„We‘re In This Together“ music video. Directed by Mark Pellington.
Daily Archives: 22. Oktober 2013
Israel‘s New Racism: The Persecution of African Migrants in the Holy Land
About 60,000 African migrants have arrived in Israel since 2006, fleeing unrest in their home countries. But upon arrival in the ostensibly democratic country, the migrants have faced intense persecution and have been branded as „infiltrators“ by right-wing politicians and activists.
A New Kind of War Is Being Legalized
Which are which? Even their best researchers can’t tell you. Human Rights Watch looked into six drone murders in Yemen and concluded that two were illegal and four might be illegal.
Pope Francis will not meet with Netanyahu
A „diplomatic embarrassment“ has arisen following the refusal of Pope Francis I to meet with Israel‘s prime minister at short notice. Benjamin Netanyahu‘s office had already announced that a meeting would take place during his visit to Italy, reported Haaretz, but the pope has no plans in this regard.
Stop Watching Us: A Rally Against NSA Surveillance on October 26th
On October 26th, the anniversary of the PATRIOT Act, a coalition of more than 100 groups will hold a Rally Against Mass Surveillance in Washington, DC.
We need your help to make this historic protest a huge success!
Mieter am Stadtbau-Pranger: Hetzjagd statt Rechtsstaat
Rechtsstaat? Ach geh.
Gerade Hans Schaidinger also, der sonst so gern auf dem Rechtsstaat pocht, der kürzlich in einer Rede betonte, dass „das Rechtsstaatprinzip (…) das Grundprinzip“ sei, „auf dem sich Demokratie und Freiheitsrechte erst entfalten können“, ist ebendieser Rechtsstaat wurscht, sobald es um die Interessen der städtischen Wohnbaugesellschaft geht.
Weisses Haus weist französische NSA-Beschwerde zurück: Alle Länder spionieren
Obwohl es einige Anstrengungen gegeben hat, den Präsidenten Francois Hollande zumindest so weit zu beruhigen, dass er mit seinen Beschwerden keine Schlagzeilen macht, so hat doch die Obama-Administration klar gemacht, dass sie die flächendeckende Bespitzelung französischer Bürger und Politiker durch die NSA, die kürzlich bekannt worden ist, in keiner Weise bereut.
The self-beheading House of Saud
By Pepe Escobar
Don‘t count on a female Saudi playwright writing a 21st century remix of John Osborne‘s Look Back in Anger starring a bunch of non-working class Saudi royals. But anger it is – from King Abdullah downwards; not only at the UN‘s „double standards“ but especially – hush hush – at the infidel Obama administration.
The Great Nothingness of Libya, Two Years After Muammar Gaddafi
Gaddafi was clearly not the problem: he was the solution that had to be broken in order for Libya to be “fixed,” to be fixed good and proper from the standpoint of the cruel tyrants in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the U.S.
Die Erdöl-Schutztruppe
Um trotz des totalen Kontrollverlusts über das Land – einer Folge der letzten Endes auch von der Bundesrepublik unterstützten [2] NATO-Aggression – zumindest die Produktion und den Export von Erdöl zu sichern und damit zentrale Interessen des Westens zu befriedigen, hat die offizielle, wenn auch faktisch relativ machtlose Regierung in Tripolis eine Sondertruppe zum Schutz der Ölförder- und -transportanlagen aufgebaut: die „Petroleum Facilities Guard“. Der Einheit gehörten zunächst 15.000 Bewaffnete an; inzwischen ist sie auf 18.000 aufgestockt worden. Wintershall beurteilt das Vorhaben, die Interessen der westlichen Ölindustrie mangels schlagkräftiger Polizei oder Armee mit speziellen Bataillonen zu sichern, öffentlich überaus positiv;
Kolumbiens Indigene: Setzen Proteste fort, bis Santos uns empfängt
Nach Gesprächen zwischen Vertretern der indigenen Gemeinden und Kolumbiens Innenminister Aurelio Iragorri sind in der Nacht zum vergangenen Sonntag die Blockaden des Schnellstraßensystems Panamericana aufgehoben worden. Die Route war vier Tage lang an vier Punkten des Landes von mehreren tausend Indigenen mit Barrikaden gesperrt gewesen. Sie demonstrierten damit für bessere Lebensbedingungen und politische Beteiligung.
The Big Winners in Kenya’s Oil Debut
As the discoveries pile up for pioneers British Tullow (TLW-LSE) and Canadian Africa Oil (AOI-TSXv), the plan now is to escalate development and further the pace of exploration, while a third winner in this scenario—Taipan Resources (TPN-TSX)—is set to benefit enormously by owning acreage right next to the pioneers’ high-reward prospects.
Gelder für illegales Spionage-Netzwerk von US-Militär abgezweigt
(15.03.2010) Michael D. Furlong ist nicht irgendwer. Im Bericht der “New York Times” steht sehr wenig über den Hintergrund seiner Militärkarriere. Es wird lediglich erwähnt, der heutige “zivile Angestellte” des Militärs sei ein ehemaliger Offizier der Air Force.
Furlong ist hochdekorierter Spezialist für “strategische Kommunikation” und psychologische Kriegführung (“psychological operations”). U.a. war er Projektmanager für den Aufbau von drei durch die US-Regierung bezahlten Fernseh- und Radiostationen in Bosnien, Kosovo und Irak und war weltweit in Kriegsgebieten im Einsatz. Furlong arbeitete u.a. für den Vereinigten Generalstab des US-Militärs (“Joint Chiefs of Staff”), den Generalstab der US-Army, das Europa-Kommando (Eucom), in der Abteilung für Weltraum-Politik der US-Luftwaffe sowie dem Kommando für Sonderoperationen (Socom). Teil des Socom ist übrigens das “Joint Special Operations Command” (Jsoc), aber dazu später.
Mitte 2008 war Furlong der strategische Planer und Berater für technologische Integration des “Joint Information Operations Warfare Command“, welches Teil des Strategischen Kommandos Stratcom ist. Es ist anzunehmen, dass er bis heute diesen Posten innehat, da Stratcom in der New York Times als sein Vorgesetzter aufgeführt wird. Zu Stratcom gehört auch das ab Juni 2009 eingerichtete “Cyber Command” mit dem “Verantwortungsbereich” Internet.
Afghan businessman accused of channelling aid money to insurgency
United States officials are on the trail of a successful Afghan businessman they believe has channelled millions of dollars in aid to the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani network, one of the deadliest insurgent groups in Afghanistan.
It is believed that the suspected businessman still has donor-funded reconstruction contracts around the country.
Ex-Envoy Says Misunderstanding Runs on Both Sides of U.S.-Pakistan Ties
Q. In your last book, “Pakistan: Between Mosque and Military,” you wrote about the ties between Islamist movements and Pakistan’s U.S.-backed military and intelligence. To what extent is religious extremism in Pakistan an American creation?
The Americans inadvertently expanded religious extremism in Pakistan. But if you go back in history, Pakistan was already involved in supporting religious extremism in Afghanistan when the Americans launched their massive aid program for Afghan mujahedeen after the Soviet invasion in 1979. Religious extremist groups have been in Pakistan since 1947. And some of them have been embraced by the state as a means of nation-building.
US drones target Haqqani Network in North Waziristan strike
(29.09.) The CIA-operated, remotely piloted Predators or the more deadly Reapers fired a pair of missiles at a compound in the village of Darga Mandi in the Ghulam Khan area of North Waziristan, Pakistani security officials told AFP. The identities of the fighters who were killed have not been disclosed.
US Removes Deceased Haqqani Leader from Blacklist
(26.09.) The U.S. Treasury Department quietly said Thursday that Badruddin Haqqani, an operational leader of the Haqqani Network, was removed from a State Department blacklist.
Mr. Haqqani, who was confirmed killed in August 2012, was also delisted this week by a United Nations Security Council sanctions committee. The U.S. State Department branded him a “global terrorist” in 2011.
Daniel Neun – Die Künste (Die Müllmänner Gottes)
The Quiet Admiral
(25.01.2012) McRaven had long been revered inside the special-operations community, but he was hardly known outside of military circles. In fact, immediately after finishing with Panetta, Lehrer felt obliged to inform viewers that McRaven was in charge of Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC (McRaven has since received his fourth star and been promoted to commander of Special Operations Command, of which JSOC is one component.) Last August, I wrote in detail about McRaven’s role overseeing the bin Laden mission.
The Secret US War in Pakistan
(7.Dezember 2009) At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, „snatch and grabs“ of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan, an investigation by The Nation has found. The Blackwater operatives also assist in gathering intelligence and help direct a secret US military drone bombing campaign that runs parallel to the well-documented CIA predator strikes, according to a well-placed source within the US military intelligence apparatus.
Töten ohne Grenzen
(08.02.2010) US-Geheimdienst CIA und die Söldnerfirma Blackwater haben vor vier Jahren in Hamburg die Ermordung des deutsch-syrischen Geschäftsmanns Mamoun Darkazanli geplant und praktisch vorbereitet. Das berichtet die US-Zeitschrift Vanity Fair in ihrer Januar-Ausgabe. Der Bericht hat in deutschen politischen Kreisen erhebliche Unruhe ausgelöst.
Tycoon, Contractor, Soldier, Spy
(Januar 2010) Among the team’s targets, according to a source familiar with the program, was Mamoun Darkazanli, an al-Qaeda financier living in Hamburg who had been on the agency’s radar for years because of his ties to three of the 9/11 hijackers and to operatives convicted of the 1998 bombings of U.S. Embassies in East Africa. The C.I.A. team supposedly went in “dark,” meaning they did not notify their own station—much less the German government—of their presence; they then followed Darkazanli for weeks and worked through the logistics of how and where they would take him down.
United States Special Operations Command
2010 wurden die Special Forces in 75 Staaten eingesetzt, darunter zu 86 Prozent im Verantwortungsbereich des United States Central Command. (..)
Das SOCOM verfügt gemäß dem Nunn-Cohen Amendment als einziges Verbundkommando über eine eigene Finanzierungsquelle, die sich unabhängig von der Entscheidung des Vorsitzenden der Vereinigten Stabschefs und der Haushaltsplanung der übrigen Streitkräfte aus einem Sonderfond des Verteidigungsministeriums speist.
Dadurch ist es den Mutterteilstreitkräften nicht mehr möglich „über die Hintertür“ die Finanzierung ihrer zum Teil immer noch ungeliebten (weil kostenintensiven) Spezialeinsatzkräfte zu kontrollieren.
Das SOCOM ist dadurch de facto eine fünfte Teilstreitkraft.
Im Fiskaljahr 2002 betrug das Budget 4,9 Mrd. US-Dollar. Aufgrund einer neuen Direktive des amerikanischen Verteidigungsministers Donald Rumsfeld an das USSOCOM, Terroristen rund um den Globus aufzuspüren und festzunehmen, wurde das Jahresbudget mehr als verdoppelt.
Special Ops Nominee Wants Review of SOCOM Initiatives
(11.Oktober) Title 10 is “a preferred way to do things when we can. And I think we should strive to make Title 10 the principle method of conducting these operations,” he said.
Some members of Congress pushed to have a debate over the AUMF as part of the fiscal year 2014 budget discussions, and former defense secretary Leon Panetta and CIA chief John Brennan have called for moving away from the AUMF and reverting back to Title 10 authorities.
Afghan war’s approaching end throws legal status of Guantanamo detainees into doubt
(19.Oktober) Ideally, Obama would like to do away with the Authorization for the Use of Military Force, a law passed within days of the 9/11 attacks, and replace it with more targeted versions to allow action against new al-Qaeda related groups in the Middle East and Africa and other threats as they arise. His goal, the president said in a May speech, is to ”refine, and ultimately repeal” the existing authority.
Repeal of the AUMF could allow other detainees imprisoned under its terms to refile habeas corpus petitions that the government had successfully quashed.
Drohnenangriffe in Pakistan und Jemen: Menschenrechtler werfen Obama Bruch des Völkerrechts vor
Auch die Menschenrechtler von Human Rights Watch (HRW) werden einen Drohnenreport in Washington vorlegen. Der beschäftigt sich mit der Situation im Jemen und stützt sich auf 90 Interviews, darunter Gespräche mit Verwandten der Getöteten, Augenzeugen, Regierungsoffiziellen, Anwälten.
US justifies Somalia raid under AUMF, which Obama seeks to repeal
(08.Oktober) In a statement citing the Authorization to Use Military Force, which was passed by Congress after the 9/11 attacks on America, the US military yesterday justified the Oct. 5 raid by US Navy SEALs that targeted a senior Shabaab leader in Somalia. But just four months ago, President Barack Obama called for the repeal of the AUMF, claiming that the law will „continue to grant presidents unbound powers more suited for traditional armed conflicts between nation states.“
Denn wie heißt es in der Werbung? Es gibt immer was zu tun.Solange es was zu tun gibt.Sonst gibt´s nämlich keinen Unterhalt, sorry, „Budget“
Konkret: Es will seine am 14.09.2001 ergatterte allgem. Kriegsermächtigung AUMF behalten – wg „Al Kaida“,“AQAP“,usw.
Hintergrund: Das Militär will Präsident Obama zu einer Klarstellung der „legal basis“ der Kriegseinsätze z.B. in Jemen zwingen.
Einschätzung: neben dem #AI Bericht ist auch der #HRW zum #Drohnen-#Krieg der USA eine ganz miese Nummer.
Experian Sold Consumer Data to ID Theft Service
An identity theft service that sold Social Security and drivers license numbers — as well as bank account and credit card data on millions of Americans — purchased much of its data from Experian, one of the three major credit bureaus, according to a lengthy investigation by KrebsOnSecurity.
Another US ‚Secure‘ Service Shuts Down: CryptoSeal VPN Goes Dark To Protect Against US Surveillance
The full details here aren‘t clear, but it looks like another „secure“ service based in the US has felt the need to shut down over fears about US surveillance efforts compromising actual security. VPN provider CryptoSeal has announced that it‘s shuttered the service (via Hacker News):
Afghan businessman accused of channeling aid money to insurgency
U.S. inspectors are on the trail of a successful Afghan businessman they believe has channeled millions of dollars in aid to the al Qaeda-linked Haqqani network, one of the deadliest insurgent groups in Afghanistan, but still has donor-funded reconstruction contracts around the country.
Instead Of Nominating New DHS Boss, Obama Should Look At Disbanding DHS
As you may have heard, last week President Obama nominated Jeh Johnson, the former General Counsel of the Defense Department, to be the new head of the Department of Homeland Security. While he‘s certainly better than some other proposed candidates, he‘s not exactly known as a supporter for civil liberties. He‘s been a point person defending the use of drone-strikes, even on US citizens. He also has defended the collection of metadata by the NSA. Oh, and in his remarks after President Obama announced the nomination, he talked all about 9/11 and how he‘s spent his time since then trying to act in response to that.
Das britische Gesundheitssystem hat jetzt „Todeslisten“.
Und zwar haben sie herausgefunden, dass Todesfälle 1000 Pfund mehr kosten, wenn sie in einem Krankenhaus auftreten. Daher wollen sie lieber, dass die Leute zuhause sterben.
Letta budget under exam amid fears of ‚dirty tricks‘
Premier Enrico Letta‘s 2014 budget is set to start a two-month journey through parliament Tuesday with unions up in arms over its alleged „timidity“ on growth and employers warning against „dirty tricks“ by the parties that make up Italy‘s unprecedented left-right coalition.
Qatar offers $150 million debt relief to Palestinian Authority: Kerry
Qatar has agreed to provide $150 million in debt relief to the Palestinian Authority
Sudan‘s President Bashir lands in South Sudan for talks
Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir landed Tuesday in Juba, where he is to hold rare talks with South Sudanese President Salva Kiir, dpa reported.
Prime Minister: EU has no right to assess reforms in Turkey
Turkey‘s accession to the European Union has lost its attraction for the citizens of the country, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc said earlier.
According to him, previously 75 per cent of the country‘s population expressed a preference for Turkey‘s accession to the EU, but now only 20 per cent show interest.
Accidentally Revealed Document Shows TSA Doesn‘t Think Terrorists Are Plotting To Attack Airplanes
Jonathan Corbett, a long-time vocal critic of TSA body scanners, has been engaged in a lawsuit against the government concerning the constitutionality of those scanners. In the course of the case, the TSA gave him classified documents, which he was ordered not to reveal. In using some of that information to make his case, he needed to file two copies of his brief: a public one with classified stuff redacted, and the full brief under seal, for the government and the courts to look at. Just one problem: someone over at Infowars noticed that apparently a clerk at the 11th Circuit appeals court forgot to file the document under seal, allowing them to find out what was under the redactions… Included in there is the following, apparently quoted from the TSA‘s own statements:
Ukrainian racist murdered Muslim, planted mosque bombs in Britain
A self-confessed racist Ukrainian student studying in Britain pleaded guilty on Monday to murdering an elderly Muslim man and planting explosive devices outside mosques in central England as part of a one-man hate campaign.
Saudi Arabia human rights record criticised at UN meeting
Countries at human rights council accuse kingdom of abusing rights of women and foreign workers
JP Morgan chief executive ‚so damn proud‘ of bank set to be fined $13bn
Jamie Dimon gives interview after tentatively reaching deal with Justice Department over sale of mortgage securities
#CISPA is the NSA‘s favorite law, and it‘s up for a vote again soon. Retweet and demand privacy here: http://cispaisback.org
.@alfranken @amyklobuchar – Please oppose #CISPA. We need more liability for firms which give information to the #NSA, not less
CISPA Zombie Bill Is Back, With Fewer Privacy Concerns…Maybe?
This summer, when Edward Snowden dropped his bombshell about PRISM, the NSA‘s vast Internet spying program, the House had recently passed a bill called the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). Widely criticized by privacy advocates, CISPA aimed to beef up US cybersecurity by giving tech companies the legal freedom to share even more cyber information with the US government—including the content of Americans‘ emails, with personal information intact. CISPA supporters, among them big US companies such as Verizon and Comcast, spent 140 times more money on lobbying for the bill than its opponents, according to the Sunlight Foundation. But after Snowden‘s leaks, public panic over how and why the government uses personal information effectively killed the bill. Now that the dust has settled a bit, NSA director Keith Alexander is publicly asking for the legislation to be re-introduced, and two senators confirmed that they are drafting a new Senate version.
You May Think You Have Nothing to Hide … But You Are Still Breaking Laws Which Government Spying Could Discover and Use Against You
Wired notes:
James Duane, a professor at Regent Law School and former defense attorney, notes in his excellent lecture on why it is never a good idea to talk to the police:
Estimates of the current size of the body of federal criminal law vary. It has been reported that the Congressional Research Service cannot even count the current number of federal crimes. These laws are scattered in over 50 titles of the United States Code, encompassing roughly 27,000 pages. Worse yet, the statutory code sections often incorporate, by reference, the provisions and sanctions of administrative regulations promulgated by various regulatory agencies under congressional authorization. Estimates of how many such regulations exist are even less well settled, but the ABA thinks there are ”nearly 10,000.”
Koalitionsverhandlungen: Union und SPD einigen sich auf zwölf Arbeitsgruppen
Oder sollen wir demnächst von Bundestagstheorie sprechen? Oder von Gesetztheorie? #btkonst13
#btkonst13 Ich stelle fest: d. Parlamentspräsident spricht in seiner Antrittsrede von „Verfassungstheorie“. Das ist inakzeptabel, Hr.Lammert
EU-Verordnung: Friedrich will Datenschutzregeln wieder ändern
Was Friedrich konkret verändern will, sagte er nicht. Seine bisherige Haltung und das Handeln der Bundesregierung in der NSA-Affäre zeugen allerdings nicht von einem besonderen Engagement für Datenschutz und Bürgerrechte:
Partizipationsmöglichkeiten und Beteiligungsgerechtigkeit in der digital vernetzten Gesellschaft
Mit den Potenzialen moderner Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sind zugleich Risiken und Grenzen verbunden. Grundrechte müssen auch im Internet geachtet und geschützt werden, besonders von staatlichen Stellen. Insbesondere das Persönlichkeitsrecht, das Recht auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung und auf Privatsphäre sowie das Telekommunikationsgeheimnis gelten auch online uneingeschränkt. Eine anlasslose und vollständige Überwachung, auch automatisiert, ist online wie offline ein Verstoß gegen die Menschenrechte und gegen das Grundgesetz.