Nach den Meldungen über den jüngsten Giftgaseinsatz in Syrien läuft ein zweiter Anlauf. Zwar ist noch nicht einmal geklärt, wer vielleicht Giftgas eingesetzt hat, aber in den Regierungszentralen (insbesondere auch in jener in Paris) weiß man schon, dass „wir“ eingreifen müssen.
Daily Archives: 5. September 2013
Staatstrojaner: Gamma Group wirbt mit Abhören von SSL-Verbindungen
(02.09.) Das Bundesinnenministerium hat vor wenigen Wochen von der britischen Gamma Group einen Trojaner erworben, der möglicherweise als Staatstrojaner zum Einsatz kommen soll. Laut einem internen Dokument hatte das Bundeskriminalamt bereits den Staatstrojaner Finfisher/Finspy von Gamma gekauft. Die Bundesregierung hatte schon im Dezember 2010 eingeräumt, dass das BKA eine Testversion von Finspy besitzt. Die gleiche Software wurde unter anderem vom Mubarak-Regime in Ägypten genutzt.
Feds Beg NY Times, Pro Publica Not To Reveal That They‘ve Inserted Backdoors Into Internet Encryption
We already wrote about the latest reports coming out of the Snowden leaks, concerning how the NSA and GCHQ have effectively backdoored their way into breaking various encryption schemes by writing the standards themselves and recruiting internal spies within companies to covertly inject backdoors. The reporting on these documents was done jointly by The Guardian, the NY Times and Pro Publica. However, the NY Times coverage has one interesting tidbit
How to remain secure against NSA surveillance
The NSA has huge capabilities – and if it wants in to your computer, it‘s in. With that in mind, here are five ways to stay safe
The US government has betrayed the internet. We need to take it back
The NSA has undermined a fundamental social contract. We engineers built the internet – and now we have to fix it
NSA: classification guide for cryptanalysis
Guide reveals that NSA ‚obtains cryptographic details of commercial cryptographic information security systems through industry relationships‘
Sigint – how the NSA collaborates with technology companies
Document shows how ‚signals intelligence‘, or Sigint, ‚actively engages US and foreign IT industries to covertly influence and/or overtly leverage their commercial products‘ designs‘
Project Bullrun – classification guide to the NSA‘s decryption program
Guide for NSA employees and contractors on Bullrun outlines its goals – and reveals that the agency has capabilities against widely-used online protocols such as HTTPS
US and UK spy agencies defeat privacy and security on the internet
• NSA and GCHQ unlock encryption used to protect emails, banking and medical records
• $250m-a-year US program works covertly with tech companies to insert weaknesses into products
• Security experts say programs ‚undermine the fabric of the internet‘
Why should Greece remain in the euro zone? It’s the energy, stupid!
finally we know why the European and especially Germany do not want Greece outside the euro zone. Allegedly because through Greek soil the European Union can manage to free itself from the Russian dominance of main natural gas supplier Gazprom. The EU dream can be materialized through the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) that will bring natural gas from Azerbaijan to Europe.
Just Because Science Can Genetically Engineer Foods, Doesn‘t Mean We Should
Let me be clear – I am not “afraid of science,” a claim that someone invariably writes at the end of an article like this one to try and discredit its argument. I, like millions of people around the world, am against genetic engineering, but not because of the proven or refuted science behind it.
G20 hijacked by scan/drone/bomb Obama Doctrine
by Pepe Escobar
The Obama Doctrine has bombed not only the current G20 but in fact any possibility of a diplomatic solution for the Syrian tragedy. For starters, Obama obviously never read Sun Tzu. Naïve is an understatement; he telegraphed his move to the ‘enemy’, as in, “Hang in there; my bombs are coming, maybe now, maybe next week.” He said the whole thing would be “limited,” a “slap on the wrist.”
Kerry: Arab countries offered to pay for invasion
Asked by Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) about how much those countries would contribute, Kerry said they have offered to pay for all of a full invasion.
Kerry Tells Congress That Oil Sheiks Will Pay US for War to Unseat Assad
The surprising admission came in response to congressional pressure on the administration to explain how yet another military operation would be paid for during a period of prolonged budgetary sequestration.
Top 10 Unproven Claims for War Against Syria
by Dennis J. Kucinich
The questions the Obama administration needs to answer before Congress can even consider voting on Syria:
Kerry kommt nicht zum G20-Gipfel nach St. Petersburg
Statt ihm komme Obamas Sicherheitsberaterin Susan Rice.
Armenia, Russia discuss military-technical cooperation
The First Deputy Minister of Defense of Armenia Davit Tonoyan discussed the Russian-Armenian military and military-technical cooperation with the Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Anatoly Antonov in Moscow on Thursday, Russian Defence Ministry Press Service and Information Directorate said, Novosti-Armenia reported.
Right for declaration of state of war in Georgia transferred from president to government
Changes are being made in the ‚Law on the State of War‘, according to which declaration of the state of war goes into government‘s competence. This change is being discussed by the Georgian parliament.
What The US, Russia Are Really Quarreling Over: Pipelines
For both countries, the Snowden affair is just another ho-hum spat in the greater imperial rivalry.
Putin Sets Uncompromising Tone Ahead of G-20 Summit
And although the weather is forecast to be clear this week in St. Petersburg, the mood inside the Konstantin Palace will likely be as cold as a Russian winter.
The Syrian War What You‘re Not Being Told
What‘s really going on in Syria? Let‘s look at the evidence
How to Think About the National Security State
The United States has grown a gigantic national security state. According to one analyst, our overall annual security budget is now more than $1.2 trillion. And we now know that includes at least $75 billion for “intelligence.”
‚Unsere Gesellschaft braucht mehr Empörte‘
Ich denke, dafür brauchen wir Leuchttürme, herausstechende Gruppen und klar benannte Aktivisten, die als Kuratoren dieser demokratischen Empörung auftreten. Die funktionieren wie ein Siegel: Empörte mit guten Argumenten und stabiler Reputation, denen man vertrauen kann im allgemeinen Meer der Empörung.
New Zealand bans software patents
„Today‘s historic legislation will support our innovative technology industry, and sends a clear message to the rest of the world that New Zealand won‘t tolerate the vexatious practice of ‚patent trolls‘.“
Bush-Era War Criminals Should `Shut the F**k Up‘
Maddow added: „If you‘re an architect or a conspirator or one of the primary actors in the Iraq War – in arguably the grandest and most craven foreign policy disaster in American history, your opinion is no longer required on matters of war and peace. Please enjoy painting portraits of dogs or something. Painting portraits of yourself in the bathroom, trying to get clean. Please enjoy the loving comfort of your family and loved ones, and your god. But we as a country never ever need to hear from you about war, ever again. You can go now.“
Senators Authorizing Syria Strike Got More Defense Cash Than Lawmakers Voting No
Overall, political action committees and employees from defense and intelligence firms such as Lockheed Martin, Boeing, United Technologies, Honeywell International, and others ponied up $1,006,887 to the 17 members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who voted yes or no on the authorization Wednesday, according to an analysis by Maplight, the Berkeley-based nonprofit that performed the inquiry at WIRED’s request.
Russia says Syrian Foreign Minister to visit Moscow on Monday
Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem will travel to Moscow for talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Monday, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Thursday.
UK‘s Government Computers Used To Access Porn More Than 300,000 Times In The Last 14 Months
UK Prime Minister David Cameron is so busy attempting to stomp out internet porn that he‘s completely overlooked his own backyard.
FJP’s Darrag Condemns Attack on Coup Interior Minister; Asserts: Our Activities Peaceful
An assassination attempt can go a long way to justify a bigger wave of state-sponsored terror against all those opposed to the bloody, traitorous coup.
Muslim Brotherhood leader condemns attack on minister
„The bombing allegedly targeting the minister of interior today is regrettable and the alliance strongly condemns it,“ Darrag said in a statement on behalf of the Islamist „Anti-Coup Alliance“, led by the Muslim Brotherhood of ousted president Mohamed Mursi.
Two Koreas agree to restore military hotline
South and North Korea have agreed to restore a military hotline along the west coast, paving the way for the resumption of a shuttered joint industrial park, officials here said Thursday.
China proposes holding informal six-party meeting on N. Korea
China has proposed holding an informal meeting this month with senior officials from six nations involving the long-stalled negotiations aimed at ending North Korea‘s nuclear weapons program, a diplomatic source said Thursday.
Pressure mounts on Obama over Syria at G20 summit
U.S. President Barack Obama faced growing pressure from world leaders not to launch military strikes in Syria on Thursday at a summit on the global economy that was eclipsed by the conflict.
Barack Obama & Vladimir Putin Shake Hands At G20 Russia
EU urges diplomatic efforts on Syria, ‚no military solution‘
Europe‘s top officials warned against a military response in Syria on Thursday, aligning themselves more closely with Russian President Vladimir Putin than President Barack Obama in how best to respond to the chemical attack in the Syrian civil war.
Letta says no to Syria intervention without UN
Premier Enrico Letta said Thursday that he could understand the United States‘s concerns over Syria, but reiterated Italy was only in favour of military intervention if it is endorsed by the United Nations.
Berlusconi has video ready for fall of Italian government: ally
„It‘s ready, Berlusconi will decide when to broadcast it and I think it is absolutely imminent,“ Daniela Santanche, a deputy nicknamed „the pythoness“ for her fierce devotion to the media billionaire, told a news conference.
Berlusconi‘s party sees crisis ‚approaching‘ for Letta govt
PdL threatens to sink govt over vote on ex-premier‘s Senate seat
bei fortgeschrittner globaler Vernetzung „ein wenig schwanger“? kaum Resultat!
#China probt die kapitalistische Revolution: In Shanghai sollen Banken mit freier Währung experimentieren.
First Thoughts: Wooing the left
In its lobbying effort to get support for military intervention in Syria, the Obama administration now has one clear target:
the left.
Israel, die gescheiterte Syrien-Invasion und die Spieltheorie des gewinnbaren Iran-Krieges
(21.05.) Wir wissen, dass mit Benjamin Netanjahu ein Faschist und Messianiker die Regierung Israels anführt. Wir wissen, dass mit Hilfe von solchen, nun, Prothesen wie Yair Lapid und vom Leben geplagten Mitunterläuferinnen wie Zipi Livni der Faschist und Messianiker Ehud Barak in seinem noblen Amte des Zurückbeschussministers durch den Faschisten und Messianiker Moshe Ya`alon ersetzt wurde, der bereits im März 2006 im “Think Tank” (deutsch: Denkpanzer) Hudson Institute in Washington behauptet hatte, das Regime in Teheran werde nach einem massiven, nicht nur aus der Luft erfolgten Angriff “des Westens” auf Iran kollabieren und mit allen weiteren Unannehmlichkeiten des eigenen Haus- und Hofstaates – etwa Raketenbeschuss aus dem Libanon – werde man schon fertig.
Der damalige Premierminister Ehud Olmert pfiff den ehemaligen Generalstabschef Ya´alon zurück. Man rede über so etwas nicht in der Öffentlichkeit. Im Übrigen werde Israel bei einem Angriff auf Iran nicht alleine handeln. Daraufhin beschwerte sich Ya´alon gekränkt:
“Ich versteh das ganze Geschrei in Israel nicht. Ich habe nur über die militärische Option des Westens geschrieben, also die Armeen der USA, der NATO und der von Israel”
Massenvernichtungs-Experte Rühle baut für Biowaffen-Einsatz gegen Bevölkerung in Israel vor
(22.08.2012) Hans Rühle, laut “Welt” einer der “führenden deutschen Experten für Massenvernichtungswaffen”, erklärt in der Springer-Zeitung, ein Einsatz von Biowaffen gegen die Bevölkerung Israels sei “möglich”. Rühle stütze sich, so die “Welt”, auf “Geheimdiensterkenntnisse und einschlägige Forschungen”. Täter (und Beihelfer) wurden präventiv schon genannt: u.a. Syrien, Iran und Nordkorea.
So eine Überraschung.
Syrien: Nachbarn sorgen sich um Assads Biowaffen
Laut „Washington Post“ untersuchen Sicherheitsanalysten, ob Damaskus in der Lage sei, biologische Waffen zu entwickeln. Geheimdienstler im Nahen Osten sowie in den USA würden der Frage nachgehen, ob das syrische Regime mit Biowaffen einen Militärschlag des Westens vergelten könnte.
As Syria deteriorates, neighbors fear bioweapons threat
Top intelligence officials in two Middle East countries said they have examined the potential for bioweapons use by Syria, perhaps as retaliation for Western military strikes on Damascus.
Papst-Appell für Frieden findet weltweit Unterstützung
Pope Francis writes letter to President Putin of Russia ahead of G20 summit
It is regrettable that, from the very beginning of the conflict in Syria, one-sided interests have prevailed and in fact hindered the search for a solution that would have avoided the senseless massacre now unfolding. The leaders of the G20 cannot remain indifferent to the dramatic situation of the beloved Syrian people which has lasted far too long, and even risks bringing greater suffering to a region bitterly tested by strife and needful of peace. To the leaders present, to each and every one, I make a heartfelt appeal for them to help find ways to overcome the conflicting positions and to lay aside the futile pursuit of a military solution. Rather, let there be a renewed commitment to seek, with courage and determination, a peaceful solution through dialogue and negotiation of the parties, unanimously supported by the international community. Moreover, all governments have the moral duty to do everything possible to ensure humanitarian assistance to those suffering because of the conflict, both within and beyond the country’s borders.
China backs Russia over Syria at G20 summit
„Military action would have a negative impact on the global economy, especially on the oil price – it will cause a hike in the oil price,“ Chinese Vice Finance Minister Zhu Guangyao told a briefing before the start of the G20 leaders‘ talks.
Chinese president discusses ties, global issues with Russian counterpart
ST. PETERSBURG, Russia, Sept. 5 (Xinhua) — Chinese President Xi Jinping met here Thursday with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin before the Group of 20 (G20) summit.
China, Brazil vow to boost BRICS cooperation
China and Brazil, both emerging economies and members of the BRICS group, should strengthen communication and coordination to oppose trade protectionism, safeguard the common interests of the emerging markets and continue to contribute to global growth, Xi said when meeting with Rousseff ahead of the Group of 20 summit in the Russian city of St. Petersburg.
Brazil forms committee to probe US spying
“We intend to protect national sovereignty,” said Senator Vanessa Graziotin, of the Communist Party of Brazil. The committee was formed Tuesday, reports Xinhua.
Wir pfeifen auf euer „europäisches und internationales Recht“. Und unsere Verfassung ist auch nicht „national“, ja!?
Und dann lernt das Wort „Grundgesetz“ in euren windelweichen Datenschutzbehauptungen zu verwenden. Und zu begreifen.