Die arabische Position ist, dass ein atomwaffenfreier Mittlerer Osten genau das sein soll, was es heisst, und Israels Position ist, dass das völlig unmöglich ist. Da gibt es keine spitzfindigen Differenzen und da gibt es keine Mitte, in der man sich treffen kann.
Daily Archives: 18. September 2013
FISA court: Phone tapping doesn‘t violate Constitution
A newly released opinion says no companies challenged orders to turn over Americans‘ phone metadata
Gericht: US-Telefonanbieter haben sich nie gegen NSA-Anfragen gewehrt
Bis heute habe kein Anbieter die Rechtmäßigkeit einer Anordnung zur Herausgabe der Daten infrage gestellt, schrieb Richterin Claire Eagan. „Obwohl es dazu einen ausdrücklichen gesetzlichen Mechanismus gibt.“
Russia will give UN ‚proof‘ of Syria rebel chemical use
Russia will give the Security Council evidence implicating Syrian rebels in a chemical attack on 21 August, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has said.
Schünemann, der übrigens gerade als Landrat kandidiert, hat gerade einen Geheimdienstskandal am Bein. Ja, DER Schünemann.
Und zwar soll während seiner Amtszeit der Verfassungsschutz personenbezogene Daten zu Journalisten gespeichert haben.
Niedersachsen: Verfassungsschutz speichert Daten von Journalisten
Eine der Betroffenen ist die Rechtsextremismus-Expertin und Autorin Andrea Röpke, teilte ihr Anwalt mit. Auf Röpkes Anfrage hin habe der Verfassungsschutz 2012 mitgeteilt, dass keine Daten gespeichert seien. Tatsächlich wurden die Einträge in dem Moment gelöscht.
Same Day It‘s Revealed Verizon Has Never Challenged NSA, It Mocks Internet Companies For Doing So
And, yet, when faced with a much broader demand from the government, seeking info on every single phone call, neither AT&T nor Verizon lifted a finger in protest.
Niger would welcome armed U.S. drones: foreign minister
Niger would welcome the deployment of armed U.S. drones to the West African country to help in its battle against an armed Islamist threat and drug trafficking in the Sahara, Foreign Minister Mohamed Bazoum said on Wednesday.
Russia says to show Syrian evidence of rebel chemical arms use: agencies
Russia will show the U.N. Security Council evidence it has received from Syria‘s government pointing to the use of chemical weapons by rebels in the Damascus suburbs, Russian news agencies quoted Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov as saying on Wednesday.
The latest Forbes rich list is out. It‘s a celebration of excess and exploitation
Not only have the mega rich regained all the wealth they lost during the recession, their combined net worth of $2.02tn (up $1.7tn from last year) is the highest ever recorded by Forbes. In fact, the price of entry onto the list is now so high that 61 American billionaires didn‘t even make the cut.
Merkel‘s conservatives lash out at eurosceptics as polls narrow
Merkel‘s Christian Democrats (CDU), which had deliberately ignored the small Alternative fuer Deutschland (AfD) so far in the campaign, deployed one of their most respected figures – Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble – to rip into the new party.
Trucker wollen Amerika drei Tage lahmlegen
Eine Organisation von Lastwagenfahrer will vom 11. bis 13. Oktober ganz Amerika lahmlegen und streiken. Sie haben vor mit Hunderttausend Lastwagen in Washington DC gegen die Politik von Obama zu demonstrieren.
Political Firestorm in South Korea
Actions by South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) have generated a political furor that is growing by the day, pitting the ruling New Frontier Party against the main opposition Democratic Party and threatening the existence of the Unified Progressive Party.
Proteste nach Mord an linkem Musiker in Athen
Bei der griechischen Parlamentswahl im vergangenen Jahr hatten die Rechtsextremisten 18 Mandate errungen.Derzeit rangieren sie in Umfragen auf dem dritten Platz. Der Partei, gegen deren Abgeordnete zum Teil wegen gewalttätiger Übergriffe ermittelt wird, werden brutale Angriffe auf Ausländer angelastet.
Obama erhält Handelssanktionen gegen Kuba ein weiteres Jahr aufrecht
In einem Memorandum an das US-Außenministerium und das Finanzministerium hat das Weiße Haus diese seit Oktober 1960 existierende Maßnahme gegen Kuba aufrechterhalten.
Die negativen Effekte der US-Blockade für Kuba werden von UN-Organisationen wie UNICEF immer wieder beklagt.
‚Agrar-Pakt‘ abgelehnt: Streik in Kolumbien hält an
Bauern lehnen „Nationalen Agrar-Pakt“ von Präsident Santos ab. Lehrer protestieren weiter. Avianca-Piloten streiken
National Farmers and Social Strike gets seeds control law 970 suspended
In Colombia after 21 days of a nationwide strike by thousands of farmers, blocking more than 40 roads nationwide, protesting farmers forced the Colombian government to negotiate the rejection of a farm bill and the release of detained protesters.
Senate panel to meet at 20:30 for vote on banning Berlusconi
Each parliamentary group will have 10 minutes to present their argument, the president of the Senate panel, Dario Stefano, said.
The meeting is expected to end at 22:30.
Audience: Pope calls on Christians to continue prayers for peace
My thoughts go especially to the dear people of Syria, whose human tragedy can only be resolved through dialogue and negotiation, with respect for justice and the dignity of every person, especially the weakest and most defenseless.
Iran, U.S. Letters: Tehran Confirms Direct Communication With Obama
officials from both countries have said they are open to direct talks in order to find a diplomatic solution to a decade-long dispute over Iran‘s nuclear programme, over which the West has imposed economic sanctions on the Islamic Republic.
Russlands Vize-Außenminister bei Assad – Beweise für C-Waffen-Einsatz durch Regimegegner
Der russische Vize-Außenminister Sergej Rjabkow hat sich am Mittwoch in Damaskus mit dem syrischen Präsidenten Baschar al-Assad getroffen, verlautete aus der russischen Botschaft in Syrien.
Das Gespräch sei sachlich und konstruktiv verlaufen, hieß es.
Americans, Europeans oppose Syria intervention: poll
The poll found 62 percent of Americans and 72 percent of Europeans believed their countries should avoid military intervention in Syria‘s civil war, which has killed more than 100,000 people.
Russia says U.N. report on Syria attack preconceived, political
Russia denounced U.N. investigators‘ findings on a poison gas attack in Syria as preconceived and tainted by politics on Wednesday, stepping up its criticism of a report Western nations said proved President Bashar al-Assad‘s forces were responsible.
Syrian artists find refuge and acclaim in neighbouring Lebanon
„This is a way to show that there is another side to Syrians,“ said Mardini. „There is a generation that is growing up in this difficult situation but they are very talented, very creative.“
Petros Fyssas: leftist rapper murdered by suspected Golden Dawn member
Greece is shaken with the murder of a leftist unionist and rapper by a man with links to the extreme right.
Bundesinnenministerium mal wieder beim krassen Lügen erwischt?
Aber diesmal nicht zur Presse sondern sie haben dem Bundestag ins Gesicht gelogen?
Former NSA Boss Hayden Says Snowden Likely To Become An Alcoholic Because He‘s ‚Troubled‘ And ‚Morally Arrogant‘
The Washington Post‘s Andrea Peterson has some more incredible quotes from former NSA and CIA boss Michael Hayden, who seems to have a way of saying exactly the wrong thing if he‘s trying to reassure those who are worried about excessive government surveillance.
Das US-Geheimgericht FISC hat entschieden, dass Verbindungsdaten nicht zur Privatsphäre gehören.
Die Amerikaner haben da ein Konstrukt namens „reasonable expectation of privacy“, vergleichbar damit, wie bei uns überraschende Klauseln in EULAs ungültig sind.
David Miranda: Lib Dems back motion criticising anti-terrorism powers
All but one delegate at party conference votes for motion condemning schedule 7 to Terrorism Act
Merkel‘s center-right could fall short of majority: poll
That would give the opposition a combined 46 percent – but the SPD and Greens both rule out a coalition with the Left, meaning one possible scenario is that Merkel could have to team up with the SPD in a repeat of the 2005-2009 ‚grand coalition‘.
US super-rich hit new wealth record five years after financial crisis
According to Forbes magazine the 400 wealthiest Americans are worth a record $2.02 trillion (£1.4tn), up from $1.7tn in 2012, a collective fortune slightly bigger than Russia‘s economy. In another sign of fizziness at the top of the economy, the cost to enter the billionaires‘ club has also gone up to levels not seen since the 2008 crash. In 2013, an aspiring plutocrat needs at least $1.3bn to make the Forbes list – the highest since just before the collapse of Lehman Brothers sent stock markets plummeting
2 years after Occupy Wall Street: Poverty persists, economic inequality grows
Thousands of Occupy protesters demonstrated in New York City to mark the second anniversary of the movement on Tuesday, just as new figures show that poverty remains steady and the so-called “1 percent” have only grown wealthier.
Occupy Wall Street, two years on: were still the 99%
The wave of Occupy protests in 2011 was forcibly suppressed. But it changed public debate, inspiring a generation of activists
Watch: Short film breaks down NYPD suppression tactics against Occupy protesters
A new short film by Paul Sullivan marking the second anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement explains how New York City police used targeted arrests to sap the gatherings of momentum, while also showing the threats leveled at protests, including the filmmaker himself.
50 Astounding Facts About Rainforests (INFOGRAPHIC)
Rainforests play a critical role in the maintenance of our planet‘s good health. Not only are they home to more than half of the world‘s species of flora and fauna, rainforests are also the source of about 40 percent of the planet‘s oxygen supply. They also help to maintain the Earth‘s fresh water levels, as well as regulate temperatures and weather patterns.
Chomsky: ‚The Mafia Doctrine‘, or the Crucial Issue for the US in Syria Is Credibility
Dr. Hans Blix, former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), commenting on the reasons for US military threats against Syria, emphasizes that „the credibility of the US presidential threats is the heavier element. Key point – not so much highlighted – is the threat to Iran of US action.“
Studie: Glyphosat wirkt negativ auf Nutztiere
Forscher konnten bei Kühen das Herbizid Glyphosat nachweisen und vermuten eine deutlich schädigende Wirkung. Das Herbizid rufe laut Studie Nährstoffmangel und Organschädigungen hervor.
Constitution Day
What are the three branches of government? How many senators are there? What are the four rights guaranteed by the First Amendment? Does the Constitution establish the United States as a Christian nation?
Starting today, the ACLU is embarking on a mission to educate people, especially the younger generations, about the contents and contemporary relevance of the U.S. Constitution. Check out
Surveillance at the United Nations
The Human Rights Council isn’t the only diplomatic venue at the United Nations where complaints about the United States’ surveillance practices are being heard. The Human Rights Committee is also set to scrutinize the United States on its compliance with Article 17 (right to privacy) of the International Coventant on Civil and Political Rights. The
Libya battalions run private prisons
With reports of kidnappings, secret prisons, tribal clashes and displaced persons on the rise in Libya, Magharebia visited Shahhat to talk with Libyan Observatory for Human Rights founder Nasser Houari.
Spanische Pensionisten verlieren ihren Teuerungsausgleich
Nur 0,25 Prozent mehr sind pro Jahr garantiert. Das Land will so innert zehn Jahren 33 Milliarden Euro einsparen
New Yorker Wolkenkratzer im Besitz des Iran soll beschlagnahmt werden
Die US-Justiz will einen 36-stöckigen Wolkenkratzer in New York, der sich heimlich im Besitz der iranischen Führung befinden soll, beschlagnahmen und verkaufen
Dutch King tells citizens ‘to take responsibility’ as PM implements austerity
A poll published Sunday said that the ruling Liberal-Labour coalition, in power for a year, would lose around half its seats in parliament were elections held now.
West-accused Syria gives Russia new evidence of rebel hand in chem attacks
The evidence was handed over on Wednesday to Russia’s Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov, who arrived at Damascus for talks with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Moualem and President Bashar Assad.
Brazilian president postpones visit to Washington over US spyingru
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff has postponed a state visit to Washington in response to the US spying on her communications with top aides. Rousseff is demanding a full public apology from President Obama.
Subconscious War
Half-hour documentary on media, reality & a culture of violence
Mr. Obama, tear down this wall!
The Obama interview, recorded before the tentative deal struck in Geneva between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, offers a window on Obama’s game.
US seeks Iraqi-style resolution on Syria: Pepe Escobar
What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.
Press TV: You know the United States says it is sure that the Syrian government carried out this chemical attack, Russia says the attack was falsified and now the UN says the attack site may have been manipulated. What really is happening here?
Escobar: Manipulation. In short that is what is happening. The Americans have been saying from the beginning they had 99 percent certainty based on Israeli Intel which was probably compromised from the start. This is the Intel that they have from Benny Gantz, the IDF [Chief of Staff] passed to General Martin Dempsey of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They stand by it.
How War on Syria Lost Its Way
So, here; I tore out Article 1 of the Constitution for you; I have another copy, so you can keep it. Go home, read it, and see if what you just said is correct.”
Now let’s stop ‚lethal aid‘ to Syria — StopWeaponsToSyria.org
We helped prevent U.S. missile strikes on Syria. Public pressure made Congress turn against an attack, opening the door to diplomacy. Now let’s stop the flow of “lethal aid” to Syria.
Pepe Escobar Al-Qaeda asset leading rebels in Tripoli
The hostility persists in Tripoli and the Libyan rebels continue the search for Gaddafi, but who is leading the rebels? Who are the beneficiaries of the fall of Gaddafi? What will the blowback be for those in Libya and across the globe? Pepe Escobar, a correspondent for Asia Times, gives us some answers to these questions.
Cosmetics causing an epidemic of allergies: Doctors urge firms to remove preservatives from products
Leading dermatologist Dr Ian White, from St Thomas’ Hospital in London, said: ‘The frequency of reactions to MI is unprecedented in my experience.
EUPOLY: Die Doku über ein ganz normales kapitalistisches Geldsystem
Ich wollte ja schon immer Hauptrollen spielen. Wenigstens das habe ich mit dem Kapitalismus gemeinsam. Allerdings bin ich nicht so gut in der Garderobe. Denn Kleider machen offensichtlich auch Kapitalismus, möchte man meinen. Eine “Euro”-Klamotte umgehängt, schon fallen einem die ganzen Linken, Sozialdemokraten, Kommunisten und emanzipatorischen Eurosexuellen in Legionsstärke zu Füßen und knutschen einem den Stiefel der ihren Wahlkunden auf der Kehle steht. Und wenn sich die Rentner schon vor den Parlamenten erschießen.