The website, “Naming the Dead”, is an initiative by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ), a not-for-profit organisation that has won awards for its work exposing some of the realities of the covert drone wars that are being run by the US and UK militaries in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.
Daily Archives: 21. September 2013
Policeman Fires in Air During Protest
On September 20, during an anti-fascist protest that took place in Dafni, a suburb of Athens, for the killing of the anti-fascist hip-hop artist, Pavlos Fyssas, by the supporter of Golden Dawn, Giorgos Roupakias, a police special guard who was off duty pulled his service gun and shot in the air.
Urteil: Eigentümer muss Wohnung für Stuttgart 21 bis Montag räumen
Die Bahn hat im Stuttgart-21-Streit einen juristischen Erfolg erzielt: Der Konzern darf ein Mehrfamilienhaus abreißen, das dem Bauprojekt im Weg steht. Ein Wohnungseigentümer hatte dagegen geklagt, unterlag nun aber vor dem Verwaltungsgerichtshof.
Forscher rekonstruierten Verlauf der Donau seit Beginn der Neuzeit
Neue Erkenntnisse durch interdisziplinäre Herangehensweise – Fluss viel dynamischer als bisher angenommen
Russia Demands Explanation from N Korea over Ship Inspection Incident
The Russian Foreign Ministry on Saturday demanded the North Korea explain a latest ship inspection incident taking place in the Sea of Japan.
N Korean warship shoots at Russian fishing schooner
„After the shooting the Russian ship started drifting. Armed people from the North Korean warship got onboard the fishing schooner at 18:40 Moscow time (14:40 GMT). The fishing schooner Altai was searched through and the captain was questioned about the port of destination, cargo and the line-up of crew,“ the press service said. „Armed people left the Russian vessel at 18:50 Moscow time (14:50 GMT), the ship was permitted to sail to the destination port,“ the press service said.
President: Turkey does not want waging war with Syria
„Ankara understands the danger of terror and we are against any terrorist activity in Syria,“ Gul added.
Army op to have serious implications for country: Imran
Rejecting the passage of Punjab Local Government by the Punjab Assembly, the PTI announced support for steps to challenge it in the High Court. It said the Punjab Local Government Act stood in clash with the Article-140 of the Constitution.
Kostenexplosion beim Rüstungsprojekt Schützenpanzer Puma
Auf Volksfreund-Anfrage habe das Verteidigungsministerium die Gesamtkosten mit rund 4,3 Milliarden Euro und den Preis eines Panzers mit zehn Millionen Euro angegeben. Der Beschaffungsbeschluss des Bundestages im Jahr 2009 habe noch Gesamtkosten von 3,1 Milliarden Euro vorgesehen.
FBI tells local police 9/11 Truthers may be terrorists
The FBI‘s bulletin to local cops also advises them to watch out for people who harbor „fury“ at the United States government for its actions abroad. Presumably anyone who visits Amazon or Powell‘s online to look for Chalmers Johnson‘s „Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire“ could be added to a Domestic Terror list, as well.
NYPD attacks CUNY students protesting General David Petraeus
The following video captured a plainclothes NYPD officer delivering a series of punches to a man officers had surrounded, handcuffed on the ground. You can see the officer punching the handcuffed man at the thirty seconds mark in the clip below.
Biometric Technology Takes Off
But it also has the potential to undermine privacy, which has been greatly compromised by recent revelations about government surveillance of phone and Internet communications.
Eric Margolis – Die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ringen mit der Friedensoffensive des Iran
Präsident Obama, der gerade in der Sache Syrien auf dem falschen Fuss erwischt worden war, steht jetzt vor einer diplomatischen und Werbeoffensive des Iran, der er nur schwer widerstehen können wird. Amerikas Kriegspartei schäumt: ihre Träume von der Macht der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, die Syrien zerschmettern und dann den Iran, sind in Gefahr.
Major US security company warns over NSA link to encryption formula
RSA, the security arm of the storage company EMC, sent an email to customers telling them that the default random number generator in a toolkit for developers used a weak formula, and they should switch to one of the other formulas in the product.
America’s Afghan Victims
But when an Afghan dies in the war — especially an AfghaAmerica’s Afghan Victimsn civilian — her death is rarely noticed by the outside world. Often, it‘s not even recorded by Afghan hospitals or morgues.
Lethal Profiling of Afghan Men
Shortly after the Uruzgan incident, Gen. Stanley McChrystal banned the use of the term „military-age male,“ noting that it implied every adult man was a combatant. But a review by The Nation of official military documents produced since then indicates that the phrase — and the mindset behind it — lives on.
NSA Sends Letter to Its ‘Extended’ Family to Reassure Them That They Will ‘Weather’ This ‘Storm’
And, even though the NSA director built a replica of the bridge from starship Enterprise and called it the “Information Dominance Center” and that wholly perverts the values of peace and cooperation creator Gene Roddenberry intended to promote, it is not a “rogue element” but a “national treasure” that we all should shower with honor and praise.
Campaigners protest against United Nations stance on prostitution
Former prostitutes and anti-sex trafficking groups criticise UN call to decriminalise pimping, brothel-keeping and buying sex
Why suicide rate among veterans may be more than 22 a day
Nearly one in five suicides nationally is a veteran, even though veterans make up about 10% of the U.S. population, the News21 analysis found.
Eric Harroun, Phoenix Vet Who Fought Syrian Regime, Suddenly Gets a Sweet Plea Deal
Last week, 30-year-old Phoenix native Eric Harroun faced a possible sentence of life in prison after the Justice Department accused him of fighting in Syria on behalf of Al-Qaeda.
Amid doubt about those allegations, Harroun suddenly agreed to a plea deal yesterday, and his sentence is quite a bit shorter than life in prison — he‘ll be released from jail, be placed on probation for three years, and has to pay a $100 fine.
Police ditch capsicum spray
Police then went to tender for a capsicum streamer product – which can be described as more like a water pistol than a spray – and another product, capsicum foam, Superintendent Mick Williams said.
Australia‘s defence forces to be maintained at battle-ready status
In an interview with Fairfax Media, he said he plans to maintain and “augment our readiness“ for future fights, which will most likely be in the unstable region stretching from Pakistan to the Levant, including even fresh trouble in Afghanistan.
“It will be Pakistan across to Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Afghanistan. That‘s the area where there will be instability and that‘s the area that we might need to go back into at some point in the future.
Dragneting the Modern Media
We‘re used to talking about press freedoms in the context of the First Amendment: „Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom . . . of the press.“ But, especially in light of the ACLU‘s recent FBI report, Unleashed and Unaccountable, we could stand to reflect on the very close relationship between the Fourth Amendment, privacy rights, and press freedom.
FULL VIDEO: Obama talks economic progress at Ford stamping plant in Liberty
Now, let’s put this in perspective. The Affordable Care Act has been in law for three and a half years. It passed both houses of Congress. The Supreme Court ruled it constitutional. It was an issue in last year’s elections. The guy who was running against me said he was going to repeal it. We won. So the voters were pretty clear on this.
And then, Republicans in Congress, they‘ve tried to repeal or sabotage this — more than 40 times they‘ve had these repeal votes. Every time they fail. This law that is in place is already providing people benefits. It‘s not holding back economic growth; it‘s helping millions of Americans, including some of you or your family members that you may not be aware of.
You can keep your kid on your own health insurance plan — somebody is raising their hand right here — until they‘re 26, because of the Affordable Care Act — (applause) — which is one of the main reasons why the number of uninsured among young people has gone down over the last three years.
New Tesla patent: 400-mile battery pack using metal-air & lithium-ion batteries
A report by Global Equities Research shows that Tesla recently filed patents 20130187591 and 20130181511, which describe a combination lithium-ion and metal-air battery pack.
WEEKLY ADDRESS: Congress Must Act Now to Pass a Budget and Raise the Debt Ceiling
Hi, everybody. It was five years ago this week that a financial crisis on Wall Street spread to Main Street, and very nearly turned a recession into a depression. (..)
But thanks to the grit and determination of the American people, we are steadily recovering.
Republicans „trying to mess with me“ on budget, Obama says
in a campaign-style speech to autoworkers, the president revved his engine against those he called „a faction on the far right.“ He says they convinced their leadership to pursue policies that could result in a government shutdown or default, if funding for his signature health care program is not cut off.
Have Obama‘s Troubles Weakened Him For Fall‘s Fiscal Fights?
President Obama has had a tough year. He failed to pass gun legislation. Plans for an immigration overhaul have stalled in the House. He barely escaped what would have been a humiliating rejection by Congress on his plan to strike Syria.
Apple fingerprint tool on iPhone 5S raises ‚substantial privacy questions‘
Senior US senator address open letter to Apple over privacy concerns for users
Repeal President Obama‘s Nobel Peace Prize
It is the belief of those committed to this petition that the Obama administration‘s support for Al Qaeda linked rebels in Syria and incessant drone strikes across the middle east substantiate the immediate repeal of President Obama‘s Nobel Peace Prize.
Google Wants to be Your Doctor; And its Director of Engineering Wants You to Have a Brain Chip
The U.K. Ministry of Defense published a 2006 report titled The DCDC Global Strategic Trends Programme 2007-2036. The report outlined possible scenarios surrounding life extension. The report states, “The divide between those that could afford to ‘buy longevity’ and those that could not, could aggravate perceived global inequality. Dictatorial or despotic rulers could potentially also ‘buy longevity’, prolonging their regimes and international security risks.”
Bahrain arrests opposition leader; U.S. shrugs
Incredibly, the State Department’s response to Mr. Marzooq’sarrest was to express disappointment with the opposition for withdrawing from the national dialogue. That myopic attitude will only encourage more repression and further political polarization in Bahrain — and endanger the very U.S. assets that the administration sees itself as protecting.
Online-Umfrage zur Bundestagswahl
Als Parteien eigenständig aufgeführt sind die Parteien mit Aussicht in den Bundestag einzuziehen: die Christlich-Demokratische Union / Christlich-Soziale Union (C.D.U. / C.S.U.), die Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands (S.P.D.), Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Die Linke, die Freie Demokratische Partei (F.D.P.), die Alternative für Deutschland (A.f.D.) und die Piratenpartei.
In unserer Online-Umfrage zur Bundestagswahl ebenfalls gefragt: die Zustimmung zum Grundgesetz und zu dessen Umsetzung durch die bisherigen Bundestagsparteien.
Russische Regierung soll Umweltschützer freilassen
Update 20.9.13, 13:30 Uhr: Die russische Küstenwache hat das Greenpeace-Aktionsschiff Arctic Sunrise in internationalen Gewässern unter Kontrolle genommen. Laut Angaben russischer Behörden wird das Schiff nach Murmansk geschleppt. Seit über zwölf Stunden hat Greenpeace International keinen Kontakt mehr zur Crew der Arctic Sunrise. Eine offizielle Stellungnahme der russischen Behörden gegenüber Greenpeace gibt es nicht. Wir sorgen uns um die festgenommen und friedlichen Greenpeace-Aktivisten, aber wir bleiben dabei!
On the morning of September 18, two Greenpeace International activists were arrested as they protested Arctic oil drilling on the Gazprom platform, Prirazlomnaya, in the Pechora Sea off the Russian coast. They were held overnight without charges or legal representation aboard a Russian Coast Guard vessel.
The following day, September 19, the Russian Coast Guard then illegally boarded the Greenpeace International ship Arctic Sunrise while in international waters and is now holding 30 of our activists under armed guard. We are demanding the urgent release of all activists, the immediate withdrawal of the Coast Guard from our ship, and an end to offshore oil drilling in the Arctic for good.
Kremlfunktionär vergleicht Greenpeace-Aktivisten mit somalischen Piraten
In der Nacht zum Mittwoch hatte die Wache der Bohrinsel „Priraslomnaja“ in der Petschorasee Alarm geschlagen, nachdem vom Greenpeace-Eisbrecher „Arctic Sunrise“ fünf Boote in Richtung Bohrinsel ausgesetzt wurden. Man vermutete zuerst eine Terrorattacke.
Obama accuses GOP faction of trying to ‚extort‘ him on healthcare
Speaking to business leaders, Obama criticized…
Der Fluch einer guten Krankenversicherung: Das extrem gewinnorientierte Gesundheitssystem der USA…
Wenig überraschend: die USA haben eine hohe Kindersterblichkeit aufgrund fehlender Krankenversicherung
What caused the United States to have the highest infant mortality rate among western countries?
I‘ve been told by some people that this is caused by different methods of determining what counts as a live birth vs a still birth, but I‘ve never been shown any evidence for this. Could this be a reason, or is it caused by something else?
OECD-Studie in den USA: Wenig Geld ist ein Todesurteil
(14.09.2011) Die Armut durch die von der Finanz- und Immobilienkrise ausgelöste Rezession komme für viele US-Bürger einem Todesurteil gleich. Nach wie vor könnten sich nämlich 49,9 Millionen Amerikaner keine Krankenversicherung leisten.“ Nach einer Studie der Harvard-Universität stirbt deshalb alle zwölf Minuten ein Mensch in den USA.
Merkel concludes campaign trying to fend off Eurosceptic threat
Angela Merkel wrapped up her re-election campaign on Saturday with an appeal to defend Europe and her center-right coalition against Eurosceptics who threaten to break into the German parliament for the first time in Sunday‘s election.
Afghan in security forces uniform turns gun on, kills three foreign soldiers
„Three International Security Assistance Force service members died when an individual wearing an Afghan National Security Forces uniform shot them in eastern Afghanistan today,“ the NATO-led coalition said in a statement.
The Troodos Conundrum
I should state that I have actually been inside all of this facility and been fully briefed on its operations and capabilities, while I was head of the FCO Cyprus Section in the early 1990s. This is fact, not speculation.
It is therefore very strange, to say the least, that John Kerry claims to have access to communications intercepts of Syrian military and officials organising chemical weapons attacks, which intercepts were not available to the British Joint Intelligence Committee.
On one level the explanation is simple. The intercept evidence was provided to the USA by Mossad, according to my own well placed source in the Washington intelligence community.
‘Shut It Down’: weisshaarige Damen zwischen 65 und 94 Jahren ketten sich am AKW Vermont Yankee-Tor an
Im U.S.-Bundesstaat Vernon gründete sich im Jahr 2005 die Gruppe “Shut It Down” mit dem Anspruch, solange gegen die Erzeugung von Energie aus dem uralten, sich seit einundvierzigen Jahren in Betrieb befindenen maroden Kernkraftwerk Vermont Yankee des zweitgrössten Atomstromproduzenten der U.S.A., dem Energiekonzern Entergy, zu protestieren, bis sich an diesem Ort wieder eine unkontaminierte grüne Wiese befindet.
Am Mittwoch, dem 18. September 2013 fand die jüngste Protestaktion statt. Neun Frauen im Alter von 65 bis 94 Jahren ketten sich an dem Tor des Geländes fest
Wie sagte Dostojewski: „Die Schönheit wird die Welt retten“.
Warum hat Harriet Beecher Stowe ihr Buch anno 1852 nicht gleich „Weißes Haus“ genannt?
Manchen würde manche Dinge selbst dann nicht glauben, wenn sie diese über sich selbst sagen könnten.
Ein Jahr nach dem Attentat von Burgas gibt es noch viele offene Fragen
Heute vor genau einem Jahr wurde auf dem Parkplatz vor dem Flughafen Burgas ein Bus in die Luft gesprengt. Bei dem Anschlag kamen der bulgarische Busfahrer und fünf israelische Touristen ums Leben. Trotz der fortgeschrittenen Ermittlungen der bulgarischen Dienste in Unterstützung ihrer internationalen Partner gibt es um den Terroranschlag noch viele offene Fragen.
Bankkredite für kleinere Firmen auf Zehnjahrestief
Kleine und mittlere Unternehmen in Tschechien haben in den ersten sieben Monaten dieses Jahres so wenig Geld von den Banken geliehen bekommen, wie seit zehn Jahren nicht mehr. Das berichtet der Wirtschaftsdienst E15 unter Berufung auf Daten der Tschechischen Zentralbank (ČNB).
EUR/CZK: Weiterhin kein Inflationsdruck in Tschechien
Die Inflationsrate in Tschechien ist im August auf 1,3 Prozent im Jahresvergleich gefallen.
Präsidialamtschef Iwanow: Russland gegen Teilung Syriens
Russland werde von seinem Vetorecht im Weltsicherheitsrat nicht immer „nur aus dem Prinzip“ Gebrauch machen. „Sollte der Schuldige am Kampfstoffeinsatz in Syrien unwiderlegbar festgestellt werden, wird die Frage dann ganz anders formuliert. Solange aber keine Beweise vorliegen, wird sich unsere bisherige Position nicht ändern“, sagte Iwanow.
N. Korea abruptly postpones family reunions with S. Korea
North Korea on Saturday abruptly postponed the planned reunions for families separated for six decades since the Korean War, accusing the South of seeking confrontation with it and dealing a blow to the recent warming of relations between the two sides.