Daily Archives: 29. Oktober 2013

29.10.2013 - 23:27 [ Los Angeles Times ]

Cops in riot gear greet protesters of fake assault rifle shooting

“It‘s not a coincidence that black and brown people are getting killed. The sheriff needs to do better recruiting – we don‘t need war veterans shooting everything that moves,” he said, referring to the deputy who fired the fatal shots, who was a military veteran.

Organizers expected as many as 1,500 people to participate in the march, which was scheduled to end by 5 p.m. More than 1,000 people attended a service for the boy sunday.

29.10.2013 - 23:21 [ USA Today ]

Hundreds protest police killing of Calif. teen

Hours before the funeral of 13-year-old Andy Lopez, hundreds of students and other protesters marched through Santa Rosa, Calif., on Tuesday, a week after a sheriff‘s deputy killed the eighth-grader as he carried a pellet gun that resembled an assault rifle.

Sonoma County offices and some city businesses closed early in anticipation of the rally and march, which was expected to draw up to 1,500 people, some from the San Francisco area and Los Angeles, authorities and organizers said.

29.10.2013 - 19:02 [ Radio Utopie ]

Unsere November Charts. Große Musik.

Die drei Neuzugänge in den Radio Utopie November Charts: The Gray Havens (Crystal Lake, U.S.A.) mit “Silver”. Fast wie der Soundtrack zu einem Jonny Depp Film. Singleton (Kiev, Ukraine) mit “Breathe in Breathe out”. Guter, nicht alter New Wave, wenn man das so sagen kann. Und Yury (wie kommt man bloß von Kiryat Shmona nach Arkansas?, jetzt aus Pittsburgh, USA) mit “The Chase”. Großer Hip Hop, wie man ihn irgendwie nur unterwegs machen kann, aber wenn man grad Zeit hat, und dann gleich weiter. Viel Spaß!

29.10.2013 - 18:58 [ Economic Policy Journal ]

Mysterious Google Floating Structure Now Spotted on East Coast

After KPIX 5 reported on Google’s mysterious project on a barge off Treasure Island, reports have surfaced of the tech giant building similar floating structures outside of the Bay Area.

29.10.2013 - 18:44 [ Techdirt ]

If All These Countries Are So Outraged By Revelations Of US Spying On Them, Why Aren‘t They Offering Snowden Asylum?

Glenn Greenwald makes some really good points in a Guardian column (one of his last) discussing the reactions to the latest revelations about the NSA surveillance on citizens and (mainly) top politicians in other countries. The key one being, if these countries are really so outraged by these revelations, shouldn‘t they be offering Ed Snowden asylum, since they appear to be admitting that these revelations are important?

29.10.2013 - 18:20 [ Rettet den Regenwald e.V. ]

Perenco in Guatemala: Erdöl und Gewalt

Die britisch-französische Firma Perenco beutet Erdöl im Nationalpark Laguna del Tigre aus. Die lokale Bevölkerung wird ihrer Grundrechte beraubt und von Militärs vertrieben, die durch die Erdölfirma finanziert werden. Bitte unterstützen Sie die betroffenen Gemeinden mit Ihrer Unterschrift.

29.10.2013 - 18:08 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

US-Söldner auf Jobsuche in Lateinamerika

Navy-SEALs-Kommandeur, Admiral William McRaven, – verantwortlich für die Operation, in deren Rahmen Osama Bin Laden getötet wurde – zeigte sich besonders aggressiv, als er sich auf die Suche nach einem neuen Schauplatz für seine Truppen begab. Dabei ging es auch um Lateinamerika und die Karibik, wo sie tausende Soldaten trainieren. „Für das, was ein Helikopter kostet, lassen sich viele Menschen ausbilden“, sagte Iscason gegenüber IPS.

29.10.2013 - 17:06 [ Frontline Club ]

The Engineer: ‚Cases worse than horror films‘

The future of the gang conflict is also set to be influenced by El Salvador’s presidential elections in February 2014. The current President Mauricio Funes (FMLN) is said to have facilitated the truce that has come under increased scrutiny as drug trafficking and other criminal activities continue.

29.10.2013 - 16:14 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs discharged

The statement added that Jamil‘s removal from office also came because of his involvement in activities and meetings abroad without coordination with the government and overstepping the institutional work and the state‘s hierarchy.

29.10.2013 - 16:12 [ New York Times ]

Obama Official Apologizes for Balky Insurance Website

“I want to apologize to you that the website is not working as well as it should,” Ms. Tavenner said, in remarks addressed to the public during testimony before the House Ways Means Committee.

29.10.2013 - 14:46 [ Techdirt ]

Five Reactions To Dianne Feinstein Finally Finding Something About The NSA To Get Angry About

Dianne Feinstein, the NSA‘s biggest defender in the Senate (which is ridiculous since she‘s also in charge of „oversight“) has finally had enough. It‘s not because she finally understands how crazy it is that the NSA is spying on every American, including all of her constituents in California. It‘s not because she finally realized that the NSA specifically avoided letting her know about their widespread abuses. No, it‘s because she just found out that the NSA also spies on important people, like political leaders around the globe. It seems that has finally ticked off Feinstein, who has released a scathing statement about the latest revelations:

29.10.2013 - 14:43 [ Ynet ]

Report: Elderly in Israel – poorest in Western world

Half of Israel‘s elderly would be living below the poverty line if they were dependent only on their market income, while 15 of the 21 other states would have more than 75% of the elderly living in poverty if they did not give government intervention. This means a smaller part of Israel‘s elderly would live in poverty without the intervention of a social safety net.

29.10.2013 - 14:38 [ Guardian ]

Quit the EU? Some voters don‘t know Britain is already a member, warns watchdog

MPs are currently considering proposals to go to voters in 2017 asking: „Do you think that the United Kingdom should be a member of the European Union?“

But the Electoral Commission said a more neutral alternative would be „Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union?“.

29.10.2013 - 14:36 [ Techdirt ]

Latest Declassified NSA Records Show NSA Believes It Can Spy On Everyone‘s Location Based On Existing Approvals

James Clapper has declassified another batch of documents on the NSA activities. We‘ll probably write about a few of them, but let‘s start with one that‘s getting a lot of initial attention: the document that discusses the „test“ of collecting location info from the telcos based on where your mobile phone was. The short version? Do you know where you were on April 26, 2010? Because the NSA probably does.

29.10.2013 - 11:13 [ New York Times ]

Obama May Ban Spying on Heads of Allied States

The White House informed a leading Democratic lawmaker, Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, of its plans, which grew out of a broader internal review of intelligence-gathering methods, prompted by the leak of N.S.A. documents by a former contractor, Edward J. Snowden. (…)

“She believes the committee was not adequately briefed on the details of these programs, and she’s frustrated,” said a committee staff member, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “In her mind, there were salient omissions.”

29.10.2013 - 10:53 [ Half-Elf on Tech ]

Don’t Fear The Auto Update

I want to stress one really important thing here. The automatic background updates for WordPress are for minor updates only. We’re not talking about auto-upgrading people from 3.7 to 3.8, but just 3.7 to 3.7.1 – These are small, minor, updates. When someone comes to me and complains that major releases don’t always work, I have actually said, “So? We’re not talking about major releases.” And of course, “You are making good backups on these super important websites, right? Right?”

29.10.2013 - 10:51 [ BerlinerRundfunk91.4 / Twitter ]

Hacker aus Syrien haben die #Facebook- und #Twitter-Konten von US-Präsident #Obama attackiert. Sie wollten sich für #NSA-Spionage rächen