Daily Archives: 17. Mai 2013

17.05.2013 - 20:57 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

New International Coalition to TPP Negotiators: We Demand a Fair Deal for the Internet

The TPP is a trade agreement being negotiated by Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Peru, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Vietnam, and the United States. The changes to copyright required by the TPP would reduce access to information and restrict the ability to innovate, both on and offline.

17.05.2013 - 19:18 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die Frauen der Klagemauer

ES GAB einmal einen israelischen Mann,‭ ‬der von Zeit zu Zeit ein Blatt Papier nahm und dieses in die Spalten zwischen die Steine an der Klagemauer‭ (‬Westmauer‭)‬ legte und Gott so um Vergünstigungen bat‭ –‬ wie es Juden seit Jahrhunderten taten.‭ ‬Sie glauben,‭ ‬dass die Himmelstore direkt über der Mauer sind und so die Nachricht bzw.‭ ‬Bitte schnell ihr Ziel erreicht.‭

17.05.2013 - 18:11 [ Animationsfilme.ch ]

Fantastischer Trailer zu The Congress, dem neuen Film von Ari Folman

The Congress ist eine lose Adaption von Stanislaw Lems Sci-Fi-Roman “The Futurological Congress” (“Der futurologische Kongreß”), einer schwarzhumorigen Utopie, in der ein Weltraum-Münchausen an einem Kongress in Costa Rica einige absonderliche Erfahrungen machen muss. Regisseur Folman nutzt den Roman als Fundament und vermischt ihn mit der echten Biografie seiner Hauptdarstellerin Robin Wright, die im Film als sie selbst auftritt.

17.05.2013 - 18:10 [ Guardian ]

Cannes 2013: The Congress – review

Ari Folman, director of Waltz with Bashir, mixes live action with animation in an eccentric and ambitious sci-fi drama

17.05.2013 - 18:06 [ New York Times ]

Don’t Expand the War on Terror

Even as ground zero burned in those first terrifying days after Sept. 11, Congressional leaders from both parties rejected a Bush administration proposal for an authorization to go to war against all international terrorists. Instead, Congress passed a tailored resolution, the Authorization for the Use of Military Force, against “those who planned, authorized, committed or aided” the Sept. 11 attacks: Al Qaeda and the Taliban.

17.05.2013 - 18:05 [ Lawfare ]

Congress Must Figure Out What Our Government Is Doing In The Name of the AUMF

The hearing made clear that the Obama administration’s long insistence that it is deeply legally restrained under the AUMF is misleading and at a minimum requires much more extensive scrutiny. It also made clear that the SASC’s oversight of the basic legal regime for DOD operations has not been (until yesterday) serious.

17.05.2013 - 17:23 [ Beppe Grillo ]

Napolitano against the crime of vilipendio

While investigations are going on all over Italy into the 22 people that left a comment about Napolitano on this blog, I’ve discovered that the President is in agreement about the abolition of article 278, laying out the crime of “vilipendio” {public insult} against the President of the Republic.

17.05.2013 - 16:47 [ The Toronto Star ]

Rob Ford in ‚crack cocaine‘ video scandal

This photo shows Toronto Mayor Rob Ford with a man who, according to a source, is fatal gunshot victim Anthony Smith. The photo was given to the Toronto Star by the same person who later showed Star reporters a video in which Ford appears to be smoking crack cocaine.

17.05.2013 - 16:44 [ Gawker ]

For Sale: A Video of Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Smoking Crack Cocaine

Well, no. But when I emailed an acquaintance at CNN this afternoon, laying out much the same information I‘ve offered above and asking for discretion and confidentiality lest we screw up a pretty fucking great story about the mayor of the fifth-largest city in North America smoking crack cocaine on camera, he forwarded the email to his producer. The producer, in turn, asked CNN‘s Canada reporter about it. The Canada reporter—and this was a pretty fucking big mistake—called a source who used to work in Ford‘s office. Within 40 minutes, word had gotten back to me that „CNN called Ford‘s office asking about a crack tape.“

17.05.2013 - 16:31 [ Ansa ]

Showgirl mimicked prosecutor at Berlusconi parties – Ruby

Karima El Mahrough, the former nightclub dancer known as ‚Ruby Heartstealer‘ at the center of a sex scandal involving Silvio Berlusconi, told a Milan court on Friday that during after-dinner parties at ex-premier‘s Arcore villa she saw showgirl Marystelle Polanco dressed as „Obama and as Ilda Boccassini, with a toga (magistrates robe) and red wig“.

17.05.2013 - 16:31 [ Greenpeace ]

Take action today and join our campaign to protect the Arctic

Prime Minister Harper has made it clear that he will do whatever it takes to push through dirty oil development — even if that means trampling on Indigenous rights and environmental protections while ignoring the risk of Arctic oil spills.

17.05.2013 - 16:25 [ Truthout ]

US Government Shills for GMO Seed Companies Throughout the World, Including Monsanto, Report Reveals

The non-profit organization Food and Water Watch just released a report in which it concludes:

In the past decade, the United States has aggressively pursued foreign policies in food and agriculture that benefit the largest seed companies. The U.S. State Department has launched a concerted strategy to promote agricultural biotechnology, often over the opposition of the public and governments, to the near exclusion of other more sustainable, more appropriate agricultural policy alternatives.

Russian Television (RT) provided more insight into the basis for the Food and Water Watch findings:

17.05.2013 - 16:08 [ Huffington Post ]

Cable News Hates The Turkish Prime Minister (VIDEO)

That man happens to be Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the prime minister of Turkey. He‘s a pretty important guy in a pretty important part of the world, and he had all sorts of things to say about Middle East policy and Syria that may have been worth listening to. But, apparently, no cable news executive thought that American viewers could handle all that foreign stuff, especially when it had to be translated. Fortunately, they had a solution: ignore him completely.

Whenever Erdogan started talking, they cut away. Whenever Obama started talking, they raced back. This happened over and over again, on every network.

17.05.2013 - 15:59 [ Space ]

New Rocket Fuel Helps NASA ‚Go Green‘

It‘s a liquid, and because it has a low vapor pressure (meaning it evaporates slowly) it‘s more stable and far less flammable than fuels like hydrazine. It‘s also easy to handle — Hawkins says M315E is less toxic to humans than caffeine.

It‘s also „green“ because when combusted, M315E only throws off nontoxic gasses like water vapor, hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

17.05.2013 - 14:47 [ RIA Novosti ]

Russische Experten: US-Medien schüren Kriegspsychose um Syrien

Der stellvertretende Leiter des USA- und Kanada-Instituts, Pawel Solotarjow, hält es für möglich, dass der „New York Times“-Bericht eine Provokation ist.

„Wir müssen die Tatsache in Erwägung ziehen, dass wir uns ständig in einem Informationskrieg befinden. Die gelieferten Informationen können verschiedene Ziele haben. Diese Version kann nicht ausgeschlossen werden“, sagte Solotarjow.

17.05.2013 - 11:58 [ Radio Utopie ]

“Unser Kongress tanzt”: Daniel Neun veröffentlicht viertes Lied

Die gesamte “Musikindustrie” auf dem Planeten, die keine Musik macht, sondern das Kunstproletariat ausbeutet, wird von drei Konsortien kontrolliert: Time Warner, Vivendi und der Sony Corporation. In Deutschland vertritt die Interessen der musikindustriellen Monopole der Verein “Bundesverband Musikindustrie e.V.”, Mitglied von “Europäische Bewegung Deutschland e. V.” (…)

“Unser Kongress tanzt” steht, wie alle Titel auf der weltweit größten internationalen Plattform für Freie Musik Jamendo, unter Creative Commons Lizenz. Das Lied steht damit außerhalb der Kontrolle von Kapitalismus und Monopolen und kann legal gehört, aus dem Internet geladen, verschenkt und über das Internet versendet werden.

17.05.2013 - 11:55 [ Netzpolitik ]

UK: Musikindustrie bereitet weitere Sperrung von Webseiten vor

Nach Informationen die TorrentFreak vorliegen, handelt es sich hierbei um eine gemeinsame Aktion der British Phonographic Industry (BPI), ein Repräsentant der britischen Musikindustrie, sowie der Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL), einer britischen Musiklizenzierungsgesellschaft, ähnlich der deutschen GEMA. So soll die PPL im Auftrag der BPI ein Schreiben mit einer Liste von 25 Webseiten an alle Mitglieder versendet haben.

17.05.2013 - 11:47 [ Syrian Arab News Agency ]

German Official: Up to 700 Europeans Fighting with Terrorists in Syria

The paper said that in the first disclosures of western intelligence from an EU government about Europeans fighting in Syria, senior German officials said they knew of up to 40 people who had left Germany for fighting since last summer. Most of them had German passports.

…the fighters could not be stopped from leaving Germany because it could not be proved that they were going to Syria, the officials said.

17.05.2013 - 11:39 [ Bundesregierung ]

Bundeskanzlerin Merkel empfängt den Ministerpräsidenten der Volksrepublik China, Li Keqiang

Am Sonntag, den 26. Mai 2013, empfängt die Bundeskanzlerin den neuen chinesischen Ministerpräsidenten Li Keqiang um 16:00 Uhr mit militärischen Ehren im Bundeskanzleramt.
Bei den anschließenden Gesprächen werden die bilateralen Beziehungen, die Entwicklungen in China sowie wirtschafts- und außenpolitische Themen im Mittelpunkt stehen.

17.05.2013 - 11:38 [ Weißes Haus ]

Joint Press Conference by President Obama and Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey

At the same time, we‘re going to keep increasing the pressure on the Assad regime and working with the Syrian opposition. The Prime Minister has been at the forefront of the international effort to push for a transition to a democratic Syria without Bashar Assad. And Turkey is going to play an important role as we bring representatives of the regime and opposition together in the coming weeks.

17.05.2013 - 10:37 [ Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung ]

Heiner Flassbeck, Costas Lapavitsas: The systemic crisis of the euro – true causes and effective therapies

Many people still dream of a politically fully unified Europe that would help overcome the difficulties currently faced by EMU. In our view that dream should not guide politics. Given the obvious inability of the European institutions to appropriately manage the currency union, realistic observers have to admit that currency union was too ambitious a goal. The attempt to advance more rapidly on the way towards political union by means of a currency union has not worked out.
Now, paradoxically, Europe has to retreat if it is to progress again.