(23.4.2014) This new exercise is the first in a series of expanded U.S. land force training activities in Poland and the Baltic region that are in addition to previously scheduled multinational land force military exercises such as Combined Resolve II, Saber Strike, Rapid Trident, and Saber Guardian. Exercises like this will take place for the next few months and beyond, and are aimed at assuring regional allies of the U.S.‘s unwavering commitment to NATO.
Daily Archives: 27. April 2014
Combined Resolve II to exercise Army‘s European Rotational Force
The U.S. Army‘s European Rotational Force will participate in a major exercise alongside NATO allies and partner-nation forces at the Army‘s Grafenwoehr and Hohenfels Training Areas in southeastern Germany, May 1-June 30, 2014.
The European Activity Set: What is it?
U.S. Army Europe and its partner organizations are working together to establish the European activity set. The EAS is comprised of equipment from around the globe that is being pre-positioned at Germany‘s Grafenwoehr training area to enable U.S. regionally aligned forces and multinational partners in Europe to train and operate as the European Response Force and NATO Response Force.
Obama makes South China waves
by Pepe Escobar
Obama is visiting Malaysia and the Philippines, two Southeast Asian at opposing poles. Malaysia, for starters, sits between the Middle East and China, at the heart of complex global trade networks. In many aspects, Malaysia may be seen as the heart of Asia.
Würzburg wehrt sich gegen TTIP
Die Demonstration gegen TTIP am vergangenen Samstag war ein voller Erfolg! Ein breites Bündnis aus DGB, Piratenpartei, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, ÖDP, die LINKE, Landesbund für Vogelschutz, Aktion ./. Arbeitsunrecht und Transition Würzburg hatte zum Widerstand gegen das Freihandelsabkommen TTIP aufgerufen, welches aktuell zwischen der EU-Kommission und den USA im Geheimen verhandelt wird. Dem Aufruf folgten gut 500 Menschen, die ihren Protest friedlich und lautstark auf den Straßen Würzburgs äußerten.
Supernova Magnified 30X By Gravitational Lens | Animation
As Einstein predicted, Spacetime warps around massive objects (i.e. galaxies). Light from objects ‘behind’ them (e.g. Supernova PS1-10afx ) is bent and magnified to observers on Earth. The graphic animation shows the phenomenon in action.
The International Sun-Earth Explorer (ISEE-3) Reboot Project, Bringing an Old Bird Back to the Earth, and Back to Life
A question that you might have is why do this, what is going to come from it if I give a bit of my hard earned money to support it? The long term answer is that we want to put it back into Earth Orbit, turn the science instruments on, and have it be an open science data source, used for STEM education, amateur radio solar predictions, and for science about the sun. It is also an incredible technical challenge for as far as we know, no private entity has ever commanded, communicated with, and returned to earth orbit a spacecraft! It is also a testament to the foresight of Dr. Farquhar and his team that deserves recognition. Here is a list of firsts for the ISEE-/ICE spacecraft:
• First Mission to a Libration Point
• First Mission to Use a Suite of Instruments across the electromagnetic spectrum to measure the dynamics of the magnetosphere between the Earth and sun during a solar maximum.
• First Lunar Flyby for Gravity Assist to an Interplanetary Trajectory
• First Comet Flyby (1985)
• Second Comet Flyby (1986)
• 36 Year Trajectory to Return to Earth (2014)
This is a truly historic spacecraft and to not try and save it to me is an engineering and science tragedy that offends my engineering sensibility.
Ex-Wife Allegedly Using Copyright To Take Down Husband‘s Suicide Note
Via Silverscarcat we learn of an absolutely bizarre situation in which it appears that the ex-wife of a man who committed suicide late last year, is claiming copyright on his lengthy suicide letter in an attempt to get it taken offline entirely.
Climate Craziness of the Week: don’t wait to ‘feel’ climate change, act now!
From the Carnegie Institution and the department of feelings, quite possibly the dumbest press release about climate I’ve ever seen. basically what they are arguing for is “don’t look at current and past data go with what we tell you” aka trust us, we are paid climate scientists with a model.
Tube strike: David Cameron condemns ‚unjustified‘ strikes which could cost London £150m
„Ed Miliband must make clear he condemns this strike without reservation.”
Tube workers are due to strike for five days over the next two weeks.
Mr Miliband quickly responded by criticising the strike as “wrong”, but laid the responsibility on both sides…
Colombia‘s Santos would win election, but support down – poll
Backing for former Bogota Mayor Enrique Penalosa has risen to 11 percent from 8 percent in March and doubled since the February poll, the survey said. Penalosa is the candidate of the Green Alliance, not an ecology-focused party despite its name and one with several prominent left-wing members.
Conservative PM Gruevski set to win again as Macedonia votes
Macedonians voted in a snap parliamentary election on Sunday likely to hand conservative Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski a third term, after his solid economic record overshadowed opposition complaints that his rule has been authoritarian.
Zarif says most Iranians support nuclear deal with West
„Some factions have no interest in reaching an agreement due to political reasons, but what counts at the end is the vote of the majority of Iranian people,“ Zarif told a joint news conference in Tehran with visiting Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz.
Four new presidential candidates announced
Mohammad Firas Yassin Rajjouh, Abdul-Salam Youssef Salameh, Sawsan Omar al-Haddad and Sameer Ahmad Mo‘alla have submitted four applications to the Supreme Constitutional Court announcing their candidacy for President of the Republic.
Speaker of the People‘s Assembly Mohammad Jihad al-Laham during a session held Sunday, said the Assembly received two notifications from the Supreme Constitutional Court statting that Sawsan Omar al-Haddad, who is from Lattakia province and was born in 1963, and Sameer Ahmad Mo‘alla, who is from al-Quneitra province, born in 1961, have submitted candidacy applications to the Court.
Volkswehr von Lugansk stellt Regierung in Kiew Ultimatum
„Unsere Forderungen sind einfach: die Amnestierung aller politischen Häftlinge, ein Referendum, die Annullierung der Erhöhung der Preise und Tarife und die russische Sprache“, heißt es in dem Ultimatum, das auf der Webseite der Stadt veröffentlicht wurde. „Wenn alle unseren Forderungen, die mit den Genfer-Vereinbarungen untermauert sind, bis 14:00 Uhr (13:00 Uhr MESZ) des Dienstag, 29. April, nicht erfüllt sein werden, werden wir alle Machtorgane in Kiew als volksfeindlich und als verbrecherisch betrachten und zu aktiven Handlungen übergehen.“
Willam Hague: Sanktionen gegen Russland werden erweitert
Die USA und Europa arbeiten an härteren wirtschaftlichen, politischen und Handelssanktionen gegen Russland, teilte der britische Außenminister William Hague mit.
Obama wirbt für gemeinsame Wirtschaftssanktionen mit EU gegen Russland
Die Sanktionen wären unwirksam, wenn sie von den USA im Alleingang verhängt würden, antwortete Obama auf die Frage eines Journalisten, warum die USA selber keine Wirtschaftssanktionen gegen Russland verhängt hätten. „Wir wären in einer stärkeren Position, wenn (…) Europa und die USA einheitlich auftreten würden.“
North Korea labels South‘s president as ‚crafty prostitute‘ after Obama visit
Tirade against Park Geun-hye hits new low in unusually personal abuse, which analysts say may indicate Kim Jong-un echoing his grandfather
Jihadists Now Control Secretive U.S. Base in Libya
A camp on the Libyan coastline meant to train terror-hunters has instead become a haven for terrorists and al Qaeda.
Gaddafi‘s son Saif faces charges in Tripoli court
Saif al-Islam, the most prominent of Gaddafi‘s sons, appeared via video-link, smiling and looking confident, from the western town of Zintan where he has been held since his capture by former rebels who refuse to hand him over to Tripoli.
Mark Etherington #OSZE am Rathaus in #Sloviansk eingetroffen. Verhadlungen mit Ponomarjow beginnen in den nächsten Minuten. #Ukraine
Ukraine security service confirms its security officers captured in east Ukraine
Ukrainian Security Service confirmed its security officers had been captured in east Ukraine’s Donetsk region, the press centre of the country’s Security Service reported on Sunday without specifying the exact number of captured security officers and details of the incident.
Guter Text über Deutschlands Umgang mit seinen Elitensoldaten bei @faz_net #ksk
‚In geheimer Mission verschlissen‘ – Marco Seliger bei @faz_net über das Kommando Spezialkräfte (KSK)
#Slavyansk‘s mayor stated he had a conversation w/ #OSCE representatives, reaching a preliminary agreement on a visit of the OSCE delegation
Ponomarjow: „Wir werden #OSZE Offiziere nicht freilassen. Wir sind in einem Kriegsgebiet. Ich sorge für ihre Sicherheit. Mein Wort“#Ukraine
Mayor of #Slaviansk says the reportedly #OSCE observers being held by separatist rebels in the town are now considered „prisoners of #war“.
Axel Schneider: „Wir alle sind in guter Verfassung. Wir sind Gäste von Ponomarjow. Wir sind keine Kriegsgefangenen“ #Sloviansk #Ukraine
Gespräch mit Claus Neukirch von der OSZE
Zur Situation der entführten OSZE-Mitarbeiter ist Claus Neukirch, Vizechef es OSZE-Krisenpräventions-Zentrums, zu Gast in der ZIB 24.
Tension, paranoia spread to Ukraine‘s border with Russia
The nearby provincial capital, Lugansk, is a city the size of Winnipeg. Yet here, too, signs of unrest are far less apparent. On Friday afternoon, a pro-Ukraine rally in the centre of the town drew several hundred people with song, shouts and speeches — and no interruptions from pro-Russian counterparts. It is hard to envision such a scene in neighbouring Donetsk passing without violence of some kind.
Ukraine crisis: Journalist threatened in Sloviansk
The BBC‘s Natalia Antelava speaks to people in the town of Sloviansk, in eastern Ukraine, which is under full control of pro-Russian militants.
During the course of her reporting she was threatened and had a gun put to her head.
‚Festgehaltenen keine Mitglieder der OSZE-Beobachtermission‘. Nehmen Medien das zur Kenntnis? #ukraine #steinmeier
German observers held by separatists in Slaviansk have not been physically mistreated, no information on when they will be set free, observer says – @Reuters
People‘s mayor of #Slavyansk Ponomaryov center, and foreign military observers.
Palestinian leader says Holocaust most heinous crime
„The Palestinian people, who suffer from injustice, oppression and denied freedom and peace, are the first to demand to lift the injustice and racism that befell other peoples subjected to such crimes,“ the statement read.
The PLO called on Israel to „conclude a just and comprehensive peace in the region, based on the two states vision.“
The P2’s reform of the Senate #glielochiedelicio
Basically: Renzi’s so-called reforms are at risk of making things worse – and not just slightly – the already unstable parliamentary institutions : the reaction to Parliament’s legitimacy crisis is to transform the Senate into an elitist Chamber. The response to the unconstitutionality of the Porcellum electoral law is to create an electoral law that is unconstitutional. Will this not have the only effect of a further destabilization of the system?
Berlusconi irks Germans
Ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi has irked Germans by claiming they denied the existence of concentration camps.
Malaysia cites ‚sensitivities‘ as Obama struggles to push trade pact
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Sunday that he and U.S. President Barack Obama had agreed to upgrade bilateral relations but suggested that his country remains far from ready to sign a U.S-led trade pact due to domestic „sensitivities.“
India test-fires anti-ballistic missile
India successfully test-fired an anti-ballistic missile on Sunday capable of intercepting targets outside the earth‘s atmosphere, a major step in development of a missile defense system that is available to only a handful of nations.
Russlands Vizepremier Schuwalow: Visa und MasterCard droht kein Verbot
„Wir werden Visa und MasterCard nicht verbieten“, versicherte Schuwalow am Samstag im russischen Fernsehen. Das neue Zahlungssystem werde ein bestimmtes Marktsegment bedienen und mit anderen internationalen Zahlungssystemen zusammenarbeiten können. Damit werde das Leistungsangebot breiter sein.
US insists going after reporters who publish leaked info ‚not violation of press freedom‘
Announcing its third annual Free the Press campaign to highlight censorship and oppression of journalists “around the world,” the US State Department made clear it doesn’t consider press freedom issues in the United States the same way it does abroad.
Elementarste Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für alle Nutzer von Internet und WWW
Gegenmaßnahmen seitens unabhängiger, nicht korrupter Programmierer und Organisationen z.B. gegen Lücken in der SSL/TLS Verschlüsselung, wie der Heartbleed”-Lücke in OpenSSL, oder gegen die willkürliche Spionage der Geheimdienste, Behörden, Provider und Konzerne insgesamt, sind nur teilweise effektiv oder sogar sinnlos, wenn die Nutzer von Internet und World Wide Web in der zivilen Bevölkerung nicht endlich anfangen die elementarsten Sicherheitsvorkehrungen und Maßnahmen zu treffen, die jeder beim Betreten des Wohnzimmers von Milliarden von Menschen beachten muss.
Ukraine: Putsch-Regime ruft offiziell nach Unterstützung deutscher Geheimpolizei für Niederschlagung des “Rechten Sektors”
(29. März 2014) Also liebe Bundesregierung plus Dienerchen: Wenn man schon einen Putsch durchzieht und riskiert, dass der Pöbel dieser kapitalistischen N.A.T.O.-Kolonie nach zwölfeinhalb Jahren weltweiten Krieg am Ende merkt wo der eben auch ankommen kann, dann muss selbst die Suppe auslöffeln die man nicht nur sich, sondern vor allem der Ukraine eingebrockt hat.
Damit nicht wieder die berüüüühmten Interpretationsdiener sich ihre Budgets verdienen wollen: “selbst auslöffeln” heisst “selbst auslöffeln” und nicht Deutschland in diesen ganzen Schlamassel noch mehr zu verwickeln.
Ihr könnt froh sein im einflussreichsten Schwachsinnigen-Reservoir des Planeten zu leben. Übertreibt es nicht. Lasst das mal. Ist ein guter Rat.
Oberst Schneider 23.04.14:Die Entstehungsgeschichte seines Auftrags lasse sich in diesem Rahmen nicht darlegen #OSZE
Als OSZE Beobachter getarnter deutsche Spionage-Offizier von ukrainischen Rebellen verhaftet
Der deutsche Oberst Axel Schneider wurde von den Revolutionären Volksverteidigungskräften in der Ostukraine festgenommen. Vor wenigen Tagen war dieser noch an der Schulung und Inspektion der Ukrainischen faschistischen Streitkräfte beteiligt, die die Revolution niederschlagen sollten. Hier war er (noch in Freiheit) in einem Interview mit dem Bayerischen Rundfunk vor einigen Tagen:
Würde jetzt mal jemand das Wort „BUNDESNACHRICHTENDIENST“ gelassen aussprechen, danke. #Ukraine #OSZE #daskommtdavon
Liste #OSZE Aktivitäten in Ukraine,auch Kontrollen nach dem Wiener-Abkommen!Keine OSZE Slovjansk Mission aufgeführt
Habt ihr das gehört, dass die fiesen ukrainischen Separatisten OSZE-Beobachter als Geiseln genommen haben? Und um ihr fieses Tun schönzureden, nennen sie die OSZE-Beobachter Nato-Spione? Ja?
Nun, äh, Die OSZE bestätigt, dass es sich um Nato-Spione handelt. Die OSZE ist offensichtlich richtig doll angepisst, dass die Nato ihre tatsächliche Arbeit in der Ukraine sabotiert, indem sie da Militärs unter OSZE-Papieren hinschicken.
Military observers detained in Slavyansk claim they were on ‘sightseeing tour’
“The humanitarian group of the [OSCE] mission has denied any relation to them… They [observers] had intelligence agents, cryptograms, and notebooks with secret notes”, Gorbik said. “A Bulgarian officer had a notebook with notes in Russian which confirm his intelligence activities and speak of a meeting with agents,” he added.
‘Junta government in Kiev trigger for mine that will explode sooner or later’
RT: As it stands at the moment, America seems to think the more Russia is punished here, the more sorted the situation will be, do you agree with that?
Willie Wimmer: I think the situation is totally complicated and everything we know perhaps goes back to the Cuban crisis some decades ago.
RT: In that the Cold War continues?
WW: I think it’s even more complicated. It’s not only a Cold War it can be outstanding and dangerous and when we go back to the Cuban crisis, we know that big powers usually draw a red line and for the Americans it had been 90 km away from Miami there shouldn’t be a Soviet nuclear arsenal. And here in the Ukraine, it’s again similar. The Russian Federation draws a red line and they are not interested in having a country direct in their neighborhood who might change itself into a living danger, like a land mine, like a nuclear arsenal, which is located next to my own border. And therefore I think we face a critical situation in the next few weeks, perhaps even the next days and we only can hope that somebody might intervene in a sympathetic way and not create war in Europe.
#Slavyansk: Activists reports #Ukrainian forces opened fire on another checkpoint in the city
#Donbass: All the self-defense units of are now controlled by the #Slavyansk self-defence unit.
RIA Novosti Obtaines Satellite Photos Showing Ukrainian Military Buildup Near Slaviansk
A source in the Russian Defense Ministry said, commenting on these photos, that they clearly illustrate that the force military grouping is being formed in the Slaviansk suburbs «in order to wipe out the city and its residents». According to his data, the grouping is comprised of more than 15,000 Ukrainian military servicemen and the home reserve, there are around 160 tanks, 230 infantry combat vehicles and armored personnel carriers, as well as no less than 150 rifles, mine throwers and RMs (multiple-launch rocket systems of Grad and Smerch types).
Fotos der ukrainischen Truppen neben Slawjansk veröffentlicht
Wie eine Quelle im russischen Verteidigungsministerium meldet, wurden in den Grenzgebieten über 15.000 Militärs aufgestockt, die der jetzigen Regierung in Kiew untergeordnet sind.
Three Ukraine elite Alpha group agents captured in Donetsk region
Commander of the “Donetsk Republic” self-defense forces, Igor Strelkov, has confirmed reports that three members of the Alpha special tactical assault group of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) have been detained in the city of Gorlovka, in Donetsk region.
Their task reportedly was to abduct one of the self-defense force leaders, Igor Bezler, whose group is controlling the local police department in Gorlovka, but instead they were captured themselves.