Daily Archives: 20. Mai 2013

20.05.2013 - 21:46 [ Paul Krugman ]

The Theory of Interstellar Trade

Because interstellar trade will take so long, any decision to launch a cargo will necessarily be a very long-term investment project, and would hardly be conceivable unless there are very extensive futures markets. I will assume, then, that future futures markets are, well, futuristic in their development.

In fact, I will assume that investors, human or otherwise, are able to make perfect forecasts of prices over indefinite periods.

20.05.2013 - 21:01 [ France24 ]

Most Portuguese reject latest bailout terms: poll

the latest poll found that 82.5 percent of people questioned in the poll held that Portugal should break the latest agreement or renegotiate it. The latest poll, carried out by Eurosondagem, also found that 47.8 percent of those questioned held that the agreement on the latest measures should never have been signed.

20.05.2013 - 20:55 [ Cyprus Mail ]

‚Why did ministers not blame bankers?‘

Kazamias was referring to Vassos Shiarly, who took over from him in March 2012, and Michalis Sarris, who was appointed by new President Nicos Anastasiades, negotiating Cyprus’ bailout this March and stepping down soon afterwards. Sarris said he wanted to facilitate investigations into the bailout.

20.05.2013 - 20:52 [ Greek Reporter ]

Oliver Stone Wishes Tsipras Luck

Stone suggested Tsipras was likely to be Greece’s next prime minister and wished him good luck. “He’s going to need it,” added the director. Indeed, as new polls show him and his party slipping even further behind Samaras.

20.05.2013 - 20:47 [ Radio Bulgarien ]

Plamen Orescharski stellte die Programmprioritäten der künftigen Regierung vor

Zu den Prioritäten gehören auch die Wiederbelebung der Wirtschaft und die Förderung des Unternehmertums, sowie Antischmuggelmaßnahmen, die Wiederherstellung des Rechtsstaates und der Demokratie, die Bekämpfung der Kriminalität mit Schwerpunkt Kleinkriminalität, die Unterbindung der willkürlichen Nutzung von Abhörmittel und die Aktualisierung des EU-Partnerschaftsabkommens für die nächsten sieben Jahren.

20.05.2013 - 20:44 [ Radio Bulgarien ]

Eine Delegation des Europäischen Gerichtshofs befindet sich auf Bulgarien Visite

Die Visite erfolgt auf Einladung des Obersten Kassationsgerichts anlässlich einer Konferenz über die gerichtliche Zusammenarbeit im Zivil- und Strafrecht. Heute sollen die Gerichte ein Garant für die Stabilität der europäischen Integration sein, erklärte Staatspräsident Plewneliew vor den EU-Richtern und versicherte sie, dass unser Land weiterhin die EU-Gesetze strickt anwenden wird.

20.05.2013 - 17:42 [ regensburg-digital ]

‚Verfassungsschutz‘ diffamiert Nazi-Gegner

Der SPD-Ortsvorsitzende Peter Sturm, der ebenfalls an der Gegendemonstration am 10. Mai teilgenommen hat, schreibt auf seiner Facebook-Seite: „Vor einer Woche haben wir den Einmarsch von 70 Nazis während der Regensburger Museumsnacht verhindert. Das Innenministerium bezeichnet die Hälfte von uns als linksextrem. Ich hoffe sehr, diese feinen Herren zählen mich dazu.“

20.05.2013 - 17:16 [ AntiWar ]

Afghanistan War May End By 2024 … Maybe

If American engagement lasts until 2024 it will mean the U.S. has been involved in Afghan wars for most of the previous 46 years. It began in 1978 when Washington (and Saudi Arabia) started to finance the right wing Islamist mujahedeen uprising against a left wing pro-Soviet government in Kabul. The left regime was finally defeated in 1992 and the Taliban emerged as the dominant force among several other fighting groups in the mid-90s.

20.05.2013 - 15:30 [ Julius Hensel Blog ]

Syrien: Ex-Oberbefehlshaber der KFOR warnt vor militärischem Eingreifen

In einem Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk hat der ehemalige KFOR-Oberbefehlshaber, General a.D. Klaus Reinhardt, den Westen vor einer militärischen Einmischung in Syrien gewarnt.
Eine militärische Intervention, so Reinhardt, würde unvermeidlich zugleich Krieg gegen den Iran bedeuten und einen Flächenbrand im Nahen Osten auslösen.

20.05.2013 - 14:58 [ Truthout ]

Drones Over the Homeland: From Border Security to National Security

Most of the concern about the domestic deployment of drones by DHS has focused on the crossover to law-enforcement missions that threaten privacy and civil rights, and that, without more regulations in place, the program will accelerate the transition to what critics call a „surveillance society.“ Also alarming is the mission creep of border drones, managed by the DHS‘ Customs and Border Protection (CPB) agency with increasing interface between border drones, international drug interdiction operations and other military-directed national security missions.

20.05.2013 - 14:21 [ Jennys Blog ]

Die Öl-Lüge

Manche Lügen geben sich erst nach Jahrzehnten als Lüge zu erkennen. Die „Öl-Lüge“ ist so eine Lüge. Man erzählt sie seit den 80er Jahren, womöglich noch früher, und jetzt ist genau die Zukunft, vor der man damals warnte, eingetreten. Nur mit einem kleinen Unterschied: Es gibt mehr Öl, als jemals zuvor. Wie kam es dazu?

20.05.2013 - 14:14 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

What does it mean “signs of hope” in Greek economy?

the man on the street obviously live on a different planet of our galactic system. We still hear of people losing their job or of employees being unpaid for several months despite the work they have already performed -full or part time. We also hear the permanent complaint coming from people who cannot pay utility bills or the tax office. And see shops closing down, one after the other.

20.05.2013 - 10:05 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Lapid: J‘lem shouldn‘t be capital of a Palestinian state

“Jerusalem is not a place, Jerusalem is an idea,” Lapid told the Times on Thursday, adding that “Jerusalem is the capital of the Israeli state.”
In regard to Israeli settlements, Lapid said he would make no move to obstruct their „natural expansion“ in the West Bank.

20.05.2013 - 10:04 [ New York Times ]

Fresh Israeli Face Plays Down Dimming of Political Star

An avowed centrist, Mr. Lapid nevertheless took a hard line on policy toward the Palestinians, the issue that has defined Israeli politics for decades but that was overshadowed by domestic concerns in the recent campaign. He said that Israel should not change its policy on Israeli settlements in the West Bank in order to revive the stalemated peace process, and that Jerusalem should not serve as the capital of a future Palestinian state — an essential part of Palestinian plans.

20.05.2013 - 09:30 [ Washington Post ]

Egyptian police close Gaza border in protest, demanding release of kidnapped colleagues

(17.05.) The police protest comes a day after masked gunmen ambushed two taxis at gunpoint outside the city of el-Arish, the capital of North Sinai governorate, fleeing with four border policemen working at the Rafah crossing, a riot policeman, and a military border guard. Officials have not identified a seventh captive.

20.05.2013 - 08:10 [ Radio Utopie ]

Bundeswehr-Spezialeinsatzkräfte im Inneren Somalias ohne Mandat

Nun offenbart am 23.April 2013 die Bundeswehr auf ihrer Website, dass ein Oberstleutlant “im Rahmen der Mission für die Organisationsstruktur und Personalplanung der Folgekontingente in Kampala, Bihanga und Mogadischu” von Kampala aus schon seit geraumer Zeit tätig ist.

Schon im nächsten Jahr sollen die deutschen Kampfausbilder mitten in Somalia in einem dazu erbauten Camp agieren, hiess es.

20.05.2013 - 07:46 [ Time ]

How Syria’s Rebels Aren’t Winning the War: The Anatomy of a Battle

The disguised loyalists continued up the road toward Babuleen, a small rebel-held town just a few kilometers from Heesh, where they waited until dawn, before setting up a similar ambush. “All told we lost between 100 to 107 martyrs,” Suleiman says. “I don’t know how many died from the army, but the fight continued for three or four hours.”

20.05.2013 - 07:44 [ Wikipedia ]

Al-Qusayr, Syria

Al-Qusayr (Arabic: القصير‎) is a city in western Syria, administratively part of the Homs Governorate. It is located about 35 kilometers (22 mi) south of Homs and is situated in a mountainous area overlooking Syria‘s border with Lebanon which 15 kilometers to the southwest. (…)

A Muslim majority city with a significant Christian minority

20.05.2013 - 07:25 [ REALfarmacy ]

Hungary Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields

Hungary has taken a bold stand against biotech giant Monsanto and genetic modification by destroying 1000 acres of maize found to have been grown with genetically modified seeds, according to Hungary deputy state secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development Lajos Bognar. Unlike many European Union countries, Hungary is a nation where genetically modified (GM) seeds are banned. In a similar stance against GM ingredients, Peru has also passed a 10 year ban on GM foods.

20.05.2013 - 04:46 [ PM News Nigeria ]

75 Heads of state expected in Addis Ababa for AU summit

The African Union Commission (AUC) says 75 Heads of States and Governments from AU member states are expected to attend the 21st African Union Summit, scheduled to hold from May 19 to May 27 in Addis Ababa.

20.05.2013 - 00:39 [ UPWORTHY ]

It May Look Like Graffiti, But It‘s Actually A Ridiculously Concise Indictment Of The Media

In the past few decades, fewer and fewer companies and individuals have gained control of more and more of the media. It‘s getting to the point where the only public places left to print meaningful, uncensored messages are giant slabs of plywood. If you feel like promoting something that will never show up on a television screen, share this with your friends.