Daily Archives: 25. April 2013

25.04.2013 - 23:23 [ Netlabelism ]

Candlegravity – Junpei

When listening to music most of us are very product-oriented. We listen to a song or an album and determine its quality based on whether we like chord progression, drum parts and not in small part how we are feeling at the time. Unless the artist is already very famous, we often don’t even bother with analysis of what they were thinking when they created their piece. Although one can see this as a natural tendency – we don’t have time for over-thinking most things in our fast-paced, adrenaline-based society – I would ask the reader/listener to sit back and do just that.

25.04.2013 - 22:34 [ Washington Post ]

2 Googles: 1 for Europe and 1 for everyone else

There soon could be two Googles: One built for Europeans, with links to rival search engines and labels alerting users whenever Google is featuring its own products. And another version for everyone else, with none of those consumer-friendly features.

25.04.2013 - 20:04 [ Huffington Post ]

White House Letter On Syria Chemical Weapons To Senators: Read The Full Text

Our intelligence community does assess with varying degrees of confidence that the Syrian regime has used chemical weapons on a small scale in Syria, specifically the chemical agent sarin. This assessment is based in part on physiological samples. Our standard of evidence must build on these intelligence assessments as we seek to establish credible and corroborated facts. For example, the chain of custody is not clear, so we cannot confirm how the exposure occurred and under what conditions. We do believe that any use of chemical weapons in Syria would very likely have originated with the Assad regime.

25.04.2013 - 20:02 [ Pentagon ]

Media Availability with Secretary Hagel in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

This morning, the White House delivered — delivered a letter to several members of Congress on the topic of chemical weapons used in Syria. The letter, which will be made available to you here shortly — as soon as George gets it, we‘ll get it to you (…)

We cannot confirm the origin of these weapons, but we do believe that any use of chemical weapons in Syria would very likely have been originated with the Assad regime.

25.04.2013 - 18:58 [ Ein Poesiealbum ]

Erneuter Polizeiübergriff auf Fotojournalisten in Frankfurt

„Plötzlich hörte ich wildes Geschrei und sah, wie mehrere Polizisten in gepanzerter Uniform eine Person zu Boden warfen. Sofort zückte ich meine Kamera und versuchte, diesen Vorgang zu dokumentieren“, so der Fotojournalist. „Als die Polizei dies bemerkte, wurde ich nach der Überprüfung meines Presseausweises festgesetzt und man drohte mir an, die Kamera zu beschlagnahmen, wenn ich nicht kooperieren würde.“ so der Journalist weiter.

25.04.2013 - 18:22 [ Pale Music Int. ]

Coming up tonight and this weekend…

THU, 25.04.13
START 22:00 | Möbel Olfe

FRI, 26.04.13
START 22:00 | Supersonic Bar

LIVE: The Rippers & Val Sinestra
DJs: Frank Popp & Alex Graalfs
START 21:00 | White Trash

27.04. LIVE at Urban Spree w/ La Chatte

25.04.2013 - 18:01 [ antikrieg.com ]

Pentagon: die meisten Gefangenen in Guantánamo sind jetzt im Hungerstreik

Das Pentagon gibt jetzt zu, dass sich 92 von den 166 in dem Gefängnis eingesperrten Gefangenen im Hungerstreik befinden, und dass es sich bei einer großen Zahl von diesen um Menschen handelt, die bereits entlastet und in einigen Fällen seit Jahren für die Entlassung freigegeben worden sind, wobei eine tatsächliche Entlassung nicht in Sicht ist.

25.04.2013 - 17:56 [ Radio Utopie ]

Into the Fire – Schonungslose Dokumentation über Rassismus und Polizeigewalt in Athen

“Angst ist keine Option.

Die Menschen müssen das verstehen. Wir dürfen keine Angst vor ihnen haben. Wenn wir uns von ihnen einschüchtern und terrorisieren lassen haben sie gewonnen. Das darf nicht passieren.

Die Menschen müssen sich wehren, Widerstand leisten. Sie haben die Macht das zu tun.”
(Dimitris Katsaris, griechischer Rechtsanwalt für Antifaschisten)

25.04.2013 - 16:29 [ Keep Talking Greece ]

Greek gov’t secret: plans to -35% cut in new self-employed TEBE-pensions

Greek self-employed almost suffered mass heart attacks and brain strokes on Tuesday noon, when they heard in the news, the Labor ministry planned to cut pensions of new retirees at 35 percent. Furthermore the ministry was trying to secretly pass this ‘clause’ in a multi-bill on labor issues and thus short before the bill was to be submitted to the Parliament for voting.

25.04.2013 - 14:58 [ Xinhuanet ]

Spanish police launch arrests ahead of planned demonstration

Spanish police made four arrests in the early hours of Thursday of people who they suspect were preparing incendiary devices ahead of a demonstration planned in the evening.

Anti-government protestors would stage another attempt to „Surround Congress,“ just 24 hours before the latest round of economic and fiscal reforms, which will almost certainly include further spending cuts, are to be announced by the government of Mariano Rajoy.

25.04.2013 - 13:02 [ Beppe Grillo ]

25 April is dead

Now that a member of Bilderberg has been appointed to the position of President of the Council, 25 April is dead,
with the great burst of laughter from the P2-member, Berlusconi, 25 April is dead,
with the destruction of the audio tapes of the conversations between Mancino and Napolitano, 25 April is dead,
with the dictatorship of the parties, 25 April is dead,
with corrupt news provision, 25 April is dead,
with the betrayal of the Constitution, 25 April is dead,
with the stitch up between PDL and PDminusL, 25 April is dead…

25.04.2013 - 12:39 [ American Civil Liberties Union ]

Boston Marathon Bombings: The Constitution Applies to All Americans, No Matter What They Are Accused Of

(22.04.) Our country has been shaken by the events coming out of Boston in the past week. First, of course, there was the tragedy and loss of life and injuries from the Marathon bombing, and the fear of not knowing what would happen next. Then the alleged perpetrators were found, and we now face a debate about whether the surviving suspect, a naturalized American citizen, will be read his Miranda rights or afforded the full protections guaranteed by the Constitution.

25.04.2013 - 12:20 [ the Internet vs. Hollywood ]


Fight Back: YOUR FILES ON Google, Dropbox, Facebook, Tumblr, Instagram, YouTube, Flickr, etc. and even your emails are in jeopardy.

Demand Progress is fighting back in the courts and standing up for Internet users. We are taking on the United States and the MPAA. Please sign up at right to support our legal brief so the court understands that millions of people will be impacted by this decision.

25.04.2013 - 12:12 [ Guardian ]

Amy Winehouse documentary to be made by Senna director Asif Kapadia

The life and times of the singer Amy Winehouse is to form the subject of a new documentary by Asif Kapadia.

25.04.2013 - 12:10 [ kino-zeit.de ]

Zach Braff finanziert neuen Film über Kickstarter

Ist es allein den Schwierigkeiten geschuldet, Geld für den berüchtigten zweiten Film nach einem ersten Überraschungserfolg zusammen zu bekommen? Oder sucht Zach Braff, der Regisseur (und Hauptdarsteller sowie Drehbuchautor in Personalunion) von Garden State, sein Heil in der größtmöglichen Unabhängigkeit von den etablierten Hollywood-Studios?

25.04.2013 - 12:06 [ techdirt ]

DOJ Helped AT&T, Others Avoid Wiretap Act, Promised Not To Charge Them If They Helped Spy On People

Want to know one reason why the feds are so interested in giving blanket immunity to anyone who helps them spy on people? Perhaps because they‘re already telling companies that they have immunity if they help them spy on people. Specifically, they‘ve issued special letters of immunity, more or less helping companies like AT&T ignore the Wiretap Act.

25.04.2013 - 12:02 [ Financial Mirror ]

ESM decides to grant in principle financial assistance to Cyprus

According to a press release, the ESM is expected to provide approximately €9 billion, subject to approval by its Board of Directors, and the International Monetary Fund is to contribute around €1 billion, subject to approval by its Executive Board.

25.04.2013 - 11:53 [ Süddeutsche ]

Lieb und teuer: CSU-Fraktionschef Schmid unter Druck:

Neue Details über die Beschäftigung seiner Frau bringen jetzt den CSU-Landtagsfraktionschef Georg Schmid erheblich unter Druck. Schmid bestätigte der SZ am Dienstag, dass er seiner Frau für Büroarbeit bis zu 5500 Euro monatlich aus öffentlichen Geldern zukommen ließ.

25.04.2013 - 10:53 [ Radio Utopie ]

Deutschland: 59 Prozent haben kein Vertrauen mehr in die “Europäische Union”

Der Prozentanteil der Staatsbürger des jeweiligen Landes, die dazu “tendieren der E.U. nicht zu vertrauen, als einer Institution”, ist in Großbritannien, Polen, Spanien, Italien und Frankreich erheblich gestiegen. Das kümmert unter Imperialisten traditionell keine Sau. Verheerend für diese ist lediglich, dass er auch in deren über entsprechende Gilden in Parteien, Presse und Akademikern ferngelenktem Lieblingsspielzeug anstieg, nämlich in der Republik Deutschland.

25.04.2013 - 09:47 [ Guardian ]

Crisis for Europe as trust hits record low

Five years ago, 56% of Germans „tended to trust“ the EU, whereas 59% now „tend to mistrust“. In France, mistrust has risen from 41% to 56%. In Italy, where public confidence in Europe has traditionally been higher than in the national political class, mistrust of the EU has almost doubled from 28% to 53%.

25.04.2013 - 09:45 [ Wikipedia ]


Die Nelkenrevolution (portugiesisch Revolução dos Cravos?/i oder einfach 25 de Abril) bezeichnet den linksgerichteten Aufstand großer Teile der Armee in Portugal am 25. April 1974 gegen die autoritäre Diktatur des sogenannten Estado Novo. Sie verdankt ihren Namen den roten Nelken, die den aufständischen Soldaten – im Rahmen des allgemeinen Volksfestes und der Freude angesichts der Ereignisse – in die Gewehrläufe gesteckt wurden. Sie verlief beinahe unblutig – es gab vier Tote, als verbleibende regimetreue Truppen vor dem Sitz der portugiesischen Geheimpolizei auf unbewaffnete Demonstranten feuerten