Utrecht, December 2013
IKV Pax Christi has strived to achieve the highest level of accuracy in our
reporting. However, at this point, there is still a marked lack of official
information available in the public domain about the use, production,
transfer, and stockpiling of cluster munitions, as well as about investments
in companies that produce cluster munitions…
Daily Archives: 31. Dezember 2013
2013 in Review: CDA 230 and Recurring Threats to Strong Online Speech Protections
As the year draws to a close, EFF is looking back at the major trends influencing digital rights in 2013 and discussing where we are in the fight for free expression, innovation, fair use, and privacy. Click here to read other blog posts in this series.
Big Space Missions to Watch in 2014
The International Space Station will play host to five crews through the course of 2014. The Expedition 38 crew currently staffs the $100 billion orbiting outpost, with Expedition 39 launching in March. Expeditions 40 through 42 are also scheduled to live aboard the station before the year is finished.
Counting Down to the End of the Death Penalty
The start of a new year always presents an opportunity to think back on the successes and failures of the past year and to look forward to the future with a sense of hope and optimism. Before the countdown begins to 2014, let’s take a moment to reflect on the progress we’ve made towards abolition of the death penalty in 2013. We’ve got a lot to celebrate.
Jason Ditz / antiwar news – Afghanische Regierung entlässt 650 Gefangene aus Bagram
Die jahrelangen Bedenken der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, Bagram der afghanischen Regierung zu übergeben, drehten sich darum, was es bedeuten würde, wenn die Gefangenen in der Folge Zugang zu ordentlichen Gerichten bekommen. Im Nachhinein lässt sich viel leichter erkennen, warum das so war.
Putin Says He‘s Ready for Dialogue in New Year‘s Letter to Obama
“The events of the past year clearly demonstrated how, acting in the spirit of partnership and on the basis of respecting one another, Russia and the United States are capable of making a real input into supporting global stability, resolving some of the most difficult international problems,” the Kremlin quoted Putin as saying in a statement.
The Year of the Leaker
But there was another side of the story that was hidden behind a veil of U.S. government secrecy. For years, the CIA and the White House had been funneling money through the Catholic Church into Nicaragua to destabilize the government. In effect, the Reagan administration had an inside-outside game going, Cardinal Obando and a group of right-wing Catholic priests were spreading around money to subvert Nicaragua from the inside while the Contra rebels were inflicting bloody havoc from the outside.
Sea Shepherd opposes the culling of a protected species off Western Australian coasts
Putting things into perspective
The top 20 things that on average kill people more than sharks each year:
Obesity – kills 30,000 people annually
Lightning – kills 10,000 people annually
Texting while driving kills 6,000 people annually
Hippopotamus – kill 2,900 people annually
Airplanes – kill 1,200 people annually
Volcanoes – kill 845 people annually
Falling out of bed – kills 450 people annually
Bathtubs – kill 340 people annually
Deer – kill 130 people annually
Falling icicles – kill 100 people annually just in Russia
Hot dogs – kill 70 children annually
Jelly fish – kill 40 people annually
Dogs – kill 30 people annually – just in the USA
Ants – kill 30 people annually
USA High school football – kills 20 people annually
Vending machine falling on people when they shake them – kills 13 people annually
Roller coasters – kill 6 people annually
SHARKS – kill 5 people annually
Take Four Minutes To Reflect On Your Place In The Cosmos
So it‘s New Year‘s Eve again and that means resolutions — resolutions to stop this and resolutions to start that. We resolve to be thinner, to get stronger, to focus more, to be spontaneous. But regardless of our resolutions and regardless of our ability to achieve those resolutions, our lives on this lonely cosmic outpost, this „,“ continue on.
Chinese Muslims Freed From Guantanamo Ten Years After Being Found Innocent
The last of 22 Uighurs, a largely Muslim ethnic group concentrated in Western China, were freed from Guantanamo Bay, according to an announcement from the Pentagon on Tuesday. Their freedom comes ten years after the U.S. military determined that the men posed no threat to American national security.
Hartz IV-Regelleistungen: Tausende ohne Geld
Eine offizielle Bestätigung seitens der Bundesagentur für Arbeit für die verspäteten Überweisungen gibt es nicht. Ursächlich für die verspätete Überweisung können verschiedene Begebenheiten sein. Zum einen kommt es regelmäßig zu Verzögerungen, wenn die Regelleistungen umgestellt werden. Zum Jahresbeginn erhöhen sich die Regelsätze 2,27 Prozent.
Pittsburgh woman loses arm after alleged police brutality and jail neglect
Needham was arrested on a warrant in April because she failed to appear at a preliminary hearing on charges of simple assault, resisting arrest and disorderly conduct.
Chaos Communication Congress: „Ausgerechnet 1968 wurde das Grundgesetz schäbig geändert“
Betreff: Strafanzeige gegen Rechtsanwalt Thomas Urmann
Hiermit erstatten wir Strafanzeige wegen sämtlicher in Betracht kommender Straftatbestände gegen Herrn Rechtsanwalt Thomas Urmann.
Der Strafanzeige liegt folgender Sachverhalt zu Grunde: Der Beschuldigte ist Geschäftsführer der U + C Rechtsanwälte URMANN + COLLEGEN Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH. Die vorgenannte Kanzlei hat Anfang des Monats Dezember im Auftrag der in der Schweiz ansässigen Firma The Archive AG im großen Stil Abmahnungen an Nutzer der Internet-Plattform Redtube verschickt. Sämtliche Abmahnungen sind – soweit hier bekannt –
von Rechtsanwalt Urmann unterzeichnet.
Berlin Law Firm Files Criminal Complaint Against Copyright Troll U+C Alleging Its Demand Letters Are Fraudulent
Red flags were raised by a handful of German lawyers who noted that almost everything about U+C‘s actions bordered on illegal. At the very least, U+C couldn‘t demand payment for activity not considered to be infringement by the German courts. The backlash began there.
Polynyas are very important for marine life and cooling the oceans
Many people think that once a sea freezes, it is one complete sheet. In reality, there are several open areas that never freeze. One such area is a polynya (common US spelling) or polynia (common UK spelling). It is a loanword from Russian: полынья (polynya), which refers to a natural ice hole, and was adopted in the 19th century by polar explorers to describe navigable portions of the sea.
Polynyas are large, persistent regions of open water and thin ice that occur within much thicker pack ice, at locations where climatologically, thick pack ice would be expected.
Die meisten von euch haben hoffentlich schon wahrgenommen, dass Politik im Wesentlichen nicht von den Ministern gemacht wird, sondern von den Staatssekretären.
Was vielleicht nicht jeder wusste: Auf EU-Ebene ist das genau so, und die ganzen Staatssekretäre sind CDU-Maulwürfe.
B’Tselem reviews 2013: 5-year high in number of Palestinian fatalities in West Bank
In contrast to the situation from 2003 to 2012 when most Palestinian fatalities occurred in the Gaza Strip, in 2013 the majority of Palestinian fatalities occurred in the West Bank. According to the data for the past year, Israeli security forces killed 27 Palestinians in the West Bank in 21 separate incidents and nine Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in seven incidents. (..)
In contrast, in 2012, Israeli security forces killed 8 Palestinians in the West Bank and 246 in the Gaza Strip (including 167 during Operation Pillar of Defense), of whom 104 who were not taking part in the hostilities.
Israeli ministers back Jordan Valley annexation ahead of John Kerry visit
Kerry is due to arrive on Thursday for meetings with the Israeli prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, and the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, in his 10th visit to the region since March.
War, weather, bureaucracy cause Syria to miss chemical weapons deadline
The Special Coordinator of the OPCW-UN Joint Mission, Sigrid Kaag, told Reuters in Damascus on Monday that the OPCW is „comfortable in the knowledge that all the work is about to be completed“ but she did not say how long the delay will last.
Kaag said on Sunday the deadline will not be met, citing technical delays, and she said on Monday there had been delays at customs without elaborating further.
Iranian official reports progress in nuclear talks with powers
Six world powers and Iran have made good progress in expert talks in Geneva on how to roll out last month‘s landmark nuclear deal which obliges Tehran to suspend its most sensitive atom work, a senior Iranian official said on Tuesday.
Dell‘s Twitter Account Apologizes For The ‚Inconvenience‘ Of Helping NSA Install Spyware
In case you can‘t read that, Wismeijer complained on Twitter about finding out that his Dell server is bugged by the NSA (which might be an exaggeration…) and included the @DellCares account in his tweet. That account wrote:
„Thank you for reaching out and regret the inconvenience. Our colleagues at @dellcarespro will be able to help you out.“
Greek PM Samaras New Year’s message: Things will only get better
Of course, the questions are: Why the coalition government shrinks in recent public opinion polls and main opposition is constantly ahead, why 56% of Greeks declare “they would leave the country if they had the chance to”, and why 69% say that “the worst is ahead”?
The answer is simple: because all the public opinion polls took place before Samaras’ New Years’ message
Desmond Tutu On Animal Welfare: We Must Fight Injustice To Animals
Archbishop Desmond Tutu seeks social justice for everyone– including animals.
A delegation from Australia‘s WikiLeaks party has met with high-ranking Syrian officials, including President Bashar al-Assad.
A delegation from Australia‘s WikiLeaks party has met with high-ranking Syrian officials, including President Bashar al-Assad.
The Department of Foreign Affairs has warned Australians from travelling to Syria because of the ongoing conflict.
The delegates, among them Julian Assange‘s father John Shipton, say the trip last week was aimed at promote peace and reconciliation.
WikiLeaks spokesperson and human rights academic Gerry Georgatos told Biwa Kwan the delegation has made some headway in promoting peace and reconciliation.
Booming Solar Energy Halted by Hawaii Utility Because Sun Produces Too Much Power!
Hawaiian residents are investing their own money to save longterm costs and the environment. The result is that they are producing a surplus of solar energy beyond what they can use in their homes. This extra energy is supposed to be diverted back into the power grid to save money on HECO‘s reliance on oil and to reduce global warming.
Now the US does have an aged electrical grid and HECO makes the claim that the surge in solar energy production by homeowners is creating safety problems:
Kuba steigert Produktion von Solar-Paneelen
Insgesamt wurden über 40.000 Photovoltaikmodule in zwei Hauptformaten – 185 und 240 Watt – hergestellt, die zusammen insgesamt neun Megawatt Strom erzeugen können.
Monopolistic Utilities Know Renewable Energy Will Cut Their Profits, So They Stall It
There‘s one overhwelming dirigible-size reason for-profit (and often monopolistic) utility companies — that transmit and sell most of America‘s energy — generally discourage, if not crush, residential solar (and other renewable) energy: fear of large scale loss of profit.
British ex-spy launches foundation to support whistleblowers
“So many journalists write so many stories, but what happens to the whistleblowers? They’re left swinging in the wind,” Machon said in a speech at the Chaos Communication Congress (CCC) in Hamburg at the weekend. “If they can’t survive the process of coming forward, then we will not have these people.”
NSA warnt vor gigantischem Sprengstoffanschlag in Deutschland
Ist die flächendeckende Überwachung durch die NSA doch für etwas gut? Der US-Geheimdienst hat heute die deutschen Behörden vor einem gewaltigen Sprengstoffanschlag gewarnt, der bereits in naher Zukunft auf deutschem Boden stattfinden soll. Besonders erschreckend: Offensichtlich sind weite Teile der Bevölkerung in die Vorbereitungen involviert.
How the New Great Game Will be Played
The big story of 2014 will be Iran. Of course, the big story of the early 21st century will never stop being US-China, but it’s in 2014 that we will know whether a comprehensive accord transcending the Iranian nuclear program is attainable; and in this case the myriad ramifications will affect all that’s in play in the New Great Game in Eurasia, including US-China.
As it stands, we have an interim deal of the P5+1 (the UN Security Council’s five permanent members plus Germany) with Iran, and no deal between the US and Afghanistan.
The 30C3, To Protect and Infect, The Militarization of the Internet Jacob Appelbaum @ioerror, 30 December 2013 NSA catalog pages from video
NSA catalog pages from video
30c3: To Protect And Infect, Part 2
by: Jacob „@ioerror“ Applebaum
Identifiable Images of Bystanders Extracted from Corneal Reflections
By zooming in on high-resolution face photographs, we were able to recover images of unseen bystanders from reflections in the subjects‘ eyes.
This Week, Mass Surveillance Wins
(27.12.) The government’s claim that the program is constitutional rests on a 1979 Supreme Court case, Smith v. Maryland, which held that a robbery suspect had no expectation of privacy — and no Fourth Amendment protection — in the telephone numbers he dialed. Judge Leon found the Smith decision to be inapplicable to a daily, indiscriminate sweep of hundreds of millions of phone records. Judge Pauley, however, said its logic still applied.
Ruling In Favor Of NSA‘s Program Relied On Claims In 9/11 Report That Aren‘t Actually In That Report
The more people look at the ruling last week by Judge William Pauley saying that the NSA‘s bulk metadata collection is legal, the more perplexed they become. We noted multiple problems with the ruling last week, but at almost every turn is evidence that Judge Pauley not only came into the court with his decision already set, but that he took the government‘s claims at face value, even when they were flat-out factually incorrect — and which could have been easily checked. We already noted that Pauley‘s argument that 9/11 could have been prevented with such a metadata collection had been widely debunked, but it‘s worse than that. Pauley‘s ruling cites the 9/11 Commission report for this particular argument. There‘s a big problem with that. The 9/11 Commission report doesn‘t even mention the story that Judge Pauley claims is in the report.
About Me
My journey in becoming a Jungian analyst began over twenty-five years ago when I became interested in mythology and the writings of Joseph Campbell. It was through Campbell’s writings that I discovered the works of Carl Jung. I was fascinated that Jung believed in both the light and dark sides of the psyche, and that he had discovered a self regulation process of the psyche.
I am also very interested in our relationship to Nature, and how by reconnecting to Nature, we rediscover a sense of wholeness within ourselves. Jung called this archetype of wholeness, the Self. I believe that by connecting to the Self we also reconnect to Nature. Ultimately our inner world and our outer world are one world.
J.T. Kiehl
Jeffrey T. Kiehl, Ph.D. is a senior scientist at NCAR, where he heads the Climate Change Research Section. Over the past 30 years he has carried out research on a wide range of scientific questions regarding anthropogenic climate change. He has published over one hundred articles on topics including the effects of greenhouse gases on Earth’s climate, the effects of stratospheric ozone depletion on climate, and the effects of aerosols on the climate system. He is the co-author of Frontiers of Climate Modeling published by Cambridge University Press. His most recent research has been on Earth’s deep past climates and what they can tell us about future climate change. He is currently developing research into Earth’s hydrological cycle and also the topic of climate change effects on biodiversity. He is also participating in projects to better communicate climate change science to the public.
Cancelling the Tropical Cancellation
There’s a much-cited paper (129 citations) from 1994 called “On the Observed Near Cancellation between Longwave and Shortwave Cloud Forcing in Tropical Regions” by J. T. Kiehl (hereinafter Kiehl1994), available here. The paper makes the following claim (emphasis mine):
MSM finally gets that the sun’s magnetic field has flipped
While we’ve known about this for quite some time at WUWT, going back to August 2013, the story is now starting to make the rounds in the MSM.
And, NASA has created a cool visualization of the event. Video follows. From the NASA video description:
Exclusive: China may raise Iran oil imports with new contract: sources
China may buy more Iranian oil next year as a state trader is negotiating a new light crude contract that could raise imports from Tehran to levels not seen since tough Western sanctions were imposed in 2012, running the risk of upsetting Washington.
Death toll in Congo attacks rises to 100: government
Mukungubila, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2006, said the attacks were in response to government harassment of his supporters.
Armed youths attacked the airport, a military barracks and the state television headquarters in Kinshasa on Monday before being repulsed by troops. The government had earlier said dozens were killed.
Berlusconi vows to fight on
„I am an old man, I cannot permit myself to end my human adventure, my history as a businessman, of a sportsman, of a statesman, as a loser“, Berlusconi said in a telephone call to the Turin chapter of Forza Italia.
UK Porn Filter Blocks Porn Filter Advocate Claire Perry‘s Website [Updated]
Tim Worstall at Forbes points out (via the Independent) that the overenthusiastic filter is sealing off access to the very people and entities who pushed so hard to make this catastrophe a reality.
Former Pop Star Angry At Google News For Providing Relevant Search Results
It appears we have another contestant willing to try his luck at a round of Making Things Worse by misunderstanding (deliberately or otherwise) How Google Works.
U.S. denies forces involved in possible arrest of Tunisia militant
„U.S. forces were not involved in any operations regarding Ansar Al Sharia leader Abou Iyadh today in Libya,“ a spokesman for U.S. Africa Command said.
Tunisia‘s state news agency TAP said that U.S. and Libyan forces captured Saifallah Benahssine, the leader of Tunisia‘s Islamist militant group Ansar al-Sharia and a veteran of Afghanistan who is also known as Abu Iyad, in the Libyan city of Misrata on Monday.
Das beste Webradio 2013
Kein Computer, kein Historiker kann sich messen mit dieser Ultraperformance konzertierter, neuronaler Verknüpfungen zu den musikalischen Datenbanken, die Geschichte sind und diese seit Jahrhunderten begleiten und neu aufmischen.
Ein bemerkenswerter, progressiver Impuls aus den Niederlanden. Alle Achtung! Eine Bastion gegen Patentbegehrlichkeiten transatlantischer Natur. Aber so sind nun mal die internationalistischen Seefahrer. Hollands progressive Kräfte haben die Welt auf dem Radar und pfeifen dem Kolonialismus mannigfaltige Melodeien…
Netherlands – Sixteen
Netherlands‘ video for „Sixteen,“ from their album Silicon Vapor. Directed by Allison Berkoy.
Chris Thile & Michael Daves „Cold Rain and Snow“
Well I married me a wife, shes been trouble all my life
Run me out in the cold rain and snow
Rain and snow, run me out in the cold rain and snow
Well shes coming down the stairs, combin back her yellow hair
And I aint goin be treated this ol way
Well she went up to her room where she sang her faithful tune
Well Im goin where those chilly winds dont blow
„Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001: IV. Presto“ – Chris Thile
Chris Thile performs Bach‘s „Sonata No. 1 in G minor, BWV 1001: IV. Presto“ during the September 21, 2013 broadcast
Letter: We must nurture peace
I served in the military for seven years, and the VA for another 10. I saw both the physical and psychological wounds of war…As Americans, so few of us serve that the nation has a convenient amnesia that we are even at war. We don’t realize how the war mentality affects us all. Humanity must turn from Apocalypse Now thinking to the active nurturing of peace in our public debate and our private lives.
The world is a stage
The world community must admit that war is no more a solution to their problems and can be resolved peacefully. The growing political and social tension in different regions of the world can be lessened only by arranging and highlighting such activities. Political parties and state institutions should also promote ‘conciliatory’ politics. Consequently, such initiatives should be highlighted as they promote mutual understanding and exchange ideas and cultural and literary heritage of different countries. Such peace moots should be held not only in Pakistan but across the world so that they may serve as a platform to enhance not only bilateral relations between the countries but overall relations in general as well.
The world community must come to know that although Pakistan is a victim of this ‘War on Terror’ it still believes in the peaceful resolution of problems. Besides, the government should recognize its responsibility and endeavor to organize such events on regular basis, to promote peace and harmony not only among its own people but among the world community as a whole.
44 Iraq MPs resign after protest camp cleared
In December 2011, guards of vice president Tareq al-Hashemi, another prominent Sunni politician, were arrested and accused of terrorism. Hashemi fled Iraq and has since been given multiple death sentences in absentia for charges including murder.
US-Regierung verweigert Auskunft über CIA-Einsatz in Ecuador
Außenminister Patiño hatte Botschafter Namm am vergangenen Freitag einbestellt, um ihm „die Sorge der Regierung“ über die von der Washington Post veröffentlichten Informationen zu übermitteln, nach denen die CIA an der Militäroperation Kolumbiens in Ecuador am 1. März 2008 beteiligt war.
Tragisches Jahr für Journalismus in Lateinamerika und der Karibik
Mexiko und Brasilien führen die Liste mit jeweils sieben ermordeten Journalisten und Medienarbeitern an, für Mexiko sind zudem vier Fälle des Verschwindenlassens registriert. Es folgen Guatemala, Kolumbien und Honduras mit vier Fällen in jedem Land, Ecuador, Peru und Nikaragua mit je einem Fall. Darüber hinaus zählt die Kommission hunderte versuchte Attentate, Morddrohungen und verschiedenste Angriffe gegen Journalisten.