Daily Archives: 8. November 2013

08.11.2013 - 20:03 [ antikrieg.com ]

GCHQ-Chef: Medienberichte helfen Terroristen

Anlässlich eines ihrer seltenen Auftritte vor dem Parlament, vor dem die britischen Geheimdienstchefs aussagen mussten, verbargen diese kaum ihre Empörung darüber, dass sie Fragen von Parlamentsabgeordneten über durchgesickerte Überwachungsprogramme beantworten mussten, die gravierende Bedenken an ihrem vergleichsweisen Mangel an Aufsicht äußerten.

08.11.2013 - 17:06 [ Techdirt ]

South Africa Plans To Terminate And Renegotiate Treaties That Include Corporate Sovereignty

Despite the growing evidence that corporate sovereignty clauses in international treaties pose considerable risks to nations that sign them, such „investor-state dispute settlement“ (ISDS) mechanisms are present in both TPP and TAFTA/TTIP — at least as far as we know: it‘s hard to be sure given the obsessive secrecy surrounding them.

South Africa has experienced first hand the reality of those bland-sounding systems and the behind-closed-doors tribunals that implement them. Here‘s what happened when it set about transforming the country after apartheid, as this column on the South African Independent Online site explains:

08.11.2013 - 16:45 [ Paul Krugman / New York Times ]

Those Depressing Germans

Remember the China syndrome, in which Asia’s largest economy kept running enormous trade surpluses thanks to an undervalued currency? Well, China is still running surpluses, but they have declined. Meanwhile, Germany has taken China’s place: Last year Germany, not China, ran the world’s biggest current account surplus. And measured as a share of G.D.P., Germany’s surplus was more than twice as large as China’s.

08.11.2013 - 15:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

DER WELTFINANZKRIEG (III): Griechenland im Würgegriff der Menschenschinder – Geostrategische Hintergründe

(09.02.2012) Allen voran in diesem Putsch marschierten sämtliche Unterparteien der “Sozialdemokratischen Partei Europas” SPE/PES, wie die SPD in Deutschland und die SPÖ in Österreich, sowie alle Unterparteien der “Europäischen Volkspartei” EVP, wie CDU und CSU in Deutschland und ÖVP in Österreich. Und Seit an Seit mit dabei: die “Europäische Liberale, Demokratische und Reformpartei” ELDR, mit ihrer Unterpartei FDP, die “Europäische Grüne Partei” mit deren Unterpartei Bündnis 90/Die Grünen und natürlich die “Europäische Linke”, mit ihrer ganz besonderen Unterunterpartei in Deutschland.

Ebenfalls eine zentrale Rolle in diesem kalten, geostrategischen Putsch spielten die Einheitsgewerkschaften, allen voran natürlich der “Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund” DGB. Nicht umsonst ist deren Vorsitzender auch der Vorsitzende des “Internationalen Gewerkschaftsbundes” IGB.

Ökonomisches Konzept ist hierbei die Kontrollgewinnung über möglichst viele Volkswirtschaften in Europa, die Schaffung einer Einheitszone und nachfolgend die strategische Absenkung aller Löhne und Sozialstandards auf möglichst niedriges Niveau, um von China im Zuge dessen Aufstiegs zur Tributzone des Währungszentrums USA die Rolle der Handelszone zu übernehmen. Soll heissen: niedrige Währung, niedrige Löhne, niedrige Standards, ergo niedrige Produktionskosten im weltweiten “Wettbewerb”, maximale Gewinne für die exportierenden Konzerne und Handelskammern bei Verkauf bzw Lieferung in Währungszentrum und Tributzone. Der Zusammenbruch der Binnennachfrage wird hierbei gezielt in Kauf genommen und ist Teil des Konzepts.

08.11.2013 - 15:56 [ Amazon ]

Kapitalismus 4.0: Die Geburtsstunde einer neuen Wirtschaftsordnung

Die Finanz- und Wirtschaftskrise hat Menschen, Banken, Firmen, ja, ganze Staaten ruiniert. Dennoch: Auch diese folgenschwere Erschütterung ist kein Anlass, den Abgesang auf das System an sich anzustimmen. Die letzte Krise war nicht die erste und wird auch nicht die letzte sein. Von jeher hat sich der Kapitalismus anglo-amerikanischer Herkunft aus der Krise befreit und selbst geheilt.

08.11.2013 - 15:49 [ Huffington Post ]

Mommy, I Promise We Will Never Be Hungry Again!

„Mommy, take us home and we will never ask for food again!“ With this heartbreaking cry, a girl residing at a nursery in the Kallithea area of Athens tugs on her mother‘s skirt and begs her to take her and her two siblings back home. The mother, visiting to cuddle and play with her children at the nursery that is providing them with food and shelter, runs away crying as she can not afford to take her children with her.

„But, sweetheart, we have nothing to eat at home,“ she replies. Undaunted, the child continues with a seriousness way beyond her years, „Mommy, take us home and we will never be hungry again, I promise you!“

08.11.2013 - 15:48 [ Greek Reporter ]

UNICEF: 600,000 Children Below Poverty Line in Greece

President of UNICEF in Greece, Lambros Kanellopoulos noted that approximately 597,000 children are currently living in poverty, compared to 439,000 a year ago. Out of that number, 322,000 lack the basic daily nutritional needs.

According to the report, the proportion of children in Greece living in poverty or social exclusion rose 9.2 percent in 2011 to reach 30.4 percent.

08.11.2013 - 15:41 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Anti-Coup Alliance Calls Friday Protests Against Regime Attacks on Egyptian Women, Rights Violations

During the four months since the beginning of the military coup, Egypt lived through the worst repression and murderous military tyranny in its entire history, even worse than periods of oppression under occupation forces and the worst totalitarian regimes, especially with regard to public and private rights and freedoms of women and children, in particular.

The worst of the junta’s repressive practices is the involvement of the judiciary in order to cast a legal shadow on the coup commanders and collaborators’ bloody and brutal atrocities, like the arbitrary arrest and detention of more than 15,000 people, many of whom minors and children, using flawed legal grounds and procedures and false evidence.
Moreover, the Interior Ministry and police apparatus have been transformed from the protector of security, responsible for upholding justice, to a department dedicated to organized and systematic use of armies of thugs to kill, terrorize and arrest citizens, as documented in many videos and photographs, in a phenomenon devised by the Mubarak regime that has become a feature of all totalitarian regimes..

08.11.2013 - 15:37 [ Guardian ]

Royal Marine found guilty of ‚executing‘ Afghan insurgent

A few moments later A is picked up telling colleagues: „Obviously this doesn‘t go anywhere fellas. I‘ve just broken the Geneva convention.“ Marine B laughs and suggests that if the round was heard they claim it was a warning shot.

The video was found by chance a year later when one clip was found on another marine‘s laptop during an unrelated investigation. Military SIB (special investigation branch) officers subsequently found a diary kept by Marine C in which he wrote he had been disappointed not to shoot the man.

08.11.2013 - 15:34 [ Guardian ]

Video of marine shooting insurgent suppressed to protect defendants

The Ministry of Defence considered trying to argue that part – or even the whole – of Marines A, B and C‘s court martial should be held behind closed doors because it was likely to be so damaging and potentially dangerous for British personnel. In the end it decided it was right that a trial of such public interest and concern be conducted in open court.

Nonetheless there have been stringent restrictions on media reporting.

08.11.2013 - 15:33 [ Arab American ]

Egyptian court upholds Brotherhood ban

A court in September had outlawed the Brotherhood after the army overthrew President Mohamed Morsi in July following mass protests against his rule.

The case against Brotherhood was brought by a lawyer from the leftist Tagammu party, which cited the need to protect Egyptians from violence.

08.11.2013 - 15:29 [ Ria Novosti ]

Atomgespräche: Lawrow folgt seinen westlichen Amtskollegen nicht nach Genf

US-Außenminister John Kerry sowie seine europäischen Kollegen Laurent Fabius (Frankreich), Guido Westerwelle (Deutschland) und William Hague (Großbritannien) hatten überraschend beschlossen, sich am Freitag den Gesprächen zwischen dem iranischen Außenminister Mohammed Dschawad Sarif und Unterhändlern aus der Sechsergruppe in Genf anzuschließen.

08.11.2013 - 13:31 [ taz ]

Die niedrigen Gehälter der taz

Nachdem wir heute die Stellenanzeige für ein Volontariat auch auf der Facebook-Seite der taz gepostet hatten, kamen dort und in diversen emails empörte Kommentare über die niedrige Bezahlung von 903,15 EURO/Monat an: “Beschämende Bezahlung!” – “Als linke Tageszeitung sollten sie sich doch einen Stundenlohn überlegen, der über 5,39 liegt.

08.11.2013 - 13:19 [ Neue Züricher Zeitung ]

Die Demokratie geht Online

(21.12.2008) Laut Sigg ist die Bundeskanzlei bei ihrer Analyse zu kritischen Schlüssen gekommen: «Wir haben festgestellt, dass man heute praktisch unter Umgehung einer öffentlichen Diskussion ein Referendum einreichen kann», sagt er. Zum Beispiel der Widerstand gegen die biometrischen Pässe kam für Parteien und Bundesverwaltung aus heiterem Himmel. Problematisch sei weiter, dass ein Referendum «in völliger politischer Anonymität» ergriffen werden kann, sagt Sigg.

08.11.2013 - 12:48 [ JungsozialistInnen Schweiz ]

Ja zu 1:12 am 24. November

Die Schweiz hat sich in den letzten Monaten verändert: Zehntausende Fahnen mit den Ziffern 1:12 hängen von Balkonen und Fenstersimsen. Ein bunter Mix von Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten jeden Alters bevölkert am Wochenende die Innenstädte. Arbeitgeber und Wirtschaftsverbände verteufeln die Lohnexzesse von Topmanagern und loben die Sozialpartnerschaft. Das Thema Lohngerechtigkeit füllt täglich die Zeitungsspalten und sorgt für volle Säle bei Diskussionsrunden und Podien. Wenige Vorlagen haben in den letzten Jahren derart mobilisiert und eine solch breite öffentliche Debatte ausgelöst.

Nun gilt es ernst, die Kampagne befindet sich auf der Zielgeraden. Wer die Abzocker stoppen will, wer sich die gutschweizerischen Tugenden Vernunft und Masshalten zurückwünscht, wer die Lohnschere wieder schliessen möchte, wer sich durch Drohungen nicht einschüchtern lässt und überzeugt davon ist, dass mehr Lohngerechtigkeit positiv für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft ist, der oder die muss am 24. November ein Ja zur 1:12-Initiative in die Urne legen.

08.11.2013 - 12:46 [ 1:12-Initiative ]

Der Initiativtext:

Die Bundesverfassung mit folgendem Text ergänzt werden:

I. Die Bundesverfassung (SR 101) wird wie folgt geändert:

Art. 110a (neu) Lohnpolitik

1 Der höchste von einem Unternehmen bezahlte Lohn darf nicht höher sein als das Zwölffache des tiefsten vom gleichen Unternehmen bezahlten Lohnes. Als Lohn gilt die Summe aller Zuwendungen (Geld und Wert der Sach- und Dienstleistungen), welche im Zusammenhang mit einer Erwerbstätigkeit entrichtet werden.

2 Der Bund erlässt die notwendigen Vorschriften. Er regelt insbesondere:

a. die Ausnahmen, namentlich betreffend den Lohn für Personen in Ausbildung, Praktikantinnen und Praktikanten sowie Menschen mit geschütztenArbeitsplätzen;

b. die Anwendung auf Leiharbeits- und Teilzeitarbeitsverhältnisse.

II. Die Übergangsbestimmungen der Bundesverfassung
werden wie folgt ergänzt:

Art. 197 Ziff.8 (neu)
8. Übergangsbestimmung zu Art. 110a (Lohnpolitik)

Tritt die Bundesgesetzgebung nicht innerhalb von zwei Jahren nach Annahme von Artikel 110a durch Volk und Stände in Kraft, so erlässt der Bundesrat die nötigen Ausführungsbestimmungen bis zum Inkrafttreten der Bundesgesetzgebung

08.11.2013 - 12:15 [ Ilan Pappe / Electronic Intifada ]

Reclaiming Judaism from Zionism

When the Zionist movement appeared in Eastern Europe in the 1880s, it found it very difficult to persuade the leading rabbis and secular Jewish thinkers of the day to support it.

The leading rabbis saw the political history in the Bible and the idea of Jewish sovereignty on the land of Israel as very marginal topics and were much more concerned, as indeed Judaism as a religion was, with the holy tracts that focused on the relationship between the believers themselves and in particular their relations with God.

Secular liberal or socialist Jews also found the idea of Jewish nationalism unattractive. Liberal Jews hoped that a far more liberal world would solve the problems of persecution and anti-Semitism while avowed socialists and communists wished peoples of all religions, not just the Jews, to be liberated from oppression.

Even the idea of a particular Jewish socialist movement, such as the Bund, was a bizarre one in their eyes. “Zionists who were afraid of seasickness” is how Russian Marxist Georgi Plekhanov called the Bundists when they wanted to join the international communist movement.

The secular Jews who founded the Zionist movement wanted paradoxically both to secularize Jewish life and to use the Bible as a justification for colonizing Palestine; in other words, they did not believe in God but He nonetheless promised them Palestine.

This precarious logic was recognized even by the founder of the Zionist movement himself, Theodore Herzl, who therefore opted for Uganda, rather than Palestine, as the promised land of Zion. It was the pressure of Protestant scholars and politicians of the Bible, especially in Britain, who kept the gravitation of the Zionist movement towards Palestine.

For them it was a double bill: you get rid of the Jews in Europe, and at the same time you fulfill the divine scheme in which the second coming of the Messiah will be precipitated by the return of the Jews — and their subsequent conversion to Christianity or their roasting in hell should they refuse.

From that moment onwards the Bible became both the justification for, and the map of, the Zionist colonization of Palestine.

08.11.2013 - 12:12 [ Wikipedia ]

Ilan Pappé

Ilan Pappé (Hebrew: אילן פפה‎; born 1954) is an Israeli historian and socialist activist. He is a professor with the College of Social Sciences and International Studies at the University of Exeter in the United Kingdom, director of the university‘s European Centre for Palestine Studies, and co-director of the Exeter Centre for Ethno-Political Studies.

Pappé was born in Haifa, Israel. Prior to coming to the UK, he was a senior lecturer in political science at the University of Haifa (1984–2007) and chair of the Emil Touma Institute for Palestinian and Israeli Studies in Haifa (2000–2008).He is the author of The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006), The Modern Middle East (2005), A History of Modern Palestine: One Land, Two Peoples (2003), and Britain and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (1988). He was also a leading member of Hadash,[4] and was a candidate on the party list in the 1996 [5] and 1999 [6] Knesset elections.

08.11.2013 - 11:57 [ Fars News Agency ]

Israel Mad at Possible Compromise between Iran, World Powers

While a nuclear military capability needs uranium enriched more than 90% and Iran has succeeded in enriching uranium to a maximum 20% to feed its nuclear research reactor in Tehran which produces radioisotopes for medical purposes, including cancer treatment, the Israeli prime minister said the 20-percent enrichment capability enables Iran to build an atomic bomb.

08.11.2013 - 11:02 [ the Perseus Books Group ]

Dirty Wars: The World Is A Battlefield

(23.04.2013) In Dirty Wars, Jeremy Scahill, author of the New York Times best-seller Blackwater, takes us inside America’s new covert wars. The foot soldiers in these battles operate globally and inside the United States with orders from the White House to do whatever is necessary to hunt down, capture or kill individuals designated by the president as enemies. Drawn from the ranks of the Navy SEALs, Delta Force, former Blackwater and other private security contractors, the CIA’s Special Activities Division and the Joint Special Operations Command ( JSOC), these elite soldiers operate worldwide, with thousands of secret commandos working in more than one hundred countries. Funded through “black budgets,” Special Operations Forces conduct missions in denied areas, engage in targeted killings, snatch and grab individuals and direct drone, AC-130 and cruise missile strikes. While the Bush administration deployed these ghost militias, President Barack Obama has expanded their operations and given them new scope and legitimacy.

08.11.2013 - 10:56 [ Youtube ]

Dirty Wars (2013)

Dirty Wars follows investigative reporter Jeremy Scahill, author of the international bestseller Blackwater, into the hidden world of America‘s covert wars, from Afghanistan to Yemen, Somalia, and beyond. With a strong cinematic style, the film blurs the boundaries of documentary and fiction storytelling. Part action film and part detective story, Dirty Wars is a gripping journey into one of the most important and underreported stories of our time.

08.11.2013 - 10:51 [ Amazon ]

Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry

(April 1, 2013) By the bestselling authors of The Command: Deep Inside the President‘s Secret Army: Marc Ambinder, editor at large at The Week, contributing editor at GQ and the Atlantic, who has covered Washington for CBS News and ABC News; and D.B. Grady, a correspondent for the Atlantic, national security columnist for The Week, and former U.S. Army paratrooper and Afghanistan veteran.

08.11.2013 - 10:47 [ Marc Armbinder / the Week ]

The 5 secret code words that define our era

(27.02.2013) 1. GREYSTONE, or GST. GREYSTONE, all in caps, was what the CIA used to control information about its post-9/11 extraordinary rendition and enhanced interrogation technique programs. GST is the trigraph that‘s blacked out on many documents that the government has released through the Freedom of Information Act and other lawsuits. The term „GST“ was revealed to the world by Dana Priest, but the government confirmed it accidentally, as I reported in 2009. The GST program was heavily compartmentalized. The torture part was kept separate from the travel part, for example, which is standard government practice. We still deal with the ramifications of this program today. Its legacy haunts our diplomacy, provides endless debates about our values and principles, and is still an open wound within the CIA.

08.11.2013 - 10:43 [ Shane Harris / Washingtonian ]

Ragtime: Code name of NSA’s Secret Domestic Intelligence Program Revealed in New Book

(27.02.2013) More than a decade after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a set of extraordinary and secretive surveillance programs conducted by the National Security Agency has been institutionalized, and they have grown. These special programs are conducted under the code name Ragtime, and are divided into several subcomponents, according to the new book Deep State: Inside the Government Secrecy Industry, by Marc Ambinder and D.B. Grady. (…)

At the NSA‘s headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland, a program called Xkeyscore processes all intercepted electronic signals before sending them to different „production lines“ that deal with specific issues. Here, we find another array of code names.