Daily Archives: 16. Juni 2013

16.06.2013 - 19:19 [ Naomi Wolf / Facebook ]

My creeping concern that the NSA leaker is not who he purports to be …

I hate to do this but I feel obligated to share, as the story unfolds, my creeping concern that the NSA leaker is not who he purports to be, and that the motivations involved in the story may be more complex than they appear to be. This is in no way to detract from the great courage of Glenn Greenwald in reporting the story, and the gutsiness of the Guardian in showcasing this kind of reporting, which is a service to America that US media is not performing at all. It is just to raise some cautions as the story unfolds, and to raise some questions about how it is unfolding, based on my experience with high-level political messaging.

16.06.2013 - 19:14 [ Radio Utopie ]

Lothar König erhält Thüringer Demokratiepreis

Lothar König trat schon vor der Wende gegen einen repressiven DDR-Staat ein und organisierte Montagsdemonstrationen. Seit 1990 ist er in der JG-Stadtmitte in Jena tätig und hat dieses Jugendzentrum, nachdem Neonazis die Räumlichkeiten verwüstet hatten, neu aufgebaut. Er engagiert sich politisch gegen Rechts, arbeitet mit alternativen Jugendlichen und erntete dafür gerade in den 1990ern wenig Anerkennung, sondern Unverständnis und Ablehnung.

16.06.2013 - 19:08 [ Beppe Grillo ]

The RAI is public financing for the parties

Public financing of the parties has disappeared from the scene, from the first, second and third pages of the newspapers. The famous tweet sent by Captain Findus of the Council of Ministers, a sign of an awareness of new technologies, a tweet that announced the end of the billions of euro raked in by the parties, is by now, just History. Or rather, a story for fools, the ones that say „It’s true – I’ve read it in the newspaper!“, „It’s a fact- I’ve seen it on TV!“. The money from public financing – Letta Nephew and the psycho dwarf have held onto that nice and tight. And no one yet knows who has been the beneficiary of the work of Lusi, the treasurer who always pays out twice.

16.06.2013 - 14:53 [ Radio Utopie ]

Berlin, Zynismus Maximus: Staats- und Parteifunktionäre Uhl und Wiefelspütz fordern “deutsches Google”

Über das Nachrichten(dienst)magazin “Spiegel” fordern diejenigen Kollaborateure, die den Ausbau des Polizeistaats seit Kriegsausbruch in 2001 stets unterstützt haben – namentlich Hans-Peter Uhl und Dieter Wiefelspütz – jetzt genau die Alternative zu den in den U.S.A. basierten Internet-Magnaten, deren Erfindung und Entwicklung sie selbst in Deutschland durch ihren Kontrollwahn, korrupte, unfähige, bräsige, neidische Unfähigkeit und verlogene, heimtückische Zerstörungswut gegenüber unabhängigen Medienmachern und nicht am Tropfe irgendwelche “Sponsoren” hängenden Unternehmen nichts als sabotiert haben. Und als Begründung für ihre glänzende Idee (wie sind die bloß da drauf gekommen?) führen diese Leuchttürme des Parlamentarismus – die noch jedes Attentat bzw dessen Androhung zur Ermächtigung derjenigen benutzten die es hätten verhindern müssen – genau die “Überwachung” des Internets (z.B. durch den Bundesnachrichtendienst) an von der sie angeblich nichts wussten.

16.06.2013 - 12:47 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Katalysator und Kern einer neuen Bürgerbewegung”

Text und Video der Rede von Albrecht Müller, Planungschef im Bundeskanzleramt bei Helmut Schmidt und Willy Brandt, heute Herausgeber der NachDenkSeiten.de, auf der gestrigen Demonstration der Stuttgarter Bürgerbewegung gegen das urbane Umbauprogramm “Stuttgart 21″ (S21).

16.06.2013 - 12:42 [ New York Times ]

100, 75, 50 Years Ago

1938 Britain Offers to Suspend Bombings

LONDON — In response to the pressure of public opinion in the United States and other countries, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain announced today [June 16] that Britain would abandon its “humane” aerial bombing in India, Palestine, Southern Arabia and Irak if such practices stood in the way of a general agreement to abolish bombing from the air as exemplified at its worst in Spain and China.

16.06.2013 - 12:40 [ Think Progress ]

Retired Federal Judge: Your Faith In Secret Surveillance Court Is Dramatically Misplaced

„Two reasons: One … The Fourth Amendment frameworks have been substantially diluted in the ordinary police case. One can only imagine what the dilution is in a national security setting. Two, the people who make it on the FISA court, who are appointed to the FISA court, are not judges like me. Enough said.“

16.06.2013 - 10:50 [ Guardian ]

Isaiah Berlin‘s letters reveal his despair at the ‚growth of barbarism‘

Berlin despaired of some of the younger generation – in terms that have a very contemporary ring. In a letter from 1968, he wrote: „I feel depressed by the rapid growth of barbarism – I daresay every generation has … This generation is complacently ignorant, uses mechanical formulae to dispose of anything that may be difficult or complicated, hates history.“

16.06.2013 - 10:48 [ Guardian ]

The future in 2050: more speakers at FutureFest

Anab Jain, Designer:

Companies have been patenting the human genome for a long time now, which could create a whole new trend of globalisation around genetic material. New advances in biotechnology will have increasing political and economic implications and we may find ourselves asking what it means to be human in a biotech world.

16.06.2013 - 10:47 [ Standard ]

„Alone in the Dark“: Von den Anfängen des Survival-Horrors

Nach dem die „Games von Gestern“ aufgrund defekter Zeitmaschine – der DeLorean hatte einen Motorschaden und Ersatzteile sind heutzutage rar – pausieren mussten, ist es wieder an der Zeit für einen Ausflug in alte Zeiten. Wir treten aufs Pedal und nehmen mit Vollgas Kurs auf das Jahr 1992.

16.06.2013 - 10:44 [ Jerrold Nadler, Abgeordneter des U.S. Repräsentantenhauses ]

Nadler Decries Failure to Close Guantanamo Bay Detention Center

“Because of this momentous challenge to the founding principles of the United States—that no person may be deprived of liberty without due process of law, and certainly not indefinitely without due process of law—we must close the detention facility at GTMO now in order to restore our national honor,” said Rep. Nadler. “The time to close Guantanamo is NOW! It is a stain on our national honor.”

Below are Rep. Nadler‘s remarks as delivered on the House floor. For video of these remarks, click here.

16.06.2013 - 10:38 [ techdirt ]

NSA‘s Favorite Techdirt Posts Of The Week

Given how much time we‘ve spent on the NSA surveillance story this week, we thought it would only be fair to allow the NSA a chance to speak for itself, and so we offered up our standard „favorite Techdirt posts of the week“ post to the NSA. I think we may have accidentally signed ourselves up for PRISM in doing so, but such is life.

16.06.2013 - 10:36 [ Reuters ]

North Korea wants to hold high-level talks with U.S.

North Korea on Sunday offered high-level talks with the United States to ease tensions on the Korean peninsula, only days after it canceled planned official talks with South Korea for the first time in over two years.

16.06.2013 - 10:35 [ Guardian ]

Syria crisis: David Cameron and Vladimir Putin to meet for talks

Putin has made no secret of his opposition to any move by the west to supply arms to the Syrian opposition.
He responded to the recent lifting of the EU arms embargo by reaffirming his intention to supply the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad, with sophisticated anti-aircraft missiles in order to deter „hotheads“ from intervening in the conflict.