Near this fishing village on the banks of the Sesan River in northern Cambodia, a planned hydroelectric dam threatens to inundate an area almost half the size of Singapore – and submerge seven villages including this one, sparking fury among residents, tempered by fear.
Daily Archives: 27. Oktober 2013
Somalia radio stations shut down, ordered out of government building
An overseas-based official from the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) earlier said the stations, Radio Shabelle and SkyFM, were closed in connection with stories touching on accusations of corruption within government.
Facebook executives coach Brazil politicians before Internet vote
One lawmaker who met with Harbath, former Rio de Janeiro Governor Antony Garotinho, said the requirement for local data centers must be dropped.
„I‘m against it. How are you going to store in Brazil information on Brazilians that is part of a worldwide network? It‘s kind of hard and I think it‘s unlikely to happen.“
Maryland Attorney General, Underage Drinking Party: Douglas Gansler Endorses Teen Bash (PHOTO/VIDEO)
Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler received tremendous criticism after photos of him taking pictures of three teenagers dancing on top of a table surfaced, The Baltimore Sun reported.
New Research Improves QD-LED Displays by Using Engineered Quantum Dots
The researchers found a way to control the droop on QD-LEDs and have identified the main problem—the Auger effect. This process recombines the electron and a hole and emits the energy as heat instead of photons.
Family of grandmother killed in US drone strike arrive for Congress visit
Rafiq ur Rehman discusses his family‘s journey from Pakistan to Washington DC, where they will seek answers on Capitol Hill
Battle of the Titans: China Haters versus Israel Firsters, as John V. Walsh sees it.
Today the NYT runs a front page article headlined “(Susan) Rice Offers A More Modest Strategy for the Middle East.” It should be headlined “Battle of the Titans: Israeli Firsters versus China Haters.”
Germany to Netanyahu: Boycotting UN rights council review will hurt Israel
In letter to Israeli PM, Germany’s foreign minister warns that Israel’s failure to attend the review on Tuesday will cause the country severe diplomatic damage and Israel’s allies around the world would be hard-pressed to help it.
Germany warns of ‘diplomatic damage’ if Israel ignores UN rights panel – report
Germany told Israel to expect “severe diplomatic damage” should it fail to attend a periodic human rights review Tuesday, Haaretz reports. Israel severed ties with the UNHRC in March 2012 after it expressed concern over Israeli settlements.
“On Friday, German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle sent a personal letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, warning that Israel‘s failure to attend the Geneva-based Human Rights Council‘s Universal Periodic Review would cause the country severe diplomatic damage and Israel‘s allies around the world would be hard-pressed to help it,” Haaretz newspaper reported Sunday.
Rock pioneer Lou Reed dies at 71
The founding member of the Velvet Underground had a liver transplant in May.
JFK Attentat – Schussfolge nach Jim Garrison
New book reveals how much FBI, CIA knew about Oswald before Kennedy assassination
A forthcoming book from former New York Times reporter Philip Shenon digs into exactly what the commission got wrong, both by intentional concealment, or, in Shenon‘s view, extensive attempts by both the CIA and FBI to withhold just how much they knew about Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in the weeks and months before he killed the president.
NSA denies discussing Merkel phone surveillance with Obama
Going further, Rogers claimed that the emergence of fascism in Europe in the early 20th century could be partly explained by a conscious decision by the US not to monitor its allies.
„We said: ‚We‘re not going to do any kinds of those things, that would not be appropriate,“ he said. „Look what happened in the 30s: the rise of fascism, the rise of communism, the rise of imperialism. We didn‘t see any of it. And it resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people.“
Rogers added: „Remember: sometimes our friends have relationships with our adversaries.“
Wow. House intel chair‘s weird views of pre-war Europe
NSA spox tells me contra to this report..Alexander „did not discuss with President Obama in 2010“ alleged op on Merkel
Obama ‚not told of Merkel phone bugging‘
„(General) Alexander did not discuss with President Obama in 2010 an alleged foreign intelligence operation involving German Chancellor Merkel, nor has he ever discussed alleged operations involving Chancellor Merkel,“ NSA spokeswoman Vanee Vines said.
„News reports claiming otherwise are not true.“
International Rights Body to Press U.S. on Surveillance, Snowden
History has taught us that pervasive government surveillance has a profoundly adverse effect on the exercise of free speech – a universal right enshrined both in the Constitution and in international human rights law. This Monday, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will hold its first-ever hearing on the NSA‘s mass surveillance programs and their impact on the right to freedom of expression and other related rights in the Americas.
In photos: Palestinian olive harvest carries on centuries of tradition
More than 7,500 olive trees were damaged by Israeli army and settler attacks in 2012, according to a UN report. More than 4,000 olive trees have already been damaged so far this year.
Some 800,000 olive trees have been uprooted by Israeli authorities since 1967, according to Oxfam. The loss of olive trees equates to $12.3 million in annual lost income for the 80,000 Palestinian families who depend on the trees for their livelihoods, according to UNOCHA.
Dienstbereit: Nazis & Faschisten im Auftrag der CIA (arte)
Während des Kalten Krieges rekrutierte die CIA zahlreiche ehemalige Nazigrößen und italienische Faschisten als Agenten für ihre weltweiten Operationen gegen den Kommunismus. Anhand jüngst freigegebener Akten skizziert der Dokumentarfilm zum ersten Mal ein weltumspannendes Netzwerk, das weit in die Machtstruktur der BRD reichte.
Protest parties ‚clear winners‘ in Czech poll
The Czech Republic, whose first president, Vaclav Havel, helped fashion the country as a global symbol of liberty after the fall of the Berlin Wall, has been undergoing a potent backlash against the political establishment after a scandal over alleged bribery.
Georgia PM ally Giorgi Margvelashvili ‚wins presidency‘
Giorgi Margvelashvili is a member of Mr Ivanishvili‘s Georgian Dream party, which won parliamentary elections last year, ushering in the former Soviet republic‘s first legal transfer of power.
Twitter eyes reunion of Main St and Wall St
When Twitter executives kick-off a 10-day, cross-country tour of the US on Monday, they will try to convince the world’s largest money managers and hedge funds that the messaging platform can translate its success in transforming global communications into profits.
Untersuchungsausschuss zur #NSA-Affäre ist unvermeidbar
Wer nicht souverän ist, kann kein Souverän sein
Ich vermute: noch ein Fall für den Bundestag?
Ja, dringend.
Was heißt dringend?
Der Bundestag ist arbeitsfähig. Also könnte man das NSA-Thema in der ersten Novemberwoche in einer Generaldebatte im Plenum aufrufen.
Diese geplante Sitzungswoche wurde von der CDU/CSU- und SPD-Mehrheit gerade erst abgesagt. Weil es noch keine neue Bundesregierung gibt.
Das ist eine dümmliche Begründung. Nach allen Regeln der Demokratie ist eine Regierung gegenüber dem Parlament nachgeordnet und nicht anders herum.
Ich frage noch mal zur Klarheit. Petra Pau fordert umgehend eine Plenardebatte des Bundestages zu drei Themen: Erstens: G10-Gesetze überprüfen. Zweitens: Geheimverträge tilgen. Drittens: Datenschutz stärken. Richtig?
Das gehört in den Bundestag, nicht nur in interne Koalitionsgespräche. Wir wollen Sondersitzung
Wir beantragen eine Sondersitzung des Deutschen Bundestages zu #Merkelphone und #NSA-Files
Koalitionsgespräche: CDU will Parlamentsrechte bei Auslandseinsätzen einschränken
Das Thema gilt als kniffligster Punkt in den Koalitionsgesprächen über die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik: Die Union will die Mitwirkungsrechte des Bundestages bei Auslandseinsätzen einschränken. Eine entsprechende Forderung erhob nach Informationen des SPIEGEL Bundesverteidigungsminister Thomas de Maizière bei den Koalitionsgesprächen mit der SPD am vergangenen Freitag.
OReilly: ´President Obama Is Out to Destroy the Right Wing´
„Therefore, he’s on a mission to destroy the hard right.”
In turn, some conservatives despise President Obama because they believe he’s harming them and the country. “Those bad feelings are reminiscent of Dallas, Texas in the run-up to President Kennedy’s assassination.”
Former Israeli Supreme Court president gives civics lesson at New Milford school
Honorable Justice Dorit Beinisch, retired earlier this year after 17 years on the court, seven as president. More than a dozen students stood to ask questions — first in Hebrew, then in English — on her most memorable cases, her experience as a woman in the courts, and the differences between the Israeli and U.S. justice systems. (..)
„Your roots are in the Constitution,“ she said. „While we don‘t have a Constitution….we do have to find a solution in the same way, in the legislation that we have.“
ISRAEL: Nation hijacked by a Shin-Bet Judiciary Gang
Key events in governance of the State of Israel in recent decades include: a) Kav 300 affair (1984), where the confrontation between the Shin-Bet (Secret Service) and the justice system ended in a stalemate, b) Prime Minister Rabin‘s assassination (1995), where the Shin-Bet was deeply involved, and the justice system engaged in after-the-fact cover-up, and c) Death of Chief Clerk of the Supreme Court Shmaryahu Cohen under suspicious circumstances (2002) and the concomitant hacking of the computer systems of the Israeli Supreme Court through an „inside job“, where the judiciary and the Shin-Bet acted in full collusion.
Joseph Zernik
His research in these areas was accepted as part of official United Nations Human Rights Council (submitted under Human Rights Alert, NGO) in 2010 with the note, „corruption of the courts and the legal profession in California“, and in 2013 with the note, „lack of integrity in the electronic records of the supreme court, the district courts and the detainees courts in Israel“.
Today, Dr Zernik is permit holder for the Occupy Tel Aviv encampment.
Netanyahu fails to back Livni on prisoner release
Members of Habayit Hayehudi attacked Livni over the weekend claiming that releasing terrorists compromises state security. Livni fired back warning of incitement that could lead to another political murder.
Dr.Rohani betont Zusammenarbeit mit Kuba in internationalen Organisationen
Präsident Hassan Rohani sagte am Samstag, dass der Iran und Kuba eine bedeutende Rolle in internationalen Organisationen, wie zum Beispiel bei der Blockfreien Bewegung, spielen können.
Syria Submits its Initial Declaration and a General Plan of Destruction of its Chemical Weapons Programme
On 24 October 2013, the Syrian Arab Republic submitted to the OPCW its formal initial declaration covering its chemical weapons programme. Syria’s submission is in line with the deadline set by the OPCW Executive Council in its decision of 27 September 2013 requiring a complete initial declaration by 27 October 2014. Such declarations provide the basis on which plans are devised for a systematic, total and verified destruction of declared chemical weapons and production facilities.
Iranian capital takes down some anti-American posters
Tehran authorities have taken down some anti-American posters, amid signs Iran is seeking better relations with the United States as the two sides prepare to hold talks over its nuclear program.
50.6% oppose secrecy protection bill: Kyodo poll
The government‘s bill to toughen penalties for leaking national secrets was opposed by 50.6 percent of respondents in the latest Kyodo News survey released Sunday, with support for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe‘s Cabinet slipping to 60.7 percent.
Georgia goes to the polls for presidential election
Georgians are voting on Sunday for a president to succeed Mikheil Saakashvili, who during almost a decade in power has turned the former Soviet republic into a fledgling democracy and a staunch US ally.
Die Ghostwriter der Hartz IV Kommission
(16.5.2013) Hassel schreibt in dem Kapitel „Stunde der Reformer“, dass es Anfang 2002 bereits „einen Kern verantwortlicher Politiker und Beamter“ gegeben habe, „die die Probleme am Arbeitsmarkt in ähnlicher Weise interpretierten und den Vermittlungsskandal nutzen wollten, um ihre Reformvorschläge durchzusetzen“. „Tragende Akteure“ dieses Prozesses seien im Bundeskanzleramt Frank Walter Steinmeier und im BMA Staatssekretär Gerd Andres gewesen. Walter Riester erinnert sich nach dem Vermittlungsskandal an ein Gespräch mit Steinmeier: „Walter , wir müssen das eigentlich mit einem massiven eigenen Schlag lösen. Wir stehen jetzt vor der Bundestagswahl .Und seine [ Steinmeiers ] erste Vorstellung war, McKinsey einzusetzen.“
Ray McGovern: ‚We Won‘t Allow Constitution to be Vandalized!‘
A huge rally was held on Saturday morning, Oct. 26th, at Columbus Circle, directly in front of the historic Union Station in Washington, D.C. Stopping the National Security Agency‘s (NSA) massive spying/surveillance on its own citizens was the focus of the spirited protest action. Ray McGovern is a former analyst for the CIA. He said that he was encouraged by the large turnout for the protest action and how many young people showed-up. McGovern underscored: „We won‘t allow our Constitution to be vandalized!“
USA verärgern Israel mit neuer Iran-Politik
Die USA vergraulen ihre Verbündeten Saudi-Arabien und Israel, schreibt die Zeitung „Kommersant“ in ihrer Freitagsausgabe.
Joint military exercise of India, Russia
Indian tanks roll down a field during a joint military exercise with Russia Army slated for 10 days at Mahajan Field Firing Ranges in the deserts of the western state of Rajasthan, Oct. 25, 2013.
Thousands of Portuguese protest against government austerity measures in 2014 draft budget
In Lisbon, the protesters marched from the Rossio Square in downtown areas towards their destination of the Parliament building. Angry demonstrators, carrying placards in their hands, chanted revolutionary songs and shouted slogans against the government‘s 2014 draft budget which included more austerity measures such as cutbacks of pensions and reduction in civil servants‘ paychecks.
Iran, Shell start oil negotiations
Shell lost money trading Iranian crude in 2012 shortly before a European Union embargo and still owes $2.3 billion to Tehran for oil purchases, Reuters reported.
Georgian Interior Ministry calls on citizens to report about violations in election to law enforcement agencies
Interior Ministry spokesperson Nino Giorgobiani said on Sunday that the police will immediately react to any such a fact and take appropriate measures. When coming to the information about the incident in Zemo Ponichala, the police haven‘t received information about it, she said.
Ex-CIA officer: Israeli lobby very active against Iran over nuclear talks
Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi says the powerful Israeli lobby in the United States has been very active to stop nuclear talks between Iran and the world powers.
Presidential election begins in Georgia
The Western-backed incumbent president has ruled the country for a decade. Georgia’s president can only serve two terms.
Bulgaria students protest in Sofia
Dozens of students under the name “Early Rising Student” blocked on Saturday all the entrances to the main building of St Kliment Ohridski University in the capital, Sofia.
‘Scary you could be jailed for running computer service’ – CryptoSeal co-founder
VPN service CryptoSeal followed Lavabit in pulling the plug, fearing running afoul of US authorities. Ryan Lackey, co-founder of the computer firm, told RT about the current climate where people can be put behind bars just for running their businesses.
US against new sanctions as Iran prepares to protect ‘inalienable’ nuclear right at P5+1 talks
The chief negotiator and undersecretary of state Wendy Sherman said in a televised interview with Voice of America, that diplomacy can work and has urged the Congress to delay further sanctions against Tehran
Im Augenblick kann ich nur jedem/r raten keinem/r irgendetwas zu glauben. Was zählt sind rechtsgültige Verträge. Der Rest ist Geschwafel.
Im Gegenteil. Alles soll noch schlimmer werden. Ob Regierung und Spione hi und da, es ist derselbe Dreck. Und der Bundestag tagt nicht.
Liebe Leute. Aus meiner Sicht ist diese #Handygate Story die allerletzte Farce. Krieg und Ausnahmezustand werden nicht in Frage gestellt.
Frankreich liefert Daten an Geheimdienste der USA und Großbritanniens – Zeitung
Während der französische Präsident Francois Hollande „den jüngsten Lauschangriff heftig kritisiert, arbeitet Frankreich längst mit amerikanischen und britischen Geheimdiensten zusammen“, schreibt das Blatt. „Unter dem Codenamen ‚Lustre‘ hat die Regierung vor einiger Zeit einen Kooperationsvertrag geschlossen.“