Daily Archives: 18. September 2013

18.09.2013 - 16:21 [ Guardian ]

The latest Forbes rich list is out. It‘s a celebration of excess and exploitation

Not only have the mega rich regained all the wealth they lost during the recession, their combined net worth of $2.02tn (up $1.7tn from last year) is the highest ever recorded by Forbes. In fact, the price of entry onto the list is now so high that 61 American billionaires didn‘t even make the cut.

18.09.2013 - 15:50 [ Counterpunch ]

Political Firestorm in South Korea

Actions by South Korea’s National Intelligence Service (NIS) have generated a political furor that is growing by the day, pitting the ruling New Frontier Party against the main opposition Democratic Party and threatening the existence of the Unified Progressive Party.

18.09.2013 - 15:49 [ derStandard.at ]

Proteste nach Mord an linkem Musiker in Athen

Bei der griechischen Parlamentswahl im vergangenen Jahr hatten die Rechtsextremisten 18 Mandate errungen.Derzeit rangieren sie in Umfragen auf dem dritten Platz. Der Partei, gegen deren Abgeordnete zum Teil wegen gewalttätiger Übergriffe ermittelt wird, werden brutale Angriffe auf Ausländer angelastet.

18.09.2013 - 15:45 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Obama erhält Handelssanktionen gegen Kuba ein weiteres Jahr aufrecht

In einem Memorandum an das US-Außenministerium und das Finanzministerium hat das Weiße Haus diese seit Oktober 1960 existierende Maßnahme gegen Kuba aufrechterhalten.

Die negativen Effekte der US-Blockade für Kuba werden von UN-Organisationen wie UNICEF immer wieder beklagt.

18.09.2013 - 11:48 [ Guardian ]

US super-rich hit new wealth record five years after financial crisis

According to Forbes magazine the 400 wealthiest Americans are worth a record $2.02 trillion (£1.4tn), up from $1.7tn in 2012, a collective fortune slightly bigger than Russia‘s economy. In another sign of fizziness at the top of the economy, the cost to enter the billionaires‘ club has also gone up to levels not seen since the 2008 crash. In 2013, an aspiring plutocrat needs at least $1.3bn to make the Forbes list – the highest since just before the collapse of Lehman Brothers sent stock markets plummeting

18.09.2013 - 11:31 [ Huffington Post ]

50 Astounding Facts About Rainforests (INFOGRAPHIC)

Rainforests play a critical role in the maintenance of our planet‘s good health. Not only are they home to more than half of the world‘s species of flora and fauna, rainforests are also the source of about 40 percent of the planet‘s oxygen supply. They also help to maintain the Earth‘s fresh water levels, as well as regulate temperatures and weather patterns.

18.09.2013 - 11:29 [ Truthout ]

Chomsky: ‚The Mafia Doctrine‘, or the Crucial Issue for the US in Syria Is Credibility

Dr. Hans Blix, former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), commenting on the reasons for US military threats against Syria, emphasizes that „the credibility of the US presidential threats is the heavier element. Key point – not so much highlighted – is the threat to Iran of US action.“

18.09.2013 - 09:33 [ ACLU ]

Constitution Day

What are the three branches of government? How many senators are there? What are the four rights guaranteed by the First Amendment? Does the Constitution establish the United States as a Christian nation?

Starting today, the ACLU is embarking on a mission to educate people, especially the younger generations, about the contents and contemporary relevance of the U.S. Constitution. Check out

18.09.2013 - 09:31 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

Surveillance at the United Nations

The Human Rights Council isn’t the only diplomatic venue at the United Nations where complaints about the United States’ surveillance practices are being heard. The Human Rights Committee is also set to scrutinize the United States on its compliance with Article 17 (right to privacy) of the International Coventant on Civil and Political Rights. The

18.09.2013 - 08:59 [ Russia Today ]

Mr. Obama, tear down this wall!

The Obama interview, recorded before the tentative deal struck in Geneva between US Secretary of State John Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, offers a window on Obama’s game.

18.09.2013 - 08:55 [ Press TV ]

US seeks Iraqi-style resolution on Syria: Pepe Escobar

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: You know the United States says it is sure that the Syrian government carried out this chemical attack, Russia says the attack was falsified and now the UN says the attack site may have been manipulated. What really is happening here?

Escobar: Manipulation. In short that is what is happening. The Americans have been saying from the beginning they had 99 percent certainty based on Israeli Intel which was probably compromised from the start. This is the Intel that they have from Benny Gantz, the IDF [Chief of Staff] passed to General Martin Dempsey of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. They stand by it.

18.09.2013 - 08:52 [ Truthout ]

How War on Syria Lost Its Way

So, here; I tore out Article 1 of the Constitution for you; I have another copy, so you can keep it. Go home, read it, and see if what you just said is correct.”

18.09.2013 - 08:45 [ Pepe Escobar / Youtube ]

Pepe Escobar Al-Qaeda asset leading rebels in Tripoli

The hostility persists in Tripoli and the Libyan rebels continue the search for Gaddafi, but who is leading the rebels? Who are the beneficiaries of the fall of Gaddafi? What will the blowback be for those in Libya and across the globe? Pepe Escobar, a correspondent for Asia Times, gives us some answers to these questions.

18.09.2013 - 07:55 [ Radio Utopie ]

EUPOLY: Die Doku über ein ganz normales kapitalistisches Geldsystem

Ich wollte ja schon immer Hauptrollen spielen. Wenigstens das habe ich mit dem Kapitalismus gemeinsam. Allerdings bin ich nicht so gut in der Garderobe. Denn Kleider machen offensichtlich auch Kapitalismus, möchte man meinen. Eine “Euro”-Klamotte umgehängt, schon fallen einem die ganzen Linken, Sozialdemokraten, Kommunisten und emanzipatorischen Eurosexuellen in Legionsstärke zu Füßen und knutschen einem den Stiefel der ihren Wahlkunden auf der Kehle steht. Und wenn sich die Rentner schon vor den Parlamenten erschießen.