Daily Archives: 8. Januar 2014

08.01.2014 - 22:47 [ Nation ]

Civilian Casualties in Afghanistan, 2001-2012: A Guide

The Nation’s interactive database of civilian casualties in Afghanistan is an attempt to compile as complete a list as possible of all known civilian deaths that have occurred in the country as a result of war-related actions by the United States, its allies and Afghan government forces, from the invasion in October of 2001 through the end of 2012.

08.01.2014 - 22:36 [ CNN ]

Korean War Fast Facts

There has never been a peace treaty, so the Korean War has technically never ended. (..)

U.S. Troops Statistics
Source: Dept. of Defense
U.S. Deaths:
Hostile: 33,739
Non-Hostile: 2,835
Total In-Theatre: 36,574
U.S. Wounded in Action – 103,284

Other Casualties by Country (killed and missing)
Source: Encyclopedia Britannica
South Korea – (217,000 military, 1,000,000 civilian)
North Korea – (406,000 military, 600,000 civilian)
China – (600,000 military)

08.01.2014 - 22:25 [ cdn.turner.com ]

Statement from Merrill Newman dated December 9, 2013

Looking at the television and newspaper reports, I‘ve seen a lotof speculation about why I was detained. I‘ve given considerable thought to this and have come to the conclusionthat I just didn‘t understand that, for the North Korean regime, the Korean War isn‘t over and that even innocent remarksabout the war can cause big problems if you are a foreigner. I‘m a Korean War veteran and I‘m proud of my military service, when I helped train Korean partisans.

The North Koreans still harbor resentment about those partisans from the Mt Kuwol area and what other anti-Communist guerrillas did in North Korea before and during the war.

08.01.2014 - 22:19 [ CNN ]

For North Korea, the war isn‘t over, says freed U.S. vet Merrill Newman

(09.12.2013) „I innocently asked my North Korean guides whether some of those who fought in the war in the Mount Kuwol area might still be alive, and expressed an interest in possibly meeting them if they were. The North Koreans seem to have misinterpreted my curiosity as something more sinister,“ he wrote.

„It is now clear to me the North Koreans still feel much more anger about the war than I realized. With the benefit of hindsight, I should have been more sensitive to that.“

08.01.2014 - 22:18 [ Pentagon ]

Hagel Hosts South Korean Foreign Minister for Pentagon Meeting

Today, Defense Department officials announced the rotational deployment of the 1st Cavalry Division’s 1st Battalion, 12th Cavalry Regiment, from Fort Hood, Texas, to Camps Hovey and Stanley in South Korea.

This combined arms battalion, with about 800 soldiers and its own wheeled and tracked vehicles, will deploy Feb. 1 to conduct operations in support of U.S. Forces Korea and the U.S. 8th Army, officials said. “This action supports the United States‘ defense commitment to the Republic of Korea as specified by the mutual defense treaty and presidential agreements,” they added in a statement announcing the deployment.

08.01.2014 - 22:17 [ My San Antonio ]

Hagel thanks wounded, caregivers at Fort Sam

“I‘m here to, first, get a better understanding of the tremendous work that is done here and what this place represents to you, your families, everyone who‘s been here,” he said. “The technology is cutting edge, the research is cutting edge, you‘re doing what nobody else in the world is doing.”

Hagel, an infantry squad leader during the Vietnam War who earned two Purple Hearts, is the third defense secretary in seven years to visit SAMMC, a 425-bed medical facility that is the Defense Department‘s sole stateside Level I trauma center.

08.01.2014 - 21:34 [ Progrock-Dt ]

Jan Zehrfelds Diplomarbeit über Meshuggah online

Wer sich gerne mit der theoretischen Seite von Musik beschäftigt: die Diplomarbeit von Panzerballett-Chef Jan Zehrfeld mit dem Titel „Analyse und Darstellung der Entwicklung der stilistischen Entwicklung der schwedischen Heavy-Metal-Band MESHUGGAH“ ist jetzt online hier verfügbar.

08.01.2014 - 21:11 [ Portal amerika21 ]

Venezuela erhöht zum neuen Jahr erneut den Mindestlohn

Venezuelas Präsident Nicolás Maduro hat am Montag vor Abgeordneten im Präsidentenpalast eine Anhebung der gesetzlichen Lohnuntergrenze ab diesem Januar um zehn Prozent bekannt gegeben. Damit folgt die sozialistische Regierung weiter ihrer Politik, den Mindestlohn regelmäßig an die Inflation anzupassen.

08.01.2014 - 21:09 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Integrationskonkurrenz mit Moskau

Berliner Außenpolitik-Experten diskutieren über vorsichtige Kurskorrekturen in der deutschen Ukraine-Politik. Ursache ist, dass der Sturz der Kiewer Regierung, den die Bundesregierung energisch forciert hat, trotz der ukrainischen Massenproteste bislang ausgeblieben ist. Rückblickende Analysen räumen jetzt ein, dass die Unterzeichnung des EU-Assoziierungsabkommens der Ukraine beträchtlichen wirtschaftlichen und sozialen Schaden zugefügt hätte. Dass Berlin die Ukraine in seine Hegemonialsphäre einbinden solle und daher in einer „Integrationskonkurrenz mit Moskau“ stehe, wird im außenpolitischen Establishment der Bundesrepublik auch weiterhin bekräftigt.

08.01.2014 - 18:35 [ Peter Dale Scott / Lars Schall ]

Das Doomsday-Projekt und Tiefenereignisse: JFK, Watergate, Iran-Contra und 9/11

„Ich weiß, dass die Fähigkeit, um die Tyrannei in Amerika komplett zu machen, da ist, und wir müssen dafür sorgen, dass diese Behörde [die National Security Agency] und alle Behörden, die diese Technologie besitzen, im Rahmen des Gesetzes und unter Aufsicht operieren, so dass wir nie über diesen Abgrund hinaus gehen. Das ist der Abgrund, von dem aus es keine Rückkehr gibt.”

– Senator Frank Church (1975)

Ich möchte vier große und schlecht verstandene Ereignisse besprechen – das John-F.- Kennedy-Attentat, Watergate, Iran-Contra und 9/11. Ich werde diese Tiefenereignisse als Teil eines tieferen politischen Prozesses analysieren, der sie verbindet; ein Prozess, der dazu beigetragen hat, repressive Macht in Amerika auf Kosten der Demokratie aufzubauen.

08.01.2014 - 18:15 [ Watts Up With That? ]

Could this study on honesty and government service explain the EPA climateer fraud and ‘Climategate’ ?

A new paper published the National Bureau of Economic Research has given an insight that may explain some of the personal decisions that led to the recent EPA corruption fiasco Massive fraud at the EPA from agency’s top paid climate official (where a top climate specialist defrauded the taxpayers out of millions of dollars and made wild claims about being on CIA missions) and to Climategate, since I see some significant parallels between the two and this study. Links to a story about the paper and the paper itself follow.

08.01.2014 - 17:55 [ Ansa ]

Police take child away from ‚parasite‘ mother

Judges said that the 38-year-old mother, who has Romanian origins, “places enormous limits on her work availability“, thereby putting the child‘s “psychosocial health and growth prospects at risk“. (…)

The Italian newspaper Il Secolo XIX, however, reports that the woman works as a caregiver and officially receives 200 euros monthly, plus extra under-the-table, but still has to make use of social services to get by.

08.01.2014 - 17:53 [ Daniel Seidemann / Guardian ]

The myth of an undivided Jerusalem is collapsing under its own weight

As John Kerry‘s Israeli-Palestinian peace initiative moves into a decisive stage, two Jerusalem truths are becoming crystal clear. First, either the two-state solution will also take place within Jerusalem, or there will be no two-state solution at all. Second, any attempt to reach a permanent status agreement regarding Jerusalem that ignores the already existing, deeply rooted urban realities of this bi-national and divided city is doomed to failure.

08.01.2014 - 17:50 [ Techdirt ]

Huawei‘s Global Head Of Cyber Security Wants The Government ‚To Have As Much Data As Possible‘

In Der Spiegel‘s recent revelations about the far-reaching nature of the NSA‘s spykit, it mentions several US companies, Samsung from South Korea, and one from China — Huawei. Like the others, Huawei denied any knowledge of the modifications to its products that Der Spiegel claims are used by the NSA to break into systems. This isn‘t the first time that the finger has been pointed at Huawei. Some years back, Huawei was accused of facilitating spying for the Chinese government, but after an 18-month investigation, no evidence was found of this. That fact allowed John Suffolk, Global Head of Cyber Security for Huawei and the former UK Government CIO, to enjoy the irony of Snowden‘s leaks about backdoors in US products:

08.01.2014 - 17:09 [ Hands of Mother Earth ]

Sulphate Aerosols & Artificial volcanoes

Although the idea of artificial volcanoes was first proposed in 1977, the concept has undergone refinement in recent years. Scientists estimate that a 2% reduction of sunlight could negate the temperature-rise resulting from of a doubling of atmospheric CO2.

08.01.2014 - 17:04 [ Wikipedia ]

Solar radiation management

Several authors have proposed dispersing light before it reaches the Earth by putting a very large diffraction grating (thin wire mesh) or lens in space, perhaps at the L1 point between the Earth and the Sun. Using a Fresnel lens in this manner was proposed in 1989 by J. T. Early.[65] Using a diffraction grating was proposed in 1997 by Edward Teller, Lowell Wood, and Roderick Hyde.[12] In 2004, physicist and science fiction author Gregory Benford calculated that a concave rotating Fresnel lens 1000 kilometres across, yet only a few millimeters thick, floating in space at the L1 point, would reduce the solar energy reaching the Earth by approximately 0.5% to 1%. He estimated that this would cost around US$10 billion up front, and another $10 billion in supportive cost during its lifespan.[66] One issue with implementing such a solution is the need to counteract the effects of the solar wind moving such megastructures out of position. Side-effects include that, if this lens were built and global warming were avoided, there would be less incentive to reduce greenhouse gases, and humans might continue to produce too much carbon dioxide until it caused some other environmental catastrophe, such as an chemical change in ocean water that could be disastrous to ocean life.[67]

08.01.2014 - 17:02 [ Huffington Post ]

Climate Change-Busting ‚Artificial Volcano‘ Might Actually Be A Disaster (STUDY)

Scientists believe that a plan to use a massive ‚artificial volcano‘ to shoot billions of light-reflecting particles into the atmosphere, in an attempt to try and reverse global warming, might not be the greatest idea in the world.

The „geo-engineering“ plan would have catastrophic consequences for the world, they have warned.

08.01.2014 - 16:53 [ Truth Revolt ]

Al Sharpton Demonstrates He‘s Clueless About Global Warming

MSNBC‘s Politics Nation on Friday featured a lab coat-wearing Al Sharpton pontificating about global warming. Instead of using real facts, the racial-agitator turned faux-scientist tried to exploit the „everybody believes it‘s real“ argument to attack those who disagree with the anthropogenic global warming theory.

08.01.2014 - 16:52 [ Watts Up With That? ]

How much do you want to bet global warming causes sharknadoes?

This is actually a movie in production with a cast. I can’t tell yet if its an eco-thriller in the Day After Tomorrow genre or high camp of the Plan 9 From Outer Space genre. Whatever it is, the poster and DVD cover artwork says it all.

08.01.2014 - 16:50 [ Sunday Times / Fox News ]

World May Not Be Warming, Say Scientists

(15.02.2010) „The story is the same for each one,“ he said. „The popular data sets show a lot of warming but the apparent temperature rise was actually caused by local factors affecting the weather stations, such as land development.“

The IPCC faces similar criticisms from Ross McKitrick, professor of economics at the University of Guelph, Canada, who was invited by the panel to review its last report. The experience turned him into a strong critic and he has since published a research paper questioning its methods.

08.01.2014 - 16:47 [ Anthony Watts / Watts Up With That? ]

Watch the USA in ‘polar vortex’ deep freeze – live

This map below updates every hour, and shows city temperatures along with temperature gradients. Can you believe 18F in Atlanta (midday) at the time of this writing? Low temperature records are being shattered in many USA cities with cold records outnumbering warm records almost 5 to 1. This thread will update with weather news as it happens.

08.01.2014 - 15:38 [ CCTV Africa / Youtube ]

Migrant protests in Israel enter third day

Thousands of African migrants gather in Central Israel for a third consecutive day to protest Israeli government policy of round up and detention. There are sixty thousand migrants in Israel and protestors say they persist in their public appeal until detentions stop and they gain social status. Stephanie Freid reports

08.01.2014 - 15:16 [ Basis-Film Verleih Berlin / Youtube ]

Land in Sicht – Original Kinotrailer

Abdul, Brian und Farid sind in einem abgelegenen Asylbewerberheim im kleinen Ort Belzig gestrandet. Von hier aus suchen sie nach Wegen in die deutsche Gesellschaft. Auf Dorffesten, Ämtern und Diskotheken prallen ihre Vorstellungen von Deutschland mit den Mentalitäten der Brandenburger aufeinander. Anstelle von Betroffenheit rückt LAND IN SICHT die unfreiwillige Komik dieses Aufeinandertreffen in den Blick.

08.01.2014 - 15:00 [ Market Watch ]

Expert sees a ‘dialogue of the deaf’ as Lew goes to Germany

Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew will go to Germany on Wednesday to push the new coalition government to boost demand in order help the recovery of its weaker euro-zone partners, but the advice will likely go unheeded, said Desmond Lachman, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, in an interview Monday.