Agricultural development is essential for the developing world to foster sustainable economies, enhance food security to combat global hunger and increase resiliency to climate change. Addressing these challenges will require diverse strategies that emphasize sustainable, productive approaches that are directed by countries in the developing world.
Daily Archives: 14. Mai 2013
Jahrestagung Kerntechnik in Berlin: Gegen die ATOMLOBBY treten!
Atomlobbyist*Innen aus ganz Europa treffen sich vom 14. – 16. Mai zu einer Jahrestagung im Hotel Estrel in Berlin. AtomkraftgegnerInnen rufen morgen zu Protesten auf.
Die Geologie nicht neu bewertet
Der 12. Mai 1987 war einer jener Tage in der 36-jährigen Geschichte des Endlager-Projekts in Gorleben, an denen alles eine andere Richtung hätte bekommen können.
Eine Wendung in Richtung Ende. An diesem Morgen nach 9 Uhr waren in 239 Metern Tiefe sieben Bergleute damit beschäftigt, den Schacht eins zu vertiefen. Fünf Meter über ihnen drückte einer von 34 tonnenschweren eisernen Ringen gegen die Schachtwände. Er sollte verhindern, dass Gestein in den Schacht nachdrängt. Um 9.45 Uhr gab es einen Knall.
Leserkommentare zu Nordkorea
Völker, jedes Volk kann im Westen dämonisiert werden, um in eine bestimmte Strategie zu passen. Die Wahrheit spielt dabei keine Rolle. Viele werden allerdings daran glauben und letztlich wird ein Dogma daraus.
Hartz IV Behörden schnüffeln in Kontodaten
Immer mehr Behörden rufen Kontodaten von Hartz IV-Beziehern, Bafög- und Wohngeldempfängern ab
Indien: “Cash Transfer an die Armen durch biometrische Indifikation” von 1,2 Milliarden Menschen
Bis 2018 soll die gesamte Bevölkerung Indiens im Zuge eines seit 2010 laufenden präzedenzlosen Spionage-Programms biometrisch durchleuchtet und in einer zentralen Datenbank erfasst werden.
Nordkorea: Ankunft eines Flugzeugträgers der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika ist eine rücksichtslose Provokation
Wochen der Drohungen und Gegendrohungen zwischen den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und der Demokratischen Volksrepublik Korea („Nordkorea“) waren Mitte April zu einem Ende gekommen, doch es sieht so aus, als würde die Ankunft des Flugzeugträgers USS Nimitz die Spannungen in dem Gebiet wieder entfachen.
Vermont House passes GMO-labeling law
A historic but cautious attempt to force food manufacturers to label products containing genetically modified ingredients passed the Vermont House by an overwhelming 107-37 vote last week.
Mayan pyramid bulldozed by road construction firm
„These guys knew that this was an ancient structure. It‘s just bloody laziness,“ Awe said.
Astronaut Chris Hadfield’s space station music video is a first
Houston, we have a superstar. (..)
The astronaut’s homage to David Bowie’s classic 1969 song “Space Oddity” hit YouTube over the weekend. By late Tuesday morning, it had been viewed more than 6.6 million times.
Canadian Astronaut Chris Hadfield – Mission
On December 19, 2012, Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield launched aboard a Soyuz spacecraft to the International Space Station (ISS)…
Drawing the battle lines for NASA’s 2014 budget
Bolden kept up the sales pitch for commercial crew last week, after signing a contract modification with the Russian space agency Roscosmos to purchase six additional seats on Soyuz flights to the ISS in 2016 for $424 million. “If NASA had received the President’s requested funding for this plan, we would not have been forced to recently sign a new contract with Roscosmos for Soyuz transportation flights,”
Launching American Astronauts from U.S. Soil
(30.April) Three years ago, the Administration put forward a public-private partnership plan, the Commercial Crew Program (CCP), to ensure that American companies would be launching our astronauts from U.S. soil by 2015. It‘s a plan that supports the U.S. human spaceflight program, boosts our economy, and helps create good-paying American jobs…
Former NASA Director Says Muslim Outreach Push ‚Deeply Flawed‘
(06.06.2010) „NASA … represents the best of America. Its purpose is not to inspire Muslims or any other cultural entity,“ Michael Griffin, who served as NASA administrator during the latter half of the Bush administration, told
ISS/Shuttle were huge mistakes-NASA
(28.09.2005) The US space agency NASA lost its way in the 1970s when it focused on the space shuttle and International Space Station, NASA chief Michael Griffin told the USA Today daily.
„It is now commonly accepted that was not the right path,“ Griffin
said. „We are now trying to change the path while doing as little
damage as we can.“
reality program
Greek workers walk out to protest ban on teachers‘ strike
Greek public sector workers walked off the job on Tuesday to protest against a government decision to ban a strike by high-school teachers, shutting down several schools and reducing staff at hospitals to a minimum.
Vorsicht beim Skypen – Microsoft liest mit
Unser Fazit: Wer Skype benutzt, muss sich nicht nur damit einverstanden erklären, dass Microsoft alle übertragenen Daten quasi nach Belieben nutzt. Er muss davon ausgehen, dass dies tatsächlich geschieht und der Konzern auch nicht verrät, was genau er mit diesen Daten anstellt.
40% of Italians cut food spending, research says
In the past year, 40% of Italian consumers hit by the economic crisis cut down food spending and one in 10 reduced portions and started recycling leftovers for meals
We are the country’s Civil Defence force
They know they won’t last. They’ve stolen time. They are stealing time. But now they no longer have a future. Things need calming down and they have to go home. Let’s send them ALL home, as we’ve always said. Here someone who is coherent is singled out as a terrorist. We we are simply being coherent. In our election campaign, we said “send them ALL home” and now that’s what we’re doing. We said no alliance. We are not making alliances. They are not going out and about. They are staying closed up inside the palaces. I’m out and about in the streets. I’m out in the streets with the people. Do you want to challenge me? OK, I’ll give you the microphone. They can’t possibly go out into the streets. They don’t know what’s out there.
Kleine Anfrage des Abgeordneten Dr. Patrick Breyer (Piraten) und Antwort der Landesregierung – Innenminister: Reichweite der Bestandsdatenauskunft
1. Sind nach Ansicht der Landesregierung die folgenden Arten von Internetdiensten als Telekommunikationsdienst bzw. Telekommunikation einzuordnen, so dass u. a. die Regelungen über die Bestandsdatenauskunft anzuwenden sind:
a) soziale Netzwerke wie von Facebook oder angeboten
b) Microbloggingdienste wie von Twitter oder angeboten
c) Bloggingdienste wie von oder angeboten
d) Hostingdienste wie von all-inkl oder 1&1 angeboten
e) Speicherdienste wie von Flickr oder Rapidshare angeboten
f) DE-Mail-Dienste sowie der ePostbrief-Dienst
g) Anonymisierungsdienste wie TOR oder von Jondonym angeboten
h) anonyme Hinweisgebersysteme wie vom Bundeskartellamt oder vom LKA Niedersachsen angeboten?
(…) Im Einzelfall obliegt die rechtliche Einordnung der Arten von Internetdiensten als Telekommunikationsdienst bzw. Telemediendienst im Bereich des Strafrechts den justiziellen, für die Gefahrenabwehr den polizeilichen Behörden und im nachrichtendienstlichen Aufgabensegment dem Verfassungsschutz, nicht der Landesregierung.
India’s national database of its 1.2 billion residents likely to be completed by 2018
Nilekani explained that since the program began in 2010, more than 300 million Indians have acquired a unique ID number associated with 12 biometric markers — 10 fingerprints and two iris scans.
„Scientology“ und „Betrug“ – Google muss Suchvorschläge löschen
Im konkreten Fall hatte ein Unternehmen, das im Internet Kosmetika vertreibt, geklagt, weil die Suchmaschine den Firmennamen mit den Begriffen „Scientology“ und „Betrug“ kombiniert hatte.
Bioethicists must not allow themselves to become a ‚priestly caste‘
The increasing use of expert bioethicists has profound anti-democratic implications
Court rules Finland’s gov must reveal secret “collateral deal” with Greece
Some KTG-readers may can still recall the secret collateral agreement between Greece and Finland in exchange for the Nordic nation to provide funds for the second bailout for the debt-ridden country. That was back in February 2012. The deal was signed by the finance ministers of Greece, Evangelos Venizelos, and of Finland, Jutta Urpilainen.
Eurozone crisis sees Franco-German axis crumbling
It is striking how the policy responses of EU leaders to the currency crisis are at such odds with public opinion, as centripetal political action clashes with centrifugal national moods.
US-Investor will Sony zerschlagen
Loeb ist als aggressiver kritischer Aktionär bekannt und hatte bereits den Internet-Konzern Yahoo in die Knie gezwungen.
Anschläge in Reyhanli: Syrien erklärt sich zur Teilnahme an Ermittlungen bereit
Wegen des Verdachts der Vorbereitung der Terroranschläge wurden neun türkische Bürger festgenommen. Am Dienstag wurden weitere acht Festnahmen gemeldet.
NSU-Ausschuss des Bundestages: Das Schweigen der Dienste
Stiften Beamte zu einer Straftat an, wenn sie V-Leute in verbotene Organisationen schicken?
Die Bund-Länder-Expertenkommission zum Rechtsterrorismus, die sich mit dem Problem ebenfalls befasst, will den Staatsanwaltschaften künftig einen größeren Spielraum einräumen, solche Verfahren einstellen zu können.
ISS commander Chris Hadfield returns to Earth – video
Chris Hadfield, commander of the International Space Station, who became an internet sensation after his rendition of David Bowie‘s Space Oddity, returns to Earth.
Italy‘s industrial production down 5.2%, says Eurostat
Industrial production in recession-hit Italy fell 5.2% in March compared to the same month in 2012, Eurostat said on Tuesday.
EU releases first two billion euros in bailout aid
Both disbursements will be made in cash, and will be used for the general financing needs of the public sector, including the considerable sum of maturing debt the government is expected to pay next month, and the country’s fiscal needs.
“The loans granted by the ESM help to maintain financial stability in the euro area and buy time for Cyprus,” Klaus Regling, Managing Director of the ESM said.
Österreich gibt nach: EU kann neue Steuerabkommen aushandeln
„Begonnen hat das mit Zypern, wo wir das Trust-Register ins Memorandum of Understanding hineinreklamiert haben.“ Und jetzt „ist das eigentlich ‚state of the art‘, dass man das angehen muss“.
George Osborne urges EU finance ministers to sign tax directive
Osborne says EU savings directive is an essential precondition of developing worldwide exchange of tax information
Public servants on solidarity strike for the teachers … without the teachers, May 14/2013
Public sector union ADEDY decided on Monday to launch a 24-hour strike to support secondary education teachers who will be forced to work with civil mobilization orders. However, ADEDY and teachers’ union OLME disagreed on the day of the strike. OLME wanted ADEDY to launch the strike together with the teachers on upcoming Friday. However ADEDY argued it did not want to disrupt the students’ university entrance exams.
ÖH-Wahl hat begonnen
An den 21 Universitäten hat am Dienstag die dreitägige Wahl zur Österreichischen HochschülerInnenschaft (ÖH) begonnen.
Mission Accomplished: Soyuz returns from ISS after 146 days in space
A Soyuz space capsule has successfully touched down on the Kazakh steppe, bringing home the 35th ISS expedition under the command of Canadian Chris Hadfield. While in orbit, the team leader released a series of videos showing how everyday life takes on a whole new dimension in space.
Justice and Peace Council: ‚Banking on the Common Good‘
A international colloquium on the theme ‘Banking on the Common Good’ is taking place in the Vatican on Monday, with discussions focused on how to bring ethical values to bear on the world’s financial and monetary systems.
Vatican brings Genesis to Venice Biennale art show
The Vatican is getting back into its centuries-old tradition of arts patronage with its first-ever exhibit at the Venice Biennale, commissioning a biblically inspired show about creation, destruction and renewal for one of the world‘s most prestigious contemporary arts festivals.
Passaparola – the end of the incinerators and Parma‘s Stalingrad
My name is Rossano Ercolini. I am co-ordinator for the Capannori Municipality Zero Refuse research centre, President of “Ambiente e Futuro” and now also winner of what I believe is one of the most important awards and one of which I am extremely proud, namely the 2013 Goldman Award.
Abandoned arms as Syria rebels pull back near Qusayr
Troops took the village house by house but the houses all looked as though their inhabitants had fled long ago.
An AFP team who were the sole foreign correspondents on the ground saw evidence only that rebel fighters had been in the village before the army‘s return.
Syrian army takes villages near Qusayr
Military halts operations in town to allow civilians to leave safely
British troops face longer tours in Afghanistan
Up to 3,500 troops‘ time will be extended by nearly half to ensure smooth handover to Afghan forces next year, say commanders
Justice Department secretly seized AP reporters’ phone records
The FBI revealed in 2008 that it had subpoenaed the phone records of New York Times and Washington Post reporters in Indonesia as part of a terrorism investigation. The agency apologized for the incident, saying it failed to follow department policies.
Robert Mueller‘s 2013 Commencement remarks
As I reflect upon where I have come since I myself graduated, I will say that I never would have expected to end up where I have. And I consider myself most fortunate to have been given the opportunities I have had over the past 30 years – both personally and professionally.
Why The Department Of Justice Is Going After The Associated Press’ Records
Why that drew the attention of the Justice Department, however, is that the CIA was the one who foiled the plot, which the AP report made clear:
„The FBI is examining the latest bomb to see whether it could have passed through airport security and brought down an airplane, officials said.(..) The would-be suicide bomber, based in Yemen, had not yet picked a target or bought a plane ticket when the CIA stepped in and seized the bomb, officials said.“
The FBI Doesn’t Think It Needs A Warrant To Read Your Email
You may think your email is private, but federal investigators may not agree. Documents uncovered via Freedom Of Information Act requests by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) suggest the FBI is not obtaining warrants to read email, citing an outdated federal computing law from the 1980s.
DOJ Unconcerned About The Constitution, Obtained AP Reporters‘ Phone Records
We‘ve talked quite a bit about how the federal government has been pretty aggressively shattering any remnants of the 4th amendment, and while there are some parts of the 1st amendment that are still respected, our government doesn‘t always seem so keen on that one either.
U.S. Secretly Obtains Two Months of A.P. Phone Records
The records were presumably obtained from phone companies earlier this year although the government letter did not explain that.
CIA’s Brennan Picks New Spy Chief Passing Over a Woman
(08.05.) Because the job of the spy division chief involves working with Congress, Brennan probably didn’t want a person that Senate Democrats don’t like, Gerecht said. (..)
Feinstein, a California Democrat, is “supportive of the appointment” announced yesterday by Brennan, Weiss said.
Government uses subpoena to gain wide swath of Associated Press telephone records
In testimony in February, CIA Director John Brennan noted that the FBI had questioned him about whether he was AP’s source, which he denied.
The Euro Is Destroying Europe
There‘s a fantastic and depressing new survey out from Pew Global (via Cardiff Garcia) examining the attitudes of Europeans towards the European Project (AKA: the EU).
The New Sick Man of Europe: the European Union
The favorability of the EU has fallen from a median of 60% in 2012 to 45% in 2013. And only in Germany does at least half the public back giving more power to Brussels to deal with the current economic crisis.
The sick man label – attributed originally to Russian Czar Nicholas I in his description of the Ottoman Empire in the mid-19th century – has more recently been applied at different times over the past decade and a half to Germany, Italy, Portugal, Greece and France.
Hezbollah Warns: Forming Fait Accompli Gov’t would Have Severe Consequences
“Our constitution states clearly that the representation in the government must be a correct one. This is the core of the national charter, and any attempt to damage this representation is a threat to Lebanon which adopts the Taef accord,” MP Fadlallah stated.
Al-Zoubi : We Will Not Be Part in Any Political Efforts or Meeting Affect Syrian Sovereignty
The Minister clarified that there are political and military events linked to the concept of the political solution and the Russian-US meeting, including the Israeli aggression on some sites in Syria and the bombings of al-Rihaniya city in Turkey where the Turkish officials rushed to accuse Syria, and that imposes a question about the Turkish, Qatari and the others‘ involvement in the idea of the political solution and whether they are ready to lose all the funds and weapons they offered to undermine Syria in vain.
He pointed out that the final decision is linked to the decision center, which is the USA but not its Arab and regional tools.