Daily Archives: 1. Dezember 2013

01.12.2013 - 22:39 [ Bündnis gegen Zwangsräumung ]

Nachbarinnen unterstützen Nachbarn: Wir kommen Alle!

Über 60 Jahre alt, seit über 28 Jah­ren in die­ser Woh­nung
Eure Nach­ba­rin wohnt be­reits seit mehr als 28 Jah­ren in der Woh­nung. 1985 hat sie mit dem da­ma­li­gem Be­sit­zer, dem Be­zirks­amt Kreuz­berg, einen Miet­ver­trag ab­ge­schlos­sen. Als Alt­mie­te­rin zahlt sie für ihre Woh­nung eine ver­gleichs­wei­se nied­ri­ge Miete. Wie an­de­re von den be­zirk­li­chen Grund­stücks­äm­tern ver­wal­te­ten Häu­ser wurde das Haus spä­ter an eine lan­des­ei­ge­ne Woh­nungs­bau­ge­sell­schaft ver­schenkt.

01.12.2013 - 22:23 [ Cuneiform Records on Bandcamp ]

Chrome Black Gold by Chrome Hoof

There are solo performers, duos, and bands, and then there are concepts, bigger than and beyond any particular singer, central instrumentalist, style, or ego. Chrome Hoof is one such concept, an evolving organism whose singular approach spans progressive rock, electronic dance music (especially electro), metal, funk, classical music, and more.

01.12.2013 - 21:44 [ Lars Schall ]

Die Woche im Rückspiegel betrachtet

Jede Woche am Sonntag stelle ich eine Auslese der zehn bemerkenswertesten Geschichten und Veröffentlichungen vor, auf die ich bei meinen Streifzügen durch die Tiefen und Weiten des weltumspannenden Informationsnetzes gestoßen bin.

01.12.2013 - 20:53 [ Vice ]

Die mysteriösen Todesfälle in der indischen Atomforschung

Mit derartigen Erklärungen gesteht der Polizeiapparat letztlich seine eigene Niederlage ein. Wenn der „Ungeklärt“-Stempel erst einmal aufgedrückt ist, neigen die Regierungsbehörden nicht dazu, weitere Ermittlungsarbeiten einzufordern. Das mag schlichtweg daran liegen, dass am Todesort kein Beweismaterial aufgefunden wurde—was für einige wiederum auf das Werk professioneller Killer hindeutet.

01.12.2013 - 20:47 [ Mondoweiss ]

Only sanctions against Israel will end occupation — Gideon Levy

In Haaretz, Gideon Levy calls for international sanctions against Israel to end the occupation. He says the Iran case proves that sanctions work. And that John Kerry should end the masquerade of peace talks, which only he believes in, because Israel will never give up territory without pressure — including, by the way, “occupied East Jerusalem.” How often do these arguments appear in the mainstream American press, or the words “occupied East Jerusalem”? (Almost never, and yes the “shrill U.S. Jewish lobby,” words that also do not appear under threat of censure, is the main reason). Levy:

01.12.2013 - 20:43 [ Crash Ensemble ]


Crash Ensemble is Ireland’s foremost contemporary music ensemble; a group of world-class musicians who play the most adventurous, ground-breaking new music of today.

01.12.2013 - 20:41 [ Michael Gordon ]

[purgatorio] POPOPERA (2008) 20′

Over the past 25 years, Gordon has produced a strikingly diverse body of work, ranging from large-scale pieces for high-energy ensembles to major orchestral commissions to works conceived specifically for the recording studio. Transcending categorization, this music represents the collision of mysterious introspection and brutal directness.

01.12.2013 - 20:03 [ CBC ]

Stephen Harper to be feted for support of Israel at Negev dinner

Harper will announce at the dinner he finally intends to make his maiden voyage to Israel, a country whose hardline prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, gushes openly with public affection for the friend he simply likes to call „Stephen.“

Sunday night‘s tribute will also be about money. On this evening, the love for Harper will be in measurable in cold hard cash — the Jewish National Fund‘s Canadian chapter plans to announce the tally of a fundraising effort to build a bird sanctuary in Israel to be named after the prime minister himself.

01.12.2013 - 20:02 [ Earbits Radio ]

Independent Music with No Commercials

Our team of experts brings you the best independent music from around the world, hand-curated and served up hot with all the trimmings. You‘ll find great high resolution photos, live show information, band merchandise, and plenty of social features to share the experience with your friends.

01.12.2013 - 17:37 [ antikrieg.com ]

Obwohl Israels Belagerung von Gaza sadistisch und illegal ist, unterstützen sie die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika

Der sadistische wirtschaftliche Würgegriff auf 1,6 Millionen Menschen ist nicht nur grausam, er ist illegal. Eine Arbeitsgruppe der UNO im September 2011 befand, dass die Blockade durch Israel die Menschen in Gaza einer Kollektivstrafe unterwirft in „flagrantem Verstoss gegen die internationalen Menschenrechte und gegen das humanitäre Recht.“

01.12.2013 - 17:07 [ ctv news ]

Twice-rejected ‚Jesus the Homeless‘ statue gets blessing from the pope

It was a statue that couldn’t find a home: a life-sized sculpture of Jesus depicted as a homeless man sleeping on a park bench, wrapped in a blanket, with his crucifixion wounds evident on his bare feet.
But after being rejected by two renowned cathedrals – St. Michael‘s in Toronto and St. Patrick‘s in New York — ‚Jesus the Homeless‘ finally found a fan in the Vatican: Pope Francis.

01.12.2013 - 16:57 [ Fefe ]

Oh ist das schön: Die FAZ bringt vier fiktive Slomka-Interview-Antworten, von Merkel, Schröder, Gysi und Westerwelle.

Und sowas von den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen

01.12.2013 - 15:05 [ Huffington Post ]

Hollywood Must Protect Animals

The Hollywood Reporter‘s scathing investigation of the American Humane Association (AHA) this week supports and expands upon what PETA US has been reporting for years: AHA monitoring is woefully inadequate, and as a result, animals used in film and television are sometimes put in dangerous situations and injured or killed. Last year, PETA US presented the AHA with a list of recommendations for making film and television productions safer for animals, but the suggestions were ignored, and the situation for animals appears to be worsening.

01.12.2013 - 15:00 [ imjuliabonk.tumblr.com ]

Wie geht es Julia Bonk?

Ist sie für diesen Staat gefährlich? Julia Bonk ist Sprecherin für Daten- und Verbraucherschutz & neue Medien. Sie ist die erste Abgeordnete, die auf diese Weise behandelt wird. In einem der gefährlichsten Gebiete der Republik inmitten des Sachsensumpfs hat sie es gewagt, deutlich ihre Auffassung zu zeigen: „Schöner leben ohne Nazis.“

01.12.2013 - 14:46 [ Abgeordnetenwatch ]

Warum die #GroKo Parteispenden nicht begrenzt

Und noch ein weiteres Problem geht die Große Koalition nicht an – und zwar eine eklatante Transparenzlücke bei Parteispenden. Derzeit müssen Spenden unter 50.000 Euro lediglich in den Rechenschaftsberichten der Parteien veröffentlicht werden – und dies geschieht teilweise mit einer Verzögerung von bis zu zwei Jahren. Nur Spenden ab 50.001 Euro werden sofort auf der Bundestagshomepage veröffentlicht. In der Praxis bedeutet das: Der größte Teil der Spenden (und Spender!) bleibt monate-, wenn nicht jahrelang, für die Öffentlichkeit verborgen, hier beispielhaft für CDU/CSU:

01.12.2013 - 14:43 [ ACLU ]

NSA Reportedly Sought to Discredit “Radicals” By Disclosing Online Sexual Activities, Visits to Porn Site

American Civil Liberties Union Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer had this reaction:
“This report is an unwelcome reminder of what it means to give an intelligence agency unfettered access to individuals‘ most sensitive information. One ordinarily associates these kinds of tactics with the secret police services of authoritarian governments. That these tactics have been adopted by the world’s leading democracy – and the world’s most powerful intelligence agency – is truly chilling.”

01.12.2013 - 14:40 [ Greek Reporter ]

Striking Greek Doctors Contracts Canceled

Making good on his threat, Greek Health Minister Adonis Georgiadis has ordered the cancellation of contracts of 700 striking doctors working for the public health care system EOPYY and said the government may even fold the organization and replace it with a private system.

01.12.2013 - 14:39 [ Greek Reporter ]

Toll Increase of up to 60% in Greece

New toll increases are coming in 2014, with the new tariffs to be applied in all motorways. It is indicative that the tolls on the route Athens-Thessaloniki, Greece, by car will cost more than 56 euros, including the return.

01.12.2013 - 14:27 [ Takepart ]

Sea Shepherd’s Win Is Japan’s Loss: Whalers Have Worst Season Ever

This year, Japanese whalers had their least successful hunting season on record, taking fewer than half the animals they killed during 2011-2012. The Japanese government blamed the meager harvest on “unforgivable sabotage” by the anti-whaling group Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, an accusation that Sea Shepherd claims as a badge of honor.

01.12.2013 - 14:24 [ Gegen Hartz ]

Landesgericht entscheidet, ob kritischer Radiobericht unterbunden wird

Vor etwa einem Jahr berichtete der Radiosender „Antenne Hessen“ über verschiedene Hartz IV Behörden in Deutschland. Die Journalisten testeten für eine Reportage verschiedene Jobcenter. Eine Behörde stach laut Radiosender „besonders hervor“. Es handelte sich dabei um das Jobcenter in Witzenhausen. Die Radiosender-Moderatoren verfassten zu den Missständen vor Ort einen Pressebericht und es wurden mehrere Sendungen ausgestrahlt.

01.12.2013 - 11:30 [ Reuters ]

East African trade bloc approves monetary union deal

Heads of state of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi, which have already signed a common market and a single customs union, say the protocol will allow them to progressively converge their currencies and increase commerce.

01.12.2013 - 11:29 [ Telegraph ]

Child taken from womb by social services

Essex social services obtained a High Court order against the woman that allowed her to be forcibly sedated and her child to be taken from her womb.

The council said it was acting in the best interests of the woman, an Italian who was in Britain on a work trip, because she had suffered a mental breakdown.

The baby girl, now 15 months old, is still in the care of social services

01.12.2013 - 08:47 [ worthy news ]

Israel deports Messianic Jew

(27.11.) Barry Barnett, 50, a worker with Jews for Jesus (UK), was ordered to leave the country by early December. Barnett was assisting at the “Behold your God, Israel” campaign at the city of Be’er Shiva when he was arrested Wednesday.

01.12.2013 - 08:46 [ Truth-Out.org ]

Bush Pushes Jews for Jesus as He Competes for Worst Ex-President

(13.11.) After 9/11, then President George W. Bush spoke of leading a Crusade against Afghanistan and Iraq. His handlers quickly walked back the use of the word Crusade, given its connotations of endless bloodletting of non-Christians during several journeys of butchery conducted by Christian knights in the Middle Ages.