What, I wonder, would be the reaction if a Hungarian who had no English, who had never visited the country, were to write an editorial savaging the United Kingdom for not being a real democracy as it has no proper constitution, decrying that the head of state is the result of a coitus, not an election, and the little freedom of speech left is being destroyed by David Cameron through a royal charter (a royal charter, not even the fig leaf of a law, I mean how fascistic and anachronistic can you get?)
Daily Archives: 3. April 2013
ANSAmed – Tomorrow‘s events in the Mediterranean
STANBUL – Prime Minister Erdogan to chair an inaugural meeting of a ‚wise people‘ commission who will be consulted on a peace process with Kurdish militants.
Homeland Security ‚Fusion‘ Center Director: We‘re Not Spying On Americans… Just Anti-Government Americans
You may recall that, last fall, a Congressional investigation completely slammed Homeland Security‘s „Fusion Centers“ — noting that despite DHS insisting that they were critical to „fighting terrorism,“ the actual evidence showed that they had done nothing helpful in the fight against terrorism, but were instead chock full of wasteful (possibly fraudulent) spending… and with an added dose of civil liberties violations (just for fun).
Police officer dies after shooting self in head
Investigators say serious financial problems were behind the suicide.
New Finance and Labour Ministers sworn in
The new Minister of Finance Harris Georgiades and Minster of Labour Zeta Emilianidou were sworn in today, during a ceremony at the Presidential Palace, in the presence of Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades and members of the Cabinet.
Camp Nama: Neue Details des von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika betriebenen Foltergefängnisses im Irak
The Guardian hat einen Bericht veröffentlicht, der auf neuen Interviews mit britischen Soldaten beruht, die Folter und Misshandlung irakischer Gefangener in dem von den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika betriebenen Gefängnis Camp Nama nach dem Einmarsch im Jahr 2003 beobachtet haben
Air show lobbyists to buzz Capitol Hill
The move to hire lobbyists is necessary because the freeze on military aircraft demonstrations, such as those conducted by the Air Force‘s Thunderbirds and Navy‘s Blue Angels, „represents a threat to our existence as an industry,“ said John Cudahy, the council‘s president.
How the Pentagon Corrupted Afghanistan
America’s post-9/11 conflicts have been wars of corruption, a point surprisingly seldom made in the mainstream media. Keep in mind that George W. Bush’s administration was a monster of privatization. It had its own set of crony corporations, including Halliburton, KBR, Bechtel, and various oil companies, as well as a set of mercenary rent-a-gun outfits like Blackwater, DynCorp, and Triple Canopy that came into their own in this period.
Madoff Contacts Congress: ‚JPM Was Complicit In My Crime‘
JPM knew all about my Ponzi. Madoff sends info on Ponzi-complicit banks to Congress.
Congressman Who Created The TSA Flips Out Over Waste
The Oversight Committee hearing examines the excessive and wasteful spending in the face of sequestration. Janet Napolitano gets busted, jobs are threatened, Mica gets seriously pissed by the end. Hearing took place March 19.
Bradley Manning‘s Nobel Peace Prize
Whistleblower Bradley Manning has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, and he should receive it.
Please sign this petition to the Norwegian Nobel Committee.
Revoke Obama‘s Nobel Peace Prize
Today, there are more U.S. troops in Afghanistan than when Obama took office. His presidency has widened the use of drones and other instruments of remote killing in several countries.
Please sign this petition to the Norwegian Nobel Committee:
The Growing Campaign to Revoke Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize
This week, a challenge has begun with the launch of a petition urging the Norwegian Nobel Committee to revoke Obama’s Peace Prize. By midnight of the first day, nearly 10,000 people had signed. The online petition simply tells the Nobel committee: “I urge you to rescind the Nobel Peace Prize that was awarded to Barack Obama.”
Deutschlands führende Homophobe war in Donaustauf
Herr Albertin filmt und fotografiert
Dass nicht alle Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer unkritisch an dieser „Wahrheit“ interessiert sind, bemerkt der Geschäftsführer der „Katholische Erwachsenenbildung“ recht früh. Bereits vor der Veranstaltung filmt und fotografiert Thomas Albertin gezielt vermeintliche „Störer“. Beraten lässt er sich dabei von einem Neonazi aus dem Dunstkreis der NPD.
Luxury skyscraper hotel completely engulfed by fire in Grozny, Chechnya (PHOTOS)
Flames have enveloped all floors of the highest building in the North Caucasus, southern Russia. All people have managed to leave the building. The Grozny-city complex in the in Chechen Republic includes luxury apartments and a 5-star hotel.
Neoliberal Overload
According to leaked draft texts, the TPP would also impose investor protections that incentivize offshoring jobs through special benefits for companies – the TPP stifles innovation by requiring internet service providers to police user-activity and treat small-scale individual downloads as large-scale for-profit violators.
Eldorado Gold Says It Won’t Leave Greece
Despite violent protests, Canada’s Eldorado Gold said it plans to go ahead with work on a gold mine in northern Greece, refuting reports it had given up because of the opposition and difficulty of doing business in Greece.
“The White City” Nr.1 in den Radio Utopie Musik Charts
Für die ausgeschiedenen Musiker und Bands auf den letzten drei Plätzen gibt es nun in den April Charts interessante Neueinsteiger aus der weltweiten Szene der Freien Musik ohne “Verwertungsgesellschaften” und Industrie
Chance of Julian Assange going to US
A TOP Swedish judge has conceded it was possible that his government may send Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the US if it successfully extradited him over a sex crime investigation.
Supreme court judge Stefan Lindskog, speaking about the legal questions surrounding Mr Assange‘s case at the University of Adelaide last night, said it should never be presumed that a „state, or any part of it, is always good“.
WIKILEAKS RELEASE Austria: 21,801 emails from US intelligence contractor Stratfor
As a side note: You have to admire the Austrians… They‘re like the
„little engine that could“ of imperialism… I mean they are working so
hard at recreating their imperial reach in the Balkans and Central Europe,
even though they are the size of (and equal in terms of geopolitical
importance) to Connecticut. Their efforts are inspirational… like
watching Rudy.
Britische Luftwaffe an Folter in Irak beteiligt
Erneut Folterfälle in einem US-Geheimgefängnis im Irak: Britische Soldaten sollen sich jahrelang an der Folter irakischer Gefangener beteiligt haben.
Dschibuti: Proteste im Land der Militärbasen
Der Westen unterstützt Ismaïl Omar Guelleh nahezu bedingungslos und hat gute Gründe dafür: Dschibuti ist trotz seiner geringen Größe sowohl für die Europäische Union als auch für die USA nicht nur für die Kriege in Afrika von enormer strategischer Bedeutung.
Millionaires’ reign: UK’s rulers ‘out of touch’ with common folk
Hours later an astonishing 97,000 people signed an online petition on the change.org website calling on Duncan Smith to prove his words. The text challenged him to “live on this budget for at least one year” instead of spending his salary, which is almost 50 times higher.
Sparen in Großbritannien- Reich gegen Arm
Am Montag sind verschiedene Kürzungen im Sozialsystem in Kraft getreten, der Nationale Gesundheitsdienst wird neu organisiert, zugleich werden Steuern gesenkt. Weitere Kürzungen folgen im April.
Musikdateien und E-Books- Stillschweigende Enteignung
2009 bemerkten Kindle-Besitzer in den USA, dass ausgerechnet „1984“ von ihren Lesegeräten verschwunden war – Orwells berühmtes Buch über einen totalen Überwachungsstaat.
Störsender.TV Episode I: Finanzkasinokapitalismus
Radio Utopie ist spät dran und entschuldigt sich förmlich. Hier also die am 31. März ins Netz gestellte erste Folge des genossenschaftlich und sozial, äh, Moment Mal, via crowdfunding auf startnext finanzierten unabhängigen Fernsehprojekts Störsender.TV als mediale Schutz- und Trutzburg fundamentalistisch-zivilistischem Kabarettismus zur Aufhellung mental verdunkelter gesellschaftlicher Zustände. Von und mit Dieter Hildebrandt, den wir als einen der vielen intellektuellen Grafen von Monte Christo dieser Schwachsinnsrepublik gefühlt 20 Jahre schmerzlich vermisst haben.
Der Anstaltsleiter persönlich: Urban Priol ist verrückt nach dem Störsender!
„Mir g‘frein uns scho!“ Für den Störsender wird Urban Priol nicht nur „netzaffin“, er redet freiwillig bayerisch!
Property tax splits coalition ahead of troika visit
As Prime Minister Antonis Samaras and his coalition partners, PASOK leader Evangelos Venizelos and Fotis Kouvelis of Democratic Left, prepare to meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday for talks
Macht und Menschenrechte am 04.04.2013 – im Interview mit Jim Tucker zu Bilderberg und mit Marina Spanos zu Zypern
Morgen am 04.04.2013 geht es um 19.00 in der Sendung „Macht und Menschenrechte“auf Radio Jungle Drum (www.jungle-drum.de) um das Bilderberg-Netzwerk. Der amerikanische Journalist Jim Tucker ist den Bilderbergern schon seit 1975 auf der Spur – lange bevor das Netzwerk ins Rampenlicht der alternativen Medien geriet. Vieles davon hat er in seinen „Bilderberg Diaries“ (Bilderberg Tagebücher) veröffentlicht. Für manch einen Politiker ging die Karriere erst nach seinem Bilderberg-Besuch richtig nach oben. Und nicht selten haben Politiker genau die Themen später aufgegriffen, welche auf der Tagesordnung standen, als sie Bilderberg besucht haben. Besonders aktuell sind heute die Bilderberg-Konferenzen 1989 und 2011, in denen es um den Euro ging. Sogar eine der Hauptpersonen der Verfassungsklagen zum ESM werden wir dort wieder sehen……
Muse – Animals
„Animals“ Video Competition: Gewinner bekannt gegeben
(20.03.) Ihr habt eure Votes abgegeben, die Band hat sich beraten – und wir scheinen uns allesamt einig zu sein:
Die exzellente „Animals“-Version von Inês Freitas und Miguel Mendes (onenessteam) aus Portugal ist der Gewinner der „Animals“ Video Competition in Kooperation mit genero.tv!
Muse – Animals: Winner
The video with the highest votes was also the video Muse had selected as the winner! Congratulations to onenessteam (Inês Freitas and Miguel Mendes) who receive $5,000 and have their video published on Muse’s website and their YouTube channel! They also get an invite to one of Muse’s summer Stadium shows, where the video will be aired live!
Portuguese duo create video for British rock band Muse
Two Portuguese students have won a global competition to create a music video for a British rock band, for their song ‘Animals’.
Portuguese government may teeter if court blocks austerity
(28.03.) Portugal is facing a potential political crisis if its constitutional court rejects government austerity measures, risking more euro zone turmoil on top of the Cyprus bailout this month.
Eurozone crisis live: Portuguese government faces no-confidence vote
Prime minister Passos Coelho is expected to survive fourth bid to oust him from power – but vote will destroy consensus in crisis-hit state
Story of a taxi-driver
„Greetings to all the friends of Beppe Grillo’s blog. I’m here to denounce what has been happening to me in the last few years causing me to have issues with the tax collection agency.
A few years ago the tax collection agency made me pay a penalty for two years and they asked me to pay nearly 80 thousand Euro to cover taxes and penalties and after negotiations with tax specialists they ended up asking me for 40 thousand.
I just don’t have that amount of money and in the end I made the decision to give up my work and use the money I’d been earning to pay these taxes.“
Alfano says Bersani not open to dialog, calls for elections
Following Bersani‘s refusal to compromise with the PdL in efforts to form a new government, Alfano said: „If Bersani wants to occupy all the institutions, there is no space for dialog“.
Bersani says ready to meet Berlusconi
Says could ‚step aside‘, PdL rebuffs overture
4,500 Palestinian prisoners refuse food in protest
Violence immediately erupted in the West Bank, east Jerusalem and in Israeli prisons on Tuesday over his death. More violence is expected to break out at his funeral in Hebron on Thursday.
Palestinians Jailed in Israel Protest After Inmate Dies
Hundreds of Palestinian prisoners staged protests in Israeli jails on Tuesday as the Palestinian leadership accused Israel of deliberately delaying the treatment of a fellow prisoner who died that morning of cancer.
Palestinian prisoner‘s death sparks protests in Israel, West Bank
Abu Hamdiya had been suffering from throat pain since August 2012 and was diagnosed with cancer in January, the Palestinian Authority said. During a news conference about Abu Hamdiya‘s death, Issa Qaraqe, the Palestinian Authority‘s minister of prisoner affairs, said Abu Hamdiya died due to „deliberate Israeli medical negligence.“
Death of Palestinian prisoner in Israeli custody sparks protests
Palestinian leaders accused Israel of medical negligence and hundreds of Palestinian prisoners protested in Israeli jails after a fellow inmate died Tuesday of cancer.
Palestinians clash with Israeli soldiers after prisoner death
Palestinians clashed with Israeli police in Jerusalem and Hebron after a Palestinian prisoner died of cancer before his early release for medical reasons could be processed.
Secretary of State Kerry to visit Turkey: official
Secretary of State John Kerry is expected to visit Turkey this week as part of a trip to Western Europe and Asia to consult allies on issues including Syria‘s civil war, a Turkish official told Reuters on Wednesday.
Die Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, abgekürzt S.W.I.F.T. oder meist nur SWIFT, ist eine 1973 gegründete, internationale Genossenschaft der Geldinstitute, die ein Telekommunikationsnetz (das SWIFT-Netz) für den Nachrichtenaustausch zwischen den Mitgliedern betreibt.
Weltweit Kontodaten ausspioniert: Banken schweigen, Verbraucherschützer alarmiert
(23.06.2006) US-Zeitungen hatten aufgedeckt, dass die US-Regierung seit dem 11. September 2001 systematisch Millionen von Geld-Transaktionen durchwühlt und ausgewertet hat. Ziel der geheimen Aktion war, die Geldquellen von Terrorverdächtigen trocken zu legen und weitere finanzielle Verbindungen aufzuspüren.
Aktion: Die CIA spioniert – auch auf Deinem Konto? Frag Deine Bank!
Passagierdatenabkommen der EU mit Kanada: Auch Daten zu sexueller Orientierung sollen verarbeitet werden
Immer mehr Staaten fordern, vorab mit Personendaten von Flugreisenden versorgt zu werden. Zur Debatte steht deshalb auch ein weltweit gültiges Regelwerk mit der EU
Datenschutz: Google im Visier einiger EU-Staaten
Vorreiter sind hier die entsprechenden Behörden in Frankreich. Diesen haben sich aber auch die Datenschutz-Aufsichtsorgane in den Niederlanden, Deutschland, Spanien, Großbritannien, und Italien angeschlossen.
Congress Planning To Debate CISPA Behind Closed Doors; No Public Scrutiny Allowed
We‘ve been hearing for a while that when the planned markup occurs next week for CISPA, that the House Intelligence Committee is intending to hold a closed markup, basically hiding the discussion and the possible amendments from the public. There is no good reason for this.
Uganda, US suspend search for warlord Joseph Kony
The United States and Uganda have suspended operations to hunt down warlord Joseph Kony in the Central African Republic. The Chief Political Commissar of the Ugandan Army says the order came from the African Union. That’s because the rebel forces known as Seleka, who now hold power, are not recognized.
Federal government revokes physicians‘ group‘s charitable status
The CRA audit determined that PGS was guilty of using 26 per cent of its resources for political activities, which included a letter-writing campaign to the Prime Minister and MPs to support a ban on nuclear weapons.
“All charitable definitions are based on a document from 1601 called the Statute of Elizabeth, that’s when charitable targets were identified,” says Bell. “The law was repealed several centuries later but still forms the bias in all common law for how a charitable purpose is defined.”
Celente: US has wars to fight, not eroding infrastructure to fix
Global trends forecaster Gerald Celente predicts there will be more oil spills, saying the U.S. is investing more in its wars overseas, than improving its eroding infrastructure back home.
Exxon’s Duck-Killing Pipeline Won’t Pay Taxes To Oil Spill Cleanup Fund
A 1980 law ensures that diluted bitumen is not classified as oil, and companies transporting it in pipelines do not have to pay into the federal Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund. Other conventional crude producers pay 8 cents a barrel to ensure the fund has resources to help clean up some of the 54,000 barrels of pipeline oil that spilled 364 times last year.
Swiss Company to Launch Robotic Mini-Shuttle in 2017
The company Swiss Space Systems (S3) plans to loft the unmanned suborbital shuttle from the back of an Airbus A300 jetliner to serve as a commercial satellite launch platform.