Now Available Internationally Here:
Admit it: you don‘t really read the endless terms and conditions connected to every website you visit, phone call you make or app you download. But every day, billion-dollar corporations are learning more about your interests, your friends and family, your finances, and your secrets… and are not only selling the information to the highest bidder, but freely sharing it with the government. And you agreed to all of it. With fascinating examples and so-unbelievable-they‘re-almost-funny facts, filmmaker Cullen Hoback exposes what governments and corporations are legally taking from you every day – turning the future of both privacy and civil liberties uncertain. From whistle blowers and investigative journalists to zombie fan clubs and Egyptian dissidents, this disquieting exposé demonstrates how every one of us has incrementally opted-in to a real-time surveillance state, click by click- and what, if anything, can be done about it. (c) Variance Films
To continue the fight for online privacy, sign up at
We are filmmaker Cullen Hoback (cullenhoback), Ben Wizner (benwizner) Director of ACLU Speech, Privacy, and Technology Project and legal advisor to Edward Snowden, Tim Karr (TimKarr), Director of Strategy for Free Press, and David Segal (davidadamsegal), Demand Progress exec director.
Thanks so much to those of you who just finished the online screening of Terms and Conditions May Apply (over at and welcome to everybody else! If you want to watch the film, please visit:
And from the bottom of our hearts over at Demand Progress: Thanks so much to everybody who participated in the online screening. There were 2,752 of you! This was our first time using that platform, which we‘ve been building over the last few weeks, and we look forward to doing more screenings and chats with all of you down the line and working with all of you to perfect the system.
The police security measures were stricter than in previous years, with 6,000 policemen being on the streets. Many central streets as well as metro stations in the center of Athens were closed and there were changes in the bus routes.
I. Eine Ingenieursleistung der Extraklasse liefern Gasbohrer am vergangenen Donnerstag in der Nähe des 700-Seelen-Dorfs Milford im Norden von Texas, USA. Von Eile getrieben und orientierungslos setzen sie ihren Bohrturm exakt über einer Pipeline ab und fangen an zu bohren und werden schon nach wenigen Fuß “fündig”: Durch das Loch in der angebohrten 10-Inch-Pipeline schießt Gas und fängt sofort Feuer.
When my oldest son [Linus Torvalds] was asked the same question: “Has he been approached by the NSA about backdoors?” he said “No”, but at the same time he nodded. Then he was sort of in the legal free. He had given the right answer, [but] everybody understood that the NSA had approached him.
We know with 100% absolute certainty that the wiretapping industry – NSA, GCHQ, FRA, etc – has stopped a total of exactly zero terror plots. We can be certain of this fact, as there have been no trials and no convictions of planning widespread destruction. Planning such a crime is almost as serious a crime as executing it, and while there can be secret evidence in some uncivilized countries, the courts and trials themselves are not secret.
The idea behind the Reverend Billy character is relatively simple: blind, mindless consumerism is harmful, to society, to families, to individuals and, ultimately, to the earth.
When the Emergencies Ministry published a list of the victims, it included two children.It was also confirmed that Irek Minnikhanov, son of Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, was among the passengers killed in the accident.
On a Thursday afternoon last month, a dozen singing activists from the Church of Stop Shopping in NYC performed in the role of extinct Golden Toads in a „wealth management bank“ of JPMorgan Chase at 56th and 6th in Manhattan. The dancing, singing toads offered bank workers and customers information sheets about the impact of Chase investments on the environment.
Reverend Billy Talen and the music director of the Stop Shopping Choir, Nehemiah Luckett, were arrested minutes later on a subway platform. The two were charged with riot in the second degree, menacing in the third degree, unlawful assembly, and two counts of disorderly conduct.
Looking for a Sunday evening activity? Look no further! Join the ACLU‘s Ben Wizner and other leading privacy advocates for an online screening of „Terms and Conditions May Apply,“ followed by an open discussion on Internet surveillance.
A shocking new study by the American Civil Liberties Union has found that more than 3,200 people nationwide are serving life terms without parole for nonviolent offenses. Of those prisoners, 80 percent are behind bars for drug-related convictions. Sixty-five percent are African-American, 18 percent are white, and 16 percent are Latino — evidence of what the ACLU calls „extreme racial disparities.“
At last month‘s International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) conference in Philadelphia, LexisNexis showed off a new tool it will bundle with its research service for law enforcement agencies—one that will help them „stake out“ social media as part of their criminal investigations. (making it easier for them to spy on activists or suspicious people)
Founder of Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance Judith McGeary shared her concerns about the federal Food and Drug Administration’s first draft of the “Produce Safety” and “Preventative Controls for Human Food” rules in a Food Riot Radio interview earlier this year. Despite thousands of comments from concerned stakeholders over the last ten months, the rules haven’t got any better.
The United States has paid more than $150 million to companies in Afghanistan that are accused of helping to finance terrorist attacks on American soldiers and facilities, according to the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction.
„It‘s like the United States government subsidizing the Taliban, al Qaeda, the Haqqani network, those groups that are trying to shoot and kill our soldiers,“ said Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., a member of the Senate‘s Armed Services and Foreign Relations committees, in an interview to be broadcast tonight on ABC News‘ „World News with Diane Sawyer“.
The documents provide details on how the British program for tracking international diplomats functioned. Whenever a reservation confirmation is emailed to a conspicuous address inside a government domain (like gov.xx) from any of the 350 hotels around the world being monitored, a daily alert „tip-off“ is sent to the appropriate GCHQ analysts.
The vast majority of Tripoli‘s public and private sectors went on a general strike on Sunday to force Libya‘s government to drive out militiamen blamed for clashes that killed at least 45 people.
November 16, 2013 – A routine traffic stop for speeding quickly escalated into a very dangerous situation involving a high-speed chase and shots fired at a minivan carrying children. In the end, a 14-year-old was charged with attacking a state trooper, and his mother is facing felonies
While hardly as dramatic as last week‘s revelation that Syrian Al-Qaeda cannibals apologized after chopping off the head of one of their CIA-funded „rebels“ by mistake, the news that a US drone struck a US missile cruiser during training off Southern California, causing two minor injuries is maybe even more embarrassing. After all, with Al-Qaeda one can at least make a legitimate case of a friendly fire, er, beheading incident. When it comes to the coast off SoCal, it will be difficult to suggest the Chinese (or Russian) navies were running sorties next to the surfers off Point Mugu.
17.11.2013 - 18:15 [ Deutsche Wirtschafts-Nachrichten ]
Die Manager internationaler Auto-Konzerne warnen vor „sozialen Wohltaten“ durch die Koalition. Sie drohen unverhohlen mit der Verlagerung der Arbeitsplätze in Ausland. Vor allem die Beibehaltung der Leiharbeit ist den Managern sehr wichtig. Die angestellten Manager präsentieren sich als politische Erpresser – sie selbst riskieren nichts, weil kein Cent ihres eigenen Geldes in die Unternehmen geht.
17.11.2013 - 18:15 [ tweetdemagoge für K21 / Twitter ]
(03.09.2009) Sie mögen dies für eine sehr gewagte Vermutung halten. Dann bleibt Ihnen als Lösung des Rätsels alternativ nur die Vermutung, dass in der SPD-Spitze nur noch Dummköpfe sitzen. Andere Erklärungen gibt es für den Niedergang dieser großen und wichtigen Partei aus meiner Sicht nicht.
Because Section 841 applies only to DoD, Sopko compiled a list last year of 43 companies and individuals, including ZMTL, identified as affiliated with terror groups who were either seeking or had U.S. contracts in Afghanistan. But earlier this year, the Army rejected all of Sopko’s 43 referrals, claiming it would be unfair to ban them from contracting based on classified evidence that cannot be shown to the accused.
Describing what he called “the absurdity” of the Army’s newfound respect for due process, Sopko pointed out the contrast to how the U.S. is waging the war: “We can probably attack them via drone on Monday and we’ll issue them a contract on Tuesday.”
Auch am Libyen-Einsatz war Deutschland offiziell nicht beteiligt. „Wir sind in diesem Fall militärisch nicht dabei“, sagte Verteidigungsminister Tomas de Maizière (CDU). Tatsächlich schickte die Bundeswehr elf Soldaten in einen italienischen Nato-Stützpunkt, der die Luftangriffe koordinierte. Die deutschen Soldaten hätten bei der „Zielauswahl“ mitgearbeitet, sagte die Regierung später. Der Bundestag hatte über den Einsatz nicht abgestimmt, eine öffentliche Debatte blieb somit im Vorfeld aus.
(12.12.2008) Spannend dürfte auch die Frage sein, ob es analog zu Gluten bei der Zöliakie beim Typ-I-Diabetes mellitus Trigger gibt, welche die Zerstörung der Beta-Zellen anstoßen. Bislang wurde hier vor allem nach Viren gesucht. Jetzt erscheint es vorstellbar, dass Bestandteile der Nahrung zum Auslöser des Typ-I-Diabetes mellitus werden.
(12.12.2008) Mein (wenn auch abgebrochenes) MedizinStudium / FachBereich Genetik und meine englische Muttersprache haben mich veranlaßt, die Abhandlung der Universität von Cambridge (die erst vor 3 Tagen veröffentlicht wurde) mal durchzulesen (..)
vorraussetzend, daß GenDefekte vorhanden sind, führt bei
Zöliakie => Gluten zu Veränderung des ImmunSystemes des Darmes
sodaß analog dazu bei Diabetes Typ 1 => RinderInsuline in BabyNahrung zu Veränderung des ImmunSystems der Bauch-SpeichelDrüse führen könnten…
Auch Thomas Danne, Chefarzt am Kinder- und Jugendkrankenhaus auf der Bult in Hannover und Vorstandsvorsitzender von diabetesDE – Deutsche Diabetes Hilfe, sagte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur „dpa“ im Vorfeld des vergangenen Welt-Diabetes-Tages: „Warum der Typ-1-Diabetes ansteigt – für die Antwort kann man noch einen Nobelpreis gewinnen.“
President Obama will honor the 50th anniversary of the death of one of his predecessors, John F. Kennedy, with a visit Wednesday to his grave and the eternal flame at Arlington National Cemetery, administration officials confirmed to USA TODAY on Saturday.
Die deutsche Dominanz treibt die Europäische Union »in den Zusammenbruch«, warnt ein Banker in Paris. Das Nachbarland soll eben auch Hartz IV einführen, fordert Berlin
Nach dem Amtsantritt des neuen iranischen Präsidenten, Hassan Rohani, im August dieses Jahres, war wieder Bewegung in die zuletzt stockenden Verhandlungen um das iranische Atomprogramm gekommen. Ein Abkommen scheiterte vergangene Woche in letzter Minute am Widerstand Frankreichs, nachdem israelische Regierungsvertreter für den Fall einer Einigung mit einem Angriff auf iranische Atomanlagen gedroht hatten.
Während „Hure“, „Metze“ und „Dirne“ aus dem Wortschatz des Mittelalters hervorgegangen sind, entstammt das Wort „Nutte“ dem Berlinischen des späten 19. Jahrhunderts.
Insgesamt soll es in dem Zeitraum neun Seminare gegeben haben. An diesen nahmen auch Vertreter aus nicht weniger problematischen Staaten wie Algerien, Jordanien, Saudi-Arabien und Marokko teil. Zum Ausbildungsstoff gehörten neben polizeilichen Einsatztaktiken auch Schulungen in der „Open Source Internetauswertung im Bereich des internationalen Terrorismus“, hieß es.
(19.08.2013) BKA-Präsident Jörg Ziercke: „Die Propaganda über das Internet hat sich zu einer zentralen Strategie des religiös motivierten Terrorismus entwickelt. Das Internet dient als Kommunikationsmittel in terroristischen Netzwerken, als Plattform für ideologische Schulung und für Propaganda und Rekrutierung. Die BKA-Studie bietet einen Einstieg in das Verstehen von Radikalisierungsprozessen durch Internetpropaganda.“
Prince Bandar bin Sultan, once famous in Washington for his cigars, parties and charm, is now Saudi Arabia’s point man, fighting Iran in Syria and denouncing the Obama administration.
Israeli television reported that a French lawmaker — and good friend of Netanyahu — phoned the French Foreign Minister during the Geneva talks, warning him that Netanyahu would attack Iran’s nuclear facilities if the P5+1 nations didn’t push tougher conditions on Iran.
The question now is: If the United States allows Iran to build nuclear weapons, why can’t be in the right of Saudi Arabia, Iran’s neighbor, to protect itself and do the same? This would allow Saudi Arabia to maintain the balance of power with Iran.
The last transit of Venus was on 5 and 6 June 2012, and was the last Venus transit of the 21st century; the prior transit took place on 8 June 2004. The previous pair of transits were in December 1874 and December 1882. The next transits of Venus will be 10–11 December 2117, and in December 2125.
Venus-Transit 2012 – unser Nachbarplanet schiebt sich zwischen Erde und Sonne und verdeckt teilweise unser Zentralgestirn. Ein faszinierendes Himmelsschauspiel: die Venus als Schatten vor der riesigen Feuerscheibe, hochauflösend aufgenommen vom NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO).
Comet ISON — the potential „comet of the century“ — has suddenly brightened in an outburst of activity, with just two weeks to go before it literally grazes the surface of the sun.
In recent months, Comet ISON has repeatedly befuddled forecasters trying to anticipate just how bright it will ultimately become.
Capturing ISON was challenging again this morning, but I was able to sneak out one short exposure (1 x 60 seconds x RGB) in between clouds. It looks like it has changed again since yesterday.