The BBC’s Director-General Tony Hall said: “DMI has wasted a huge amount of licence feepayers’ money and I saw no reason to allow that to continue. I have serious concerns about how we managed this project and the review that has been set up is designed to find out what went wrong and what lessons can be learned.”
Daily Archives: 25. Mai 2013
UK foreign aid, the final insult: Ethiopian sues Britain after claiming our £1.3billion programme supports ‚Stalinist‘ regime that sent him to world‘s biggest refugee camp
Four million people forced off their land by security forces while their homes and farms are sold to foreign investors
March Against Monsanto – Toronto
Russia‘s Putin Hails Ties With African Union As It Turns 50
The president “stressed out Russia’s interest in boosting further cooperation with the union,” the statement said.
Fluoride increasingly removed from water supply despite lack of evidence it is harmful
Depending on who you ask, and when, fluoride is either one of the top public health initiatives of the 20th century, or a poison artificially injected into the water supply.
NDP suspends MP from shadow cabinet over $58,000 in unpaid taxes
The NDP has suspended a member from its shadow cabinet because of his chronic, long-term failure to pay taxes.
Your Opinion Means Nothing
The ideas are simple, yet ingenious! Brad Downey is a Readymade maniac and the king of urban interventions, light and playful and mostly with a dash of fun and irony. You can spend hours and days looking at the fine details that make him so special.
More corporate sponsors on Parliament Hill? Why a proposal‘s under review
McDonald‘s golden arches on Parliament Hill? Tim Hortons billboards at the Governor General‘s residence?
Nothing quite so crass is in the works, but a cash-strapped federal agency is actively looking for corporate sponsors to fill gaping holes in its budget.
‚Russia won’t change its position on Kosovo‘
After the signing of the agreement, Nikolić and Putin read their statements and reporters were not allowed to ask questions.
Ex-KLA members placed under house arrest
Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci said that charges against Selimi and other KLA members were “unfounded”.
There is ‚confusion‘ regarding implementation plan
First Deputy PM Aleksandar Vučić has said that there is some confusion regarding the implementation of the agreement reached by Belgrade and Priština.
Finally, an exit strategy to the war on terror
An American president has finally called for an exit strategy from the war that has led to human rights abuses and compromised the international standing of the United States. In so doing, he rejected the view of Defense Department official Michael Sheehan who recently testified that the war would last “at least” another 10 to 20 years.
For Obama’s Global Vision, Daunting Problems
It is an ambitious vision — one that eschews a muscle-bound foreign policy, dominated by the military and intelligence services, in favor of energetic diplomacy, foreign aid and a more measured response to terrorism. But it is fraught with risks, and hostage to forces that are often out of the president’s control.
British police arrest man after spy claim in soldier case
British police arrested a man under anti-terrorism laws at BBC headquarters after an interviewee said security services tried to recruit one of the two men arrested after a soldier was hacked to death in a London street.
Friend of alleged soldier killer arrested at BBC
The friend, Abu Nusaybah, was arrested immediately after he gave a BBC Television interview describing how Adebolajo may have become radicalized and alleging that Britain‘s security services tried to recruit him.
Ankara läßt Terror zu
Hackergruppe weist nach: Gruppe syrischer Aufständischer legte Bombe in Reyhanli. Türkischer Geheimdienst war über Anschlagsplanungen informiert
Türkische Regierung verhaftet Soldaten wegen angeblichem Whistleblowing zu Autobomben in Reyhanlı
Die türkische Regierung hat einen Angehörigen der Gendarmerie (Jandarma) verhaftet, der angeblich brisante Dokumente fotografiert und an die türkische Hackergruppe RedHack weitergegeben haben soll. Dies meldet gestern die türkische Tageszeitung Hürriyet.
Zeitungsverleger werfen Google „Diebstahl“ und „Schmarotzertum“ vor
Justizministerin Beatrix Karl (ÖVP) zeigte in Velden für die Kritik an Google Verständnis, in Sachen Leistungsschutzrecht vertröstete sie die Medienmacher aber. „Die Fronten sind verhärtet, in dieser Legislaturperiode wird es keine große Urheberrechtsreform mehr geben“, so Karl.
The Wire creator David Simon on what‘s behind the US war on drugs – extended video interview
Writer and ex-crime reporter David Simon, who created HBO TV drama The Wire, speaks to John Mulholland about capitalism, Margaret Thatcher and how anti-drug enforcement has evolved into social control. Simon features heavily in Eugene Jarecki‘s documentary The House I Live In, which explores the war on drugs in the US
Woolwich murder suspect ‚was offered job with MI5 six months ago‘, claims childhood friend
Following the interview Nusaybah himself was arrested at the BBC in relation to terrorism offences.
Champions-League-Finale live: Warten auf Wembley
Der Finaltag im SZ-Liveticker.
Nach Bericht über Anschlagspläne: Innenminister Friedrich: Fanmeilen nicht gefährdet
Das sich Anschlagspläne gegen deutsche Fanmeilen richteten, bestritt vor Friedrich schon ARD-Terrorismusexperte Holger Schmidt. Ihm zufolge käme der Hinweis über ein mögliches Attentat vom russischen Inlandsgeheimdienst FSB – dabei würde zwar konkret ein Verdächtiger, aber weder Ort noch Zeit genannt
Leistungsschutzrecht tritt am 01.08.2013 in Kraft
Das Urheberrechtsänderungsgesetz durch das ein Leistungsschutzrecht für Presserzeugnisse eingeführt wird, wurde gestern im Bundesgesetzblatt verkündet und tritt am 1. August in Kraft.
Top 20 countries with the highest number of Internet Users
1. China 538.000.000
2. United States 245.203.319
3. India 137.000.000
4. Japan 101.228.736
5. Brazil 88.494.756
6. Russia 67.982.547
7. Germany 67.483.860
..darf ja wg „Leistungsschutzrecht“ nicht mal d.Titel der Reportage eines „öffentlich-rechtlichen“ Senders erwähnen.
Gute ARD-Reportage über Elend, Kapitalismus und sozialen Widerstand in Barcelona. von Reporter, der dort seine Zwillingsschwester besucht.
Fiese Bilder: Til Mette
83. Spuren
„Wenn einer nicht nachlässt, bildet sich ein kräftiger Nachlass“.
Monarchie-Schultest: Demonstranten durch Armee erschiessen – wenn ja, warum?
Britischer Geld- und Schlossadel sucht unter Kindern der Reichen nach hochintelligenten und skrupellosen Opportunisten, die nicht davor zuschrecken, zum Erhalt ihrer Privilegien bei Aufständen ihr Volk killen zu lassen.
Woolwich attack: MI5 ‚offered job to suspect‘
MI5 asked Woolwich murder suspect Michael Adebolajo if he wanted to work for them about six months before the killing, a childhood friend has said.
Londoner Soldatenmord: MI5 soll versucht haben Adebolajo anzuwerben
Der mutmaßliche Londoner Soldatenmörder soll Kontakt zum britischen Geheimdienst gehabt haben. Das behauptet ein Bekannter Michael Adebolajo in einem BBC-Interview. Die Polizei nimmt ihn noch auf dem Gelände des Senders fest.
Newspaper review: Press report on radical Islam concerns
The newspapers report on the moves to tackle radical Islam following Drummer Lee Rigby‘s murder in south-east London on Wednesday.
The End of the Perpetual War
President Obama’s speech on Thursday was the most important statement on counterterrorism policy since the 2001 attacks, a momentous turning point in post-9/11 America. For the first time, a president stated clearly and unequivocally that the state of perpetual warfare that began nearly 12 years ago is unsustainable for a democracy and must come to an end in the not-too-distant future.
Obama wants to end ‚war on terror‘ but Congress balks
President Barack Obama wants to roll back some of the most controversial aspects of the U.S. „war on terror,“ but efforts to alter the global fight against Islamist militants will face the usual hurdle at home: staunch opposition from Republicans in Congress.
What Mattered in Obama‘s Speech Today: Ending the Open-Ended ‚War on Terror‘
Passed when the Pentagon and World Trade Center rubble were still smoking, the AUMF has been the basis for everything since.
Obama seeks to end ‚war on terror‘
„We have now been at war for well over a decade,“ Obama said near the start of his address. Toward the end, he added: „But this war, like all wars, must end.“
Obama: ‘This War, Like All Wars, Must End’
ABC News’ Luis Martinez reports that the heckler, long-time Code Pink protestor Medea Benjamin, was there as a member of the press. Code Pink is an anti-war organization, and Benjamin represented herself as working for the blog Common Dreams. According to a Defense official, the White House handled the press list.
One of the main U.S. weather satellites fails
One of the primary weather satellites meteorologists use to forecast weather over the eastern USA and the tropical Atlantic Ocean failed late Tuesday, according to AccuWeather meteorologist Alex Sosnowski.
More rough weather blanketed country on Tuesday
Tornado warnings were in effect all over the map on Tuesday
Finanzaffäre: Keine Anklage gegen Lagarde
Die Chefin des Internationalen Währungsfonds (IWF), Christine Lagarde, ist in der Finanzaffäre aus ihrer Zeit als französische Finanzministerin einem formellen Ermittlungsverfahren vorerst entgangen.
»Bürgerbeteiligung bedeutet, daß die Bürgerinnen und Bürger umfassend mitreden und mitentscheiden können«, erklärte BUND-Geschäftsführer Olaf Bandt. Der Entwurf für das Endlagersuchgesetz sehe lediglich Informations-, aber keine Mitbestimmungsrechte für die Bürger vor. Der BUND-Vorsitzende Hubert Weiger bezeichnete das geplante Forum am Donnerstag im Deutschlandradio Kultur als »Farce«. Es sei nicht möglich, einem so komplexen Anliegen wie der Suche nach einem Atommüllager mit einer zwei- oder dreitägigen Veranstaltung gerecht zu werden.
The 25th of May is a must go for every music lover:
Pale Music International presents a Triple-Record-Release Party at White Trash Fast Food.
The Unkindness of Ravens, Nikaya and the Fleischdolls make sure that this will be one of the Highlights of the current year in music.
Global march challenges Monsanto‘s dominance: LIVE UPDATES
The March Against Monsanto will see hundreds of thousands in 40 countries unite to challenge biotechnology corporations and protest against genetically modified foods, which despite bans in some countries due to health hazards remain legal in many others.
Entdecke unsere Verfassung!
Diese Webseite ermöglicht das Nachvollziehen aller Veränderungen am Grundgesetz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit seinem Inkrafttreten im Jahr 1949. Es enthält den vollständigen Gesetzestext zuzüglich vieler Informationen, die damit in Verbindung stehen. Somit steht ein umfassendes Werk zur Verfügung, die Entwicklung der deutschen Verfassung transparenter zu machen.
Der CCC launcht DocPatch – das Grundgesetz zum Anfassen
Eigentlich sollte der Staat selbst solche Projekte zur Information und politischen Bildung seiner Bürger bereitstellen. Eigentlich.
Docpatch: Open-Data-Plattform für das deutsche Grundgesetz
Jeder, der sich mit Open Data auseinandersetzen möchte und Spaß an Entwickler-Tätigkeiten oder dem Sammeln und Zusammenführen von Daten hat, ist herzlich willkommen, bei der Erweiterung von DocPatch mitzumachen.
Das Grundgesetz wird Open Data
Doc Patch heißt die Plattform, auf der das Gesetzeswerk abrufbar ist. Sie sei „ein umfassendes Werkzeug, um die Entwicklung der deutschen Verfassung transparenter zu machen“, schreibt der CCC. Der Nutzer kann auf der Plattform das Grundgesetz studieren und sich ansehen, wann und wie es geändert wurde und von wem die Änderungen stammen. Mit Hilfe einer Zeitleiste kann der Nutzer sehen, wie die politischen Verhältnisse im Land zum jeweiligen Zeitpunkt aussahen. Er kann aber auch verschiedene Fassungen des Grundgesetzes miteinander vergleichen.
Ziel des Projektes sei, „öffentliche Daten wie Verfassungen und Gesetzestexte von unfreien Formaten zu ‚befreien‘ und umfassend zu erschließen“
Agreements on missile defense unlikely at Russia-US talks
President Putin’s aide said the message of the Russian leader handed over to the US president this week contains “a number of proposals concerning practical measures that Putin expects to discuss with Obama”. According to him, a process is underway to coordinate a number of decisions that will be voiced after the summit talks.
Russia, Serbia sign strategic partnership declaration
At talks within the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) and within other multi-party formats, Russia and Serbia will pay due attention to the formation of a common space of legally binding guarantees of equal and indivisible security for all states on a territory from Vancouver to Vladivostok.
Avrora May Go for Repairs in September – Russian Navy
The cruiser played a key part in the events of October 1917, famously firing a blank shell from the River Neva that was the signal for Bolshevik workers and soldiers to storm the Winter Palace in Petrograd, as St. Petersburg was then known, leading to the Communists taking power in the city, which was at that time the Russian capital.
Cave paintings in Mexico: Carvings uncovered in Burgos
„We have not found any ancient objects linked to the context, and because the paintings are on ravine walls and in the rainy season the sediments are washed away, all we have is gravel,“ said archaeologist Gustavo Ramirez, from the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History (Inah).
Cave Paintings Found In Mexico: 5,000 Ancient Works Depict Humans, Animals (PHOTOS)
Mexican researchers announced a remarkable find this week: nearly 5,000 well-preserved cave paintings scattered across 11 different sites.
The 4,926 paintings were found in Burgos, in the mountainous northeastern state of Tamaulipas, in Mexico, reports the BBC. The beautiful pictures, cataloged with the help of the Mexican National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), were presented by researcher Martha García Sánchez at the second meeting of Historic Archaeology, in Mexico City‘s National History Museum.
Court orders UK to hold inquiries into illegal civilian deaths during Iraq War
A series of public inquests should be held into the deaths of civilians who are alleged to have been killed unlawfully by the British military following the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the high court has ruled.
Wall Street is writing its own regulation bill
Lobbyists working for Citigroup Inc., a multinational financial services corporation, wrote 80 percent of a regulation bill that was approved by the House Financial Services Committee this month. Citigroup wrote 70 lines of 85-line bill, which exempts “broad swathes of trades” from new regulation, the Times reported based on e-mails it obtained.
Online Spying Bill Would Have Given Police Power To Find Out All About You: Privacy Commissioner
The Harper government‘s recent bid to give police more information about Internet users would have unlocked numerous revealing personal details — from web-surfing habits to names of friends, says a new study by the federal privacy watchdog.