Daily Archives: 17. Januar 2014

17.01.2014 - 19:26 [ Blog Campact! ]

Wir haben’s satt: 750 Mio Tiere werden pro Jahr in Deutschland geschlachtet

Die Dimensionen unserer Fleischproduktion übersteigt jegliche Vorstellungskraft: 58 Millionen Schweine, 630 Millionen Hühner und 3 Millionen Rinder werden allein in Deutschland jährlich geschlachtet. Wenn man anderes Vieh wie Ziegen, Schafe und Gänse hinzu zählt, sind es rund 750.000.000 Tiere im Jahr, die getötet werden. Unermessliches Tierleid in Megaställen und Schlachtbetrieben wird dafür in Kauf genommen. Massentierhaltung funktioniert nur bei ständiger Behandlung der Tiere mit Antibiotika – damit trotz der schlimmen Bedingungen, unter denen die Tiere leben, keine Epidemien ausbrechen

17.01.2014 - 18:18 [ CNN ]

Transcript: Obama‘s NSA speech

Read the transcript below:

„At the dawn of our republic, a small secret surveillance committee born out of the Sons of Liberty was established in Boston.
And the group‘s members included Paul Revere. At night, they would patrol the streets, reporting back any signs that the British were preparing raids against America‘s early patriots.

17.01.2014 - 17:49 [ Boston ]

Obama backs limits on NSA phone collections

Seeking to calm a furor over U.S. surveillance, President Barack Obama on Friday called for ending the government’s control of phone data from hundreds of millions of Americans and immediately ordered intelligence agencies to get a secretive court’s permission before accessing such records.

17.01.2014 - 16:54 [ Wikipedia ]

Presidential directive

Presidential Directives, better known as Presidential Decision Directives (or PDDs) are a form of an executive order issued by the President of the United States with the advice and consent of the National Security Council. The directives articulate the executive‘s national security policy and carry the „full force and effect of law“

17.01.2014 - 16:11 [ InFiné ]

infiné – free compilation

More than ever in this changing musical landscape, YOU are the ones who give us the strength and the conviction to pursue the adventure in 2014. In 2014, We wanted to thank you Year with a little gift : InFiné Club, a free compilation of 7 exclusive tracks to listen, download and share.

We wish you a happy 2014!

17.01.2014 - 15:19 [ De:Bug ]

[ZIMMER107] Kinko Acid – Electro Impulse

In classical mechanics, impulse (symbolized by J or Imp) is the change in linear momentum of a body. It may be defined or calculated as the product of the average force multiplied by the time over which the force is exerted…

17.01.2014 - 15:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

206. Stuttgarter Montagsdemo zieht zu durch S21-Grabungen beschädigtem Gebäude

Aus aktuellem Anlass wird die 206. Montagsdemo gegen Stuttgart 21 am kommenden Montag, 20.1.2014, neue Wege beschreiten: Der Demozug wird vom Stuttgarter Hauptbahnhof zum beschädigten Haus der Landeswasserversorgung im Kernerviertel ziehen. Wie von den Stuttgarter Nachrichten berichtet, senkte sich das betreffende Haus an der Schützenstr. 4 durch den darunter gegrabenen S21-Rettungsstollen bereits um mehr als 9 mm ab. Die im Haus aufgetretenen Risse werden von der Landeswasserversorgung inzwischen auch offiziell zugegeben.

17.01.2014 - 15:10 [ Progrock-Dt ]

Neue Konzertreihe ‚Spacedelic Odyssey‘ im Jazzkeller Hofheim (Taunus)

Der Jazzkeller des hessischen Städtchens Hofheim am Taunus ruft eine neue Konzertreihe „Spacedelic Odyssey“ ins Leben. Wie der Name schon andeutet, wird es darin STONER-, PROGRESSIVE- und PSYCHEDELIC-Rock zu hören geben.
Erster Termin ist am 18. Januar ab 21:00 (Einlass 20:30) mit einem Doppelkonzert von FEWSEL und OPEN PARACHINE

17.01.2014 - 15:00 [ Bandcamp ]

The Waning Branches by Porya Hatami

Porya Hatami (b.1981) is an experimental sound artist based in Sanandaj, Iran. Working in the field of ambient/minimal, his compositions explore the balance between electronics and environmental sounds, utilizing processed acoustic and electronic sources and field recording

17.01.2014 - 14:50 [ Lars Sobiraj ]

‚Are You a Human‘: Webmaster werden Kommentar-Spam elegant los!

Nichts ist nerviger, als jeden Tag 100 Spam-Kommentare und mehr auszusortieren. Tut man es, geht einem viel Zeit verloren. Tut man es nicht, verzichtet man auf die wenigen echten Kommentare, die man entweder ewig in der Warteschleife belässt oder später beim großen Reinemachen komplett löscht. Das Plugin „Are You a Human“ setzt genau da an, wo uns Blogbetreiber Akismet und viele andere Anti-Spam-Tools alleine lassen.

17.01.2014 - 14:27 [ Technet ]

Tackling the Sefnit botnet Tor hazard

Win32/Sefnit made headlines last August as it took the Tor Network by storm. Tor is an open source project for online anonymity and is commonly used to browse the Internet anonymously. Around August 19, 2013, millions of infected computers running Win32/Sefnit installers are believed to have been woken up and given instructions en masse, to download and install a Sefnit component using the Tor Network for C&C communication. Based on the Tor Network’s connecting-user estimates, evidence suggests this resulted in more than four million Sefnit-installed Tor client services pushed in just over two weeks, as shown in Figure 1.

17.01.2014 - 14:26 [ Daily Bot ]

Microsoft‘s secret battle against the Tor botnet

In August 2013, 4 million infected computers woke up and waited instructions from their master.

The pathogen was Sefnit, a nasty bit of malware that makes infected computers mine bitcoins. Once the computers woke up, they worked under the command of Ukranian and Israeli hackers named Scorpion and Dekadent.

17.01.2014 - 14:25 [ Winfuture ]

95% der Geldautomaten laufen mit Windows XP

So könnten modernere Geräte aus der Ferne über die Netzwerke aufgerüstet werden. Bereits ältere Modelle müssen hingegen vor Ort aktualisiert werden, bei einigen hilft nur der Austausch der gesamten Hardware.

Weltweit existieren derzeit etwa drei Millionen Geldautomaten.

17.01.2014 - 13:57 [ Campact! ]

Hurra! Saatgut-Verordnung vor dem Aus

Nahezu unbemerkt ereignete sich am Montag in Brüssel eine kleine Sensation: Die Abgeordneten im Agrar-Ausschuss wollen der Saatgutverordnung eine Abfuhr erteilen. Nach vielfältigen Protesten der Zivilgesellschaft und mehr als einer halben Million Unterschriften für die Kampagne „Freiheit für die Vielfalt“ allein in Deutschland und Österreich steht die Verordnung damit vor dem Aus.

17.01.2014 - 13:36 [ antikrieg.com ]

Die Weltbild-Pleite

Was öffentlich gerne als ein “katholisches” Problem diskutiert wird, hat im Grunde mit dem (gescheiterten) Versuch, einem Großverlag eine erkennbare weltanschauliche Grundausrichtung zu geben, nur wenig zu tun. Dass die Eigentümer, nämlich die deutschen Bistümer, angesichts der wirtschaftlichen Situation des Verlags die Reißleine gezogen haben, ist nicht verwunderlich. Diese Entscheidung wäre vermutlich auch bei einer ganz anderen Zusammensetzung der Eigentümer – und da vermutlich sogar schon früher – getroffen worden.

17.01.2014 - 13:36 [ Reuters ]

Iran has $100 billion abroad, can draw $4.2 billion: U.S. official

Iran has about $100 billion in foreign exchange assets around the world, of which it will be able to draw $4.2 billion under last year‘s nuclear agreement with six world powers, a senior U.S. administration official said on Friday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the money and assets were held in various countries and that a significant proportion was Iran‘s oil revenue.

17.01.2014 - 13:34 [ Guardian ]

Syria prepared to offer ceasefire in Aleppo before Geneva peace talks

„As a result of our confidence in the Russian position and its role in stopping the Syrian bloodshed, today I submitted to minister Lavrov a plan for security arrangements that have to do with the city of Aleppo,“ said Moallem. „I asked him to make necessary arrangements to guarantee its implementation and specify the zero hour for military operations to cease.“

17.01.2014 - 13:33 [ Ria Novosti ]

Lawrow: Assad-Gegner immer noch nicht zu Syrien-Konferenz eingeladen

„Wir haben unlängst erfahren, dass die nationale Koalition und andere Oppositionsgruppen immer noch keine formelle Einladung zu Genf-2 bekommen haben“, sagte der russische Außenminister Sergej Lawrow nach einem Treffen mit seinem syrischen Amtskollegen Walid al-Muallem am Freitag in Moskau. „Wie wir verstehen können, wartet der UN-Generalsekretär ab, bis die Koalition über ihre Teilnahme endgültig entscheidet“, so Lawrow weiter. „Uns beunruhigt diese Situation sehr.“

17.01.2014 - 13:29 [ Guardian ]

Japanese soldier who took three decades to surrender, dies

Onoda, whose sole remaining companion was killed in a shootout with Philippine troops in 1972, held firm until two years later.

He was only persuaded to surrender when his former commanding officer travelled to his hideout on the island of Lubang in the north-western Philippines and convinced him that the war had ended.

17.01.2014 - 13:17 [ Machtdose ]

Podcast January 2014

Gosh, I’m too tired for a real introduction here. But I think it’s quite a good episode and good start for the new year. I love especially the finale!

17.01.2014 - 11:45 [ Global Research ]

North Korea, “Genocide by Sanctions”: UN Double Standards Pertaining to Sanctions and their Devastating Social Impacts

The terms “transparency” and “accountability” are used with greater frequency at United Nations briefings than in practically any other venue. Yet, information on the impact of sanctions on the people of the DPRK and third states affected by the sanction is confidential to the Sanctions Committee. Only the Sanctions Committee secretariat in the Department of Political Affairs is permitted access to this information. Whose political agenda is served by this secrecy, this total failure of transparency and accountability?

17.01.2014 - 11:30 [ Daily Star ]

U.S. condemns Hermel bomb attack

Although the attack is the first of its kind in the town of Hermel, where support for Hezbollah is strong, it is the latest in a series of bombings in Lebanon mainly linked to the Syrian confict.

The Nusra Front in Lebanon claimed responsibility for the attack, saying a suicide bomber carried out the bombing in response to Hezbollah’s military involvement in Syria.

17.01.2014 - 11:17 [ Guardian ]

Where are all the leftwing Eurosceptics?

This has been met on the left by eye-rolling – the Tories and other obsessives are banging on about Europe again. It is treated as an eternal mystery: why are the centre-right so worried about the EU?

The question ought to be reversed: why is the modern British left so relaxed, so enthusiastic even, about a project that clashes with socialist values in principle and in practice?

17.01.2014 - 11:16 [ Guardian ]

Obama to announce NSA reforms – live coverage

• Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger interviewed on Obama plans
• President set to propose changes to bulk phone data collection
• Obama may also reform monitoring of allies
• Shake-up of Fisa surveillance court expected
• NSA collects 200 million text messages a day
• Live coverage as it happens

17.01.2014 - 11:06 [ Außenministerium der Russischen Föderation ]

Comment by the official representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Alexander Lukashevich, regarding the issue of holding the international conference on Syria, Geneva-2

(15.01.) Preparations for the international conference on Syria in Montreux, Switzerland, are reaching their final, very responsible stage. The Government of Syria has confirmed its participation without preconditions in this important forum and presented the composition of its delegation long ago. Against this backdrop, we have large and justified concerns about the fact that it is not clear whether the opposition will attend the negotiations in Switzerland. In fact, today, this condition is the main obstacle in the path of launchingthe conference, which it is envisaged will put an end to the bloodshed and suffering of civilians in the SAR, and pave the way to settlement of a long conflict in this country.