Daily Archives: 27. August 2013

27.08.2013 - 23:31 [ Al Ahram ]

Egypt hopes for a ‘no strike’ scenario against Syria, urges caution

Saiid is aware of the difficulties that could hamper political efforts given the conflicting interests of key regional players: Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Iran. However, he says, the US and the UK will not want the regional situation to get out of hand. “If Syria is attacked, Russia and Iran would be more upfront in their support of Assad. This means more weaponry and more havoc at a time when many countries in the region are faced with internal challenges.” He adds that it is too much to argue that more turmoil is in the interests of Israel.

27.08.2013 - 18:59 [ Hände weg von Syrien - Für ein Ende des weltweiten Krieges "on terror" / Facebook ]

Werte Erdlinge und Erdlinge mit oder ohne der Gnade der regionalen Staatsgeburt korrekter Abstammung…

Haben auch Sie die Schnauze voll von dem verdammten Krieg? Insbesondere der neuen anvisierten Fortsetzung gegen Syrien?
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27.08.2013 - 17:47 [ Roots Action ]

No to Humanitarian Imperialism in Iran and Syria

Proponents of war lied about Iraq. They claimed a humanitarian purpose long after the WMD claim fell apart. In the end, they devastated Iraq and caused untold suffering.

Proponents of war lied about Afghanistan and continue to kill and destabilize there to this day in the name of humanitarianism and women‘s rights. They ignore the right not to be bombed.

They lied about Libya, a nation now facing catastrophe following „humanitarian“ bombing.

They‘re lying about Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia, fueling hatred with drone wars, endangering us all.

The lies about Syria and Iran are flowing freely. But neither the motivation nor the likely result of the warmongering is humanitarian.

Please add your name to this petition, which we will deliver to Congress and the President:

27.08.2013 - 17:02 [ Alles Schall und Rauch ]

Gehören „Ärzte“ zur Kriegspropaganda gegen Syrien?

Schauen wir uns an wer „Ärzte ohne Grenzen“ hauptsächlich finanziert. Es sind die Finanzverbrecher der Wall Street und City of London, welche die Aussenpolitik des Westens steuern und von Kriegen profitieren. Laut ihrem eigenen Jahresbericht von 2010 besteht die Liste der Spender aus den üblichen Verdächtigen, wie Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, Google, Microsoft, Bloomberg und eine ganze Reihe von anderen Mitgliedern des Militärisch-Industriellen-Finanz-Komplex. Auch im Vorstand von MSF sitzen Bankster, wie Elizabeth Beshel Robinson von Goldman Sachs.

27.08.2013 - 16:29 [ the Wikileaks Party ]

WikiLeaks Party Statement on intervention in Syria

The WikiLeaks Party has not forgotten the decision, based on false reportage about chemical weapons, for Australia to participate in the disastrous US-led Iraq war. The Wikileaks Party recognises the previous abuses of the Syrian state towards its dissidents, while similarly recognising the abuses committed by US-backed governments in Saudi Arabia and Bahrain–which the Australian Labor government disgracefully ignores.

27.08.2013 - 16:20 [ Guardian ]

Cairo forces detain siblings from Ireland after raid on al-Fath mosque

When Egypt‘s security forces stormed the besieged al-Fath mosque in central Cairo almost two weeks ago among those arrested were four siblings with joint Irish-Egyptian nationality – three women aged 21 to 28, and their brother, 17.

The siblings are still in detention without access to a lawyer but have become the focus of an intense diplomatic tussle as the Irish government seeks their release.

27.08.2013 - 16:11 [ New York Times ]

Momentum Builds for Military Strike in Syria

Even without the evidence that the inspectors are collecting, the United States and other Western powers have concluded that the attack last week, which killed hundreds of people, was caused by banned chemical munitions and that Mr. Assad’s forces were responsible, crossing a threshold that required a forceful response.

27.08.2013 - 15:09 [ Radio Utopie ]

Deutscher Patriot Act: Leutheusser und Friedrich stellen morgen den Abschlussbericht der “Überprüfung” vor

Derzeit überlagert die offene Kriegsdrohung gegen Syrien seitens der U.S.A. und Großbritannien deren weltweite Spionage. Dabei stellt am Mittwoch in Berlin eine Regierungskommission ihren Abschlussbericht zur ersten Überprüfung der “Anti-Terror-Gesetze” seit 2001 vor, auf deren Grundlage auch die Spionage durch N.S.A. und G.C.H.Q. gegen die Deutschen erfolgte.

27.08.2013 - 13:17 [ Al Manar ]

Geagea Urges Obama to Directly Intervene in Syria

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea criticized in an open letter to U.S. President Barack Obama his inaction in Syria, urging him to intervene directly in the country.

„The United States has fulfilled its promise and stood against all forms of dictatorship in this region and defeat them. However, some tyrannies are still exist,“ Geagea said in his letter to Obama.

27.08.2013 - 13:06 [ Onion ]

Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus’ VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning

It’s a good question. And the answer is pretty simple. It was an attempt to get you to click on CNN.com so that we could drive up our web traffic, which in turn would allow us to increase our advertising revenue.

27.08.2013 - 13:05 [ Boing Boing ]

Why CNN gave Miley Cyrus top spot over Syria

The Onion cooked up a brutal item today: a fake op-ed from CNN.com‘s managing editor, Meredith Artley, explaining why the above was CNN‘s homepage this morning.

27.08.2013 - 13:01 [ Techdirt ]

Author Of UK‘s Terrorism Act Says It Was Never Meant For Situations Like David Miranda

In the US, we‘ve had one of the key authors of the Patriot Act, Jim Sensenbrenner, speak out strongly, saying that the NSA interpretation of the law appears to be completely different than what was meant when the bill was written. It looks like something similar may be happening in the UK. Charles Falconer, who helped craft the UK‘s Terrorism Act, which was used to detain David Miranda and swipe all of his electronics, has now spoken out, saying that it was an illegal use of the Act he wrote.

27.08.2013 - 11:39 [ Business Insider ]

NORAD To Launch US, Russian Joint ‚Hijacked Airliner‘ Exercise Amid Rising Tensions

(23.August) The exercise, dubbed Vigilant Eagle, started as an attempt to train to respond to a hijacked airliner that required both Russian and North American intervention. It will pair troops and technology from the joint U.S.-Canadian North American Aerospace Defense Command and Russian Federation Air Force and will last from Aug. 26-30.

27.08.2013 - 11:34 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

Foreign Minister: Syria has national interest in revealing reality of what happened in Ghouta

„Syria immediately agreed to the UN requests and there is no delay, and I say to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry that we are not obstructing UN inspectors‘ work,“ Minister al-Moallem, added at a press conference in Damascus.

Syrian forces cannot remove the effects of the chemical weapons, because the areas are under the control of the armed groups,“ al-Moallem said.

The Minister stressed that British Foreign Minister, William Hague, talked illogically to mislead the public opinion of his country, asserting that no country in the world uses weapons of mass destruction against its own people.

27.08.2013 - 11:30 [ Freiheit statt Angst ]

Material zum Selberdrucken

Der Ortswechsel so kurz vor der Demo – vom Potsdamer Platz zum Alexanderplatz – hat unser Material leider nochmal etwas durcheinander gebracht. Und gerade jetzt im Endspurt ist es wichtig, noch einmal alles rauszugeben und Flyer, Plakate und Aufkleber unter die Leute zu bringen. Und damit die Leute nach Berlin zu bringen.

27.08.2013 - 11:27 [ Sevim Dagdelen, Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages ]

Deutschland darf sich nicht an Syrien-Intervention beteiligen

Deutschland hat in Syrien selbst zur Eskalation des Konfliktes beigetragen. Gemeinsam mit den ‚Freunden Syriens‘ hat man die bewaffnete Opposition unterstützt und aufgerüstet, wie auch Pläne für den ‚Tag danach‘ ausgearbeitet. All das hat zur Eskalation beigetragen, die man nun als Vorwand für eine Intervention nutzen will. Nun sitzt der deutsche Generalstabschef der Bundeswehr Volker Wieker mit seinen Kollegen aus den USA, Frankreich, Großbritannien, Katar und Saudi Arabien in Jordanien zusammen und plant Militärschläge. Außenminister Westerwelle nennt das ‚Abstimmung mit Verbündeten‘. In Wahrheit geht es wieder einmal um die Vorbereitung eines völkerrechtswidrigen Angriffskrieges.

27.08.2013 - 11:26 [ Süddeutsche ]

Viele schlechte Optionen

US-Generalstabschef Martin Dempsey flog am Sonntag nach Jordanien. In der Hauptstadt Amman kommt er mit seinen Kollegen aus Frankreich und Großbritannien zusammen, um über die Auswirkungen des syrischen Bürgerkriegs zu beraten. Mit dabei sind Vertreter der Regionalmächte Saudi-Arabien, Türkei und Katar, ebenso wie die Nato-Staaten Kanada und Italien und auch der Generalinspekteur der Bundeswehr, Volker Wieker.