Daily Archives: 7. Juni 2013
…das Ausmaß an Nachrichten-Müll, der uns Internauten hier täglich vor die Füße geworfen wird, hat ein inakzeptables Ausmaß erreicht.
Achtung: NutzerInnen der Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie..
Apple to Yahoo Deny Providing Direct Access to Spy Agency
“We have never heard of PRISM,” said Steve Dowling, a spokesman for Cupertino, California-based Apple. “We do not provide any government agency with direct access to our servers, and any government agency requesting customer data must get a court order.”
Monsanto Says Rogue Wheat in Oregon May Be Sabotage
Monsanto Co. (MON), the world’s largest seed company, said experimental wheat engineered to survive Roundup weedkiller may have gotten into an Oregon field through an “accidental or purposeful” act.
‚Walking With Our Sisters‘ Commemorating Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women in Canada and the U.S.
600+ moccasin tops are being created by hundreds of caring and concerned people to create one large collaborative art piece that will be installed for the public in various galleries and sites.
WHOA: 9-Year-Old Proves That Even Failing Schools Are Capable Of Producing Ridiculously Smart Kids
What‘s this kid doing at a protest when he should be at school? Oh, right. They want to close his.
This is worth ALL three riled-up minutes, but if you must, fast-forward to 1:30. That‘s where he really starts to preach.
Dirty Details: Dents, Faulty Welds Found Along Keystone XL Southern Half in Texas
Faulty Welding: Dirt‘s in the Details, Detail‘s in the Dirt
Der Blockupy-Kessel: ‚Neuer Maßstab ist der 1. Juni‘
Bericht des städtischen Demonstrationsbeobachters Christian Heimpel zum Blockupy-Kessel 2013
Deutsche Zustände – Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Frankfurter Kessel
Ich unterstelle der Polizei trotzdem, dass selbst wenn es irgendeinen vermeintlichen Farbbeutelwurf oder was auch immer gab, dass dieser auch nicht unwahrscheinlich von einem Agent Provocateur ausgeführt wurde.
Trotzdem gilt weiterhin:
Was auch immer vorgefallen ist, nichts rechtfertigt die folgende Polizeigewalt.
Die Berichterstattung über die NSA-Vorratsdatenspeicherung finde ich ausgesprochen amüsant.
Erst „du bekloppter Verschwörungstheorietiker“, dann kommen Beweise raus, und dann, nahtlos, haben es alle schon immer gewusst. Achtet mal drauf. Niemand wird sich in ein paar Wochen noch daran erinnern können, andere Leute als Verschwörungstheoretiker abgetan zu haben, weil sie behauptet haben, die NSA höre auch Amerikaner ab.
Die Amis tun angesichts der NSA-Vorratsdatenspeicherung das, was man von ihnen erwartet: Senatorin Feinstein fordert eine Untersuchung.
Nein, nicht ob die NSA wirklich Amerikaner vorratsdatenspeichert, wo denkt ihr hin. Wer das geleakt hat!
Hetzner ist offenbar gehackt worden, und sie haben vorbildlich reagiert und ihre Kunden umgehend und rückhaltlos informiert.
Hetzner hat das Problem entdeckt, weil sie eine Backdoor in ihrem Nagios gefunden haben. Daraus kann man nicht schließen, dass Nagios auch der Weg war, über den die bei Hetzner eingedrungen sind.
Oppression leads to conflicts, Turkish President Gül warns
„Today, nobody lives in the city one was born in. For peace to exist in the world, different languages, religions, beliefs and cultures need to respect each other, recognize one another and live in serenity and peace with each other.“
Taksim park protests in 4th day amid police crackdown
(1.Juni) Police forces attacked Taksim Gezi Park protesters at dawn with tear gas and violence for a second consecutive day this morning in a new attempt to disperse crowds protesting the planned construction of a new mall.
Stealing a Nation
Sie wollen doch nicht, das BFC Hools, Frösche und TB-Fans Frieden schließen, untereinander, und.. Nein, das wollen Sie nicht.
BVV setzt sich für Rechte der Bürgerwerkstatt ein
(6. Juni) Einschüchterungsversuch des Projektentwicklers Groth wird von Bezirksverordnetenversammlung entschieden zurückgewiesen
Mauer weg, Park auch weg?
Der Mauerpark ist einer der beliebtesten Erholungsorte in Berlin. Seit langem besteht die Gefahr, dass die Grünfläche bebaut werden kann. Nun ist der Konflikt in die nächste Stufe geraten: Der Immobilienanwalt droht den Aktivisten, die sich für den Erhalt des Parks einsetzen.
Durchsage: Vorsicht, Mr. / Mrs. / Whatever Reich und Hässlich. Bei uns heißt der Taksim-Park „Mauerpark“.
North Korea reopens hotline with South
North Korea reopened a hotline with South Korea on Friday as the two sides agreed to weekend talks aimed at mending ties after months of soaring tensions and threats of nuclear war. Moscow has welcomed the news that North and South Korea are to start talks about a jointly-run industrial area.
S. Korea accepts North‘s Sunday talks proposal, calls for Panmunjom meeting
Seoul‘s message called for the talks to be held at 10 a.m. Sunday at the Freedom House in the South Korean zone of the joint security area, and added issues such as the normalization of the Kaesong Industrial Complex, Mount Kumgang tours and family reunions of people separated during the Korean War (1950-53) can be touched upon during the meeting.
S. Korea, U.S. launch two-day naval drill involving Nimitz supercarrier
(13. Mai) This drill will bring an end to military exercises between the South Korea-U.S. Combined Forces, which wrapped up the Key Resolve and Foal Eagle drills earlier this year.
Key Resolve
It is an annual command post exercise (CPX) held by United States Forces Korea, and conducted with the Republic of Korea Armed Forces.
It is conducted between February and April
Foal Eagle
The annual Key Resolve/Foal Eagle exercise started 28 February 2011, and employed almost 13,000 U.S. troops and more than 200,000 South Korean troops, as well as a U.S. Navy carrier strike group led by the USS Ronald Reagan.[32][33] Key Resolve involved computer-based military simulations that ran from 10 March 10, while Foal Eagle field training programs were completed by 31 March 2011
Könnte es sein, dass nun stattdessen eine genervte Stimme ertönt: „Ihr seid die Deppen“?
In 1984 tönte es hinter dem Bild hervor: „Ihr seid die Toten“.
Weiner: James Comey understands power of FBI and saying „no“
President George W. Bush had ordered the FBI „to adopt a wartime mentality“ after the Sept. 11 attacks, as Bush described it in his memoir. FBI director Robert Mueller, who had taken office a week before the attacks, had done his best.
Hospital Scene Calls into Question Comey’s Temperament, Critics Contend
(5. Juni 2013) “Jim has a flair for the dramatic and a desire to be the moral savior of mankind,” a former Bush White House official told The Daily Beast. (…)
omey, who served as deputy to Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, had a high-profile falling out with the Bush administration when he stood up to the White House over a surveillance program he believed to be illegal.
US,Washington Post: „schockierende Gesetzlosigkeit der Bush-Regierung“
(16.Mai 2007) Washington: “James B. Comey, die pfeilgenaue ehemalige Nr.2 des Justizministeriums, offenbarte gestern dem Justizauschuss des Senats einen so schockierenden Bericht über die Gesetzlosigkeit der Bush Administration, der unglaublich wäre, wenn er aus einer weniger glaubwürdigen Quelle stammte,” so heute die eingermassen bürgerliche “Washington Post” über das, was ihr all die Jahre wieder einmal entgangen war. Gestern hatte James Comey vor dem “Senate Judiciary Committee” von einem Geschehen berichtet, wie es einfach nur die Realität abgibt und nie einen Fim, weil der einfach zu fantastisch wirken würde.
The Internet is a surveillance state
Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, and whether we like it or not, we‘re being tracked all the time. Google tracks us, both on its pages and on other pages it has access to. Facebook does the same; it even tracks non-Facebook users. Apple tracks us on our iPhones and iPads. One reporter used a tool called Collusion to track who was tracking him; 105 companies tracked his Internet use during one 36-hour period.
The largest bank in the United States blockades the WikiLeaks Party
WikiLeaks‘ success in the courts has come about because the blockade is based, not on law, but on a falsehood. Our own Prime Minister Julia Gillard‘s statement that WikiLeaks was ‚illegal‘ has been cited in European Courts as the justification given by the banks for the blockade.
It is this unlawful and politically driven financial blockade which we now see extended to an Australian political party.
NSA taps in to internet giants‘ systems to mine user data, secret files reveal
The Guardian has verified the authenticity of the document, a 41-slide PowerPoint presentation – classified as top secret with no distribution to foreign allies – which was apparently used to train intelligence operatives on the capabilities of the program. The document claims „collection directly from the servers“ of major US service providers.
Documents: U.S. mining data from 9 leading Internet firms; companies deny knowledge
“Collection directly from the servers of these U.S. Service Providers: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Facebook, PalTalk, AOL, Skype, YouTube, Apple.”
PRISM was launched from the ashes of President George W. Bush’s secret program of warrantless domestic surveillance in 2007, after news media disclosures, lawsuits and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court forced the president to look for new authority.
DNI Statement on Activities Authorized Under Section 702 of FISA
The unauthorized disclosure of information about this important and entirely legal program is reprehensible and risks important protections for the security of Americans.
James R. Clapper, Director of National Intelligence
Überwachung im Internet: US-Regierung zapft Facebook, Google und Apple an
Die Behörden haben laut Guardian und Washington Post direkten Zugang zu den Servern von Unternehmen wie Facebook, Google, Yahoo und Microsoft. Damit könnten NSA und FBI die Internetpräsenz von Nutzern überwachen und auf deren Fotos, Videos, E-Mails sowie Verbindungsdaten zugreifen.
Senators: Why Is Everyone So Worked Up About Verizon Spying? We‘ve All Known About It Since 2007
Towards the end of my piece this morning about the administration‘s ridiculous response to the leaked evidence and confirmation that the NSA is scooping up every single phone record (confirmed from Verizon at least, though you can assume it applies to everyone else as well) was a quick note mentioning that Senator Dianne Feinstein was saying that this was a continuation of the same program that had been going on for seven years.
NSA Says It Doesn‘t Spy On Americans As Obama Administration Defends Letting NSA Spy On Americans
Following the news that broke last night that the federal government was getting full records of all Verizon phone calls, the Obama administration is now trying to defend this move, by claiming they can break the law because terrorism is scary:
Breakingviews: The perils of Big Data
The U.S. secretly collecting Verizon phone info may be well-intentioned. But as on Wall Street and in Silicon Valley, argue Rob Cox and Breakingviews columnists, how it‘s used is the worry.
Russia announces permanent Mediterranean naval presence
In what is Russia‘s first permanent naval deployment in the Mediterranean since Soviet times, it has stationed 16 warships and three ship-based helicopters in the region, the chief of staff said.
Israel reacts angrily to Austria‘s withdrawal from Golan Heights
Austria to remove all 380 of its troops from the 1,000-strong UN force on the Israel-Syrian border due to clashes in Syria
Fiat Industrial and CNH merge to create Cnh Industrial
Operation scheduled to be completed in September 2012