„Keine Soldaten, keine Hilfe“
Daily Archives: 27. Dezember 2013
Standing ovations for @ggreenwald #30c3
Keynote Glenn Greenwald 30C3
Keynote Glenn Greenwald 30C3
Enthüller Greenwald beim CCC: „Sie wollen die Privatsphäre eliminieren“
Hier spricht ein Mann auf einer Mission.
9-11 families can sue Saudi Arabia, court rules
(20.12.) „It is extremely unfortunate and burdensome that a sovereign nation and ally of the United States will continue to have to litigate this matter more than 10 years after it was filed,“ attorney Michael Kellogg said.
The lawsuits were brought in 2002 and afterward against countries, companies and organizations accused of aiding al-Qaida and other terrorist groups. They sought billions of dollars in damages.
Chris Hedges on Capitalism and the Resistance
The following presentation was given at the West End Cultural Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba , Canada on September 21, 2013. CKUW and Global Research would like to thank the West End Cultural Centre, as well as Canadian Dimension Magazine and the Uniter weekly journal who sponsored Hedges’s visit to winnipeg and supplied the audio of his talk.
Federal judge: NSA phone surveillance legal
The decision by U.S. District Judge William Pauley contrasts with a ruling earlier this month by U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon and increases the likelihood that the issue will go before the U.S. Supreme Court.
Angeklagter Binalshibh soll unzurechnungsfähig sein
Das Gutachten sei aus dem Jahre 2009, aber erst jetzt bekanntgeworden, schreibt das Blatt.
New delay hits 9/11 case at Guantanamo
Until a doctor determines if he is mentally fit to stand trial, no other pretrial issues can be addressed in the case. „You‘ve raised that in good faith and that‘s got to be resolved before anything else,“ Pohl told the prosecutors.
The judge adjourned a pretrial hearing that had been scheduled to run through Friday and said the court would tentatively re-convene for the next scheduled hearing in February.
Guantánamo guards remove 9/11 defendant from court — twice — after noisy protests
(17.12.) At issue is the long-running complaint by Bin al Shibh that guards cause vibrations and other noises at his Camp 7 cell in a form of military orchestrated sleep deprivation. Prosecutors deny the misbehavior has occurred at the clandestine prison camp run by a special guard force called Task Force Platinum.
This summer, Pohl ordered the prison to stop it, if it was happening. (..)
After Tuesday afternoon’s outburst, judge Pohl put defense attorneys on notice that there was a risk that a defendant who says anything more than “yes” and “no” could spill classified information during the court proceedings.
All in play in the New Great Game
By Pepe Escobar
The big story of 2014 will be Iran. Of course, the big story of the early 21st century will never stop being US-China, but it‘s in 2014 that we will know whether a comprehensive accord transcending the Iranian nuclear program is attainable; and in this case the myriad ramifications will affect all that‘s in play in the New Great Game in Eurasia, including US-China.
DNI Announces the Declassification of the Existence of Collection Activities Authorized by President George W. Bush Shortly After the Attacks of September 11, 2001
December 21, 2013
Yesterday, the Director of National Intelligence (“DNI”) announced the declassification of the existence of collection activities authorized by President George W. Bush shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001.
Starting on October 4, 2001, President Bush authorized the Secretary of Defense to employ the capabilities of the Department of Defense, including the National Security Agency (“NSA”), to collect foreign intelligence by electronic surveillance in order to detect and prevent acts of terrorism within the United States. President Bush authorized NSA to collect: (1) the contents of certain international communications, a program that was later referred to as the Terrorist Surveillance Program (“TSP”), and (2) telephony and Internet non-content information (referred to as “metadata”) in bulk, subject to various conditions.
President Bush issued authorizations approximately every 30-60 days. Although the precise terms changed over time, each presidential authorization required the minimization of information collected concerning American citizens to the extent consistent with the effective accomplishment of the mission of detection and prevention of acts of terrorism within the United States. NSA also applied additional internal constraints on the presidentially-authorized activities.
Over time, the presidentially-authorized activities transitioned to the authority of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA”). The collection of communications content pursuant to presidential authorization ended in January 2007 when the U.S. Government transitioned the TSP to the authority of the FISA and under the orders of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (“FISC”). In August 2007, Congress enacted the Protect America Act (“PAA”) as a temporary measure. The PAA, which expired in February 2008, was replaced by the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which was enacted in July 2008 and remains in effect. Today, content collection is conducted pursuant to section 702 of FISA.
Astronauts Are Installing a ‚Nearly Live Google Earth,‘ And You Can Watch Them Now
It won‘t be long before you can download video of Earth from hundreds of miles above, thanks to Canadian company UrtheCast, which is providing a camera currently being installed by a pair of Russian astronauts outside of the International Space Station. According to George Tyc, Chief Technology Officer of UrtheCast, the camera will function as a „nearly live Google Earth,“ featuring continuously refreshed video of interesting areas where interesting events are going on, showing you what is changing, what is going on.“
Pair of Canadian space cameras installed at orbiting space lab
Russian astronauts Oleg Kotov and Sergei Ryazansky are expected to take about seven hours to install the two-high resolution cameras developed by Vancouver-based UrtheCast Corp. (TSX:UR).
The cameras — one shoots photos, the other streams video — are expected to begin transmitting high-definition images of the Earth on the Internet early next year.
Polizeiauto scannt Autokennzeichen
Der Prototyp eines intelligenten Streifenwagens in New York ist seit einem Jahr im Einsatz, scannt alle Autokennzeichen und sendet die Daten an die Zentrale. Videoaufzeichnungen und künftig auch Gesichtserkennung sind möglich. Gelöscht wird bisher nichts. Das Programm begann im Jahr 2011 mit einer Beratung von McKinsey & Co für die NYPD, um die Roadmap für das nächste Jahrzehnt zu entwerfen.
Das Programm begann im Jahr 2011 mit einer Beratung von McKinsey & Co für die NYPD, um die Roadmap für das nächste Jahrzehnt zu entwerfen.
U.N. experts urge U.S., Yemen to explain erroneous drone strikes
„Yemen cannot consent to violations of the right to life of people in its territory,“ he added. Juan Mendez, U.N. special rapporteur on torture, voiced concern about the legitimacy of the airstrikes. Each state was obliged to undertake due investigation into the reported incidents, including their effect on civilians, he said.
Premier Asarow empört: EU hält sich aus Modernisierung ukrainischer Gaspipelines heraus
„Warum erweckt dieses System, das für Europa von strategischer Bedeutung ist, bei den Europäern kein Interesse? Warum muss die Ukraine diese Kosten alleine tragen“, empörte sich der Premier. Er verwies darauf, dass die ukrainischen Transitpipelines seit 30 Jahren nicht mehr modernisiert worden seien.
Bereits 2009 hatten die Ukraine und die EU eine Deklaration über die gemeinsame Modernisierung des ukrainischen Pipeline-Netzes unterzeichnet. Geplant war, mehrere Milliarden Euro in das Projekt zu investieren und einen transparenten Gasmarkt zu schaffen.
OPCW: Syrien liegt bei Chemiewaffen-Vernichtung vor dem Plan
Syrien kommt bei der Vernichtung seiner C-Waffen schnell voran. Wie die Organisation für das Verbot chemischer Waffen (OPCW) am Freitag mitteilte, hat die Regierung in Damaskus die gesamte leere Munition bereits völlig vernichtet. Die Deadline war der 31. Dezember.
Zudem legte Syrien bereits am 16. Dezember dem OPCW-Sekretariat einen Plan zur Vernichtung von Isopropanol und Senfgas vor – 16 Tage vor dem festgesetzten Termin. Darüber hinaus bestätigten die OPCW- und UN-Experten vor Ort, dass die leeren Behälter für chemische Waffen, die die syrische Regierung deklariert hatte, zu 64 Prozent vernichtet sind.
FREIHEIT STATT ANGST – Aufruf zur Demonstration in Hamburg
Die Piratenpartei Deutschland ruft zur Teilnahme an der durch den Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung [1] zum 30. Chaos Communication Congress #30C3 [2] am Samstag, dem 28. Dezember 2013 in Hamburg organisierten Demonstration auf.
Torrent temptation: EU Parliament, Vatican, Hollywood download pirated content
Despite global efforts to curb copyright infringement, the temptation to use BitTorrent sites to download free movies and TV shows is too strong for employees in the EU Parliament, the Vatican, the US House of Representatives, and some Hollywood studios.
The new information was revealed by TorrentFreak, which used a tracking outfit called ScanEye to identify those illegally downloading files in some rather surprising places.
The website reported that EU Parliament employees have shown keen interest in downloading pirated movies and TV shows while at work. Dozens of recent “hits” entered from EU Parliament IP addresses on several BitTorrent trackers revealed that employees have downloaded pirated versions of new movies such as ‘Elysium’ and ‘Monsters vs. Aliens.’ They also appear to be fans of classic flicks such as ‘The Ten Commandments,’ as well as popular television shows such as ‘Breaking Bad.’
The same illegal activity also made its way into the Vatican, with movies such as ‘Billy Elliot’ being downloaded along with TV series such as ‘Camp.’
Even some Hollywood studios – including Paramount Pictures – made it on the list, with employees illegally downloading ‘Shame’ and ‘Mad Men.’
Occupy Madison builds first house in planned eco-village for the homeless
The protest group, which grew out of the Occupy Wall Street movement to protest wealth inequality, put together teams of volunteers to build two houses using a basic blueprint that can be adapted to fit the creators’ tastes.
Poll Finds Strong National Support For Extending Unemployment Benefits
Overall, 55 percent of Americans believe the Emergency Unemployment Compensation (EUC) program should be extended compared to 34 percent who say it should end, the Hart Research Associates poll found.
Das Geheimnis der Bäume – Kinofilm über das Naturwunder Regenwald
Warum verteidigen Ameisen riesenhafte Bäume? Wie wehrt sich die Passionsblume gegen gefräßige Raupen? Wie ist überhaupt der Urwald entstanden? In seinem neuen Film nimmt uns Oscar-Preisträger Luc Jacquet („Die Reise der Pinguine“) mit auf die Reise durch ein erstaunliches Universum – den Regenwald.
Ab 2. Januar 2014 im Kino
2014 – ein bitteres Jahr für Nestle, Monsanto & Co
Unsere bald 300.000 Unterschriften für den Stopp der Verhandlungen werden sehr ernst genommen: EU-Handelskommissar De Gucht will uns im neuen Jahr persönlich empfangen und unsere Kritik anhören.
Egyptian govt threatens Brotherhood leaders with death sentences
The decree comes after five are wounded in a bus bombing, amid escalating rhetoric against the Muslim Brotherhood
#30C3 Chaos Computer Club Kongress 2013, Livestreams und Termine / schedule.
„Frau Merkel, Sie haben uns den Banken ausgeliefert“
Rede von Sahra Wagenknecht in der Bundestagsdebatte am 18.12.2013 zur Regierungserklärung zum EU-Gipfel am 19./20.12.2013
South Sudan‘s Kiir to skip Nairobi crisis talks with African leaders
South Sudanese President Salva Kiir has not gone to Kenyan capital Nairobi to attend a meeting of African leaders trying to mediate an end to nearly two weeks of fighting that has killed thousands, a Kenyan official said.
Ihr wollt uns erreichen? Einfach via DECT oder GSM die 6655 wählen. Das Sendezentrum antwortet! #30c3
#30C3 Die „Jungs“ von der Technik sind gut drauf, das Studio steht. Nur die Kaffeemaschine läuft noch nicht durch
„Im Falle einer Internetknappheit fallen access points von der Decke“ #30c3
Schedule 30C3: Schedule index
immer noch kein programm zum #30c3 gefunden/aufrufbar – wer kann helfen?
Der Stream vom #30C3 läuft überall, bloß nicht auf meinem #raspi mit #xbmc WTF!?
Bin ich grade der Einzige, bei dem die Links zu den CCC-Streams, Fahrplan etc. nicht funktionieren? #30c3
Just landed in Hamburg, saw this guy waiting at arrivals, face blurred by request … #Snowden #30c3
Delegation syrischer Regimegegner kommt voraussichtlich Mitte Januar nach Moskau
„Dieser Termin ist nach dem jetzigen Stand mit dem Außenministerium Russlands abgestimmt“, teilte Badr Dschamus, Generalsekretär der Nationalen Koalition, RIA Novosti telefonisch mit.
Wie er weiter ausführte, wird die Delegation vom Chef der Koalition geleitet, der bei einem Kongress der syrischen Oppositionskräfte Anfang Januar in Istanbul gewählt werden soll.
Merry Christmas, mister President
In January there’s an impeachment request waiting for him. An unpleasant action in relation to someone who has dedicated their whole life for the nation. An action by a political force that he is perhaps not aware of, a group whose presence he has not noticed. The President, in fact, did not hear the “boom”. The impeachment is an act of love to allow him to enjoy a well earned rest with his family and to pass some peaceful days on the benches situated on the Pincian Hill with some old friends. Who knows if he’ll be grateful. Merry Christmas, mister President.
M5S leader Grillo to seek president‘s impeachment
His argument is based on the fact that the Constitutional Court recently declared illegitimate the election law that voted in the current parliament. Grillo said that the traditional message the president gives to the national on New Year‘s Eve will be Napolitano‘s last as „a request for impeachment awaits him in January“.
Former minister killed in Dowtown Beirut car bomb
BEIRUT: Former Finance Minister Mohammad Shatah, a senior aide to former PM Saad Hariri, was killed along with four other people in a car bomb in Downtown Beirut Friday, a security source told The Daily Star.
Dozens of casualties in Beirut car bomb
Ambulances and Civil Defense teams rushed to the scene of the explosion between Starco building and Monroe Hotel, a security source told The Daily Star.
The explosion coincided with a March 14 coalition meeting which was expected to take place at former Prime Minister Saad Hariri‘s residence.
Tribesmen seize oil ministry building in east Yemen
Tribesmen seized an oil ministry building in Yemen‘s eastern Hadramout province on Thursday and exchanged gunfire with a pro-government tribe seeking to regain control of the premises, tribal sources and ministry employees said.
South Sudan rebels seize oil wells, mediators urge talks
Rebels in South Sudan have seized some oil wells and captured half of the capital of the main oil-producing region, the government and army said on Thursday as African leaders held talks to avert civil war.
Dozens of bodies recovered after violence in Central African Republic
Thousands of French and African troops have struggled to contain a flare-up in violence in the last week.
U.S. expedites delivery of missiles, drones to Iraq amid violence
The United States has delivered dozens of Hellfire air-to-ground missiles to Iraq in recent weeks and plans shipments of Scan Eagle drones next year amid a surge in violence, U.S. officials said on Thursday, a day after at least 34 people died in Christmas day bomb attacks in Baghdad.
Egypt arrests dozens under anti-terror law, one killed in Cairo
Egypt stepped up pressure on the Muslim Brotherhood a day after declaring it a terrorist group, using the new classification to detain dozens of its supporters on Thursday, while one person died in street clashes ignited by political tension.
Egyptian police clash with students at al-Azhar
Egyptian police have raided Cairo’s al-Azhar University as the military-appointed government continues its violent crackdown on anti-coup student protesters.
‘Climate of ethnic profiling’: UN criticizes UK immigration bill
Planned immigration laws could lead to a climate of “ethnic profiling” in the UK, warns the UN. The new legislation could fine landlords for renting properties to illegal immigrants in a move that could result in their “marginalization from society”.
Israel plans 1,400 more West Bank settlement homes, official says
The Palestinians have said any further expansion of Israeli settlements on land they seek for a state could derail U.S.-brokered peace talks that resumed in July after a three-year break.
Robot Fail
Veröffentlicht am 16.07.2013
Netherlands /// Tabitha /// Silicon Vapor
from kenny curwood
Die Kulturredaktion der Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie ernennt, ganz subjektiv, diesen Track zur Nº1 des Jahres 2013.
Being in a Band is for Losers [Scientific Proof]
If you ask the average person on the street, they all know that musicians are broke, dysfunctional, smug, self-centered, arrogant, unhygenic, elisist, socially inept losers with no future. As much as I believe in the wisdom of crowds, I wondered: what does SCIENCE have to say about this topic? Clearly guys in bands are losers, but what can we learn by digging deeper? Exactly what is the sad life-trajectory of the archetypal band loser??
Russian Anti-Gravity Observation Satellite Delayed Until 2015
A Russian satellite to study anti-gravity forces by observing clusters of galaxies has been delayed until 2015 due to problems with a German-built telescope, a science official said Thursday.
US hypocrisy over diplomatic immunity
On January 25th 2011, just two days before Davis shot and killed the two young Pakistanis, the US Embassy submitted a list of its diplomatic and non-diplomatic staff in Pakistan to the Pakistani Foreign Office (FO), as all foreign nations are required to do annually. The list included 48 names. Raymond Davis was not on the list. The day after Davis shot and killed the two Pakistanis, the US Embassy suddenly submitted a “revised” list to the Foreign Office which added Davis’ name!