The carbonate ages, combined with an analysis of sediment cores taken from neighboring Pyramid Lake, suggest that the boulders were exposed to air—and thus accessible for carving by humans—between about 14,800 to 13,100 years ago, and again from about 11,300 to 10,500 years ago. In between the two time periods, the boulders were submerged, the scientists say.
Daily Archives: 15. August 2013
‚Incoherent‘ Obama policy on Egypt under fire as violence spreads
The Obama administration claims to be staying neutral in the violent confrontation between the military-backed government and Muslim Brotherhood supporters of ousted President Mohammed Morsi. More than 600 people have been killed so far across the country.
A military officer runs the Rabaa mosque now, barking orders at soldiers and looters
My socks soaked frm walking thru al-Imam mosque, where the ice has melted, mingling with the blood of the dead, seeping into the rug
Saw 200+ bodies tday. On floor @ Iman mosque. On muddy st outside morgue. Blocks of ice & air freshner: fams‘ desperat attmpts 2 stall decay
At Al-Iman mosque in Cairo, counted more than 150 bodies frm yestrday still awaiting burial. 2:30 PM.
Live: Egypt in Crisis
With at least 638 people killed, the violence marks the deadliest day in Egypt since the 2011 uprising that toppled former president Hosni Mubarak. The Post’s Abigail Hauslohner is reporting from Cairo.
Egypt authorizes further use of live ammunition against pro-Morsi protesters
A day after Egyptian soldiers and police killed hundreds of people when they stormed two camps set up by the Muslim Brotherhood to call for the reinstatement of deposed president Mohamed Morsi, a separate government statement pledged the use of “all power” to confront the organization, setting the stage for further bloodshed in the days ahead.
‚Traditional cooperation‘ between U.S. and Egypt based on geopolitics and money
Oil shipments also rely on the 200-mile Sumed pipeline, which runs across Egypt, connecting the Gulf of Suez to the Mediterranean Sea. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and other Persian Gulf oil producers move more than three-quarters of their oil exports to Europe by way of the Sumed pipeline.
Remarks by the President on the Situation in Egypt
As a result, this morning we notified the Egyptian government that we are canceling our biannual joint military exercise which was scheduled for next month. Going forward I’ve asked my national security team to assess the implications of the actions taken by the interim government and further steps that we may take as necessary with respect to the U.S.-Egyptian relationship.
Let me say that the Egyptian people deserve better than what we’ve seen over the last several days. And to the Egyptian people, let me say the cycle of violence and escalation needs to stop. We call on the Egyptian authorities to respect the universal rights of the people. We call on those who are protesting to do so peacefully and condemn the attacks that we’ve seen by protesters, including on churches. We believe that the state of emergency should be lifted, that a process of national reconciliation should begin, that all parties need to have a voice in Egypt’s future, that the rights of women and religious minorities should be respected, and that commitments must be kept to pursue transparent reforms of the constitution and democratic elections of a parliament and a President.
Obama fordert Aufhebung des Ausnahmezustands in Ägypten
„Wir sind der Ansicht, dass der Notstand beendet werden sollte“, sagte Obama am Donnerstag in Washington.
Obama sagt Militärübung mit Ägypten ab
„Wir haben die ägyptische Regierung davon in Kenntnis gesetzt, dass das Manöver nicht stattfindet“, sagte Obama am Donnerstag in Washington. Die Entscheidung wurde wegen der drastischen Zuspitzung der Lage im nordafrikanischen Land nach der Absetzung von Präsident Mohammed Mursi getroffen.
Livebericht aus Kairo: Es habe keine Alternativen gegeben
17:35 Als erste politische Gruppierung haben sich nun die Revolutionären Sozialisten Ägyptens geäußert. In einer Stellungnahme erklärt die trotskyistische Partei, die nicht im Parlament ist, man habe den Umsturz Anfang Juli mitgetragen, verurteile die Politik des »Kriminellen« Mursi, und auch die Muslimbruderschaft lehne man ab.
U.N. Security Council to meet on Thursday to discuss Egypt
The Security Council will be briefed behind closed doors by U.N. Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson at 22.30 British Time. The meeting was jointly requested by council members France, Britain and Australia.
France, Britain ask for emergency UN Council meet on Egypt: diplomats
France, Britain and Australia on Thursday jointly requested an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to discuss the deadly violence in Egypt, diplomats said.
US Government Threatens California City Trying to Save Homeowners From Foreclosure
But yet again the Obama administration is siding with the big bank and secondary lenders — the very ones that they are fining (while avoiding criminal cases against them) for everything from nationwide deceptive mortgage practices (in poorer communities), robo-signed foreclosures that are often in error, cash bonuses from banks for deceptive practices, and on and on. It‘s a thieves den list of mortgage abuse, particularly targeting communities of color.
NSA Legislation Since the Leaks Began
Since the Guardian published the FISA Court order mandating Verizon Business Network Services hand over all its customers‘ phone records to the National Security Agency in early June, Congress has responded with bill after bill to rein in the NSA‘s surveillance programs, increase transparency, and reform how the secret FISA Court is staffed and operates.
Galaxy Anatomy In Early Universe Was a ‚Cosmic Zoo‘
The diversity of galaxies in the early universe was as varied as the many galaxy types seen today, a massive Hubble Space Telescope photos survey reveals.
Astronomy Picture of the Day: 2013 August 15
The Magellanic Stream
Holy Sh-t! Without Saying a Word This 6 Minute Short Film Will Make You Speechless
Can you put this film into words?
Former narcotics officer: We terrorized families over a bag of po
“I put it together years later, after I started smoking pot,” he confessed. “You know, a lot of people report that the use of that medication helps a person self-reflect. And, wow, the veil came off and then I started doing the real research for myself instead of believing the propaganda. And I cried for a year after I found out the truth and what I had been involved in.”
‘Bloodbath that is not a bloodbath‘: Why Egypt is doomed
by Pepe Escobar:
Egypt‘s ‘bloodbath that is not a bloodbath’ has shown that the forces of hardcore suppression and corruption reign supreme, while foreign interests – the House of Saud, Israel and the Pentagon – support the military‘s merciless strategy.
To stop file-sharing, one needs to intercept all internet traffic
AT: We want to reform the copyright laws because they are old now. The world has changed so much just in past 10 to 15 years since the internet really grew big not only in Europe and America but also in the rest of the world. The copyright has to be reformed: it has to be possible for people to copyright material and to share it with their friends. And it should also be of no harm to the copyright industry. Basically, copyright works as PR. So it’s a really good thing.
Weltweite Empörung nach den Massakern in Ägypten
Die internationale Empörung, die während des Militärputsches in Ägypten im Juli verdächtig leise ausgefallen war, ist letztendlich zum Vorschein gekommen, nachdem die Polizei zivile Demonstranten attackierte, die die Rückkehr der gewählten Regierung forderten, und dabei Hunderte tötete und Tausende verletzte.
Israel-Bound Flight Makes Emergency Landing in Greece
An El Al flight bound for Israel from New York made an emergency landing at Athens International Airport early Thursday morning after the smoke alarm sounded on the plane.
Asse: Verfüllung steht unmittelbar bevor – Rückholungskonzept kommt später
Das Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) will in Kürze mit der Verfüllung von Kammern mit Atommüll auf der 750 Meter-Sohle beginnen, konnte der ASSE II-Begleitgruppe auf einem kurzfristig anberaumten Treffen am 07.08.13 aber nicht nachvollziehbar begründen, warum diese Maßnahme jetzt sein muss.
U.S. Condemns Crackdown but Announces No Policy Shift
The Obama administration on Wednesday condemned the Egyptian military’s bloody crackdown on Muslim Brotherhood protesters, but showed no signs of taking any tough steps, like suspending American aid, in response.
Michael Fuchs erwägt Klage gegen
Das berichtete vor einigen Tagen die Rhein-Zeitung. Anlass ist offenbar ein vom 24. Juli über die jüngste Nebentätigkeit des Unions-Fraktionsvize („Michael Fuchs berät privaten Nachrichtendienst“). Seit kurzem wird Fuchs auf der Bundestagshomepage als Beiratsmitglied von „Hakluyt & Company“ (H&C) geführt, eine von ehemaligen Geheimdienstmitarbeitern gegründete Firma, die Informationsbeschaffung für Großunternehmen und Private Equity Gesellschaften („Heuschrecken“) betreibt. – See more at:
Exclusive – West warned Egypt‘s Sisi to the end: don‘t do it
„We had a political plan that was on the table, that had been accepted by the other side (the Muslim Brotherhood),“ said EU envoy Bernardino Leon, who co-led the mediation effort with U.S. Deputy Secretary of State William Burns.
„They could have taken this option. So all that has happened today was unnecessary,“ Leon told Reuters in a telephone interview
EU diplomat: Egyptian army rejected peace plan
The EU‘s special envoy to the Middle East, Bernardino Leon, has said the Egyptian army rejected a peace deal with the Muslim Brotherhood a few hours before the killing in Cairo began.
EU-Diplomatie in Ägypten: „Wir haben versagt“
Internationale Diplomaten haben bis zuletzt versucht, das Massaker in Kairo zu verhindern. Kurz vor der Räumung der Protestlager wollten sie die Regierung für eine politische Lösung gewinnen. Laut EU-Vertretern waren die Muslimbrüder offen für Verhandlungen – das Militär lehnte ab.
Privatsphäre: Das Internet, ein überwachtes Zuhause
Das Netz ist längst zur realen Lebenswelt geworden, kaum jemand „geht“ noch „online“ – viele sind es permanent. In diesem Zuhause führen sich Regierungen, Unternehmen und Geheimdienste so auf, als wäre es ihr Haus. Das schüchtert die Bürger ein – und macht sie zu Untertanen.
Ägypten versinkt nach Einsatz gegen Morsi-Anhänger in Gewalt
Die Bewegung werde nicht ruhen, bis „der Militärputsch“ gegen den von ihnen unterstützten Präsidenten Mohammed Mursi der Vergangenheit angehöre, erklärte ein Sprecher über den Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter. Dabei würden die Muslimbrüder „stets gewaltfrei und friedlich“ vorgehen.
Isn‘t she pretty in pink: NASA discovers a new planet
ASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center recently discovered the existence of a new planet about 57 light years away from Earth. Known as GJ 504b, the planet is about the size of Jupiter—although several times its mass—and is the smallest planet ever to be directly imaged by a telescope. Not to mention it also happens to be colored a deep magenta, a sign of its relative planetary youth.
Toy drones used to record pro-Morsi sit-ins
The small drone is banned as a propaganda tool, but activists have brought in some from outside Egypt.
Tamarod wants Muslim Brotherhood listed as terrorist organization
(31.07.) The movement called on the United States to give that label to the Muslim Brotherhood and said the Hamas military wing in the Gaza Strip, which is listed as a terror organization, is a brotherhood offshoot, Israel Radio reported Wednesday.
Tamarod attacks Third Square for ‘fragmenting Egyptian people
Tamarod has criticised Third Square, an initiative that opposes the military-led roadmap and the pro-Morsi protests (..)
Tamarod criticised Third Square for its attack on the military, claiming that the Egyptian people did not side with the police or the military by rising up against the Muslim Brotherhood.
Two Tamarod founders part of Constitutional Committee
(08.08.) “Our most important concern is that the new constitution ban religious parties that have caused chaos on the political scene and fomented discrimination,”
Tamarod (arabisch تمرد , DMG tamarrud) bedeutet „Rebellion“, „Aufstand“; es ist der Name einer Graswurzelbewegung und Petition in Ägypten mit Unterstützung der Armee unter General As-Sisi, die während der Proteste in Ägypten 2013 gegen Präsident Mohamed Mursi am 28. April 2013 begonnen hat und bis zum 30. Juni 2013 dauerte.[1] Als Gründer der Bewegung gilt der 28-jährige Journalist Mahmoud Badr, der allerdings vielen ihrer Mitglieder als zu militärfreundlich gilt.
U.S. will pay a price for its hypocrisy on Egypt: Siddiqui
It’s only now after Wednesday’s bloody massacre of pro-Morsi protesters that Obama stirred himself to shed crocodile tears. The U.S. and its allies have been enablers of the grave crimes committed by the Egyptian military as well of the Goebbelsian lies it has been peddling.
Muslim Brotherhood set to march in Cairo as Egypt death toll rises to 525
“Marches are planned this afternoon from Al-Iman mosque to protest the deaths,” the Islamist group said in a statement.
Turkish PM: Egyptian army committed genocide against its own people
In addition, the Turkish Prime Minister said that the western countries were silent before the bloody events in Egypt, thus encouraging the Egyptian army‘s actions against the demonstrators.
Health Ministry: Death toll during crackdown in Egypt reaches over 520
The death toll during the army crackdown on supporters of ex-President Mohammed Morsi in Egypt has reached 525, Al Jazeera TV channel reported with the reference to the country‘s Health Ministry.
Massacre in Egypt unacceptable: Iran
The Islamic Republic of Iran says the recent massacre of and massive military crackdown on the protesters in Egypt is “unacceptable.”
Turkish PM calls for UNSC to convene to discuss Egypt crisis
On Thursday, Erdogan called for an urgent UNSC meeting over Egypt’s deadly crackdown on protesters supporting ousted President Mohamed Morsi.
„The Security Council of the United Nations should convene quickly to discuss the situation in Egypt,“ Erdogan said.
Task Force Sinai, ‚Best in the Desert!‘
Observe, Report and Verify the Treaty of Peace between Egypt and Israel.
Lawless Sinai Shows Risks Rising in Fractured Egypt
(10.8.2013) In the five weeks since Egypt’s military ousted the Islamist president, Mohamed Morsi, the endemic violence here has spiraled into something like an insurgency, with mysterious gunmen attacking military and police facilities every night.
Ägypten macht Grenze zu Gaza dicht
Konkret nannten die Behörden dabei die häufiger gewordenen Überfälle von Islamisten auf Militärobjekte, die Unterstützung aus dem Gaza-Streifen erhalten könnten.
Why Sen. Feinstein Is Wrong About Who’s a ‚Real Reporter‘
During the Senate Judiciary Committee’s August 1 mark-up of the shield law bill aimed at protecting journalists’ sources, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) reportedly objected to the definition of journalist provided in the bill as introduced, seeking to restrict the definition’s scope to apply only to “real reporters.” To achieve her misguided goal, Sen. Feinstein has put forward an amendment to S. 987 that would greatly exacerbate the problems with the definition of who’s a journalist that existed in the bill as introduced.
US Senator Feinstein Seeks to Further Limit Freedom of Press
The majority of America now gets its news from online sources. This has opened the country up to a whole new variety of sources including blogs, vlogs, youtube and other alternative media sources. The term “Freedom of the Press” has certainly expanded to include multiple new-age venues of modern press. However, in a developing story, Senator Feinstein (D-CA) is seeking an amendment to restrict who gets protection under new media shield laws.
John Kerry: ‚This Little Thing Called the Internet … Makes It Much Harder to Govern‘
„It makes it much harder to govern, makes it much harder to organize people, much harder to find the common interest,“ said Kerry, „and that is complicated by a rise of sectarianism and religious extremism that is prepared to employ violent means to impose on other people a way of thinking and a way of living that is completely contrary to everything the United States of America has ever stood for. So we need to keep in mind what our goals are and how complicated this world is that we’re operating in.“
Rep. Justin Amash alleges GOP leaders withheld critical memo on NSA spying
If it had been disclosed earlier, Amash argued, more members of Congress likely would have been hesitant to vote to renew parts of the Patriot Act and other laws allowing for phone records spying.
„We were kept in the dark,“ said Amash, whose allegations were first reported this week by the United Kingdom‘s Guardian newspaper.
Justice Department Launches Fresh Probe Into FBI Spying
A new review is examining „any improper or illegal uses“ of the FBI‘s surveillance authorities under Section 215 of the Patriot Act.
Report: CIA ‚admits‘ to gathering info on Chomsky
Memo obtained by Foreign Policy magazine reveals US intel agency kept file on prominent Jewish anti-war academic in 1970s. Chomsky in response: Systems of power typically try to extend their power in any way they can think of.
Die Medienpartner werden aufgefordert, die Bezeichnung “Drohnen-Angriffe” (drone strikes) zu vermeiden, diesen Ausdruck wünscht Toscano nie wieder zu hören und nur als das zu bezeichnen, was sie seiner Ansicht nach sind: “Luftanschläge” (air strikes). Achtzig Prozent der Menschheit würde das Wort “Drohne” mit der “Predator” assoziieren, und das ist es, was falsch wäre, so Toscano.