Daily Archives: 11. Juni 2014

11.06.2014 - 22:22 [ FREEDOM of the Press Foundation ]

You Can Strengthen Anonymity, Privacy and Free Speech on the Internet by Running a Tor Relay

We‘re partnering with EFF, Tor Project, and Free Software Foundation on the Tor Challenge, a clarion call for people all over the world to support the Tor anonymity network in the most crucial way possible: by running relays.

11.06.2014 - 22:07 [ Fox News ]

US military base within Iranian striking distance, official warns

Zonnour spoke in response to boilerplate U.S. assertions that “all options are on the table,” regarding efforts to force Iran to comply with international efforts to curb its nuclear program. But it was the first time Iran has mentioned Diego Garcia, particularly in the context of a potential missile strike. The base was used to launch sorties into both Iraq and Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks.

11.06.2014 - 12:43 [ Watts Up With That? ]

No joke: ‘Climate change may prevent contact with alien civilisations’

From the you’ve got to be effing kidding me department come this dead serious essay from “The Conversation”, that hotbed of climate alarmism in Australia which somehow got past bullshit detectors at phys.org.

The money quote sort of tries to talk down the headline, but they leave it wide open as a possibility.

11.06.2014 - 12:37 [ trend.az ]

Iran, Pakistan claim no border fire exchange took place

Iranian and Pakistani officials have dismissed reports about their border guards‘ fire exchange, that allegedly took place on June 9.

Iranian south eastern Sistan and Baluchestan province‘s governor office said that the fire exchange did take place, but Iranian border guards were not involved, as the shootout happened inside Pakistan, between the country‘s border guards and unknown armed groups, Fars news agency reported on June 11.

11.06.2014 - 11:11 [ Radio Utopie ]

THE PLAN III – Petraeus and the three-dimensional chess in the dark

(14. Mail 2007) So, the Commander of the Iraq War Zone, Gen. Petraeus, will have to find a reason for staying in Iraq.
And a reason for staying in command there, too.

What could that be? Does anybody down there still believe in some sort of “military victory”? So where is the chance, where is the opportunity to turn the tides?
The only option is to weaken the enemy forces by splittering them and to get more friendly forces into play.
Like the Germans. Like the French. Like the Israelis. Like the Turkish. And like the Kurds.

Where are these forces?
There are already in position. There are all around of Syria.

11.06.2014 - 11:04 [ Regionalregierung der Autonomen Region Kurdistan ]

Prime Minister Barzani addresses Kurdistan Parliament’s Oil & Gas and Legal Committees

(5. Juni) “The big question is: ‘who will control the oil’? Counterparts in Baghdad did not identify ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ KRG actions – they just wanted to control the issue completely. We do not view this issue as a path towards Kurdistan’s independence, but rather as the expression of our constitutional rights. These rights are the constitutional principles upon which we agreed when we returned to Iraq in 2003 and 2004, and they have to be implemented in Iraq.

“If Baghdad today agreed with us upon the issue of oil revenue sharing, one of Iraq’s most important laws, it would lead to the resolution of a number of obstacles related to this issue. However if I speak frankly, Iraq’s federal government increases the sovereign expenditures year after year without the Kurdistan Region’s knowledge, and this is reduced from Kurdistan’s share of the Iraqi budget.

11.06.2014 - 10:52 [ Al Monitor ]

Russia rejects UN resolution as pretext to Syria ‚intervention‘

(26. Mai) Russian analysts fear that, once the process of removal of the Syrian chemical arsenal is concluded, the United States — which has not renounced the idea of ​​overthrowing the regime in Syria — may revert to the plan of a military strike against the country.

It‘s precisely this plan that ​​Moscow has seen in the recent UN Security Council draft resolution, which it vetoed, together with China.

11.06.2014 - 10:51 [ New York Times ]

Former Ambassador to Syria Urges Increasing Arms Supply to Moderate Rebels

“We don’t have good choices on Syria anymore,” Mr. Ford added. “But some are clearly worse than others. More hesitation and unwillingness to commit to enabling the moderate opposition fighters to fight more effectively both the jihadists and the regime simply hasten the day when American forces will have to intervene against Al Qaeda in Syria.”

11.06.2014 - 10:39 [ Tennessean ]

Al Gore: ‚We now have a stalker economy‘

„Now a politician has to spend five hours a day begging rich people for money, so it‘s easy for politicians to ignore the public interest,“ he added. (…)

„Governments – that‘s one threat; businesses are also collecting more information than they should. We now have a stalker economy where businesses are finding out everything about you.“

11.06.2014 - 10:24 [ Washington Post ]

NSA: Our systems are so complex we can’t stop them from deleting data wanted for lawsuit

„A requirement to preserve all data acquired under section 702 presents significant operational problems, only one of which is that the NSA may have to shut down all systems and databases that contain Section 702 information,“ wrote NSA Deputy Director Richard Ledgett in a court filing submitted to the court.

11.06.2014 - 10:13 [ Global Post ]

China asks UNESCO to list Nanjing Massacre, „comfort women“ documents

China „has submitted precious historical documents concerning the Nanjing Massacre and comfort women“ to UNESCO, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said during a regular press briefing.

Japan‘s top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga said during a daily press briefing in Tokyo that the country „will lodge a protest and ask China to withdraw the application if we find out there is a political intention behind it.“

11.06.2014 - 10:13 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Veteran Japan Scribe Defends Denial of Nanjing Massacre

“I am saying that the so-called Nanking Massacre by Japanese troops had never occurred,” Mr. Scott-Stokes said in the video. “I am very insistent on this. I am not willing to be called a liar by anybody on this subject. I have pledged my existence on this.”

He described what happened in 1937 in the Chinese city as “sporadic violence here and there” that should be referred to as “incidents” rather than as a “massacre.”

11.06.2014 - 10:11 [ Wikipedia ]

Massaker von Nanking

Die Massaker von Nanking (chinesisch 南京大屠殺 / 南京大屠杀, Pinyin Nánjīng dàtúshā; jap. 南京大虐殺 Nankin daigyakusatsu) waren Kriegsverbrechen der japanischen Besatzer in der chinesischen Hauptstadt Nanking während des Zweiten Japanisch-Chinesischen Krieges. Den Protokollen der Kriegsverbrecherprozesse nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zufolge wurden mindestens 200.000 Zivilisten und Kriegsgefangene ermordet sowie rund 20.000 Mädchen und Frauen vergewaltigt.

Das Massaker begann am 13. Dezember 1937 nach der Besetzung der Stadt durch Truppen der Kaiserlich Japanischen Armee und dauerte sechs bis sieben Wochen.

11.06.2014 - 10:10 [ Shanghaiist ]

Former NYTimes bureau chief says Nanjing Massacre ‚never took place‘

The passages were originally blamed on a „rogue“ translator, and Kyodo News released an article saying that Stokes himself was not responsible for the paragraphs in question, and that they do not reflect his understanding of the historical events.

Now, however, Stokes has now gone out of his way to assert that he was the man responsible for the inflammatory passages, and issued a statement saying:

„The so-called ‘Nanking Massacre’ never took place [..] The word ‘massacre’ is not right to indicate what happened. It was originally a propaganda tool of the KMT government.“

11.06.2014 - 07:27 [ Radio Utopie ]

Mene, mene, tekel: Es hebt die “Pro-Europäer” Dr. Merkel und Dr. Schäuble auf der Waage sanft nach oben

(25. November 2011) Was hier passiert, verstehen die meisten nicht. Deswegen konnte dies alles überhaupt passieren.

Der “Euro”-Diktator EZB fängt jetzt mal an Geld zu drucken und den Staaten zu geben, die es durch seine eigenen Machenschaften und die der anderen Banken verloren haben. Sonst ist er bald Diktator über gar nichts.

Und dann haben auf einmal alle Geld und wieder keine Ahnung, wie das passieren konnte.

11.06.2014 - 07:24 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Erdbeben fürs konservative Establishment

Dabei schien Dave Brat zunächst keine Chance gegen den 50-jährigen Cantor zu haben. Das Budget des von der radikalen Tea-Party-Bewegung unterstützten Ökonomie-Professors Brat lag bei 200.000 Dollar, Cantor hatte 5,4 Millionen Dollar eingesammelt.

11.06.2014 - 07:23 [ CNN ]

Eric Cantor, No. 2 House Republican, loses primary in big upset

In his victory speech, Brat struck a populist tone.

„Dollars do not vote, you do,“ he said. „When I go to D.C., every vote I take will move the pendulum in the direction of the people, away from Washington, D.C.; back to the states; back to the localities; and back to you.“

11.06.2014 - 07:21 [ Halina Wawzyniak, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Der Generalbundesanwalt und die Ausspähaffäre

(06. Juni) Der Generalbundesanwalt Herr Range war heute im Ausschuss für Recht- und Verbraucherschutz um diesen zu informieren, ob und welche Ermittlungen er in der Ausspähaffäre einleiten möchte. Ich spreche bewusst von Ausspähaffäre. Der Begriff NSA-Affäre greift nämlich zu kurz. Mindestens der GCHQ ist nämlich auch beteiligt und ich gehe davon aus, dass die Deutschen Geheimdienste ebenfalls Beteiligte der Affäre sind.

11.06.2014 - 07:21 [ Halina Wawzyniak, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Bye, Bye stellv. PGF

(2. Juni) In meiner Mail an den Fraktionsvorstand habe ich geschrieben: “Zur Begründung will ich nicht viel ausführen. Für mich war der Parteitag in Berlin ein Bruch mit der innerparteilichen Kultur. Die Existenz eines Fahrplans/Dossiers hat diesen Bruch nur noch verstärkt. Wenn nunmehr -siehe Spiegel von heute- ein weiteres Papier existiert, welches offensichtlich vor der Bundestagswahl erstellt wurde, und indem von `personelle No-Gos` die Rede ist, in dem weiter formuliert wird: `die Fraktion darf nicht zur `Reste-Rampe` der Abgewählten und Rausgeschmissenen werden` und dabei auch mein Name genannt wird, ist die Grenze der Zumutbarkeit erreicht. Zwar hat der/die Wähler/in dafür gesorgt, dass ich nicht zu den Abgewählten und Rausgeschmissenen gehöre, aber mit einem solchen Papier im Rücken bin ich nicht bereit die Arbeit die vor allem mit diesem Posten verbunden ist weiter zu machen. Die Fraktion kann sicherlich auf einen `Versorgungsfall` als stellvertretende PGF verzichten.” Natürlich spielt dabei auch eine Rolle, dass die Motivation für den Gesamtladen jenseits der Fachpolitik nun massiv Werbung zu machen angesichts solcher “Rückendeckung” nicht sonderlich hoch ist.

Bedanken will ich mich bei all jenen, die über verschiedenste Wege mir ihre Solidarität mitgeteilt haben.

11.06.2014 - 07:19 [ Süddeutsche ]

Auf die linke Tour

(24.Januar 2012) Auf Parteitagen, im Landesvorstand, in Internetforen und Parteizirkeln liefern sie sich Schlachten mit einer keineswegs kleinen links-fundamentalistischen Minderheit. Genau deren Protagonisten wird in dem Dossier der Kampf angesagt.

Man müsse diese „Gegenkräfte weiter schwächen und isolieren“, heißt es da. Von „unpolitischen Verrückten“ ist die Rede. Man müsse „Unfähige gewähren lassen, Fähige kompromittieren“.

11.06.2014 - 07:17 [ Spiegel ]

Kippings zweifelhafte Methoden im Kampf um die Macht

(01. Juni) Laut einer Vorlage aus ihrem Vorstandsbüro sollten dafür gezielt Kipping-Sympathisanten neu installiert oder „geschützt“ werden. Unter der Überschrift „Führungspersonal, Prämissen, personelle No-Gos und zu schützende Personen“ listet das Papier detailliert auf, wie potenzielle Widersacher kaltgestellt werden könnten.

11.06.2014 - 06:37 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel

Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel.

The two leaders discussed the course of consultations currently underway in Brussels involving Russia, the EU and Ukraine on resolving the situation with Kiev’s gas debts.

Vladimir Putin stressed that in spite of the problems that have occurred, Russia’s delegation is authorised to continue talks in a constructive manner, aiming to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

11.06.2014 - 06:29 [ Golem ]

GCHQ: Geheime Abhörstationen im Oman enttarnt

(03. Juni) Außerdem gehörten British Telecommunications (BT) und Vodafone Cable zu den Meisterdienern der Abhöraktionen, für die das GCHQ jährlich mehrere Hundert Millionen Pfund bezahle, berichtet The Register. (..)
Die Dokumente lägen diversen Medien bereits seit längerem vor, darunter dem Guardian, berichtet The Register. Auf Druck der britischen Behörden seien sie aber bislang nicht veröffentlicht worden.

11.06.2014 - 06:18 [ Techdirt ]

Now That Vodafone Has Come Out With A Real Transparency Report, Will US Telcos Follow Suit?

On Friday, we reported the surprising fact that Vodafone had not just followed the latest trend in issuing a transparency report, but actually flat out admitted that many governments had direct access to its phone lines, which allowed those governments to listen in on calls without a warrant. That level of transparency is great, because all too often with the „transparency“ reports we‘ve seen from some companies, they seem more focused on hiding what‘s really going on. Too frequently, this is because of requirements from the government, which has (almost certainly illegal and unconstitutional) gag orders on what companies are allowed to say about requests for government information. However, it‘s almost certainly also because companies are now afraid of admitting the kinds of things they‘ve allowed governments to do in secret — and are worried about how the public would respond.