Daily Archives: 8. Mai 2013

08.05.2013 - 23:41 [ antikrieg.com ]

Robert C. Koehler – Unendliche Feinde

Menschen „schaffen Feinde, um ein stabiles, kohärentes, klares Bild von der Welt aufrecht zu halten,“ schrieb Nathan A. Heflick 2011 in einem Artikel in Psychology Today. „Das liegt daran, dass sie das Negative der Welt (das sich ja nicht vermeiden lässt) diesen Feinden zuschreiben können … Feinde zu haben gibt Menschen anscheinend sogar paradoxerweise das Gefühl größerer Sicherheit.“

08.05.2013 - 19:12 [ The Times of Israel ]

Hawking is indeed boycotting Peres’s Jerusalem meet

“We have now received confirmation from Professor Hawking’s office that a letter was sent on Friday to the Israeli President’s office regarding his decision not to attend the Presidential Conference, based on advice from Palestinian academics that he should respect the boycott,” a Cambridge spokesperson said.

08.05.2013 - 14:48 [ lobbycontrol.de ]

Aktion: Lobbyismus an Schulen zurückdrängen!

Lobbyismus macht auch vor dem Klassenzimmer nicht halt. Lobbyisten erstellen Unterrichtsmaterialien, veranstalten Schulwettbewerbe oder bilden Lehrer fort. Schülerinnen und Schüler werden so zum Ziel von Meinungsmache und Manipulation.

Unterzeichnen Sie unseren Protestbrief an die Bildungsminister der Länder!

08.05.2013 - 14:22 [ Guardian ]

A free internet: tech companies should promote democracy

Access to the internet is key to development, businesses should take responsibility for protecting users‘ privacy and promote an open web

08.05.2013 - 13:55 [ Stopp-Bda ]

Nein zur Bestandsdatenauskunftt

Sammel-Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen das Gesetz zur Bestandsdatenauskunft
Der Kieler Datenschutzaktivist und Piraten-Abgeordnete Patrick Breyer und die Themenbeauftragte für Datenschutz der Piratenpartei Deutschland Katharina Nocun werden als Hauptbeschwerdeführer eine Verfassungsbeschwerde gegen das Bestandsdatengesetz einreichen.

08.05.2013 - 13:15 [ AllGov ]

Increasing Steps towards Private Control of Nation’s Highways

Some of those problems can be found with a careful study of the fine print in the PPP contracts, claims Penn State University law professor Ellen Dannin. In her 2011 report on the subject, she disclosed that little-known “adverse action” clauses make the public the guarantor of private contractors’ expected revenues. Dannin believes that this ensures profit for the investors and compromises the integrity of the transportation network as a whole.

08.05.2013 - 11:19 [ Telegraph ]

Vladislav Surkov quits as Russia‘s deputy prime minister

Last month, the hugely powerful Investigative Committee, Russia‘s equivalent of the FBI in the United States, accused one of the fund‘s senior executives of giving $750,000 to an opposition MP.
Surkov has publicly defended the fund, saying in a recent speech at the London School of Economics that investigators should not come to any premature conclusions.

08.05.2013 - 09:53 [ New York Times ]

U.S. Weighs Wider Wiretap Laws to Cover Online Activity

The Obama administration, resolving years of internal debate, is on the verge of backing a Federal Bureau of Investigation plan for a sweeping overhaul of surveillance laws that would make it easier to wiretap people who communicate using the Internet rather than by traditional phone services, according to officials familiar with the deliberations.

08.05.2013 - 09:38 [ Reuters ]

Pakistan vigil for injured Khan

Supporters pray for cricketer-turned politician Imran Khan who‘s been injured in a fall at a political rally Paul Chapman reports.

08.05.2013 - 08:30 [ Fox News ]

Sen. Graham: ‚The dam‘s about to break on Benghazi‘

VAN SUSTEREN: … we have information that people from the CIA want to come out and testify, but they‘ve been told by the CIA director Brennan specifically they will be polygraphed if they are tied to this. Do you have any information to corroborate that?

GRAHAM: I‘ve heard that same story. I know there are some CIA agents reaching out. They feel frustrated. The CIA generally got this right, and they feel frustrated about what happened that night before and after. So we‘ll see where this goes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Are these CIA agents who are on the ground in Benghazi that night, or are these CIA agents — people — CIA here in Washington?

GRAHAM: It‘s my belief that at least one of them was on the ground, but time will tell.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, now…

GRAHAM: The dam‘s about to break on Benghazi.

08.05.2013 - 08:26 [ Ria Novosti ]

Geheimdienste von USA und Russland prüfen gemeinsam Verdacht auf C-Waffen-Einsatz in Syrien

„Heute haben wir vereinbart, das wurde unter anderem auch auf dem Treffen im Kreml mit dem russischen Präsidenten fixiert, dass unsere Geheimdienste in noch engerem Kontakt stehen werden, um exakt zu verstehen, was im Zusammenhang mit den eingehenden Meldungen über den Einsatz von Chemiewaffen oder Giftgas im einen oder anderen Teil Syriens konkret vor sich geht“, so Lawrow.

08.05.2013 - 07:54 [ Reuters ]

China calls U.S. the „real hacking empire“ after Pentagon report

The People‘s Liberation Army Daily called the report a „gross interference in China‘s internal affairs“.

„Promoting the ‚China military threat theory‘ can sow discord between China and other countries, especially its relationship with its neighboring countries, to contain China and profit from it,“ the newspaper said in a commentary that was carried on China‘s Defense Ministry‘s website.

08.05.2013 - 07:22 [ Spiegel ]

Bürgerkrieg in Syrien: Uno-Blauhelme an den Golanhöhen entführt

Eine syrische Rebellengruppe hält seit Dienstag vier Uno-Soldaten aus den Philippinen fest. Die Blauhelme seien während einer Patrouille nahe der Ortschaft Dschamla in der Waffenstillstandszone zwischen Syrien und Israel verschleppt worden, bestätigte Uno-Sprecherin Josephine Guerrero. Die Vereinten Nationen bemühten sich um ihre Freilassung. Zu der Entführung bekannten sich die Jarmuk-Märtyrerbrigaden.

08.05.2013 - 06:38 [ CBS ]

Syria‘s Internet goes offline

Umbrella Security Labs, a division of Internet security firm OpenDNS, reported that a Syria had a significant drop in traffic at around 6:45 p.m. UTC. The organization posted a graph showing that both top-level domain servers for Syria are „unreachable.“

According to Google‘s transparency report, all the search giant‘s services are inaccessible as of about 3 p.m. ET. The reports were also supported by Internet monitoring firms Renesys and BGPmon.

08.05.2013 - 06:20 [ The Raw Story ]

Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel in solidarity with Palestinians

Hawking, 71, the world-renowned theoretical physicist and Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, had accepted an invitation to headline the fifth annual president’s conference, Facing Tomorrow, in June, which features major international personalities, attracts thousands of participants and this year will celebrate Peres’s 90th birthday.

08.05.2013 - 03:29 [ USA Today ]

FBI group wants Republican congressman as new director

The FBI Agents Association is urging President Obama to nominate Republican House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers as the next FBI director.

Rogers, a former FBI agent, has chaired the intelligence panel for the past two years.

08.05.2013 - 03:27 [ The Miami Herald ]

Mueller to Moscow; bombing probe discussed

The Russian security official with the Anti-Extremism Center, a federal agency under Russia‘s Interior Ministry, told the AP that Russian agents were watching Tsarnaev, and that they searched for him when he disappeared two days after the July 2012 death of the Canadian man, William Plotnikov, who had joined the Islamic insurgency in the region. The Russian official spoke only on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the news media.

08.05.2013 - 02:21 [ policymic ]

Pakistan Election 2013: Imran Khan Vows to Shoot Down US Drones If Elected

In the lead up to Pakistan‘s general election, which will take place on May 11, the former cricket star-turned-politician Imran Khan has again vowed to shoot down American drones if elected. Speaking at a rally in Swabi in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Khan, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman said that if U.S. drones entered Pakistani airspace, he would order the Pakistani Air Force (PAF) to shoot them down.

08.05.2013 - 00:42 [ Khalee Times ]

Kerry’s Kremlin moment

The US Secretary of State’s make-or-break visit to Kremlin was fruitless. Though John Kerry tried his best to persuade Russian President Vladimir Putin to relent his support to the Syrian regime, Moscow seems to have held its cards close to its chest.