on Monday.
E-Mail-Verschlüsselung bleibt Ausnahme
Zurück in die Kohlezeit? Was der Bundestag mit dem neuen EEG beschlossen hat
In unglaublicher Hektik hat der Bundestag am Freitag die EEG-Novelle beschlossen. Die neueste Textversion lag erst wenige Tage vor der Beschlussfassung vor – und das bei einem Dokument mit 218 Seiten! Noch kurz vor Schluss wurden wichtige Passagen geändert, ohne dass für den Bundestag die Möglichkeit bestand, hier noch wirklich zu prüfen. Der Antrag der Opposition nach mehr Beratungszeit wurde aber mit GroKo-Mehrheit abgeschmettert.
“EU-USA Ministertreffen” in Athen verabredet mehr Zusammenarbeit von Polizeien und Geheimdiensten – Datenschutz nur Feigenblatt
Und wozu sollen also mehr “Informationen” ausgetauscht werden? Es zeichnet sich ab, dass insbesondere das Phänomen der “ausländischen Kämpfer” zu weiteren Einschränkungen der Grundrechte und zu mehr Kooperation der Geheimdienste und Polizeien führen wird. Dabei geht es um Staatsangehörige der EU-Mitgliedstaaten, die die z.B. in Syrien kämpfen und anschließend in ihre Herkunftsländer zurückreisen. Um Anschläge wie jenen im Mai in Brüssel zu verhindern, sollen neben dem verbesserten Informationsaustausch auch mehr “Bedrohungsanalysen” angefertigt werden.
Smartphone als Smart Meter: Neue Bilderkennungstechnologie ermöglicht automatisches Ablesen von Stromzählerständen
App für Berlin und Hamburg – Durch die neu entwickelte Bilderkennungstechnologie könnten die Verbrauchszahlen in weniger als einer Sekunde erfasst werden.
Smart Meters Violate Our Basic Rights
ComEd plans to install 4 million smart meters across northern Illinois according to the following deployment schedule.
We the people have to take a stand together, Say NO to ComEd. Do not sucker for costly “Opt-Out” programs. IT’S EXTORTION! Utility companies have blind-sided their customers with digital meters that are harmful, dangerous, invasive and unlawful. What’s at stake is our basic right to life, health, choice and freedom itself.
Delegate Calls For Moratorium On Smart Meters
He‘s concerned that the wireless technology will allow hackers to manipulate bills and there are privacy concerns. State law prohibits transferring usage data without written consent from the consumer or permission from the Maryland Public Service Commission. The law doesn‘t specifically address third-party vendors. Utilities contend it‘s not their policy to do that anyway.
Say NO to smart meters
A “smart grid” is an electricity distribution network that utilizes “smart meters.” A Smart Meter is a wireless or hard-wired two-way communication device that connects your home or business and broadcasts your personal information and energy use habits to the electric grid company. Current analog meters have been safely used for decades and they still work.
“Smart,” a buzz word for something good or superior, as in “smart” meters, are being installed all around the world to implement the smart grid for UN Agenda 21
Smart Meters
Your Outlet Knows: How Smart Meters Can Reveal Behavior at Home, What We Watch on TV
As businesses look for new ways to gain insight into consumers, utility meters that wirelessly transmit energy-usage data are increasingly drawing attention because of what they can reveal about our behavior at home, such as when and how often we use certain appliances.
DER MOBILE TELEVISOR (IV): “Nutzung eines informationstechnischen Systems in der Wohnung überwacht”
(20. Februar 2013) Man muss nun davon ausgehen, dass 99,99 Prozent der Bevölkerung weder eine Ahnung davon haben dass sie dieses Grundrecht besitzen, noch davon wovor und vor wem es sie beschützt. Und schon gar nicht davon, dass keine einzige Einrichtung, Körperschaft bzw staatliche, nichtstaatliche oder kommerzielle Institution oder Organisation, geschweige denn ein einziger Abgeordneter in Bundestag oder Länderparlamenten, nicht zu sprechen von einer einzigen Partei, irgendetwas tut um diesen grundrechtlich verbrieften Anspruch von 82 Millionen Menschen auf Schutz vor explizit staatlichem Zugriff dieser Art zu gewährleisten.
1985 machte der Wissenschaftler Wim van Eck die Möglichkeiten der Spionage durch Messung elektromagnetischer Abstrahlung von Bildschirmen bzw Kabelstrecken und Verbindungen öffentlich (hier das Original Papier “Electromagnetic Radiation from Video Display Units An Eavesdropping Risk”). In seiner Einleitung heißt es:
“Es ist wohl bekannt, dass elektronische Ausrüstung elektromagnetische Felder erzeugt, die Interferenzen für den Empfang von Radio und Fernsehen verursachen können. Das dem zugrunde liegende Phänomen ist über einige zurückliegende Jahrzehnte hinweg gründlich studiert worden.”
Wie gründlich, zeigt u.a. dieses (Link zur N.S.A.) mittlerweile für die Öffentlichkeit freigegebene Papier der National Security Agency N.S.A. namens “TEMPEST – A Signal Problem” aus dem Jahre 1972.
Leitsätze zum Urteil des Ersten Senats vom 27. Februar 2008 – 1 BvR 370/07 –
1. Das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht (Art. 2 Abs. 1 i.V.m. Art. 1 Abs. 1 GG) umfasst das Grundrecht auf Gewährleistung der Vertraulichkeit und Integrität informationstechnischer Systeme. (…)
Als Eingriff in Art. 13 GG sind auch Maßnahmen anzusehen, durch die staatliche Stellen sich mit besonderen Hilfsmitteln einen Einblick in Vorgänge innerhalb der Wohnung verschaffen, die der natürlichen Wahrnehmung von außerhalb des geschützten Bereichs entzogen sind. Dazu gehören nicht nur die akustische oder optische Wohnraumüberwachung (vgl. BVerfGE 109, 279 ), sondern ebenfalls etwa die Messung elektromagnetischer Abstrahlungen, mit der die Nutzung eines informationstechnischen Systems in der Wohnung überwacht werden kann. Das kann auch ein System betreffen, das offline arbeitet. (..)
Das Grundrecht schützt auch vor Datenerhebungen mit Mitteln, die zwar technisch von den Datenverarbeitungsvorgängen des betroffenen informationstechnischen Systems unabhängig sind, aber diese Datenverarbeitungsvorgänge zum Gegenstand haben. So liegt es etwa bei einem Einsatz von sogenannten Hardware-Keyloggern oder bei einer Messung der elektromagnetischen Abstrahlung von Bildschirm oder Tastatur.
Lest einfach mehr Radio Utopie. .. Und schönen Gruß an den „NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss“…
Und zwar durch die für das US Army Signal Corps arbeitete Bell Company.
Also nochmal zum Mitschreiben: die elektromagnetische Abstrahlung bzw deren Spionage-Potential wurde 1943 entdeckt.
TEMPEST: A Signal Problem
At the same time that we were trying to cope with the 131-B2 mixer, we began to examine every other cipher machine. Everything tested radiated, and radiated rather prolifically. With rotor machines, the voltage on their power lines tended to fluctuate as a function of the number of rotors moving, and so a fourth phenomenon, called power line modulation, was discovered.
During this period, the business of discovering new
TEMPEST threats. or refining techniques and
instrumentation for derecting, recording. and analyzing
these signals, progressed more swiftly than the art of
suppressing them. Perhaps the attack is more exciting than
the defense-something more glamorous about finding a
way to read one of these signals than going through the
drudgery necessary to suppress that whacking great spike
first seen in 1943.
Die Münchener Polizei schneidet jetzt die Netzfrequenz der Stromleitungen mit.
Zu Unterhaltungszwecken eher ungeeignet, würde man denken, und tatsächlich begründen sie das damit, dass wenn jemand ein Video von sich auf einer Party zeigt, dass der Videorekorder dann ja auch die Netzfrequenz als Störgeräusch aufnimmt, und dann kann man das vergleichen und so den Zeitstempel prüfen. Finde ich eine sehr coole Geschichte, aber zwei Sachen stören mich daran. 1. das kann mir keiner erzählen, dass die Polizei da selbständig drauf gekommen ist. Also, hopp hopp, ich will ein Geständnis hören, wer hat denen das gesteckt?
Planck takes magnetic fingerprint of our Galaxy
Light is a very familiar form of energy and yet some of its properties are all but hidden to everyday human experience. One of these – polarisation – carries a wealth of information about what happened along a light ray’s path, and can be exploited by astronomers.
Light can be described as a series of waves of electric and magnetic fields that vibrate in directions that are at right angles to each other and to their direction of travel.
Hillary endorses Obama climate plan, gets on the “slam skeptics” bandwagon
Hillary Clinton endorsed the Obama climate plan and slammed coal industry in speech at the BIO conference this week. Clinton also hit the media for giving air time to skeptics.
The BIO audience erupted into applause at these comments— possibly because earlier in her interview she stated she favored states insuring biotech entrepreneurs against risk/loss.
US pressured Denmark to close Kurdish TV so Rasmussen would become NATO chief – lawyer
The US put pressure on Danish authorities to close the Kurdish Roj TV channel in order to appease Turkey. This was done so Anders Fogh Rasmussen‘s position as NATO secretary general would be secure, the station‘s lawyer told RT amid WikiLeaks revelations.
WikiLeaks documents released back in March suggest Rasmussen abused his powers during his time as Denmark‘s prime minister, in order to secure his future job.
Hier kommt ein schöner Fnord als Leserbrief rein. Ich kommentiere das mal gar nicht selber sondern zitiere die schöne Einleitung mit:
„Jetzt rate mal, was das Titelthema der ersten deutschsprachigen Ausgabe des „Islamic State report“ ist?
Da kommst du nie drauf.
NOAA’s temperature control knob for the past, the present, and maybe the future – July 1936 now hottest month again
Two years ago during the scorching summer of 2012, July 1936 lost its place on the leaderboard and July 2012 became the hottest month on record in the United States. Now, as if by magic, and according to NOAA’s own data, July 1936 is now the hottest month on record again. The past, present, and future all seems to be “adjustable” in NOAA’s world. See the examples below.
Feldversuch: Facebook führte riesiges Psychologie-Experiment durch
“Emotionale Zustände lassen sich durch emotionale Ansteckung auf andere übertragen, was dazu führt, dass Menschen unbewusst die selben Emotionen verspüren” schreiben die Studienautoren Adam Kramer, Jamie Guillory, and Jeffrey Hancock. “Wir liefern experimentelle Beweise dafür, dass emotionale Ansteckung auch ohne direkte Interaktion zwischen Menschen funktioniert.”
John Lee Hooker – Dimples
… that clear? IS – THAT – CLEAR?
Telephone conversation with Angela Merkel, Francois Hollande and Petro Poroshenko
The four leaders welcomed the liberation of the detained observers from the OSCE mission and also saw as a positive step the consultations that took place in Donetsk on June 27 between the parties to the conflict. The conversation stressed the importance of organising contacts of this kind on a regular basis. An appeal was made to Mr Poroshenko to extend the ceasefire.
The four leaders discussed the possibility of sending OSCE inspectors to monitor checkpoints on the Russian-Ukrainian border.
Responding to the increasingly serious humanitarian situation in southeast Ukraine, Mr Putin stressed the need for urgent humanitarian aid for this region’s people.
Issues related to the signing of an Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union in Brussels on June 27 were also discussed.
The four leaders agreed to continue their contacts by telephone in this format.