Daily Archives: 2. Juni 2014

02.06.2014 - 22:49 [ Mother Jones ]

Photos: Living in the Shadow of the Bhopal Chemical Disaster

Before dawn on December 3, 1984, a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, exploded and leaked 45 tons of methyl isocyanate. Half a million people came in contact with the toxic gas and other chemicals, and thousands died within days. As many as 25,000 people are thought to have eventually perished after exposure to the gas, which causes nerve and respiratory damage.

02.06.2014 - 20:13 [ ACLU ]

The CIA Can‘t Control the Truth at Guantánamo Forever

One way or another, transparency will be achieved. The summary of the Senate report will be released, hopefully with few redactions. By June 20, in our lawsuit seeking the release of CIA torture reports, the agency has to provide a specific timeline for declassification. In the meantime, Judge Pohl will soon decide whether to reject the government‘s request to reconsider his decision. The government won‘t be able to keep its torture secrets forever.

02.06.2014 - 19:26 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

„Six Strikes“ Copyright Alert System Can‘t Be The Future of Copyright Enforcement Without More Transparency and Accountability

Last week, the group behind the copyright monitoring and enforcement system commonly known as „Six Strikes“ released some data about its operations for the first time. The Center for Copyright Information (CCI), a group created and funded by major movie studios, music labels, and Internet service providers revealed that their Copyright Alert System (CAS) sent more than 1.3 million accusations of copyright infringement to about 722,000 Internet subscribers. The report also said that over 60,000 of those subscribers received some kind of penalty from their ISP.

02.06.2014 - 18:13 [ OCCUPY.com ]

When Fat Cats Meet In Munich: Welcoming the International Monetary Conference

Indeed, systemic problems of the global monetary, financial and economic system will likely remain unresolved so long as forums like the International Monetary Conference are permitted to take place outside public scrutiny. Such meetings, where central bankers, regulators and leading financial policy makers meet in private with the world’s most influential bankers, only encourage consensus, closer cooperation and, ultimately, collusion between our so-called public officials and the bankers who profited off the financial and economic destruction which they themselves caused.

02.06.2014 - 18:05 [ GIZMODO ]

WSJ: Google Spending $1 Billion on Satellites to Cover Earth in Wi-Fi

According to „people familiar with the project,“ Google will use 180 „small, high-capacity satellites“ that will orbit the Earth at low altitudes. Led by Greg Wyler, who set up satellite startup O3b Networks Ltd, Google has been on a hiring spree to recruit engineers from satellite company Space Systems/Loral LLC, claims the Journal.

02.06.2014 - 16:48 [ Time ]

olitics Military The 6 U.S. Soldiers Who Died Searching For Bowe Bergdahl

Army Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl was freed by the Taliban over the weekend after they held him for nearly five years, in exchange for five Taliban leaders, who will spend a year cooling their heels in Qatar. You might have heard about it on the news.

Chances are you haven’t heard of the six soldiers who died hunting for him after he went missing, according to military officials.

02.06.2014 - 14:47 [ Ceiberweiber ]

NSA-Affäre: Offener Brief an den Justizminister

In Deutschland und Österreich wurden Ermittlungen in der NSA-Affäre beinahe gleichzeitig abgebrochen, von der Generalbundesanwaltschaft und der Staatsanwaltschaft Wien. Dass immer mehr Material auftaucht – was jeder weiss, der Zeitungen liest oder das Interview mit Edward Snowden auf NBC gesehen hat – ist offenbar ein Argument gegen weitere Ermittlungen. Diese Absurdität und der Verzicht auf den Einsatz von Ermittlungsmethoden, die als Instrumente in anderen Fällen sehr wohl eingesetzt werden, lassen auf massive Einflussnahme der USA bzw. Unterwerfung der Regierungen schliessen.

02.06.2014 - 14:18 [ Spain Report ]

King Of Spain Abdicates And Left-Wing Groups Announce Pro-Republic Demonstration In Madrid

The leader of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, said from Brussels that: “We demand the government call a referendum”.

A spokeswoman for new political force Podemos, which is pro-republic and won five new seats in the European parliament last Sunday, told The Spain Report that they seconded the call for a demonstration tonight in Madrid and that the party is in favour of a Third Spanish Republic.

02.06.2014 - 14:05 [ Business Insider ]

Spain‘s New Left-Wing Party Scored One Of The Most Stunning Victories In The European Elections

„From tomorrow, we will work together with other partners from southern Europe to say that we don’t want to be a colony of Germany and the troika,“ Iglesias told supporters Sunday night, referring to the tripartite committee led by the European Commission with the European Central Bank and the International Monetary Fund.

02.06.2014 - 14:04 [ Beppe Grillo ]

Los Indignados y Beppe Grillo

(21.05.2011) I’ve arrived in Barcelona for my tour and I found Piazza Catalunya full of young people asking for radical change to the current model of (under) development and direct participation in democracy. I smelled the air of home. The soft Spanish revolution was born in Puerta del Sol in Madrid and it immediately spread to the whole of Spain, from Valencia to Seville to Santiago. The young people are called „Los indignados“, the indignant ones, but their name is „Movimiento 15-M“, from 15 May, the day when the protest got off the ground. They do not see themselves in any party. Does it not remind you of something?

02.06.2014 - 13:54 [ Palestine News & Info Agency ]

Consensus Government Takes Oath of Office, Abbas Announces End of Division

alestinian national consensus government, headed by Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah, Monday took the oath of office before President Mahmoud Abbas, who announced the end of national division which lasted from 2007 to 2014.

“Today we announce the restoration of national and institutional unity. As for the unity of [our] people, it has always been preserved and has never been susceptible to split,” said Abbas during the oath-of-office ceremony of the new government.

“By forming the national consensus government today, we hereby announce the end of division which had resulted in catastrophic consequences to our national cause during the past seven years,” he added.

02.06.2014 - 13:49 [ Forward ]

Brussels May Be Lying About Museum Shootings, Professor Claims

(30.05.) “The two tourists targeted in Brussels worked for the Israeli secret services,” Ramadan wrote, citing media reports.

“The [Belgian] government does not comment,” Ramadan wrote. “Coincidence. Is this a case of anti-Semitism or a maneuver to divert attention from the real motives of the executioners? We oppose all slaying of innocents and racism but at the same time, it’s time they stopped taking us for fools.”

02.06.2014 - 12:03 [ Bernie Sanders, U.S. Senator ]

An American Hero

Eric Shinseki resigned Friday as secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The decision was announced by President Barack Obama after a meeting with the retired four-star general at the White House to discuss widespread misconduct and mismanagement at VA medical centers. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee chairman, praised Shinseki and called him “an American hero who courageously served his country in war, rose to be the Army chief of staff and has dedicated his distinguished career to helping his fellow soldiers and veterans. I am sad that he resigned.

02.06.2014 - 11:57 [ Ynet ]

Palestinian unity government sworn in at Ramallah ceremony

The Palestinian unity government has been sworn in at the PLO headquarters in Ramallah, with the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas present at the event.

The brief ceremony at Abbas‘ West Bank headquarters was preceded by last-minute haggling over the makeup of the 17-member Cabinet of technocrats, signaling the continued tensions between the long-time rivals.

02.06.2014 - 11:55 [ Radio Utopie ]

Das Judentum gehört nicht zu Deutschland – äh, Moment mal…

(19.04.2012) Die Identitäten eines Landes, eines Staates, einer Nation (was drei verschiedene Dinge sind bzw sein können) ergeben sich erstens aus der Summe der einzelnen Identitäten und Traditionen und zweitens aus deren Interaktion.

Wir sind die Republik Deutschland. Und die Summe unserer einzelnen Identitäten und deren Interaktion werden bezüglich der Frage der Religion und Überzeugung wie folgt geregelt:

“Die Freiheit des Glaubens, des Gewissens und die Freiheit des religiösen und weltanschaulichen Bekenntnisses sind unverletzlich.

Die ungestörte Religionsausübung wird gewährleistet.”

Kraft Artikel 4 unserer Verfassung entscheiden also alle – alle – selbst über ihre Identität und Tradition. Daraus ergibt sich wiederum eine andere Summe und eine andere Interaktion der Gesellschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Daraus folgt: Der Islam gehört zu Deutschland, wenn deutsche Staatsbürger sich für diese Religion entscheiden.

Quod erat demonstrandum. Und damit Schluss.

02.06.2014 - 11:52 [ Zeit ]

Grundgesetz; „Artikel 1 hat seine Grenzen“ – Seite 2/4: Volker Kauder: „Die Religionsfreiheit ist Kernbestandteil der menschlichen Würde“

(22.05.2014) „Was ein Mensch glaubt, oder nicht glauben kann oder will, ist dabei Sache jedes Einzelnen. Nie darf sich der Staat darin einmischen. Mehr noch: Er muss die Entscheidung für oder gegen eine Glaubensrichtung sogar schützen. All das drückt unser Grundgesetz in den ersten beiden Absätzen des Artikel 4 aus.“

02.06.2014 - 11:40 [ New York Times ]

Saudis Back Syrian Rebels Despite Risks

(07.01.2014) But the Saudis are also bent on ousting Syria’s president, Bashar al-Assad, and his patron, Iran, which they see as a mortal enemy. Their only real means of fighting them is through military and financial support to the Syrian rebels. And the most effective of those rebels are Islamists whose creed — rooted in the puritanical strain of Islam practiced in Saudi Arabia — is often scarcely separable from Al Qaeda’s.

02.06.2014 - 11:28 [ Daily News Egypt ]

Islamist Al-Nour Party backs Al-Sisi

(04.05.) Al-Nour Party is the political wing of the conservative preaching group Salafi Da’awa. The elders of Salafi Da’awa also released a statement on Saturday mirroring the decision made by Al-Nour Party, saying that a “majority” of its members supported Al-Sisi, considering him “more appropriate than his opponent for this stage.”

02.06.2014 - 09:29 [ Ansa ]

Peres, Abbas ‚peacemakers‘ says pope

„(In the Holy Land) I encouraged the authorities to pursue efforts to ease tensions, above all in beloved Syria, and to pursue efforts for a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and that‘s why I invited the presidents, both peacemakers, to come to the Vatican to pray with me“.

02.06.2014 - 09:24 [ Ansa ]

‚Long live Italy‘, Napolitano says

President Giorgio Napolitano thanked Italy‘s Armed Forces Monday and Premier Matteo Renzi shared a high-five salute with a child while greeting well-wishers as he walked through Rome‘s streets towards celebrations marking Republic Day.

02.06.2014 - 09:23 [ El Pais ]

King Juan Carlos abdicates

There had been some speculation in recent months over the possibility of an abdication, given Juan Carlos’ poor health and declining popularity ratings following a controversial hunting expedition in Botswana, among a series of other royal gaffes.

02.06.2014 - 07:58 [ Spiegel ]

Merkel drohte mit Votum gegen Juncker

(01.06.) Nicht nur der Brite Cameron machte beim EU-Gipfel Front gegen Jean-Claude Juncker als nächsten Kommissionspräsidenten. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen drohte auch Kanzlerin Merkel zunächst mit einem Nein. Das Votum des EU-Parlaments bezeichnete sie als „Kriegserklärung“.

02.06.2014 - 07:46 [ Stol.it ]

Renzi: „Juncker nicht einziger Kandidat für EU-Kommission“

Renzi, dessen Partito Democratico (PD) mit 40,8 Prozent der Stimmen die EU-Wahl in Italien am vergangenen Sonntag gewonnen hat, betonte, dass Junckers Europäische Volkspartei (EVP) zwar die meisten Sitze im neugewählten EU-Parlament erhalten habe.
Juncker habe jedoch keine gesicherte Mehrheit und daher kein automatisches Recht auf das Amt des EU-Kommissionspräsidenten.

02.06.2014 - 07:37 [ Radio Utopie ]

Frankreich und Deutschland brauchen die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung

(7. Mai 2012) Ein Versprechen muss her. Irgendein Versprechen. Das Pack muss sich jetzt beruhigen. Am Ende halten Ochs und Esel noch “Europa” auf, in seinem Lauf.

Wir sind Zeitzeugen der Aktivitäten einer der zugleich bizarrsten, schrecklichsten und lächerlichsten Generationen von “Entscheidern”, welche die Menschheit je hervor gebracht hat. Leider gilt das auch für die Untertanen, Diener, Wähler und Gefolgsleute dieser “Entscheider”, mit einem Wort: deren Kunden.

Wie menschlich, moralisch, geistig, seelisch, politisch, kulturell und psychologisch versaut muss man eigentlich sein, um den Ausverkauf der Länder und Gesellschaften auf dem Kontinent Europa als “europäische Bewegung” zu verstehen und lieben zu lernen? Wie fertig muss ein Mensch sein, mit allem, mit sich, mit der Welt, mit jeder Funktion seines sich selbst hassenden Gehirns, um den Verrat, den Betrug, die Abscheulichkeit und die Gemeinheit als einzig wahren Wert seiner ganzen elenden Existenz als Funktionär der Macht, als Diener des Vorgesetzten, als Büttel des Kapitals zu akzeptieren?