Daily Archives: 3. August 2013

03.08.2013 - 22:01 [ The Raw Story ]

Protest over Taiwanese military conscript’s death draws 100,000

Singing a Taiwanese take on the revolutionary song “Do you hear the people sing?” from the hit musical “Les Miserables”, protesters rallied at a square near the presidential office in Taipei, mostly dressed in white — a colour symbolising truth in local culture.

03.08.2013 - 20:38 [ Süddeutsche Zeitung ]

Wie die Bundesrepublik jahrelang Doping förderte

Anabolika, Testosteron, Östrogen, Epo: Über Jahrzehnte wurden in der Bundesrepublik leistungssteigernde Mittel erforscht und an Sportler verteilt. Funktionäre deckten das System, auch die Politik war eingeweiht. Ein Bericht der Berliner Humboldt-Universität enthüllt die Ausmaße des Doping-Systems in Westdeutschland. Jetzt gibt es Streit um die Veröffentlichung der Studie.

03.08.2013 - 18:44 [ Radio Utopie ]

Snowden-Affäre: “Europäische Institutionen müssen die Kontrolle der Dateninfrastruktur übernehmen”

(24.Juni. Nochmal: 24.Juni.) Kurz erklärt: meiner Ansicht nach lässt Big Brother locker, aber trainiert gerade seine kleinen Brüder. Ändern soll sich gar nichts, nicht für uns, auf der niedrigsten Stufe des imperialen Treppchens. Im Gegenteil, ich vermute, der Plan ist alles noch schlimmer zu machen und die bisher unter der A.U.M.F. (und dem Patriot Act) nach U.S.-Recht scheinlegitimierte Spionage nun in der (und durch) die “Europäische Union” “legalisieren” zu lassen. Das wäre nach dem Grundgesetz natürlich weiter illegal. Aber welche Regierungsbehörde, welche Partei, welche Organisation, ja welches Gericht in Deutschland hat sich denn in den letzten Jahren an unsere Verfassung gehalten bzw diese verteidigt? Das kümmert die alle doch einen Dreck. Und jetzt stehen sie wieder da und erzählen Müll. Und diese Pseudo-”Bürgerrechtler” von “Europa”.

03.08.2013 - 17:39 [ Toronto Media Co-op ]

The People Demand Justice for Sammy

Thousands of people took to the streets on July 29th to express their outrage against the murder of Sammy Yatim, an 18 year old Syrian teenager, demanding Justice for Sammy and all victims of police violence. The family and friends of Sammy Yatim organized the rally along with other Toronto community activists.

03.08.2013 - 17:36 [ Toronto Media Co-op ]

BREAKING: Ezra Levant and Greg Renouf Fund ‚Eco-Terrorists‘!

Ezra Levant and Greg Renouf’s combined ego and ignorance has helped fund the resistance to Enbridge’s Line 9 and tarsands in Southern Ontario.

03.08.2013 - 16:53 [ Neues Deutschland ]

BND leitet massenhaft Metadaten an NSA

Unterlagen aus dem Snowden-Archiv zufolge gaben NSA-Spezialisten Vertretern von BND und Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz ein Training im Umgang mit den neuesten Analysemethoden des Programms XKeyscore – dem Material zufolge soll es dabei unter anderem um Verhaltenserkennung (»behavior detection«) gehen.

03.08.2013 - 16:44 [ Radio Utopie ]


ES IST jetzt Mode zu sagen: “Die Zweistaatenlösung ist tot”. Oder: “Die Zeit für die Zweistaatenlösung läuft ab.”

Warum tot? Wie tot? Das gehört zu den Dingen, die man nicht zu beweisen braucht. Es genügt, wenn man sie sagt.

03.08.2013 - 16:34 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Statement by the Human Rights Committee at the Anti-Coup Alliance on the Regime‘s Violation of Freedom of Assembly

(02.08.) The Anti-Coup Alliance warns the Egyptian authorities of the continued use of excessive force against the peaceful anti-coup protesters which will increase the sense of polarization in the country. It also reminds the Egyptian authorities of the international rules for dealing with protests which they should respect in accordance with their international obligations.

03.08.2013 - 16:31 [ FOEM Music Blog ]

[ZIMMER100] v/a – one hundred

Celebrating 8 Years of Free Music with our 100th Release.
Thanks to more than 150 Artists for contributing their wonderful Music.
Thanks to all Fans and Listeners for the huge Interest over all those years.
Thanks for more than 700.000 Downloads from all over the Globe.
Thanks to all the DJs and Supporters who dropped this shit on the Dancefloors, the Radio and even on TV.
Thanks to Everyone who likes, links, helps and recommends us. Much more to come in the next 8 years …

Zimmer loves You

03.08.2013 - 15:50 [ Russia Today ]

‘Encryption is a human right’: Wikipedia aims to lock out NSA

The non-profit US-based organization that manages Wikipedia, Wikimedia, has released a statement, announcing the introduction of HTTPS security protocol on its website to protect its visitors.

03.08.2013 - 15:43 [ Russia Today ]

US diplomat flees Kenya after deadly car crash – report

Latifah Naiman Mariki, 38, whose husband was killed in the crash, has told the Associated Press that neither the driver nor anyone at the US Embassy has contacted her. The widow is now uncertain how she will provide for her unborn child, as well as her three children, aged 20, 10 and 7.

03.08.2013 - 15:26 [ Greek Reporter ]

Brazil Recalls IMF Rep Over Greek Criticism

Paulo Nogueira Batista, Brazil’s representative to the International Monetary Fund, who abstained from a vote granting more aid to Greece after he said the idea it could be paid back was “delusional,” was recalled by Finance Minister Guido Mantegna to explain himself but it was reported he won’t lose his position at the agency, where he is the delegate for 11 countries.

03.08.2013 - 15:14 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Mexiko: Indigene in Michoacán trotzen Schutzgelderpressern

Sprecher von Gemeinden im Bundesstaat Michoacán haben auf einer Pressekonferenz am 29. Juli 2013 im Menschenrechtszentrum Miguel Agustín Pro Juarez in Mexiko-Stadt angekündigt, sich gegen Schutzgeldforderungen von Drogenbanden zur Wehr setzen zu wollen. „Wir sind keine Gemeindepolizei und keine Bürgerwehr. Wir sind indigene Purépecha-Bauern aus vier Gemeinden, die sich gegen Angriffe und Schutzgelderpressung organisiert haben“,

03.08.2013 - 12:33 [ Space ]

Japan Launching Talking Robot and Cargo Into Space Today: Watch It Live

The fourth unmanned H-2 Transfer Vehicle, or HTV-4, is scheduled to blast off from Tanegashima Space Center in southern Japan at 3:48 p.m. EDT (1948 GMT; 4:48 a.m. Sunday, Aug. 4 Japan time). You can watch launch coverage on SPACE.com here beginning at 3 p.m. EDT (1900 GMT), courtesy of NASA TV and the Hapan Aerospace Exploration Agency.

03.08.2013 - 12:15 [ BBC ]

Wikipedia founder brands PM‘s porn filters plan ‚ridiculous‘

Mr Wales, who co-founded online encyclopaedia Wikipedia in 2001, said problems like online child abuse, hacking social media sites and abusive or threatening messages could be tackled without the introduction of new legislation.

03.08.2013 - 12:11 [ Trend ]

Official: US sanctions do not apply to Pakistan’s gas deal with Iran

„Pakistan informed its positive stance about supporting the project on transfer of Iran‘s gas and also underlined the importance of the project to overcome the energy crisis in the country during the recent visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry,“ the Pakistani diplomat said.

03.08.2013 - 11:56 [ ITAR-TASS ]

Lawmakers seek banning swear words from social networks and blogs

Ruslan Gattarov from the Federation Council upper house of parliament reminds the readers that attempts had already been made to ban foul language in the most popular blog – Live Journal, but it turned out that the Russian language is too mighty, and resists machine verification. It is enough to add a suffix to the radical for the system not to consider this a swear word. That is why foul words are banned in Live Journal only in headlines. One can also add letters to words or omit them, or change their places, replace radicals. This will only make obscenities funnier and fruitier, while the whole control would be for nothing.

03.08.2013 - 08:45 [ Radio Utopie ]

Palastrevolte im saudischen Königshaus?

Weltweit wird erbittert um Macht und Einfluss gekämpft, vor allem die despotische Monarchie in Saudi-Arabien spielt eine der grössten Rollen mit ihren Verbündeten in der Region, die mit offenen und verdeckten Karten mit Geld und Milizen immer wieder Anschläge, Kriege, Aufstände und Bestechungen von Politikern finanziert. Nun wird ein neues Blatt in diese Runde geworfen:

03.08.2013 - 08:39 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Anti-Coup Alliance Statement Condemns Security Forces Attack on Friday August 2 Protesters

The Anti-Coup, Pro-Legitimacy National Alliance extends its sincerest thanks and appreciation to the deeply patriotic Egyptian people for continuing to come out in tens of millions into all the public squares and streets of all provinces throughout Egypt, in defense of constitutional legitimacy, in rejection of the bloody military coup, and in defiance of the state terror, threats and killings perpetrated by the coup commanders and collaborators, in Friday’s Egypt Against the Coup“ million-man march, which was launched from many starting points in all parts of Egypt as well as many countries around the world.

03.08.2013 - 08:38 [ Muslimbruderschaft ]

Statement by the Anti-Coup Pro-Democracy Alliance Regarding Today‘s Events at the Media Production City

(02.08.) Unsurprisingly, the peaceful protests, upon reaching the MPC, were met with tear gas, of an illegal composition. This was before the breaking of the fast, with no provocation towards the police. Then the situation turned into a real war, with the use of gas, shotguns and live ammunition in concentrated attacks.

03.08.2013 - 07:24 [ Guardian ]

NSA controversy gives unfamiliar allies impetus for and against reform

There are very few issues in Congress that unite Tea Party Republicans with the more left-wing Democrats. Conversely, establishment Republicans and Democrats, typically at each others‘ throats, have found a reason to cooperate in their opposition to any changes that they say would hinder the NSA in protecting America from terrorist attack.