Daily Archives: 2. Juli 2013

02.07.2013 - 22:42 [ Khalee Times ]

Indians get temporary relief from Nitaqat in Saudi Arabia

Thousands of Indians, including a large number of Keralites, facing deportation from Saudi Arabia, have heaved a sigh of relief with the Saudi authorities extending the three-month grace period granted ‘illegal migrants’ to legalise their work and residency status.

02.07.2013 - 22:24 [ The Christian Science Monitor ]

Once a divisive pariah, Myanmar may be key Southeast Asian key to unity

Taking their cue in part from regional examples of cooperation such as the European Union, and buoyed by the recent economic opening of Myanmar, the 10 countries that make up the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) plan to form a Southeast Asian economic community by the end of 2015.

02.07.2013 - 21:58 [ Xinhuanet ]

Orthodox Jews rally to protest against new Israeli draft legislation

Representatives from the Orthodox Jewish communities of Austria, Belgium, Britain, France and other European countries take part in a rally outside the European Union headquarters in Brussels, capital of Belgium, July 1, 2013. Hundreds of Orthodox Jews on Monday took part in the rally to protest against a new Israeli draft legislation which requires the men from the Orthodox community in Israel to join the army at the age of 18. The protestors appealed to the EU to put pressure on Israel to change the legislation plan.

02.07.2013 - 21:44 [ Xinhuanet ]

Dozens injured after 6.2-magnitude quake hits Aceh, Indonesia

The quake struck at 14:37 p.m. Jakarta time (0737 GMT) with epicenter at 35 km southwest Benermeriah district of the province and with a depth of 10 km, Subagio, an official of the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency told Xinhua by phone.

02.07.2013 - 19:55 [ RIA Novosti ]

Moscow Street Named After Late Venezuelan Leader Chavez

The naming ceremony was attended by current Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Rosneft head Igor Sechin. It was announced that day that the Russian state-owned oil firm had signed an agreement to help develop extensive offshore deposits in South America. Also on Tuesday, Gazprombank, affiliated with Russian energy giant Gazprom, said it had signed a deal with Petroleos de Venezuela to invest $1 billion in their joint venture, PetroSamora.

02.07.2013 - 19:44 [ NASA ]

NASA Announces Space Station Research and Development Conference

Special guests include NASA Associate Administrator for Human Exploration and Operations William Gerstenmaier and station program managers from the Canadian, European, Japanese and Russian space agencies. In a recorded presentation, Nobel laureate Samuel Ting will present preliminary results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer experiment currently under way aboard the space station.

02.07.2013 - 19:41 [ NASA ]

NASA Tests Game Changing Composite Cryogenic Fuel Tank

Cryogenic propellants are gasses chilled to subfreezing temperatures and condensed to form highly combustible liquids, providing high-energy propulsion solutions critical to future, long-term human exploration missions beyond low-Earth orbit. Cryogenic propellants, such as liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, have been traditionally used to provide the enormous thrust needed for large rockets and NASA‘s space shuttle.

02.07.2013 - 19:11 [ CommonDreams ]

The Armed Forces Ultimatum and the Future of Egypt

by Richard Falk

General al-Sisi‘s Ultimatum

On Monday General Abdel al-Sisi delivered the following ultimatum on Egyptian TV: that the government of President Mohamed Morsi had 48 hours „to respond to the people‘s demands“ or the armed forces would impose its „own roadmap of the future“. The full statement also indicated that the armed forces did not want to resume its 2011 role of presiding over the political process.

02.07.2013 - 14:49 [ derStandard.at ]

Präsident Mursi trifft Armeechef

Mursi telefonierte nach offiziellen Angaben noch in der Nacht auf Dienstag mit US-Präsident Barack Obama. Mursi habe dabei versichert, dass Ägypten Fortschritte beim Übergang zur Demokratie mache, erklärte das ägyptische Präsidialamt. Über weitere Inhalte wurde nichts bekannt.

02.07.2013 - 14:35 [ europarl.europa.eu ]

11 July 2001: REPORT on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) (2001/2098(INI))

A small proportion of intra-European communications are routed via a switch in London to which, since foreign communications are involved, the British monitoring station GCHQ has access. The majority of communications do not leave the continent: for example, more than 95% of intra-German Internet communications are routed via a switch in Frankfurt.

In practical terms, this means that the UKUSA states have access only to a very limited proportion of Internet communications transmitted by cable. (…)

MINORITY OPINION by Giuseppe Di Lello, Pernille Frahm and Alain Krivine

The report by the Temporary Committee confirms the existence of the Echelon interception system which is administered by various countries, including the United Kingdom, a Member State of the European Union, with the cooperation of Germany.

02.07.2013 - 14:27 [ Denkland ]

Krieg gegen die Demokratie: Diktatur auf leisen Sohlen

Wenn der Druck der Lobbyisten auf Politiker nicht ausreicht, helfen Erkenntnisse aus den Späh-Programmen der Geheimdienste. Wer ist wie erpressbar? Wer hat welche Schwächen, die ausgenutzt werden können? Es ist strategisch nur logisch, dass neben Entscheidern aus der Wirtschaft vor allem Politiker auf Führungsebene das Ziel der Überwachungsprogramme sind. Mit Demokratie hat dies nichts mehr zu tun. Auf dem Papier haben wir sie noch. Ist dies unsere letzte Chance?

02.07.2013 - 14:15 [ EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT / cryptome.org ]

11 July 2001: REPORT on the existence of a global system for the interception of private and commercial communications (ECHELON interception system) (2001/2098(INI))

A small proportion of intra-European communications are routed via a switch in London to which, since foreign communications are involved, the British monitoring station GCHQ has access. The majority of communications do not leave the continent: for example, more than 95% of intra-German Internet communications are routed via a switch in Frankfurt.

In practical terms, this means that the UKUSA states have access only to a very limited proportion of Internet communications transmitted by cable. (…)

MINORITY OPINION by Giuseppe Di Lello, Pernille Frahm and Alain Krivine

The report by the Temporary Committee confirms the existence of the Echelon interception system which is administered by various countries, including the United Kingdom, a Member State of the European Union, with the cooperation of Germany.

02.07.2013 - 13:07 [ Netzpolitik ]

BND hat Zugriff auf deutschen Internetknoten DE-CIX

Dabei stand das Gerücht im Raum, die NSA habe Zugriff auf den deutschen Internetknoten DE-CIX in Frankfurt und leite darüber den Datenverkehr zur Analyse auf eigene Server. Dieses Vorgehen wird nun vom Betreiber des DE-CIX selbst und Vertretern der Internetwirtschaft ausgeschlossen. Stattdessen wurde allerdings bekannt, dass zumindest Teile des Datenverkehrs welcher über DE-CIX läuft für den BND ausgeleitet wird.

02.07.2013 - 13:04 [ JG Stadtmitte ]

Der Prozess gegen den Stadtjugendpfarrer Lothar König vor dem Amtsgericht in Dresden ist so eben geplatzt.

Auch diese Passagen waren nicht Teil von dem der Verteidigung zugänglich gemachten Videommaterial. Die Verteidigung von König bezeichnete die Polizeibeamten, die für die Zusammenstellung des Videomaterials verantwortlich war als “Fälscherwerkstatt”. Es wurden Strafanzeigen gegen die Verantwortlichen erstattet.

02.07.2013 - 13:02 [ Standard ]

Österreichs Geheimdienste auf Wanzenjagd

Tatsächlich sind die drei Dienste, das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung (BVT), das Heeresnachrichtenamt (HNaA) und das Abwehramt (AbwA) einerseits in internationalen Datenaustausch eingebunden, andererseits sind sie bemüht, österreichische Einrichtungen gegen Lauscher zu schützen.

02.07.2013 - 11:17 [ New American ]

House Passes 2014 NDAA; NSA Surveillance Will Lead to Indefinite Detention

Section 1061 of the 2014 NDAA approved by the House expands on the scope of surveillance established by the Patriot Act and the AUMF. Sec. 1061(a) authorizes the secretary of efense to „establish a center to be known as the ‚Conflict Records Research Center.’” According to the current text of the NDAA, the center would be tasked with compiling a “digital research database including translations and to facilitate research and analysis of records captured from countries, organizations, and individuals, now or once hostile to the United States.”

02.07.2013 - 11:12 [ Barbara Lee, Abgeordnete des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Congresswoman Barbara Lee Responds to President Obama’s Call for AUMF Repeal, Introduces Legislation Creating Greater Oversight of Drones

(23.Mai) The lethal use of drones is but one example in the disturbing expansion of war powers that have been justified under the AUMF. This includes wire tapping, indefinite detentions at the Guantanamo prison facilities, and the deployment of troops in dozens of countries without sufficient Congressional oversight.

02.07.2013 - 11:11 [ Veterans for Peace ]

Veterans Arrested At White House Guantanamo Protest

(27.06.) Diane Wilson, a former Army medic and member of Veterans For Peace, is on Day 57 of a water-only fast in solidarity with the hunger striking prisoners at Guantanamo. Shortly before going over the White House fence, Wilson explained “I decided to take drastic action because in this situation time is of the essence. If President Obama doesn’t hear our message and act soon, the blood of the men on hunger strike in Guantanamo will be on his hands.”

02.07.2013 - 10:16 [ The Centre for Investigative Journalism ]

Seymour Hersh to Speak at the Summer School 2013

The Summer School will take place on 12-14 July 2013 at City University London and will focus on high risk investigations and internet security, as well as covering all the basics: from data journalism to covert filming.

The school is open to all.

02.07.2013 - 09:51 [ Der Standard ]

Auch das Totspritzen von Getreide mit Pestizid wird verboten

Das am Mittwoch beschlossene erweiterte Pestizidverbot (DER STANDARD berichtete) soll noch vor dem Sommer im Nationalrat beschlossen werden – am Donnerstag wurde bereits der entsprechende Initiativantrag im Parlament auf die Reise geschickt. Das Saatgut-Beizen mit drei Pestiziden aus der Gruppe der Neonicotinoide soll demnach für drei Jahre generell verboten werden. Diese Chemikalien stehen im Verdacht, für das Bienensterben mitverantwortlich zu sein.

02.07.2013 - 09:30 [ Soligruppe JG-Stadtmitte ]

Lothar König: Ticker zum 7. Prozesstag

Heute findet der mit Spannung erwartete 7. Prozesstag im Landfriedensbruch-Verfahren gegen Lothar König vor dem Dresdener Amtsgericht statt. Um 9 Uhr beginnt die Verhandlung, zeitgleich findet vor dem Gericht wieder eine Solidaritätskundgebung statt. Wir tickern hier über den Verlauf im Gerichtssaal.