„Mein Job ist es den Leuten zu zeigen, dass es einen Haufen gute Musik in dieser Welt gibt, und wenn sie richtig benutzt wird, dann kann sie vielleicht helfen, den Planeten zu retten.“ – Pete Seeger
Daily Archives: 28. Januar 2014
Dutch court rules in favor of unblocking Pirate Bay as ban ‘ineffective’
People in the Netherlands will soon have access to The Pirate Bay, one of the world’s most censored file-sharing websites, as a court in The Hague ruled that Dutch ISPs need to stop blocking the site after the ban proved ineffective against piracy.
Sigmar Gabriel fühlt sich falsch verstanden – unsere Reaktion
Kaum war unser Appell „Energiewende nicht absägen” an Wirtschaftsminister Gabriel draußen, schon hatten wir eine Reaktion von ihm – zu finden als Post vom 24. Januar auf seiner Facebook-Seite.
Hier nun unsere Antwort (in kursiv das ursprüngliche Schreiben von Sigmar Gabriel auf Facebook):
EU meets Russia for ‘clear the air’ talks with Putin
Russian President Vladimir Putin and the European Union’s top two officials were set to hold “clear the air” talks in Brussels today after months of growing tension over Ukraine and trade and energy disputes. – See more at: http://www.themalaymailonline.com/world/article/eu-meets-russia-for-clear-the-air-talks-with-putin#sthash.K0HkIRdA.dpuf
Russischer Menschenrechtsbeauftragter: Europa schweigt über Antisemitismus auf dem Maidan
„Wir sind über das Wachstum der nationalistischen Stimmungen, darunter der antisemitischen Aufrufe einiger Maidan-Aktivisten, beunruhigt, die aus unverständlichen Gründen in den europäischen Strukturen verschwiegen werden“, sagte er.
British banker fired, escapes to Australia after his remarks on ‚poor‘ Singapore
A Singapore-based UK banker, Anton Casey, who triggered massive public outrage over his Facebook remarks insulting Singapore residents, has been dismissed from his post and forced to flee to Australia.
Employee Falls to His Death at JPMorgan Building in London
A 39-year-old JPMorgan Chase employee was killed on Tuesday morning when he fell from the roof of the investment bank’s office tower in Canary Wharf.
The man was a vice president in the bank’s information technology operations and had worked at the firm since 2004.
First Press Conference for the 2014 Sochi Games Held in the Main Press Center
To ensure a productive and comfortable environment for journalists and broadcasters at the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi, convenient accommodation and free Wi-Fi has been provided for them. The Coastal and Mountain Cluster media centers are located within walking distance of the Olympic venues. In total, more than 3,000 media representatives and around 11,000 broadcast representatives with rights to showcase the Games will visit Sochi.
Lawrow: Russland nicht auf NATO-Hilfe bei Olympiade angewiesen
„Die Arbeit des Sicherheitsstabes, in dem alle Teilnehmerländer vertreten sind, reicht vollkommen aus“, sagte der russische Topdiplomat am Dienstag in Brüssel nach Abschluss eines Russland-EU-Gipfels.
EU lenkt ein: Gazprom darf OPAL-Leitung komplett nutzen
Der russische Gaskonzern Gazprom wird die wichtige OPAL-Pipeline auf dem Territorium Deutschlands komplett nutzen dürfen. (..)
„Wir kommen also bei der Lösung kompliziertester Probleme voran“, sagte der russische Präsident.
Vladimir Putin took part in the Russia-EU summit meeting.
The Russian President had a private meeting with European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso. The meeting was at the EU‘s initiative.
The meeting continued in a working lunch format with participation by the delegations’ members.
Following the summit, the Joint Russia – EU Statement on Combating Terrorism was adopted.
Vladimir Putin, Herman Van Rompuy and Jose Manuel Barroso gave a joint news conference.
* * *
Press statement and answers to journalists’ questions following Russia-EU summit
Nächster Russland-EU-Gipfel am 3. Juni in Sotschi
„Wir sind übereingekommen, ein turnusmäßiges Treffen noch vor dem G8-Gipfel am 3. Juni in Sotschi durchzuführen“, sagte Putin nach Abschluss des 32. Russland-EU-Gipfels.
Meeting between Viktor Yanukovych and Stefan Fule has finished
The meeting between President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy Štefan Füle has finished.
The meeting has also been attended by Head of the Presidential Administration Andriy Kliuyev and Head of the EU Delegation to Ukraine Ian Tombinski.
Staatspräsident Janukowytsch besprach mit UN-Generalsekretär innenpolitische Lage in der Ukraine
Der UN-Generalsekretär zeigte sich auch dazu bereit, einen speziellen UNESCO-Vertreter als Vermittler bei den Verhandlungen zu entsenden, so die Pressemitteilung des Ressorts.
Elmar Brok stattet der Ukraine seine Visite ab
Der Vorsitzende des Auswärtigen Ausschusses im Europäischen Parlament Elmar Brok hält sich heute in der Ukraine auf, wo er an der außerordentlichen Plenarsitzung des ukrainischen Parlamentes teilnimmt.
Ausschreitungen führen zum Tod eines südukrainischen Polizisten
So erlag ein südukrainischer Polizist zahlreichen Messerstichen, die er bei den gewaltsamen Ausschreitungen in der Gebietshauptstadt Cherson mit radikalen Protestierenden erhalten hatte.
Protesters to vacate administrative buildings only after Regions Party leave government posts, says representative
Commandant of Maidan, MP Andriy Parubiy of the Batkivschyna party has said that people will free the occupied administrative buildings only after the authorities make certain concessions.
DHS drone crashes into Pacific off Calif. coast
The $18 million surveillance drone was one of 10 that Homeland Security uses to patrol the border with Mexico. It was just one of two Predator B drones equipped with radar specifically designed to be used over the ocean.
Mein Favorit: „Haushaltsrolle in Alufolie eingewickelt, innen ein Zettel mit der Aufschrift ,Peng'“ #Gefahrengebiet
Na das war ja ein Riesenerfolg! Durch die Linkspartei und ihre Anfragen haben wir jetzt eine Liste, was die Hamburger Polizei so in den Gefahrengebieten gefunden hat.
„Bei ihren fast 1.000 Kontrollen konfiszierten die Beamten unter anderem 19 Böller, einen Schlagstock, zwei Knüppel, Pfefferspray, zwei Tierabwehrsprays und ein Taschenmesser.“
U.N. authorizes European troops for Central African Republic
The United Nations has warned that the conflict in the landlocked former French colony is at risk of spiraling into genocide. France sent 1,600 troops to Central African Republic last month to assist some 5,000 African Union peacekeepers, while the European Union agreed last week to send around 500 troops.
(U) Converged Analysis of
Smartphone Devices
Identification/Processing/Tasking –
All in a day’s work
Paula Kuruc, NSA
May 2010
New York Times Suffers Redaction Failure, Exposes Name Of NSA Agent And Targeted Network In Uploaded PDF
Cryptome seems to have been the first site that noticed the redactions that actually weren‘t, issuing a couple of tweets that informed its followers of this fact. This led to Bob Cesca at the Daily Banter turning the NYT‘s error into an anti-Snowden rant (which I found via F-Secure‘s blog) that decried everyone involved while „virtuously“ refusing to name the entity that had discovered the poorly-done redactions (but including the uncredited tweets in full for easy searching).
Influential cleric urges Saudis to stop backing Egypt‘s dominant military
A prominent Gulf-based Muslim cleric called on Saudi Arabia to stop backing Egypt‘s military-dominated authorities, accusing them of using Saudi money to kill Egyptians protesting at the overthrow in July of an elected Islamist president.
Polish ex-intelligence official says time for truth on CIA jail
Poland‘s official stance of denying it hosted a secret CIA jail is harming its reputation and it needs to be frank about what really happened, a senior intelligence official at the time the alleged prison was operating told Reuters.
GCHQ head Sir Iain Lobban stands down
The Foreign Office said: „Iain Lobban is doing an outstanding job as director GCHQ. Today is simply about starting the process of ensuring we have a suitable successor in place before he moves on as planned at the end of the year.“
Encrypting our Congress API and protecting your location
It‘s also extremely easy to do.
How we‘re doing HTTPS
The Congress API is an open source Ruby application, written in Sinatra, sitting behind nginx and running on Amazon EC2. SSL is terminated on the EC2 instance, by nginx.
The high quality picture of sports events will be broadcast for the Sochi Games
In total around 11000 representatives of television or radio companies have broadcasting rights at the Sochi Games. A television audience of at least 3 billion will be watching the Games.
Putin: Moskau unterstützt nicht die Regierung, sondern das Volk der Ukraine
Russland habe die Notwendigkeit anerkannt, dem ukrainischen Volk zu helfen, sagte Putin am Dienstag in Brüssel nach Abschluss eines Russland-EU-Gipfels. Wenn man in den oberen Machtetagen kämpfe, müsse das einfache Volk leiden.
V-Person im Knast rekrutiert
Die Beamten hätten Greger zugesichert, die Akten mit Verweisen auf »Piatto« oder ihn selbst »so gut es ging« geschwärzt zu haben. Greger wörtlich: »Und ich soll meine Schnauze halten, denn sonst könnt’s schon sein, dass jemand um mein Haus schleicht oder an meinem Gefährt was manipuliert.«
Inconvenient study: Arctic was warmer than the present during the Medieval Warm Period
The Hockeyschtick reports: A paper published yesterday in Global and Planetary Change reconstructs temperatures in Northern Fennoscandia [within the Arctic circle] over the past 1,600 years and finds more non-hockey-sticks clearly demonstrating that the Arctic was warmer than the present during the Medieval Warm Period. The paper adds to over 1,000 peer-reviewed published non-hockey-sticks finding the Medieval Warm Period was global, as warm or warmer than the present, and that there is nothing unusual, unnatural, or unprecedented about the current warm period.
Public to Obama, Congress: Climate Action Is No Big Deal This Year
In contrast, 91 percent say job creation should be a top priority, reducing the deficit comes in at 74 percent, and 63 percent say ensuring all children have access to preschool should be in the „absolute priority for this year“ category.
Is Israel‘s defense establishment a giant interest group?
The so-called security networks serve their own budgetary and other needs by keeping the public quaking in its boots with threats of war.
Russische Langstreckenbomber fliegen 8000 km nonstop
Die Flugzeuge seien vom Stützpunkt Ukrainka im Fernost-Gebiet Amur gestartet und über neutralen Gewässern des Ochotskischen Meeres, des Pazifiks, entlang der japanischen Inseln und der Insel Sachalin geflogen, sagte Luftwaffensprecher Igor Klimow.
Morsi ‘prison break’ trial adjourned to 22 February
In segments broadcasted by State TV, defendants chanted “down with military rule” and refused to answer Judge Sha’ban Al-Shamy’s questions, claiming not to hear the judge. Morsi yelled at the judge, “Who are you? Who are you?” with Al-Shamy replying that he is the head of Egypt’s criminal court.
Mohamed Morsi defiant in face of jailbreak and conspiracy charges
Trial of Egypt‘s former president reportedly postponed for a month as violence continues in Cairo
State razes four Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem
Four East Jerusalem Palestinian homes, built without construction permits, demolished on Monday
Anti-Lapid anthem takes Israeli social protests to YouTube
‚He Extinguished the Torch,‘ a protest song, is attracting a major following.
Protests of African refugees spur discussions by workers in Israel
“We used to be scared, but now we are united,” Filimon Abraham, a kitchen worker from Eritrea, said from Tel Aviv, Israel, Jan. 11, referring to protests by African refugees against detentions and other efforts by the Israeli government to force them out of the country.
Rede des syrischen Außenministers Walid al-Moallem am 22. Januar 2014 in Montreux
Der Westen behauptet öffentlich, den Terrorismus zu bekämpfen, während er diesen auf verdeckte Weise alimentiert
Pete Seeger 90th Birthday Celebration – Bruce Cockburn and Ani DiFranco – Which Side Are you On?
Pete Seeger 90th Birthday Celebration – Bruce Cockburn and Ani DiFranco – Which Side Are you On? at Madison Square Garden, NYC on May 3, 2009
Pete Seeger on the power of songs, an interview
He spans musical eras, from those who provided inspiration to him, such as Woody Guthrie and Leadbelly, to those he has inspired – Joan Baez, Bob Dylan, Martin Luther King, Bruce Springsteen, Ani DiFranco, Dave Mathews, and countless others.
Pete Seeger dies aged 94
Tom Morello, former guitarist with political rock act Rage Against the Machine, said he was “absolutely the best that humans can aspire to be – a courageous, kind, fearless soul”. British Radio 6 Music DJ Lauren Laverne posted a photograph on Instagram of Seeger toting his banjo, which was inscribed with the words: “This machine surrounds hate and forces it to surrender.” She wrote: “Still thinking abt Pete Seeger’s amazing century on earth. Loved & hated by precisely the right people. What a guy.”
Abbas: We want peace with Israel
Palestinian president tells Israeli think tank he wants to meet with Prime Minister Netanyahu, adding that two states, East Jerusalem capital, IDF-free borders and refugee return are conditions for ‚opportunity for peace that might not return‘
Land in Sicht
Abdul, Farid und Brian sind Flüchtlinge, die mit der Hoffnung auf ein besseres Leben nach Deutschland gekommen sind. Doch gelandet sind sie in einem abgelegenen Asylbewerberheim.
Abbas proposes three-year Israeli pullout from West Bank
„I am saying that clearly: whoever proposes 10 or 15 years for a transition period does not want to withdraw,“ Abbas said. „We say that a transitional period not exceed three years, during which Israel can withdraw gradually.“
President signs Decree on resignation of Prime Minister of Ukraine and Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Under article 115 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the resignation of the Prime Minister of Ukraine results in the resignation of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Thus, the President has accepted the resignation of the Government as well.
At the same time, guided by the provision of the fifth paragraph of article 115 of the Constitution of Ukraine, the Head of State instructed the Cabinet of Ministers to continue the fulfillment of its duties until the newly-formed Cabinet of Ministers starts working.
Filmpreise: Daniel, hol dir deine Preise im Ausland!
Pope Francis‘ Gentle Revolution: Inside Rolling Stone‘s New Issue
Sarah Palin has described Pope Francis as „kind of liberal.“ Rush Limbaugh has used the phrase „pure Marxism“ to describe the pope‘s idea that a modern „culture of prosperity“ has deadened people to the miseries of the poor. And many more conservatives have questioned his comment on homosexual priests – „Who am I to judge?“ So just who is Pope Francis?
Pope Francis ‚beats Obama, Snowden in global Web hits‘
Pope Francis beat United States President Barack Obama and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden in global Google searches last year, according to a survey for an Italian Catholic association released Tuesday.
Lacher des Tages (von den „Sicherheitsgesprächen“ des Bundes Deutscher Kriminalbeamter):
Ein weiterer Höhepunkt:
„Maaßen lobte die deutsch-US-amerikanische Zusammenarbeit, die in Afghanistan 30 Terroranschläge pro Woche verhindere“
Maaßen ist der Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz. Der stellt sich da ernsthaft hin und lobt die Zusammenarbeit mit den Amerikanern. SO WEGGETRETEN SIND DIE ALLE!
8. Berliner Sicherheitsgespräche 2014
13:15 Uhr
Impulsreferat „Terrorabwehr vor Bürgerrechten“
Prof. Harald Otto Schweizer, Ph.D.,
California State University, Fresno
Berater des U.S. Department of Justice und U.S. Department of Homeland Security
13:45 Uhr
Impulsreferat „Verfassungsschutz in einer digitalen Welt“
Dr. Hans-Georg Maaßen, Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz (BfV)
14:15 Uhr
Impulsreferat „Eine einheitliche Datenschutzrichtlinie für Europa“
Jan Philipp Albrecht, MdEP (Bündnis 90/Die Grünen)
Police Banned From Enforcing Traffic Laws In Oklahoma Town Over Abuse Of Traffic Tickets For Money
When police departments begin viewing themselves as revenue generating entities rather than law enforcement entities, it has a deleterious effect on the public, which is now viewed as potential income, rather than citizens. If the incentives become perverted, the department will as well. Everything from „booking fees“ to forfeiture laws are prone to abuse, especially when the municipality becomes just as addicted to the cash flow.
An Oklahoma town with the population of 410 is in the news precisely because of this abuse. It seems the Oklahoma Dept. of Public Safety (DPS) isn‘t happy with the outsized cash haul a single police department has raked in over the past few years.
Thousands of Pakistanis flee tribal belt fearing more air strikes
Thousands of villagers have fled their homes in Pakistan‘s North Waziristan region, fearing a major military operation by armed forces after they said dozens of people had been killed in air strikes targeting Islamist militants earlier this month.
Obamacare isn‘t creating a doctor shortage, it‘s solving it
It‘s a myth that America doesn‘t have enough doctors. The key to the future of US medicine is to utilise more nurse practitioners