Daily Archives: 8. Oktober 2013

08.10.2013 - 22:21 [ Miami Herald ]

Egypt’s ‘revolution’ is over as people accept imposition of military rule

Three months after the Egyptian military ousted the country’s first democratically elected president, Egypt now resembles the kind of police state whose oppressive policies gave rise to an iconic Arab Spring.

Nearly three years and many protests, elections and governments later, it seems only the electorate has changed. The public, desperate for stability at any cost, has embraced the iron hand that rules and rejected the revolutionary and Islamist groups who pushed for change.

08.10.2013 - 22:18 [ Mercury News ]

Obama nominates Barbara Lee as a U.S. representative to U.N. General Assembly

(10.09) President Barack Obama on Tuesday nominated Rep. Barbara Lee to be a U.S. representative to the 68th Session of the United Nations General Assembly — even as Lee helps rally opposition to Obama‘s proposed military strike on Syria.

If her nomination is confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Lee, D-Oakland, will continue to represent her House district while assuming the new duties in the U.N. session that starts Sept. 17.

08.10.2013 - 21:29 [ Radio Utopie ]

Richard Stallman – Was ist freie Software?

15.12.2010 Stallman entwickelte unter anderem die erste Version von GNU Emacs (ein komplexer, programmierbarer Texteditor), den GNU Debugger (GDB), den ersten freien plattformübergreifenden C-Compiler (heute gcc) sowie verschiedene für eine Unix-Umgebung benötigte Hilfsprogramme.

Sobald GNU geschrieben sein wird, wird jeder in der Lage sein, gute Systemsoftware so frei wie Luft zu bekommen.

08.10.2013 - 21:18 [ GIMP ]

GIMP: GNU Image Manipulation Program

This is the official GIMP web site. It contains information about downloading, installing, using, and enhancing it. This site also serves as a distribution point for the latest releases. We try to provide as much information about the GIMP community and related projects as possible. Hopefully you will find what you need here. Grab a properly chilled beverage and enjoy.

08.10.2013 - 21:13 [ WIRED ]

Why Free Software Is More Important Now Than Ever Before

By Richard Stallman

(28.09.2013) With the goal of ending the injustice of non-free software, the free software movement develops free programs so users can free themselves. We began in 1984 by developing the free operating system GNU. Today, millions of computers run GNU, mainly in the GNU/Linux combination.

08.10.2013 - 21:09 [ Counterpunch ]

Stallman, FOSS and the Adobe Nightmare

It’s not easy to substitute an OS on your computer if you don’t know what you’re doing but it’s easy if you do and there is a lot of help if you search for it. Install Debian Linux (or its cousin Ubuntu) and live a life of stable performance, elegant interface, literally thousands of free programs and virus-free computing.

08.10.2013 - 20:40 [ Global Research ]

Americans Are Being Treated to Political Theater: Forget the Government Shutdown – It’s About Shutting YOU Down

The government is red, the middle class is dead & they want us all dead

Americans are being treated to political theater at its finest. It’s not a theater of entertainment, however, but a coliseum of enslavement where in the world of deception, perception becomes reality. This theater requires audience participation, where we, the theater-goers, become part of the play. We are a truly captive audience, entranced into mindlessly choosing sides at the frenzied urging of the corporate media and partisan cheerleaders firmly seated behind the microphones and television cameras of the nationally syndicated media.

08.10.2013 - 19:49 [ The Raw Story ]

Georgia police probed for killing man after 911 was called over diabetes medication

At a press conference on Monday, Waycross Police Department Chief of Police Tony Tanner claimed that Roberson lunged at the officers with “weapons” and they were forced to shoot, killing him.

The Waycross Police Department has not said what “weapons” Roberson was holding, but his family and friends insisted that he had nothing in his hands.

08.10.2013 - 18:36 [ antikrieg.com ]

Soldaten der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika verhören gefangenen Libyer auf Schiff der Kriegsmarine

In seinem Auftritt heute auf CNN versicherte das Mitglied des Geheimdienstkomitees des Repräsentantenhauses Abgeordneter Dutch Ruppersberger (Demokraten, Maryland) den Amerikanern, dass der gefangene libysche Staatsbürger Anas al-Liby „wie jeder andere behandelt werden wird“ und „alle gesetzlichen Rechte“ haben wird wie jeder, der von der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika unter Anklage gestellt wird.

08.10.2013 - 18:01 [ Gegen Hartz ]

Hartz IV-Bezieherin zum Drogentest gezwungen

Eine Jobcenter-Mitarbeiterin wollte die Arbeitsfähigkeit einer Hartz IV-Bezieherin überprüfen lassen, da diese zuvor in einem Gesundheitsfragebogen verschiedene Symptome angegeben hatte, die die zuständige Sachbearbeiterin als Hinweis auf einen möglichen Suchtmittelmissbrauch deutete. Die Hartz IV-Bezieherin leistete einer Aufforderung zum Drogentest folge, fühlte sich jedoch diskriminiert und überrumpelt – zu recht wie das Landgericht Heidelberg urteilte (Aktenzeichen: 3 O 403/11).

08.10.2013 - 17:35 [ AllGov ]

FBI Accused of Using No-Fly List to Recruit Informants

Is this the beginning of the end for the federal government’s no-fly list? Just weeks after federal Judge Anna J. Brown of Portland, Oregon, refused to dismiss an ACLU suit against the list because there is “a constitutionally-protected liberty interest in traveling internationally by air which is affected by being placed on the list,” a separate lawsuit alleges that the FBI has been placing Muslims on the list “in retaliation for their refusal to work as informants against their communities and submit to questioning.”

08.10.2013 - 16:07 [ Press TV ]

British judge lauds anti-drones activists as ‘dutiful people’

A judge who tried six protesters on charges of breaking into Britain’s first unmanned drones based, has lauded them as ‘dutiful people’.

Judge John Stobart said the protesters were found guilty of criminal damage to the base in RAF Waddington in Lincolnshire with ‘heavy heart’, adding that he would welcome an appeal for them. –

08.10.2013 - 15:36 [ Radio Utopie ]

Der politische Preis für Stuttgart 21

Wir sagen immer wieder folgendes: Die Bewegung gegen S21 muss dafür sorgen, dass die S21-Betreiber den politischen Preis für ihr Festhalten am Tunnelwahnsinn bezahlen müssen und dass dieser politische Preis hoch sein muss. Doch was ist der politische Preis überhaupt?

Grundsätzlich strebt jede Partei nach der Regierungsmacht.

08.10.2013 - 15:34 [ Guardian ]

A GOP plan B: a deal to get a win-win from shutdown and debt ceiling crises

Texas Senator Ted Cruz said that if the House Republican majority attached a „defunding“ of Obamacare to the continuing resolution (CR) budget, he and his allies would force the Democratic majority in the Senate to pass same and coerce President Obama into signing the repeal of his signature legislation. The Democrats failed to co-operate in this effort.

So now what?

08.10.2013 - 15:32 [ Radio Utopie ]

Gysi kassiert die Firma

(09.10.2009) Oskar Lafontaine geht ins Saarland und gibt den Posten als einer von zwei Führern der Linksfraktion im Bundestag auf. Den Posten als einer von zwei Parteivorsitzenden will er angeblich vorerst behalten. Der zum zweiten Mal amtierende Bundesgeschäftsführer der gutgehenden Firma “Die Linke” wiederum, Dieter Bartsch, (in etwa mit einer jederzeit zur Fussfessel mutierenden tarn-operativen Marmelade am Schuh des Linksparlamentarismus vergleichbar), verkündete denn auch schon, dass demnächst der andere von zwei Führern die Bundestagsfraktion der Firma allein übernehmen würde: Gregor Gysi.

Also, da hätte doch im Leben niemand mit gerechnet.

08.10.2013 - 13:36 [ Guardian ]

South Korea wants US to keep control over combined wartime defence forces

For years, Washington has been trying to persuade the South Korean military to take operational control of its own forces in wartime, ending a six-decade arrangement during which US commanders have retained that authority over South Korean troops. Although supportive in principle, a succession of governments in Seoul has repeatedly delayed the command transfer, reinforcing doubts about whether the South Korean military is capable of operating without US leadership.

08.10.2013 - 13:30 [ Russia Today ]

Firemen soak cops in foam protesting cuts in Brussels

Belgian firemen were protesting against national budget cuts for the fire department in Brussels on Monday. Firemen from all the country gathered in front of prime minister‘s office with fire trucks and blocked traffic in Brussels‘ ring road. They burned tires in the streets and sprayed water and foam towards police guarding the protest. At some point police officers stood knee-deep in foam on the street. Talks are ongoing on the ministerial level on the new Belgian budget, and firemen are protesting against cuts in their insurance benefits and insufficient staffing.

08.10.2013 - 12:58 [ New York Times ]

Argentine Judge Seeks to Put Franco Officials on Trial

Spain, whose judges have aggressively pursued human rights abuse cases far beyond its borders, finds itself on the receiving end of such an inquest, as an Argentine judge seeks to extradite and try Spanish police officials accused of torturing opponents of the regime under Francisco Franco, the dictator who died in 1975.

08.10.2013 - 10:56 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages ]

NEIN zum Krieg aus NRW

Die NATO ist kein Verteidigungsbündnis oder so etwas wie eine bewaffnete Friedensbewegung, wie es leider auch immer wieder von SPD und Grünen verbreitet wird. Nein die NATO ist schlicht ein globales Kriegsführungsbündnis, dass für über 75% aller weltweiten Rüstungsausgaben steht. Wer eine friedliche Außenpolitik will, muss NEIN zur NATO sagen.

08.10.2013 - 10:52 [ Middle East Online ]

EU wants Frontex across Mediterranean for big rescue operations after Lampedusa shipwreck

Frontex is the agency set up by the European Union in 2004 to police the bloc‘s borders against illegal migration.

But the Warsaw-based agency, which coordinates and develops border management and joint operations, has seen its budget fall over the past three years and relies on donations from member states for ships, helicopters and other equipment.

08.10.2013 - 10:09 [ Gregor Gysi, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages ]

Ohne DIE LINKE im Bundestag würde die Demokratie verarmen

Die völlig falschen Wege zur Überwindung der Euro-Krise sind Sie immer zu viert gegangen: Union, FDP, SPD und Grüne. Alle sogenannten Rettungsschirme haben Sie immer gemeinsam beschlossen.

Dann sagt doch Herr Steinbrück in dem Duell mit Ihnen, Frau Bundeskanzlerin, auf die Frage einer Journalistin, warum er denn immer zugestimmt habe, wenn er alles kritisiert, was in Griechenland, in Spanien und in Portugal passiert, das sei Ausdruck der Europaverantwortlichkeit der SPD. Ich finde, das ist eine Frechheit; das muss ich Ihnen sagen.

(Beifall bei der LINKEN)

Was ist denn daran europaverantwortlich, wenn man den Süden Europas ruiniert?