Die ganze Welt sollte alarmiert sein durch die rücksichtslose und verantwortungslose Einmischung Washingtons in die Ukraine.
Daily Archives: 25. Februar 2014
South Korea Committee to Prepare for Reunification with North
South Korea‘s President Park Geun-hye, has announced a committee to prepare for reunification with North Korea. President Park said unifying with the north would be an economic bonanza, but analysts say the south would face a heavy financial and legal burden.
Ich will hoffen, dass sich Dorothea (SPD) nicht irgendwelche Musikerpornos aus dem Internet gezogen hat. #Edathy #NSU
“Hier in Stuttgart stehen wir vor einem Verrat an den Interessen des Gemeinwohls”
„Das Vertrauen der Menschen in das Handeln ihrer gewählten Vertreter und der Regierenden ist eine wesentliche Grundlage des Zusammenlebens in jedem gesellschaftlichen System, das ohne Repressionen auskommen will. Hier in Stuttgart stehen wir – angesichts des S21-Projektes – vor einem Verrat an den Interessen des Gemeinwohls und dem daraus entstandenen Verlust unseres Vertrauens in die Politik.“
Pläne Kiews zum Einsatz von Armee in Sewastopol sickern durch (Zusammenfassung 22.55)
„Die neuen Behörden in Kiew sind über diese Stimmung derart erzürnt, dass sie bereit sind, die Armee gegen das eigene Volk einzusetzen. Aber das wird die Stadt nicht zur Ruhe bringen“, fuhr der Gesprächspartner fort. In Sewastopol gebe es viele Armeeangehörige im Ruhestand, während Kiew gegen sie unerfahrene Wehrpflichtige habe schicken wollen.
Ukrainische Kommunisten gehen in Opposition zur neuen Macht
„Das Präsidium des Zentralkomitees der KP der Ukraine äußert große Besorgnis über das Aufblasen einer antikommunistischen Psychose im Land sowie über Fakten eines Höhlenvandalismus und von Räuberei – die Zerstörung von Denkmälern für Lenin sowie für Verteidiger des Vaterlandes im Großen Vaterländischen Krieg, Banditenüberfälle auf die Räumlichkeiten von Komitees unserer Partei sowie den moralischen und physischen Terror gegen die Kommunisten.“
Die neue Macht habe diese Handlungen nicht verurteilt. Angesichts dessen „sind die Neonazis außer Rand und Band geraten“.
Ukraine: Machnizki aus nationalistischer Freiheitspartei zum Generalstaatsanwaltschaft ernannt
Der ukrainische Interimspräsident Alexander Turtschinow hat Oleg Machnizki zum kommissarischen Generalstaatsanwaltschaft der Ex-Sowjetrepublik ernannt. Der entsprechende Erlass vom 24. Februar wurde am Dienstag auf der Internetseite des Staatschefs veröffentlicht.
U.S. Trade Rep on the Charm Offensive—Slight Tweaks to Secret TPP Process is Far From Enough
The U.S. Trade Rep announced last week that it will create a new “Public Interest Trade Advisory Committee,” in an attempt to allow public interest groups to provide more input into U.S. proposals in trade agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). That aim is important, and underserved by many USTR policies, but this proposal is an inadequate remedy to fix the gross imbalance of influence from corporate interests.
Chicago Police “Heat List” Renews Old Fears About Government Flagging and Tagging
The Verge had a story last week (expanding on an August report from the Chicago Tribune that I’d missed) that the Chicago police have created a list of the “400 most dangerous people in Chicago.” The Trib reported on one fellow, who had no criminal arrests, expressing surprise over having received a visit from the police and being told he was on this list. A 17-year-old girl was also shocked when told she was on the list.
Pakistan PM to visit Iran
Pakistan ambassador to Tehran said Prime Minister Mohammad Nawaz Sharif is to visit Iran within the next two months, IRNA reported.
U.S. Manas’s fuel-supply mission over in Kyrgyzstan
The lease agreement between the U.S. and Kyrgyzstan on Manas transit center expires in 2014.
Stuttgart 21: Keine Amputation der Stadtbahn!
Stuttgart: Sieben Gruppen aus der Protestbewegung gegen Stuttgart 21 haben am Montag eine gemeinsame Kampagne unter dem Titel „Für unsere Stadtbahn!“ gestartet. Mit dieser Kampagne wenden sie sich gegen das drohende Stadtbahn-Chaos mit Streckensperrungen, Umleitungen, Gedränge und Verspätungen.
Croatia unions strike against labor law changes
Croatia‘s trade unions, representing both public and private sector employees, staged a nationwide two-hour strike on Tuesday, firing a warning shot against the government‘s plan to make labor rules more flexible.
Egypt’s interim Cabinet resigns amid labor strikes
The resignation, announced by Prime Minister Hazem el-Beblawi in a televised statement, came amid a wave of labor strikes over the government’s failure to fix the economy and rising popular anger nearly a year after Islamist President Mohammed Morsi was ousted by the military.
Egypt Students Union Vice-President Slams Return of State Police on Camp
Ahmed Al-Baqri, Vice-President of the Egyptian Students Union (ESU) refused the court order to bring back state police to university campuses across Egypt as a return to the era of deposed president Hosni Mubarak
In a statement, Al-Baqri said: „This ruling will be ignored, just like the earlier one that granted university staff arrest powers. Moreover, the harsh verdicts against all students will not break us. They will increase our determination and steadfastness“.
Egypt‘s housing minister says asked to form new government
Egypt‘s outgoing Housing Minister Ibrahim Mahlab said he had been asked to form a new government, the state-run Al-Ahram newspaper reported on its website.
Egypt Pro-Democracy National Alliance: Government Resignation Does Not Absolve Collaborators of Guilt
Resignation of those who oversaw the impoverishment and the killing of Egyptians and sold the homeland to foreign powers will not absolve them of responsibility. They think their resignation paves the way for the general who lusts after the country‘s top post, the patron of the republic of repression, terror and corruption. But that is not going to happen. All those who participated in this government will soon stand before the revolutionary People‘s Court to be held accountable for their crimes and massacres.
Der Papst führt eine Finanzaufsicht an und droht durch die Blume gar an, die Mittel der katholischen Kirche für die Bedürftigen einzusetzen.
Dafür dass er ein Papst ist, rockt der ganz schön.
Iran a threat not just to Israel, says Germany‘s Merkel
Germany views Iran as a potential threat not just to Israel, but also to European countries, Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Tuesday at a joint news conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
PLOS fordert jetzt, dass die einem Paper zugrundeliegenden Daten sofort bei Publikation offen für alle zugänglich sein müssen.
Das ist ein Riesenproblem bei akademischen Papers im Moment. Die Nachprüfbarkeit ist oftmals nicht gegeben, weil die Daten nicht mitgeliefert werden.
Handliches kleines Wallpaper in Zeiten der totgeschwiegenen Spionage durch elektromagnetische Abstrahlung
(02.03.2013) Es liegt in der Natur der Sache, dass ich diesen – mit meiner supertollen Software schickitrickistudenti so aufwändig hergestellten – hochkreativen Content nicht im Artikel bildlich darstellen und bewerben kann. Am Ende fühlt sich noch der eine oder andere Leser angesprochen.
Writing The Snowden Files: ‚The paragraph began to self-delete‘
Over the next few weeks these incidents of remote deletion happened several times. There was no fixed pattern but it tended to occur when I wrote disparagingly of the NSA. All authors expect criticism. But criticism before publication by an anonymous, divine third party is something novel. I began to leave notes for my secret reader. I tried to be polite, but irritation crept in. Once I wrote: „Good morning. I don‘t mind you reading my manuscript – you‘re doing so already – but I‘d be grateful if you don‘t delete it. Thank you.“ There was no reply.
Wisst ihr eigentlich, wieso Männer körperlich größer sind als Frauen? Gender Studies hat es herausgefunden: Das liegt daran, dass Mädchen weniger zu Essen kriegen als Jungs.
Der Senegal z.B. ernährt seine Kinder offensichtlich besser als die USA.
Die Angst schreibt mit: Weniger Vielfalt, mehr versteckte Werbung
Den Einsparungen in Redaktionen stehen PR-Agenturen gegenüber, die ihre Inhalte gezielt in den Medien unterzubringen versuchen. In den Regionalzeitungen etwa steigt der Anteil der Texte, die gebrauchsfertig von Agenturen oder Pressestellen geliefert werden. Oft werden kommerzielle Inhalte dabei bewusst nicht als Werbung gekennzeichnet.
Committee close to an agreement on privatisations
The committee was to discuss the privatisation plan on Monday but the meeting was interrupted by rowdy protesters outside the House.
The committee will re-convene this morning to continue discussion so that it can reach a majority consensus ahead of a House plenum vote due on Thursday.
Cyprus workers protest against privatisation
Government‘s privatisation plans under international bailout fuel anger, with protesters cutting power to parliament.
Italian marines will still be tried in India: foreign ministry
Two Italian marines accused of killing two Indian fishermen will still be tried in India, the foreign ministry said on Tuesday, a day after the government dropped a plan to prosecute the men under a tough anti-piracy law.
Algerian opposition parties urge election boycott
Three Algerian opposition parties have called for a boycott of elections in April after the government announced President Abdelaziz Bouteflika would run for a fourth term to extend his 15 years in power.
„Trottel“, Skandalvermeider – oder überarbeitete Beamte?
Der Name „Edathy“ fiel Ziercke zufolge angeblich nicht auf, weil er „von keiner Beamtin bzw. Beamten mit einem deutschen Bundestagsabgeordneten in Verbindung gebracht“ wurde, was ihm alle „Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in einer dienstlichen Erklärung am 24.02.2014 versichert“ hätten. Das ist insofern bemerkenswert, als der Name Edathy in Deutschland extrem selten ist. Außerhalb der Verwandtschaft des Ex-Abgeordneten kommt er nicht vor, weil er durch eine Abkürzung des Namens seines indischen Vaters Mathew Edathiparambil entstand.
Ukraine: Charkower Gouverneur Dobkin will ins Präsidentenrennen einsteigen
„Die Entscheidung ist endgültig. Ich habe meine Wahl getroffen“, wurde Dobkin am Montag von der Agentur zitiert.
Obama empfing Georgiens Premier – Tiflis’ Streben nach Nato-Beitritt unterstützt
Washington unterstützt das Streben Georgiens nach einem Nato-Beitritt und anerkennt die territoriale Integrität dieses Landes weiterhin in den international anerkannten Grenzen, erklärten US-Präsident Barack Obama und Vizepräsident Joe Biden am Montag bei einem Treffen mit dem georgischen Premier Irakli Garibaschwili.
Trans-Pacific trade ministers say progress made but issues remain
However, long-running differences on tariffs on imported goods, particularly between the United States and Japan, are proving to be particularly difficult to overcome.
@KonstantinNotz Und dann erklären sie uns, warum sie das bislang nicht getan haben.
@KonstantinNotz Ja. Ganz toll. MdB Notz, bringen sie doch mal die Begriffe „BKA“, „2011“, „Edathy“, „Anschrift“ in einen Zusammenhang.
RT @phoenix_de: Video: Fall #Edathy – Statements von Bosbach & @KonstantinNotz zur Tagung des Innenausschusses
Name, Anschrift, Kreditkartennummer – Hinweise verbummelt? BKA wusste seit 2011 von Edathy
Name, Anschrift, Kreditkartennummer – Hinweise verbummelt: BKA wusste seit 2011 von Edathy
Where policy fora collide: country-code Top-Level Domains and the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement
There is surprisingly little written on this issue.
Another Area Where TPP Will Cause Problems: Internet Domain Names
In other words, the horse-trading that typically goes on during these negotiations may see a country‘s autonomy in the key field of domain names sacrificed in the hope of boosting some local industry.
Apple Decides That Dead Silence Is The Best Way To Address Major Encryption Flaw On OS X
Apple on Friday issued an update that fixed a rather severe vulnerability in their SSL/TLS implementation in iOS. In short, the flaw allowed any hacker the ability to intercept data during supposedly secure and encrypted transfers when using an iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch on a public network. Estimates suggest that the vulnerability was introduced in iOS 6.0 back in September 2012 (Apple was added as a PRISM partner in October 2012, utterly circumstantial but just sayin‘). After some reverse engineering of the patch, people discovered it overhauled some fairly major portions of iOS.
The businessman who’s been ruined
Enzo Prosperi
I joke that this is my office. I’ve opened my office on the pavement in front of the big Rinascente department store in Milan, in Piazza Duomo, because day by day, I want to get people to understand what can happen to honest people.
Something that could happen to everyone.
Enzo Prosperi
Something that could happen to everyone. And I want to sound a warning to tell everyone to be watchful that it doesn’t happen to them, and meanwhile, I want to show people what has happened to the political scene, the bad political scene in Italy! I believe that it’s going beyond the logic of politics to think that a thousand companies are closing down each day! Because they’re not managing to survive, because the contributions, the duties, the direct and indirect taxes and so on and so forth, amount to more than 82%.
Renzi takes dig at M5S leader Beppe Grillo
Grillo‘s independent 5-Star Movement (M5S) is Italy‘s second largest political party after Matteo Renzi‘s centre-left Democratic Party (PD), although centre-left and centre-right coalitions still hold more power and have nearly equally weight in the polls.
Italian spy agency officials acquitted in CIA snatch
Italy‘s supreme court on Monday acquitted the former head and the No.2 of the Italian secret service agency, Nicolo‘ Pollari and Marco Mancini, as well as three agents, for involvement in the CIA‘s extraordinary rendition of Muslim cleric Hassan Mustafa Omar Nasr from Milan in 2003.
Proposed increase to minimum wage in Peru divides cabinet
Minimum salary in Perú is S/. 750 per month, around US$268. The refusal to raise minimum wage comes shortly after the government’s approval of a measure that would double cabinet ministers’ salaries to S/. 30,000 (around US$10,700) per month.
Peru‘s Humala names fifth PM, keeps finance minister in cabinet shuffle
Finance Minister Luis Miguel Castilla had tendered his resignation to Humala – three government sources said earlier on Monday – following a dispute with outgoing cabinet chief Cesar Villanueva over a potential increase to the minimum wage.
Exclusive: Iraq signs deal to buy arms, ammunition from Iran – documents
Iran has signed a deal to sell Iraq arms and ammunition worth $195 million, according to documents seen by Reuters – a move that would break a U.N. embargo on weapons sales by Tehran.
Obama praises Renzi‘s reform agenda during call
During their telephone conversation, Obama also praised Italy for its contribution to international military operations in such hot spots as Afghanistan, Libya, and Syria.
Renzi mocked on Internet, social media sites
Some compared Renzi to ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi, who was elected three times, in part, due to his communication and marketing skills.
Others complained Renzi was only a „puppet“ of senior established politicians.
Netanyahu tells Merkel Iran is greatest threat to world security
„I would like to discuss the ways to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons capability,“ Netanyahu said in brief public remarks with Merkel at his side at the start of her two-day trip. „I believe that this is the greatest challenge to the security of the world.“
Israeli warplanes strike eastern Lebanon near Syria
The Israeli army declined to comment but an Israeli security source confirmed that there had been „unusually intense air force activity in the north“, referring to Lebanon.
Deputies in Sevastopol entrust city administration to businessman Alexei Chaly
The deputies told him to get down immediately for the formation of the city’s executive power agencies
Paramilitaries burn down house of Ukrainian Communist Party leader
“A group of paramilitaries, who introduced themselves at the fighters of Maidan’s self-defense, broke into a house which they believed belonged to the Communists’ leader Pyotr Simonenko,” the press service said. “Reporters were not allowed to enter the house and the CCTV servers were destroyed.”
Fall Edathy: BKA tobt wegen „Verschwörungstheorien“ – Handelsblatt…
New documents prove U.S. Army actively targeted leftist protesters, group says
New records obtained by the Defending Dissent Foundation prove that the United States Army used a multi-agency spy network to gather intelligence on nonviolent, antiwar protesters and to disseminate their findings to both the FBI and local police departments.
Schnüffelangriff gegen freien Journalisten beendet
Anfang 2010 hatte Denk öffentlich gemacht, dass der berühmt-berüchtigte Laborarzt und Multimillionär Dr. Bernd Schottdorf den ehemaligen Ministerpräsidenten Dr. Edmund Stoiber im Jahr 2005 mit einem Spendenscheck bedacht hatte. Gegen Schottdorf selbst wird seit Jahren immer wieder wegen Betrugsverdachts in Millionenhöhe ermittelt.