It is with a great sense of relief and thankfulness that I can now report that all charges have been dropped against my client Dr. Sami Al-Arian. Minutes ago, United States District Judge Anthony J. Trenga signed the order dismissing the indictment against Dr. Al-Arian. The case was before Judge Leonie M. Brinkema, but it was Judge Trenga who signed the order on Friday afternoon.
Daily Archives: 29. Juni 2014
Cannabis in Deutschland: Vernichtung einer öffentlichen Blumenrabatte
Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen wurde zum Zupfenbanausen durch die “Rasende Polizei”
25 Jahre „Gorlebener Gebet“. Feierlichkeit mit Landesbischof Meister – 29. Juni 2014
Am 29. Juni 2014 begeht die Ökumenische Initiative „Gorlebener Gebet“ ihr 25-jähriges Bestehen. Seit 1989 feiert die Initiative jeden Sonntag unter freiem Himmel einen Gottesdienst in Sichtweite des so genannten Erkundungsbergwerks im Wald bei Gorleben. Dabei ist noch kein einziges Gebet ausgefallen.
We bomb, we build: US firm to construct $1bn highway Kosovo doesn‘t need.
Have you ever heard of the Bechtel Corporation?
It‘s America‘s biggest construction firm and its projects include:
– restoring of Kuwaiti oil fields back in 1991, after the Gulf War between the US and Iraq
– hefty rebuilding contract to restore Iraq
– motorway in Kosovo
So the US bombs – then repairs. We discuss Bechtel and its latest project in Kosovo IN THE NOW.
Hagel Hosts Norway‘s Defense Minister At Pentagon
The two leaders also discussed the importance of the Arctic and agreed on their shared desire to deepen strategic dialogue on a range of bilateral issues, Kirby said.
Pentagon assigns 2-star general to oversee assessment in Iraq, a sign of task’s sensitivity
Pittard, who will lead the Iraq Joint Forces Land Component Command, also likely will work as a quasi-diplomat to Iraqi commanders, experts said. Pittard, however, will answer to U.S. Central Command, the military unit that has responsibility for American military activities in the Middle East.
Head of Australian military‘s identity used for online ‚romance scam‘
The 54-year-old waitress from Aachen in Germany was initially surprised when Mark Binskin added her as a friend on Facebook. But he explained, in German, that he was lonely – serving in Kabul, soon to retire, having been single for eight years.
Kenya Mpeketoni attack: Who is fooling who?
The President says investigations show that this is the work of a local political network.
„The attack in Lamu was well planned, orchestrated, and politically motivated ethnic violence against a Kenyan community, with the intention of profiling and evicting them for political reasons. This, therefore, was not an Al Shabab terrorist attack,“ said Kenyatta.
So, who is fooling who?
Militant killed in Ingushetia
The militant, who is being identified now, had a machine gun and ammunition.
Russian helicopter comes under fire in Somalia
A Russian Mil Mi-8 helicopter working under a UN contract in Somalia came under fire during a recent flight but no one was hurt in the incident, spokesperson for the UN mission in the East African country Ismini Palla said on Sunday.
After Losing Vote, US-EU Threaten to Undermine Treaty
The United States and the 28-member European Union (EU) have assiduously promoted – and vigourously preached – one of the basic tenets of Western multi-party democracy: majority rules.
Lehrer in Chile protestieren gegen Bildungsreform
Lehrer fordern mehr Mitspracherecht, verbesserte Arbeitsbedingungen sowie Abwendung vom privaten Bildungssystem
Google executives visit Cuba for first time to promote open Internet
The team, led by Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt, met with Cuban officials as well as independent people in the technology and digital field, according to a report on the independent news website, which was started last month by blogger Yoani Sanchez.
Pope says communists are closet Christians
Since his election in March 2013, Francis has often attacked the global economic system as being insensitive to the poor and not doing enough to share wealth with those who need it most.
US Landmines Ban: Republicans and Human Rights Activists Criticise Obama‘s Decision
„While they are saying they are working toward banning them in the future, they are leaving open the option of continuing to use them in the meantime, which is kind of a contradictory way to approach things,“ Steve Goose, head of delegation for the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL), said. „They‘re bad enough to ban them, but we still want to use them.“
African Refugees March Out of Israel Desert ‚Prison‘ in Protest at Asylum Laws
The asylum-seekers, mainly Eritreans and Sudanese, want to leave Israel because they are „sick of Israeli government asylum policy“ of detaining migrants for an indefinite period at the Holot detention centre, Eritrean-born Hobtom, who is part of the protest, told IBTimes UK.
Iran, P5+1 to begin fresh nuclear talks on July 2: Araqchi
Iran and six major world powers will resume their talks over Tehran’s nuclear energy program on July 2 in the Austrian capital of Vienna, a senior Iranian nuclear negotiator says.
World must work against use of chemical weapons: Iran cmdr.
General Jafari made the remarks in a message to a ceremony marking the 27th anniversary of the fatal chemical attack on the Iranian city of Sardasht by the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein on June 28, 1987.
Somalische Sicherheitskräfte ein Haufen rivalisierender Militanter: viel Spass im bezahlten Bundeswehr-Urlaub
Verbratenes Geld der deutschen Steuerzahler für Grossmachtsallüren der neuen Berliner Auslandssehnsucht.
Islamist Rebels in Somalia Kill 3 as Ramadan Starts
Two traffic police men were gunned down by militants on Maka al-Mukaram road, a major thoroughfare through the center of Mogadishu, the commander of traffic police, Ali Hirsi, told Reuters. “The attackers escaped,” he said.
Union: South Africa Engineering Strike to Begin July 1
More than 220,000 members of South Africa‘s NUMSA engineering and metalworkers union will down tools on July 1 after last-ditch wage talks to avert a strike failed, its leaders said on Sunday.
Wir bitten um Ihr Verständnis.
Werte Leserinnen und Leser. Leider müssen wir Ihnen mitteilen, dass sie Opfer unserer emotionalen Ansteckung geworden sind.
‚Emotional contagion‘ sweeps Facebook
„People who had positive content experimentally reduced on their Facebook news feed, for one week, used more negative words in their status updates,“ reports Jeff Hancock, professor of communication at Cornell‘s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and co-director of its Social Media Lab. „When news feed negativity was reduced, the opposite pattern occurred: Significantly more positive words were used in peoples‘ status updates.“
Psychologie-Experiment: Facebook manipulierte Newsfeeds von 690.000 Nutzern
Die Schlussfolgerung: „Emotionale Ansteckung“, im nicht-virtuellen Leben schon bekannt, funktioniert auch im Virtuellen, ohne direkten Kontakt.
@MdB_Stroebele #Ragtime „dient u.a. der Abschöpfung von Regierungskommunikation“ so Ex-NSA-Mitarbeiter Thomas Drake
(25. Juli 2013)
Laut dem früheren #NSA-Mitarbeiter Thomas Drake weiß der #BND mehr über die NSA-Affäre als er zugeben will:
(10. Juni)
Der ehemalige US-Agent Thomas Drake spricht von „extrem weitgehenden“ Vereinbarungen zwischen den Geheimdiensten #BND und #NSA.
NSA-Untersuchungsausschuss lädt NSA-Whistleblower William Binney und Thomas Drake vor. Beide haben zugesagt.
(4. Juni)
Erinnert ihr euch noch an den Wahlkampf? Als die SPD „eigentlich voll total echt ganz ehrlich jetzt gegen das Leistungsschutzrecht“ war?
Der SPD-Justizminister will das LSR jetzt sogar noch verschärfen und spricht sich für eine Zerschlagung von Google aus.
Machtkartell Bertelsmann
(26. September 2010) „Alle Macht kommt vom Volke“ – die Volkssouveränität ist einer der Grundpfeiler der Demokratie. Aber geht in einer modernen Demokratie wie Deutschland tatsächlich alle Macht vom Volke aus?
Bsirske wirft Regierung in @BILD „Wählertäuschung“ bei #Mindestlohn vor. Etwas Realitätssinn gehört halt auch zur Politik, liebe @_verdi
Bsirske: Mindestlohn „brutal amputiert“
Verdi-Chef wirft SPD Wählertäuschung vor
Verdi-Chef Frank Bsirske sagte der Bild am Sonntag, die Zahl der Betroffenen liege bei „mindestens drei Millionen Menschen“. Die nun vorgesehenen Neuregelungen hätten „mit dem allgemeinen gesetzlichen Mindestlohn nichts mehr zu tun“.
Mindestlohn: Verdi-Chef Bsirske wirft SPD „grobe Wählertäuschung“ vor.
Joko Widodo
Jokowi‘s win was widely seen as reflecting popular voter support for „new“ or „clean“ leaders rather than the „old“ style of politics in Indonesia, although he is over 50 years old.
Prabowo Subianto
Prabowo Subianto Djojohadikusumo (* 17. Oktober 1951 in Jakarta) ist ein ehemaliger General der indonesischen Armee TNI und Schwiegersohn des langjährigen Präsidenten Suharto. Bis zu dessen Entlassung im Mai 1998 nach Suhartos Rücktritt war er einer der mächtigsten Militärmachthaber in Indonesien. (..)
Prabowo Subianto schloss 1974 die Militärschule ab und ging zwei Jahre später zu der Eliteeinheit Tim Nanggala X nach Osttimor, die zu den Kopassandha-Truppen gehörte (später Kopassus). Das erste Spezialtraining erhielt er 1980 in Fort Bragg (USA) und etwa 1981 in Westdeutschland mit Angehörigen der GSG9. (..)
Er gründete die Tim Alfa-Miliz in Lospalos und beteiligte sich im August 1983 an einem Massaker in Kraras (…)
Bei der Vergeltungsaktion starben fast 300 Menschen.
Indonesien: Wahlkampf in Himmlers SS-Uniform
Zur Melodie des Queen-Klassikers „We Will Rock You“ skandieren vier prominente indonesische Popstars die Namen von Prabowo und seinem Vize-Kandidaten Hatta Rajasa. Weiter heißt es im Text: „Indonesien erwache, Wer sonst vermag Indonesien zu erwecken aus seiner Misere? Wer sonst, wenn nicht wir?“
Jokowi steadily leading
Joko “Jokowi” Widodo is still firmly in the lead against rival presidential candidate Prabowo Subianto, and the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDI-P)-led coalition is working at full speed to ensure Jokowi maintains his position amid “a tsunami of smear campaigns” against the candidate and his running mate Jusuf Kalla.
Die Welt ist krank von Israel und seinem Wahnsinn
Jetzt entdeckt Israel, dass es nicht länger das Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit ist, wie es dies vorher war,, und dass das Schicksal der drei gekidnappten Opfer die Welt nicht länger den Atem anhalten lassen wird, nicht einmal die USA.
Die Welt hat Israel und seinen Wahnsinn satt.
EXCLUSIVE: Terrorism Victims Sue for ICANN to Revoke Domain Names Being Used by Iran
Still waiting on billions of dollars in unpaid damages, American victims of Iran-sponsored terrorist attacks are attempting to seize Internet properties the United States has provided to Iran. (…)
The lawsuit is responding, in particular, to suicide bombing and shooting attacks in Israel that were funded by Iran, and carried out by Hamas and other extremist organizations.
Boah, bitte WAS?! Ein US-Gericht hat „Opfern von Iranischem Terror“ die Rechte an der Top-Level-Domain .ir und dem IP-Space des Iran zugesprochen.
Was glauben diese Amis eigentlich, wer sie sind!?
After years off-stage, Iraq‘s Sistani takes charge
On Friday he called on political blocs to choose a prime minister, president and speaker of parliament by July 1, meaning Maliki could be replaced within days.
„Today, the roadmap is clear and there is a timetable. It‘s as if Sistani has put all the parties in a corner,“ a Shi‘ite lawmaker said.
Ausrede des Tages: Ja klar kann man bei der Barmer Patientendaten von Fremden einsehen, aber …
.. aber dazu bräuchte man kriminelle Energie!1!!
Digitale #Verbrechensbekämpfung: Harry, jag schon mal die Daten durch (von Uwe Ebbinghaus)
Eyes on defense deals, Western powers rush to court India‘s Modi
Western governments are rushing to visit India‘s new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, drawn by the prospect of multi-billion-dollar deals as the government prepares to open the nascent defense industry to foreign investment.
Ukraine: Tote und Verletzte unter Soldaten beim Beschuss eines Checkpoints nahe Slawjansk
Volkswehr-Milizen haben am Samstag einen Kontrollposten der ukrainischen Armee in der Nähe der Stadt Slawjansk beschossen, teilt der Pressedienst des Verteidigungsministeriums mit. Es gab Tote und Verletzte.
Der Kontrollposten sei „aus einem Minenwerfer beschossen worden, der sich in einem Wohnviertel des Ortes Semjonowka in der Nähe von Slawjansk befand“, hieß es.
Three Ukrainian military killed in rebel attack: spokesman
The reported attack on the post manned by members of the government‘s „anti-terrorist operation“ took place despite a government ceasefire, which was extended on Friday until Monday night.
Juncker the Drunker dribbles in meetings, says former Foreign Office man amid claims he downed a Campari, 3 glasses of wine and 3 Sambucas in an hour
‘Everyone in Brussels knows that Juncker drinks far too much. I would call him an alcoholic. Talk to European politicians in private and they will all tell you about his drink problem.’
Facebook fights ‚largest ever‘ US court data request
In a summation of the legal justification for the court‘s decision, the judge wrote: „Facebook could best be described as a digital landlord, a virtual custodian or storage facility for millions of tenant users and their information.
British soldiers return from Kenya training delayed
Tour operators Thomson and First Choice have cancelled all flights to Mombasa until October
700 British soldiers stranded as Nairobi holds up diplomatic permits for troops in tit-for-tat row with London over travel advice
Around 700 British troops training in Kenya have been prevented from leaving after the Nairobi government withdrew diplomatic permits over a travel advice row.
Understanding the Effects of Pesticides on Your Health
All sorts of people, from environmentalists to farmers, scientists, and gardeners have long been warning about the dangers of pesticides and large agro-business farming. Many people no longer need convincing; they’ve cut back on conventional produce and are maybe educating themselves on matters of food security and food production. In case you were wondering what science has recently discovered about the harms of putting chemicals in our food, look no further. Here’s a brief rundown of how our modern food system might just be putting our health at risk.
Thirsty! Water cut off in Detroit ‚violates human rights‘ as thousands affected
Residents of Detroit, Michigan who are $150 or two months past-due on their water bills are having their water shut off by the bankrupt city. Now, even the United Nations has stepped in, saying Detroit is in violation of the human right to water.
Waging war against Russia, one pipeline at a time
While the human politics of the crisis in Ukraine garner all the headlines, it is the gas politics that in many ways lies at the heart of the conflict.