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Daily Archives: 10. Juni 2013
Syrische islamistische Rebellen erschießen Jugendlichen vor den Augen seiner Eltern und Familie
Kämpfer einer noch nicht identifizierten Fraktion der syrischen Rebellen haben einen 15 Jahre alten Jugendlichen in der Stadt Aleppo exekutiert, nachdem sie ihn der „Blasphemie“ beschuldigten wegen einer Äußerung, die er in einem Gespräch mit einem anderen Jugendlichen gemacht hatte.
PRISM – ‚Erfolg’: Fragwürdige Verschwörung 2009 als Beweis für den Wert der Überwachung präsentiert
Ständig die gesamte amerikanische Bevölkerung und darüber hinaus einen großen Teil der Menschheit im Auge zu behalten bedeutet einen Haufen Arbeit, und wenn die allumfassende Überwachungsarbeit der NSA so „lebensnotwendig“ ist, muss sie auch ihre Erfolge aufweisen, nicht wahr?
Yes, NSA surveillance should worry the law-abiding
One phone call to a country such as Pakistan might not in itself say much, but what if three of your own phone and email contacts had made one in the past year, and you also browsed through some quite radical websites protesting at the „war on terror“ last month? Or bought three philosophy and history books that have previously been found in the collections of terrorism suspects? Much more complex patterns are generally being sought out by data analysts, in the way that Google (for example) uses more than 200 different „signals“ about the quality of a web page to generate its search rankings.
Thousands sign petition for Snowden’s pardon as he seeks asylum in Iceland
And Icelandic ambassador to Beijing Kristín Árnadóttir told the South China Morning Post that Snowden needs to be in Iceland in order to apply for asylum.
Former Interior secretary joins law firm hired by BP during Deepwater Horizon disaster
“Our job basically is to keep the boot on the neck of British Petroleum,” Salazar said at the time, after he had become the face for what many critics saw as a failure of governmental oversight and lax policies that contributed to the disaster.
Edward Snowden, American Hero
One man stands up against the Panopticon
Bill Gates buys £110m stake in security group G4S
Then Gates‘ investment group Cascade, which acts on behalf of the trust, told G4S it had bought around 6.5m shares taking its stake to 3.2%, just over the 3% threshold where it needs to be declared.
The Unthinkable Happens: Former TBTF bank chief goes to jail
Public Prosecutor Becomes Banker’s Defender
Revealed: £2bn cost of failed Sellafield plant
An internal report revealing the full extent of the failure of the Sellafield Mixed-Oxide (MOX) plant concluded that the facility was „not fit for purpose“ and its performance over a decade was „very poor“. The report is embarrassing for the Government which is proposing to build a new MOX plant at Sellafield to deal with Britain’s civil plutonium stockpile – the biggest in the world.
Transparenz für Kohle-Importe
Sehr geehrte Frau Merkel,
sehr geehrter Herr Rösler,
sehr geehrter Herr Altmaier,
die deutsche Industrie deckt ihren Kohle-Bedarf zu 80 Prozent aus dem Ausland. Allein im vergangenen Jahr wurden 48 Millionen Tonnen Steinkohle importiert. Fragen nach den Arbeitsbedingungen beim Kohle-Abbau und den ökologischen Folgekosten kommen in der Diskussion um die „Energiewende“ bislang jedoch kaum vor.
Ron Paul – Bespitzelung durch die Regierung: Sollten wir schockiert sein?
Vergangene Woche sahen wir dramatische neue Beweise für die illegale Überwachung unserer Telefongespräche durch die Regierung und über das Eindringen der National Security Agency (NSA – Nationale Sicherheitsbehörde) in amerikanische Firmen wie Facebook und Microsoft, um uns zu bespitzeln. Die Medien schienen schockiert zu sein.
International anti-terror exercises to be held in southern Kazakhstan
Working out the interaction of special anti-terrorist units of the competent authorities of the Member States of the SCO is planned during the trainings.
Strafanzeigen wegen Rechtsbeugung gegen Verfassungsrichter
Gerichtspräsident Andreas Voßkuhle und Verfassungsrichter Peter M. Huber werden der vermuteten Rechtsbeugung bezichtigt. Sie sollen Grundrechte missachtet haben.
Edward Snowden: saving us from the United Stasi of America
Snowden‘s whistleblowing gives us a chance to roll back what is tantamount to an ‚executive coup‘ against the US constitution
NSA Whistleblower Ed Snowden: From My Desk I Could Wiretap Anyone: You, A Federal Judge Or The President Of The US
Yesterday, it was revealed that Ed Snowden was the whistleblower, who exposed some details of NSA surveillance capabilities, often going far beyond what people expected. If you haven‘t yet, you should watch his video interview with Glenn Greenwald where he goes into more detail:
Edward Snowden revealed as NSA whistleblower – reaction live
Live coverage of the continued fallout from Edward Snowden‘s revelations in the Guardian that the US National Security Agency‘s Prism programme has direct access to the systems of Google, Facebook, Apple and other internet giants
The Real Scandal: Not That The NSA Broke The Law In Vast Spying, But That It Probably Didn‘t
This is why many of us have been trying to call attention to things like warrantless wiretapping and the FISA Amendments Act and the privacy-destroying immunities of CISPA for years. Because those in power keeping screaming „terrorists!“ to get Congress to pass these laws, and then everyone‘s shocked (shocked!) when the government goes and does what Congress and the courts have specifically allowed.
Prism: security services operated within law, says David Cameron
PM said everything UK intelligence services did was within the law and under a clear framework of accountability
Ex-CIA man says exposed spy scheme to protect world
An ex-CIA employee working as a contractor at the U.S. National Security Agency said he was the source who leaked details of a top secret U.S. surveillance program, acting out of conscience to protect „basic liberties for people around the world.“
Do law-abiding citizens have ‚nothing to fear‘ from surveillance?
Commenting on allegations of British access to the US-run Prism programme, William Hague said: ‚If you are a law-abiding citizen of this country going about your business and your personal life you have nothing to fear.‘ Is he right?
Yet Another Leak Shows NSA Lied About Not Being Able To Geolocate Data It Scoops Up
As we‘ve noted for a while, the NSA has claimed that it was not possible to determine how many Americans it had data on. In a letter to Senator Ron Wyden, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had stated: (..)
But, as Greenwald reveals, the NSA appears to have a program, called Boundless Informant (quite a name, huh) that does exactly that.
Italian exports fall 1.9% in first quarter 2013
Istat says worst contraction since first quarter of 2009
Booz Allen Statement on Reports of Leaked Information
Booz Allen can confirm that Edward Snowden, 29, has been an employee of our firm for less than 3 months, assigned to a team in Hawaii.
Surveillance in America: Over to the dark side
He says his own concerns about this practice were ignored by the intelligence community, and so he chose to make some information about PRISM public in the hope it will prevent the development of what he calls a “turnkey tyranny”, run by a secretive and unaccountable intelligence bureaucracy.
Udall, Wyden Question the Value, Efficacy of Phone Records Collection in Stopping Attacks
In our capacity as members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, we have spent years examining the intelligence collection operations that have been secretly authorized under the USA Patriot Act. Based on this experience, we respectfully but firmly disagree with the way that this program has been described by senior administration officials.
Feinstein ‘Open’ to Hearings on Surveillance Programs
Senator Dianne Feinstein, the chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and a defender of the phone and Internet surveillance programs that have come into public view in recent days, said on Sunday that she would consider holding hearings about them.
Jim Sensenbrenner, Republican Author Of Patriot Act, Says NSA PRISM Surveillance Goes Too Far
The author of the Patriot Act on Sunday continued his criticism of the National Security Agency’s widespread surveillance of U.S. citizens’ phone and digital records.
Lawmakers urge review of Patriot Act as spying scandal intensifies
Lawmakers called on Sunday for a review of the government’s monitoring of phone and Internet activities, and one Democrat urged a reopening of the Patriot Act, the post-September 11, 2001 law that gave intelligence agencies broader surveillance powers.
Udall calls for ‚reopening‘ of Patriot Act
Sen. Mark Udall, who‘s long called for greater transparency in how the government collects data on Americans, said Sunday the law allowing that monitoring should be reopened for debate after new disclosures about the scope of the intelligence community‘s snooping.
Lawmakers Tear Into Obama’s Surveillance Program, Pledge To Challenge It At Supreme Court
“The fact that every call I make to my friends, my family is noted, where I am, the length of it, the date, that concerns me particularly because Americans didn’t know this,” said Udall on Sunday morning. “That’s why I’m calling for a reopening of the PATRIOT Act, I’m calling for a fulsome debate across the country.“
Paul Craig Roberts – Eine weitere schwindlige Arbeitsmarktstatistik von einer verlogenen Regierung
Das Amerika von heute hat mehr gemein mit Nazideutschland als mit dem Amerika, in dem ich aufgewachsen bin. Die Jungen kennen nicht den Unterschied. Aber die in meinem Alter kommen darauf, dass wir unser Land verloren haben. Dieses Amerika gibt es nicht mehr.
Daniel Neun – Die Künste (Die Müllmänner Gottes)
hast Du Erdling Dich eigentlich mal gefragt
was der liebe Gott mit Ihrem Müll macht
wo hinter den Gassen Deiner Seele liegt
eine Tür die wir öffnen
damit Dein Albtraum abfließt
sind wir schon ewig unterwegs im Schlamm
unsre Arbeit ist heilig oft umsonst zu haben
eine Sprache Du nicht sprichst
aber Du kannst verstehn
Kunst ist nur zu überleben
Chronologie: Wie der “unmittelbar erklärte Wille des Deutschen Volkes” zum Sturz seiner souveränen Republik benutzt werden soll
Diesen Sommer steht die Republik vor einer weiteren Verfassungsänderung. Durch die Nomenklatura der durchgängig paneuropäisch ideologisierten Parteien in Bundestag und Bundesrat wird dies als pro-demokratischer Akt für mehr Partizipation der Staatsbürgerinnen und -bürger durch “Volksentscheide” verkauft. Doch in Wirklichkeit haben alle etablierten Parteien, darunter Piratenpartei und “Die Linke”, genauso wie der “Deutsche Gewerkschaftsbund” (D.G.B.) und einflussreiche Banker durch Beschlüsse und Erklärungen das Grundgesetz bereits in Frage gestellt oder/und rufen offen zu dessen Beseitigung auf. Zweck des Systemwechsels soll die Errichtung eines paneuropäischen Konstrukts über eine unklare Anzahl bislang noch existierender souveräner Staaten sein, deren Existenzrecht in Frage gestellt wird. Als Mittel zum Zweck dieses weit über eine Dekade hinweg systematisch vorbereiteten und von Funktionären aus Staat und Kapital im Zeitlupentempo exekutierten Putschversuchs soll ausgerechnet eine Volksabstimmung dienen.
The NSA spying revelations and the secret Australian surveillance state
The universal surveillance of citizens who are not even suspected of any wrongdoing has rightly garnered an angry response.
Code name ‘Verax’: Snowden, in exchanges with Post reporter, made clear he knew risks
Verax was the name he chose for himself, “truth teller” in Latin. (…)
The U.S. intelligence community, he wrote, “will most certainly kill you if they think you are the single point of failure that could stop this disclosure and make them the sole owner of this information.”
Booz Allen Hamilton: Edward Snowden‘s US contracting firm
$6bn company that employed the NSA whistleblower is closely connected to US intelligence community and its leaders
Ex-Worker at C.I.A. Says He Leaked Data on Surveillance
The revelation came after days of speculation that the source behind a series of leaks that have transfixed Washington must have been a high-level official at one of America’s spy agencies. Instead, the leaker is a relatively low-level employee of a giant government contractor, Booz Allen Hamilton, that has won billions of dollars in secret government contracts over the past decade
German court case could force euro exit, warns key judge
Udo di Fabio, the constitutional court’s euro expert until last year, said the explosive case on the legality of the European Monetary Union rescue machinery could provoke a showdown between Germany and the European Central Bank (ECB) and ultimately cause the collapse of monetary union.
ESM Bank Aid Delayed by German Push to Slow Banking Union
(04.06.) German reluctance, as channeled through a joint statement released May 30 by Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande, has put the guidelines on hold until at least next year,
German Top Court Likely to Say ‘Yes, But’ to ECB Policy
Germany’s top court probably won’t intervene in the European Central Bank’s plan to buy bonds of crisis-torn countries, in line with previous cases involving the country’s integration with the European Union.
Why Greeks support with 27.9% pro-austerity Samaras’ Nea Dimocratia?
Ruling conservative Nea Dimocratia, the party of prime minister Antonis Samaras, leads with a difference of 2.3% towards left-wing, main opposition party SYRIZA. Constant on the third position is extreme-right Golden Dawn that has raised its percentage.