‚Plan X‘
Today, that destructive capability exists under the umbrella of US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), one which has the potential of holding the world hostage.
‚Plan X‘
Today, that destructive capability exists under the umbrella of US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), one which has the potential of holding the world hostage.
An 8-year-old Florida boy was suspended from school after using his finger as a pretend gun while playing cops and robbers with his friends.
Phoenix, AZ- It was, as Sal DiCiccio tells it, the end of the world as we know it.
The Phoenix District 6 Councilman said he was enjoying the ASU-USC game Saturday in Tempe when, on the north side of Sun Devil Stadium, he encountered a white flatbed truck from the Phoenix Police Department. He and a group of friends noticed a camera mounted in the back videotaping tailgaters at the game.
Assembly Bill (AB) 351 was signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown yesterday. California is the third state to have passed legislation, which nullifies the unpopular federal provision. A selection of AB 351 reads:
The United States Constitution and the California Constitution provide for various civil liberties and other individual rights for a citizen of the United States and the State of California, including the right of habeas corpus, the right to due process, the right to a speedy and public trial, and the right to be informed of criminal charges brought against him or her.
“There is no evidence that [bulk] phone records collection helped to thwart dozens or even several terrorist plots,” Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy, told Gen. Alexander of the 54 cases that administration officials have cited as the fruit of the NSA’s controversial domestic snooping.
“These weren’t all plots, and they weren’t all foiled,” he said.
Each year on Sept. 11, tributes to victims of the terrorist attacks help remind Americans why we‘re fighting. But never has our support for a war started so high and sunk so low.
Das russische Außenministerium bestätigte die Angaben. „Unbekannte haben die russische Botschaft in Libyen beschossen und versucht, das Gelände der diplomatischen Mission zu erstürmen“, sagte die stellvertretende Ministeriumssprecherin Maria Sacharowa in Moskau.
The activist group is on the list of those approved to make Nobel Peace Prize nominations and according to the vice president of the organisation, Beslan Kobakhiya, this letter of recommendation was received by the committee on 16 September, he announced on Tuesday.
Earlier in his presidency, Mr. Obama made the catastrophic mistake — in the face of just this sort of extortion — to believe in Mr. Boehner’s willingness to be reasonable. This time, however, the cynical games of the Republicans are not going to work.
US military antennas in Sicily may increase the safety of soldiers, but Italians are worried about the health effects.
Moritz Bartl von den Zwiebelfreunden, einem gemeinnützigen Verein, der sich dem Schutz der Anonymität und dem Betreiben von Tor-Relays verschrieben hat, kann bestätigen: „An den Sicherheitseigenschaften von Tor hat sich in den letzten Jahren nichts geändert, egal was die Medien berichten wollen.“ Er glaubt, dass die Betreiber von Atlantis sich wohl erst durch die gesteigerte mediale Berichterstattung zur Unsicherheit von Tor über die Dimension dessen bewusst geworden sind, was sie eigentlich machen und kalte Füße bekommen haben. Moritz Bartl erklärt, dass Traffic-Analysen, wie sie in der Studie angesprochen werden, auch zum Identifizieren von Hidden-Services genutzt werden können. Nur zeitaufwendiger wäre es. „Es gibt bislang keinen dokumentierten Fall einer Deanonymisierung“, betonte er in einer E-Mail, die er mir gerade geschickt hat.
„Political stability is vital for Italy and it is therefore very positive that the government will be able to continue without interruptions the reforms it has started,“ Barroso said.
He stressed: „We never comment on the internal political situation of countries“.
„Alfano Betrays“ screamed the front page banner headline of Berlusconi‘s family newspaper Il Giornale on Wednesday. It seemed to sum up Berlusconi‘s shock that his long-time protege had turned against him like Brutus in a Shakespearian tragedy.
Keith Alexander insists pilot programs were not used for analysis but that tracking location data ‚may be a future requirement‘
President reveals a new, progressive attitude to internet censorship in reply to tweet from Twitter boss Jack Dorsey
The Asian rebalance is a priority, Mr. Hagel said at a news conference Wednesday here with the South Korean defense minister, Kim Kwan-jin. “You always adjust your resources to match your priorities.”
Japan‘s lack of effective cyber defense overhangs Thursday‘s meeting of Secretary of State John Kerry and Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel with their counterparts, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera.
Like clockwork, we’ve ticked back to the annual government shutdown scare that invariably dominates news headlines and sends stocks seesawing for a few scant weeks until, at the very last moment, the nation is miraculously pulled from the brink of disaster.
Human Rights Watch ist eine geschützte pro-Regime NGO der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Sie wollen die einzige Stimme in Menschenrechtsangelegenheiten sein, und dank ihrer begünstigten Position und des enormen Budgets haben sie grosses Gewicht in diesen Dingen. Wie oft können sie wohl Folter und Krieg anpreisen, ehe die Menschen aufhören, auf ihre Lügen zu hören?
And this after Netanyahu told US President Barack Obama to forget – forever – UN Security Council resolution 242, which determined total Israeli withdrawal from all lands occupied after the 1967 war.
Ausgerechnet auf der Baustelle des Kopp-Verlags, der unschwer als Zentrum der deutschen Verschwörungstheoretiker bezeichnet werden kann, befanden sich gleich drei Personen, welche mit dem “Nationalsozialistischen Untergrund” (NSU) in Kontakt standen. Der Verlag bestreitet das diese Personen auf seiner Baustelle beschäftigt waren. Fotos einer Facebook-Seite beweisen angeblich das Gegenteil.
Der Mord an der Polizistin Michèle Kiesewetter in Heilbronn – der, den Spuren folgend auf das Konto des Zwickauer NSU Trios geht – erscheint in einem anderen Licht, wird dieses strittige Beschäftigungsverhältnis genauer betrachtet.
„The decree law, that should be adopted in extraordinary circumstances such as earthquakes or natural disasters, has become the government‘s main instrument to carry out policies,“ constitutional lawyer Roberto Zaccaria told Xinhua.
Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano on Wednesday made a request to a committee of Lower House whips to form a splinter group from Silvio Berlusconi‘s People of Freedom (PdL) party.
„I confirm my proposals, I‘m going to propose setting up autonomous groups in the House and Senate, to make things clear,“ said Formigoni, a former governor of Lombardy, the region around Milan.
Group of around 25 Senators to form breakaway group
Enrico Cucchiani‘s ousting from Italy‘s biggest retail bank underscores the power of the old guard in the financial system that critics say holds the economy back.
Vote to support coalition government lifts investors‘ spirits
The company owner‘s wife sounded the alarm when she saw an excavator set on fire in broad daylight at the Geomont company site.
„Strengthen their presence in each of (God‘s) dear young people, (and) may the certainty that God is with you in the journey of life sustain you,“ Francis prayed before about 45,000 people in St. Peter‘s Square for his weekly audience.
Much of the debate about whether to intervene in Syria or not is taking place in a strange ahistorical vacuum. As with so much debate about humanitarian intervention the underlying world view is of a simplified story of bad dictators and good, well intentioned westerners who must somehow intervene to stop him.
But the truth is that America has a very complicated relationship with Syria which stretches back over sixty years.
Students‘ Assembly Against Austerity seeks to move NUS to the left and mobilise students as a more effective political force
She apparently claimed that the number of privacy officers at the NSA was zero — including the Chief Privacy Officer of the NSA. In other words, the position within the NSA is a joke, and that person has no interest, at all, in protecting Americans‘ privacy.
The Boston Marathon bombing is just one example. The head of the NSA, Gen. Alexander, has played up his agency‘s extraordinary hindsight, which allowed it to rule out the chance of another bombing. This occurred at roughly the same time that the only surviving perp was being taken into custody. Plaudits and such but one would think tapping the backbone of damn near everything would result in more prevention, which Americans would unanimously agree to be the preferable to crystal clear hindsight.
Gunmen shot dead a Libyan marine colonel on Wednesday in the eastern city of Benghazi where militants have increasingly targeted security forces in a challenge to central government control.
Politicians across the spectrum believe voters are vastly more rightwing than they are, even after elections prove otherwise
José Darío Arenas, 31, was shot several times in the town of Caicedonia in the western province of Valle del Cauca, while selling copies of a regional daily paper, Extra Quindío.
The paper‘s top story that day was about complaints by relatives of inmates at the Caicedonia prison who said they had been mistreated by guards.
Secretary of State John Kerry will lead delegations to both countries, instead of Mr. Obama.
They are featured in a new book, Vietnam: The Real War, published on 2 October, that marks the 50th anniversary of the start of hostilities.
Italy Premier Letta wins Senate confidence vote after Berlusconi‘s about-face.
The reversal may not be enough to stop his party splitting though, after around 25 PdL Senators said they were ready to form a breakaway group.
A meeting of PdL lawmakers had agreed shortly before to vote against the motion.
Schon bei den letzten beiden Geschäften dieser Art 2011/2012 («Dicke Bertha») kam die Masse des billigen Geldes nicht – wie von den Währungshütern beabsichtigt – bei Unternehmen und Verbrauchern an. Stattdessen parkten Kreditinstitute das Geld bei der EZB.
According to the poll, 56% of Americans said it would be a bad thing if the debt ceiling was not raised, with 38% saying it would be a good thing for the country.
Berlusconi recently announced that he was launching a new party to replace the PdL which will carry its former name, Forza Italia (FI).
The Turkish parliament is likely to extend by a year a mandate authorizing the sending of troops into Syria if needed after the government said the possible use of chemical weapons by President Bashar al-Assad posed a threat to Turkey.
The International Criminal Court (ICC) said on Wednesday it had issued an arrest warrant for a Kenyan citizen charged with trying to bribe witnesses to withdraw testimony in a case against Kenyan Deputy President William Ruto.
Silvio Berlusconi‘s People of Freedom (PdL) party decided on Wednesday to vote against a confidence motion in Premier Enrico Letta‘s government.