Bundeskanzler: Österreich gegen Aufhebung oder Teilaufhebung des Waffenembargos – Cameron und Hollande dafür
Daily Archives: 22. Mai 2013
Syria: ‚Friends‘ meet in Amman; Italy backs coalition
It is fundamental to strengthen the political and financial plans for the Syrian opposition coalition as well as reaffirming the crucial role of Russia.
Man With Possible Ties To Tsarnaev, Waltham Triple Murder, Killed By FBI In Orlando, Fla.
Sources confirm to WBZ-TV, at some point during the interview, Todashev became aggressive toward officers.
FBI shoots Chechen dead in Florida, man questioned over links to Boston bombers
A Chechen man was shot dead at his home in Orlando, Florida when an interview with law enforcers regarding his ties to the Boston marathon bombing suspects and his role in a related 2011 triple murder in Massachusetts reportedly turned violent.
New light shed on US government‘s extraordinary rendition programme
Online project uncovers details of way in which CIA carried out kidnaps and secret detentions following September 11 attacks
Österreich: wenn die EU die syrischen Rebellen bewaffnet, werden wir uns aus der UNO-Mission zurückziehen
Österreich war einer der entschiedensten Gegner des britisch-französischen Plans, das Waffenembargo der Europäischen Union gegen Syrien aufzuheben, und droht jetzt offen damit, sich aus dem Waffenstillstandsbeobachterteam der UNO auf den Golanhöhen zurückzuziehen, wenn dieser Plan durchgeht.
Army general suspended from duties amid adultery investigation
Army Brigadier General Bryan T. Roberts, the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Training Center and Fort Jackson, located in Fort Jackson, S.C., is being investigated for adultery and for being involved in a physical altercation, the Army announced Tuesday. Roberts has been suspended from his duties.
Syrien: The Day After für den Bundesnachrichtendienst
Zur Notlandung des B.N.D. auf der Seite der Gewinner im Syrien-Krieg eine kleine Reportage.
US rendition: every suspected flight mapped
The interactive below is the fullest research to date on the extent of CIA rendition flights of terrorist suspects. It‘s the result of three years of research by The Rendition Project, a collaboration between academics at Kent and Kingston universities and the NGO Reprieve.
Exzellentiokratur und Unbildung
In unserer Gesellschaft verschwinden humanistisch demokratische Gruppierungen – Wir bewegen uns in Richtung einer Exzellentiokratur, die ihre Rechtfertigung aus manipulativen Rating-Agenturen bezieht
Italy has Europe‘s highest rate of idle young people
The percentage of people in this age group considered part of the workforce – in that they are not in education and are actively seeking a job – who are unemployed was 25.2% in 2012, compared to 20.5% in 2011.
Almost 15 million Italians face economic hardship
Almost 15 million people, around a quarter of the population, in recession-hit Italy were living in some form of economic hardship at the end of 2012, Istat said in its annual report on Wednesday.
2 bailouts + 1 haircut = Greek public debt at €309.4 billion in 1Q 2013, as much as in 2010
Two bailout agreements, total aid of 240 billion euro, and one bonds’ ‘haircut’ later…. Greek public debt remains as high as it was in 2010 – the year in which Greece sought the ‘rescue’ by the International Monetary Fund.
Youth unemployment in West Macedonia tops EU27 list with 72.5% !
A Greek record nobody should be proud of: Youth unemployment in Western Macedonia tops the EUROSTAT list with 72.5%. That is only one out of four of young people aged 15-24 has a job. According to EUROSTAT , “Regional Unemployment Data for 2012″, released on Wednesday, Western Macedonia is followed by Ceuta with 70.6% and Canarias with 62.6%; both regions are in Spain.
Einladung zur Berichterstattung
Am Donnerstagabend planen wir einen gemeinsamen Presseabend mit Journalisten ab 19 Uhr. Bei schönem Wetter in einem Biergarten – bei nicht so gutem Wetter in einem Lokal in der Innenstadt. Hierzu müssten wir allerdings wissen, ob Sie daran teilnehmen möchte, eine kurze Rückmail reicht.
Island wird über EU-Beitritt abstimmen
Neue Regierung: Beitrittsverhandlungen werden bis zur Volksabstimmung ausgesetzt
Iceland Freezes EU Plans as New Government Shuns Euro Crisis
Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson, who will take over as prime minister this week, has decided that a January decision to freeze EU membership talks will be extended indefinitely, his political adviser Johannes Thor Skulason said in a phone interview today.
Drohnen-Skandal: Merkel spricht de Maizière ihr Vertrauen aus
Merkels Sprecher teilte mit, sie habe volles Vertrauen in den Parteifreund.
Jordan, Turkey discuss boosting economic ties
AMMAN, MAY 22 – Jordan prime Minister Abdullah Ensour on Wednesday held talks with Turkish economic delegation, which aims at boosting economic cooperation with Jordan, according to state run news agency, Petra.
Turkey-EU: president of European Council due in Ankara
President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy is set to pay on Wednesday an official visit in the Turkish capital, Ankara, as Anatolia news agency reports.
Trade: Turkey, Saudi Arabia sign defense industry agreement
The agreement, as Cihan news agency reports, was signed in Cankaya Presidential Palace in Ankara by the Foreign Ministers of the two countries Ahmet Davutoglu and Saud Al-Faysal.
Friends of Syria meet in Jordan
Foreign ministers of the United States, Britain, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Germany and Italy were gathering in Amman.
Tax on burden on Italian households highest since 1990
The tax burden on households in recession-hit Italy climbed to its highest level since 1990 last year, Istat said in its annual report on Wednesday.
France: Hollande still down in polls, fresh concern
There is growing concern for French President Francois Hollande and his Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault as the president‘s approval rating in surveys is continuing to decline even after a lengthy press conference last week to mark the beginning of his second year in office and his renewed effort to give a positive message to the public opinion.
Millions falling into poverty in recession-racked Italy: report
Millions of Italians cannot afford to heat their homes properly or eat meat as their country is racked by recession and soaring unemployment, said a report which found the number of people considered seriously deprived had doubled in the past two years.
„Blödheit der Alten überträgt sich auf die Jungen“
Roland Düringer ist der Ansicht, dass die Erziehung den Menschen vertrotteln lässt.
Antiwar.com Sues FBI After Secret Surveillance
The website’s founder and managing editor Eric Garris, along with longtime editorial director Justin Raimondo, filed a lawsuit in federal court today, demanding the release of records they believe the FBI is keeping on them and the 17-year-old online magazine.
FBI: Man shot dead in Orlando became violent during Boston bombing questioning
An FBI agent in Orlando shot dead a man whom the agency says turned violent as he was being questioned in connection with the Boston Marathon bombing investigation late Tuesday.
Stuttgart 21: Vortrag von Dipl.Ing. Hans Heydemann am 23.05.2013 LIVE
K(ernen)21 ist ein Verein, der sich für die Förderung eines zukunftsfähigen Öffentlichen Personennahverkehrs einsetzt. Im Rahmen seiner Aktivitäten und in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Rems-Murr-Zusammenschluss der Widerstandsgruppen gegen den geplanten Tiefbahnhof Stuttgart21 hat K21 den Ingenieur Hans Heydemann von den Ingenieuren22 eingeladen. Bei seinem Vortrag am Donnerstag, 23. Mai um 19.30 Uhr im TV-Heim in Stetten befasst er sich mit dem Brandschutz beim geplanten Tiefbahnhof bzw. auf den Bahnstrecken des VVS-Gebietes.
Zur Vorschau ein Film eines brennenden ICE Triebkopfes in Offenbach.
Durchbruch: Regierung führt erstmals Drohnenprojekt ohne menschliche Intelligenz durch
Dass im Zuge des Drohnenprojektes quasi nebenbei rund 600 Millionen Euro an Steuergeldern vernichtet wurden, bezeichnete de Maizière als „unglücklichen Kollateralschaden“, den er auf das Fehlen eines automatischen Schutzes vor Kollisionen mit der Wirklichkeit zurückführt.
Der Anthrax-Mann in den U.S.A.: Erfinder und Schwerverdiener am Milzbrand-Terror
Stephen Reeves, pensionierter Generalmajor der U.S.-Armee, der an den Sitzungen teilnahm, erklärte:
“Es war Danzigs Idee, die er immer wieder wiederholte, dass Terroristen eine Serie von Anthrax-Angriffen starten, einen nach dem anderen. Er war sehr einflussreich in diesem Bereich, auf mehreren Ebenen und in der Regierung.”
Einladung zur Einweihung des ESA-Koordinierungszentrums für erdnahe Objekte im ESRIN
(15.05.2013) Außerdem wird das NEO‑CC im Mittelpunkt wissenschaftlicher Untersuchungen stehen, die erforderlich sind, um die NEO-Warndienste verbessern und europäischen wie internationalen Kunden, darunter wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen, internationale Organisationen und Entscheidungsträger, Daten in Quasi-Echtzeit bieten zu können.
Presseeinladung zur Einweihung des ESA-Koordinierungszentrums für Weltraumwetter
(26.03.2013) Das SSCC ist ein eigener Kontrollraum, von dem aus Experten die Sonne, die Weltraumumgebung und das Umfeld der Erde beobachten, um potenzielle Auswirkungen von Weltraumwetterphänomenen auf wirtschaftlich essenziell wichtige Infrastrukturen und Tätigkeiten wie Erdgas- und Erdölförderung, Stromverteilung und Navigation so früh wie möglich zu erkennen. Dies wird zur Senkung von Kosten und zur Verbesserung der Zuverlässigkeit und der Informationen für die Bürger beitragen.
Italy: ‘Anti-Grillo law becomes an issue’
The Democratic Party (PD) is preparing a law that would limit public funding to political parties and exclude unconventional organisations like Beppe Grillo’s Five Star Movement.
‚Expansion of violence‘ if M5S shut out from politics
Democratic Party (PD) Senator Anna Finocchiaro and PD Whip Luigi Zanda on Monday proposed a law that would limit public funding to political parties and exclude unconventional organisations like Grillo‘s M5S. Grillo in response called for a boycott of the next election if the bill is signed into law.
Synonyms and opposites have the same meaning. To be and not to be is no longer a problem. One is, and at the same time, one is not. Without our noticing the fact, words have become Synonymopposites The opposite of war is peace, but peace has become the synonym of war. Bombing raids are now called “peace missions”. Everyday conversations, newspaper articles, news given by the talking heads on TV are synonymopposites. They explain reality using terms that have a contrary meaning or something completely different. It’s the technique of confusion, a non-place where the cats are all grey like they are at night.
Remembering war to promote peace
Next year marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the first world war. Far from being a „war to end all wars“ or a „victory for democracy“, this was a military disaster and a human catastrophe.
Pope attacks ‚wild capitalism‘ eroding human values
„A wild capitalism has taught the logic of profit at any cost, give to get, exploitation without looking at people, and the results we see in the crisis at hand,“ said Francis during a visit to the Gift of Mary house in the Vatican, which was founded by Mother Teresa and dedicated to the poor.
Dead Osama Bin Laden Photos Don‘t Have To Be Released By CIA, Appeals Court Rules
The CIA doesn‘t have to release photos of Osama bin Laden‘s corpse being buried at sea, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday.
Muhammad al-Dura and Israel‘s obsession with the propaganda war
If Israel‘s government is to be believed, Palestinians have sunk so low as to be capable of faking their own deaths. Or wait, maybe the Israeli accusation of fakery is itself the indication of a horrifying new nadir. An Israeli report has concluded that Muhammad al-Dura, the 12-year-old Palestinian whose death in 2000 in Gaza was captured by a French public TV channel, was not killed by Israelis – and may in fact not be dead at all.
If You‘re Going To Illegally Seize Citizens‘ Cell Phones, At Least Make Sure You‘re Grabbing The Right Ones
Among all the fake crimes, a real crime did take place — an NYPD officer (allegedly) stole a memory card, most likely in hopes of „detaining“ the offending footage permanently. But he grabbed the wrong one and now the actions of these officers is on public display and spreading around the web.
NYPD Cops Arrest Woman Recording Them, Apparently Stealing Wrong Memory Card (Updated)
New York City police officers arrested a woman who was video recording them from a public sidewalk as they conducted some type of “vehicle safety checkpoint.”
The officers apparently stole a memory card from a camera, which turned out to be the wrong one, allowing us to view the video.
Drohnen-Debakel sorgt für Empörung in Berlin
Als der Prototyp des Euro Hawk, der europäischen Variante der US-Drohne Global Hawk, 2011 in Bayern einschwebte, da spielte sogar die Blasmusik zur Begrüßung. Vor allem in Afghanistan hätte die Bundeswehr die neueste Errungenschaft einsetzen wollen – nicht gleich, denn die Tests liefen ja zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch.
Peace debate exposes deep rifts in Israeli government
„My policy and that of the prime minister is that a solution of two states for two peoples must be achieved,“ said Livni, who heads a small centrist party in the governing coalition.
Riots plague Stockholm district
Youths set cars ablaze and throw rocks at police in a northern Stockholm suburb for a second night.
Krach in Sozialistischer Internationalen: Papandreou wirft Gabriel Spaltung der Linken vor
Ausgerechnet zum 150. Geburtstag der SPD droht Parteichef Gabriel großer Ärger: Mit einer Konkurrenzorganisation macht er Front gegen die Sozialistische Internationale. Deren Präsident, Griechenlands Ex-Premier Papandreou, ist entsetzt – er greift Gabriel scharf an.
Adorno: Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit
„Daß der Faschismus nachlebt; daß die vielzitierte Aufarbeitung der Vergangenheit bis heute nicht gelang und zu ihrem Zerrbild, dem leeren und kalten Vergessen, ausartete, rührt daher, daß die objektiven gesellschaftlichen Voraussetzungen fortbestehen, die den Faschismus zeitigten. Er kann nicht wesentlich aus subjektiven Dispositionen abgeleitet werden. Die ökonomische Ordnung und, nach ihrem Modell, weithin auch die ökonomische Organisation verhält nach wie vor die Majorität zur Abhängigkeit von Gegebenheiten, über die sie nichts vermag, und zur Unmündigkeit. Wenn sie leben wollen, bleibt ihnen nichts übrig, als dem Gegebenen sich anzupassen, sich zu fügen; sie müssen eben jene autonome Subjektivität durchstreichen, an welche die Idee von Demokratie appelliert, können sich selbst erhalten nur, wenn sie auf ihr Selbst verzichten.(…)“
3-D Printed Pizza to Feed Mars Colonists?
With his NASA Small Business Innovation Research program grant, Contractor will build a “pizza printer.” Although that may not sound very appetizing, pizza is an obvious choice for a first 3-D printed food as it can be layered with ingredients. The first layer, the dough, will be printed onto a hot plate that will immediately bake the base of the pizza. Then, powdered tomato puree will be mixed with oil and layered over the top. A layer of protein will also be added.