Daily Archives: 29. September 2013

29.09.2013 - 23:42 [ Spiegel ]

Nach Technikproblemen: Privat-Raumkapsel ‚Cygnus‘ erreicht die ISS

Nach dem Ende der Space-Shuttle-Flüge hatte sich die US-Weltraumbehörde Nasa entschieden, Frachtflüge in den niedrigen Erdorbit in Zukunft an Privatunternehmen auszulagern. Allerdings musste die Behörde einen hohen dreistelligen Millionenbetrag zuschießen. Die Unternehmen SpaceX und Orbital legen allerdings Wert darauf, dass sie mehr Geld in die jeweiligen Projekte investieren als die Nasa.

29.09.2013 - 23:36 [ Economic Policy Journal ]

Is the Senate About to Pass a Bill Legalizing NSA Logging of Every American‘s Phone Calls?

Bottom line: At this point, the only clear result of the Snowden leaks is that the Senate is about to pass a bill legalizing the logging of the phone calls of all Americans. Further, who knows what amendments will be added in the mark up stage. Don‘t for a minute think the mark ups are going to advance privacy. It will be all about complex paragraphs that will allow even greater surveillance.

29.09.2013 - 23:33 [ Marine Corps Times ]

Marine Corps assigns elite units to Pacific, Middle East, Africa

Officials with Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command say the shift involves all three Marine special operations battalions, or MSOBs, and entails new training and missions. First MSOB, out of Camp Pendleton, Calif., will align with Special Operations Command Pacific, while 2nd MSOB and 3rd MSOB, out of Camp Lejeune, N.C., will partner respectively with Special Operations Command Central and Special Operations Command Africa.

29.09.2013 - 22:07 [ ACLU ]

It‘s Official: NSA Wants to Suck up All Americans’ Phone Records

At yesterday‘s Senate Intelligence Committee hearing on FISA legislation, Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) asked NSA director, Gen. Keith Alexander, whether his spy agency should be collecting all Americans‘ phone records. Gen. Alexander, in a shockingly forthcoming response, admitted that he „believe[s] it is in the nation‘s best interest to put all the phone records into a lockbox that we can search when the nation needs it.“ He also explained that „there is no upper limit“ to the number of Americans‘ phone records that the NSA can collect.

29.09.2013 - 21:58 [ Russia Today ]

Greenwald, Scahill vow to unmask NSA’s ‘US assassination program’

“The connections between war and surveillance are clear. I don‘t want to give too much away but Glenn and I are working on a project right now that has at its center how the National Security Agency plays a significant, central role in the US assassination program,” Scahill said in Rio de Janeiro, as cited by Associated Press.

29.09.2013 - 21:03 [ Zero Hedge ]

Saudi Arabia ‚Outraged‘ At Obama‘s Peace Overtures With Syria, Iran

But while Saudi Arabia, tremendous diplomatic manipulator that it is, will behave rationally, it is far less certain what Israel will do and how it will respond to the sudden and very much unexpected US detente in the middle-east: an unpalatable peaceful outcome to the two nations, and one where Israel and Saudi bellicose interests are very much aligned.

29.09.2013 - 20:03 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

President al-Assad: We focus today on getting rid of terrorists and their ideology…We can make Syria much better than before the crisis

President Bashar al-Assad has given an interview to the Italian Rai News 24 TV channel in which he stressed Syria‘s commitment to the international agreement on the prohibition of chemical weapons and its determination to go ahead with the political solution and halting violence.

The following is the full text of the interview:

29.09.2013 - 20:00 [ Greenpeace Deutschland ]

Russland: Untersuchungshaft für acht weitere Arctic Sunrise-Aktivisten

Trotz weltweiter Proteste und Solidaritätskundgebungen: Am Sonntag wurde in Murmansk eine zweimonatige Untersuchungshaft für die acht Arctic Sunrise-Aktivisten angeordnet, über die das Amtsgericht vor drei Tagen noch keine Entscheidung getroffen hatte. Damit sind nunmehr alle dreißig Besatzungsmitglieder der Arctic Sunrise von der Untersuchungshaft betroffen.

29.09.2013 - 17:11 [ Herald.ie ]

Sisters threaten hunger strike in Egypt jail ordeal

(21.09.) The siblings had travelled from their home in Dublin to Egypt for the summer holidays and were arrested when security forces stormed a mosque following a Day Of Rage organised by supporters of the deposed President Mohamed Morsi.

It has been reported that the four are facing 15 separate charges – a development described as „ludicrous“ by their family.

29.09.2013 - 17:03 [ ctvnews.ca ]

Statement from Canadians detained in Egypt: John Greyson and Dr. Tarek Loubani

We are on the 12th day of our hunger strike at Tora, Cairo‘s main prison, located on the banks of the Nile. We‘ve been held here since August 16 in ridiculous conditions: no phone calls, little to no exercise, sharing a 3m x 10m cell with 36 other political prisoners, sleeping like sardines on concrete with the cockroaches; sharing a single tap of earthy Nile water.

29.09.2013 - 13:04 [ Reuters ]

Ruling French coalition split over Roma ejection call

Manuel Valls enraged left-wingers in Hollande‘s government this week by arguing that the vast majority of 20,000 Roma living in makeshift camps outside French cities could never be integrated into society and so should be „taken back to the border“ for transfer back to Romania and Bulgaria.

29.09.2013 - 13:03 [ Beppe Grillo ]

Poker with death

Just as it is for murder mysteries, you have to take a step back to understand what’s happening. Go back to that evening in spring, it wasn’t dark, nor was it stormy, but three people met up to decide on the outcomes for the legislature. Each one of them had something to gain from the game of poker.
For Napolitano it was re-election, and the certainty of the destruction of the tapes of his conversations with Mancino, for Bersani it was the office of the President of the Council for the PDminusL, and for Berlusconi it was the certainty of impunity. On this investigative detail, it’s worth stopping to ponder.

29.09.2013 - 13:02 [ thecommentator.com ]

Playing poker with death: Italy’s unique Beppe Grillo

Grillo’s brilliant conduct of the last election made his the largest single party. This was despite being ignored by the press. He would hold massive rallies in city squares which went quite unreported, such that he would begin his address, to tens of thousands of cheering supporters, with ‘There’s no one here!’.

At his final rally in the Piazza San Giovanni there were 800,000. In the midst of the current uncertainty people are wondering what he could achieve next time.

29.09.2013 - 13:00 [ Sydney Morning Herald ]

Government in chaos after Berlusconi meddling

A Senate committee was preparing to vote on whether to eject Berlusconi, 76, from the chamber after he was sentenced to a year in prison for tax fraud, a ruling that was upheld by Italy‘s top court in August.

His allies said the vote would be the ultimate consequence of a long-running left-wing plot aimed at destroying his political career.

29.09.2013 - 12:57 [ Ansa ]

Italy: Polls suggest support slipping for Letta

(20.09.) Confidence in Letta‘s government dropped by four points to 25% as ex-premier Silvio Berlusconi fought to keep his Senate seat last week, triggering demands from his followers in the People of Freedom (PdL) party that Letta‘s Democrat Party support Berlusconi.

29.09.2013 - 12:04 [ Der Postillon ]

Rebellische Jugendliche verstoßen immer häufiger gegen Gesetz der Schwerkraft

Friedrich plant, neben trainierten Hunden auch Falkner und Hubschrauber gegen die aufsässigen Halbstarken einzusetzen.
Während Friedrich auf die starke Hand des Staates setzt, fordern die Oppositionsparteien und die FDP einen präventiven Ansatz mithilfe von intensiviertem Physikunterricht. Renate Künast (Grüne) etwa ist überzeugt: „Wer das Gesetz der Schwerkraft selbst herleiten kann und es wirklich versteht, verstößt auch nicht dagegen.“

29.09.2013 - 10:20 [ Daily Times Nigeria ]

Kenya Cabinet was Warned of Attack

An unnamed senior intelligence official told the AFP news agency that the government had been casual in its approach to the briefings it received.

„There is no way one can say there was no intelligence on this attack because those reports started trickling in from late last year. And they were specific with targets including Westgate.“

29.09.2013 - 09:43 [ Radio Vatikan ]

Papst: „Tratsch ist im Vatikan verboten“

„Es ist ein Krieg, den man nicht mit den Waffen führt, die wir kennen: man führt ihn mit der Sprache. Die Waffe dieses Krieges ist das Geschwätz. Und darum bitte ich euch: verteidigen wir uns gegenseitig vor dem Geschwätz. Der Tratsch ist eine Sprache, die man nicht im Vatikan sprechen kann, es ist eine verbotene Sprache, denn es ist die Sprache des Teufels, die trennt, weil die Brüder Feinde werden und er dann der Sieger ist. Das ist List, das ist Zwietracht.“


„Ich bitte euch nicht nur, die Türen und Fenster des Vatikans zu verteidigen – ich danke euch dafür, denn das ist eine schöne Arbeit, die ihr da tut, nicht wahr? – sondern darüber hinaus, uns vor dem Hinterhalt des Teufels zu schützen, wie der heilige Michael, euer Patron. Tut es ihm nach. (…) Möge er uns in diesem Krieg beistehen: nie schlecht übereinander reden, nie die Ohren spitzen bei Geschwätz. Und wenn du jemanden hörst, der schwätzt, stoppe ihn! ,Hier nicht, raus aus der Porta Sant’Anna (einer der Vatikaneingänge, Anm. d. Red.), draußen kannst du quatschen, hier nicht!‘“

29.09.2013 - 09:35 [ Katholisch.de ]

Zwei Religionen, ein Wörterbuch

Am Anfang war – ein Missverständnis. Christliche und islamische Theologen wollten sich 2005 bei einem Symposium in Ankara über „Menschenwürde“ unterhalten und brachten damit die deutsch-türkischen Übersetzer ins Schwitzen. Was fehlte: ein Wörterbuch für die Grundbegriffe der jeweiligen Religion. Aus der Not wurde eine Idee geboren und aus dieser ein in dieser Form bisher noch nicht dagewesenes Projekt.

29.09.2013 - 09:14 [ Debka.com ]

Kenya blames US, Israeli intelligence for no heads-up on Nairobi attack

(26.09.) President Uhuru Kenyatta is quoted as blaming the United States and Israel, in conversation with his confidants, for the failure of their undercover agencies to prevent the large-scale terrorist attack launched on the Westgate shopping mall in Nairobi on Sept. 21, DEBKA file reports. He said he had counted on them for a heads-up to thwart an attack, instead of which both the Americans and Israelis were as much in the dark as his own security agencies.