ngrid Newkirk, die 1. Vorsitzende von PETA Deutschland, nimmt Stellung zu Tierschutz-Labels und stellt klar: „Für PETA gibt es kein artgerecht produziertes Fleisch!“
Jetzt vegan werden und AKTIV gegen Tiermissbrauch angehen:
ngrid Newkirk, die 1. Vorsitzende von PETA Deutschland, nimmt Stellung zu Tierschutz-Labels und stellt klar: „Für PETA gibt es kein artgerecht produziertes Fleisch!“
Jetzt vegan werden und AKTIV gegen Tiermissbrauch angehen:
Der Flüchtlings-Aktivist Patras Bwansi aus Uganda lebt seit Oktober 2012 im Protest Camp am Oranienplatz in Berlin. Sein Asylantrag wurde im März 2012 abgelehnt. Am 21.02.2013 wurde ihm persönlich sein Abschiebungsbescheid mit sofortiger Vollziehbarkeit ausgehändigt. Nun ist er unmittelbar von der Inhaftierung und darauf folgender Abschiebung bedroht.
Die Bundeswehr hat in Afghanistan so genannte Aufständische per Kampf-Drohne töten lassen. Das berichtet der „Spiegel“ unter Berufung auf eine vertrauliche Stellungnahme des Verteidigungsministeriums.
As the first minister, Alex Salmond, looks south and campaigns for an independent Scotland, leaders in Orkney, Shetland and the Western Isles to his north have quietly begun talks among themselves about their own „home rule“.
In der Hauptstadt Dakar sind derzeit etwa 90 deutsche Soldaten stationiert, die den internationalen Einsatz im Nachbarland Mali unterstützen.
German President Joachim Gauck touches a stuffed lion after meeting with Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn at the Presidential Palace on March 17, 2013 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The world got a glimpse this week into how the United States treats those we lock in solitary confinement, when the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights heard ACLU testimonies on how our treatment of vulnerable prisoners violates international human rights norms. The short story: we should be ashamed.
The UN issued a statement this week that the US is violating international human rights law by holding detainees indefinitely and without charge.
Chirkov said that top Navy officers are currently in the process of strategizing the deployment of a combat group to the Mediterranean. He also said that Russia is prepared to send combat ships to the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The Obama administration is drafting a plan that will give the CIA and NSA access to a database of suspicious financial transactions that until now only law enforcement agencies have been able to access.
AKEL leader Andros Kyprianou described Cyprus’ treatment by the troika as “vindictive and neo-colonial,” adding that his party would discuss proposing the island’s exit from the eurozone.
Cypriot website 24h revealed on Sunday that the Central Bank of Cyprus wrote to Cypriot lenders on Saturday, March 16 to ask them to stop all form of payments from their accounts, even those that were from one account at the bank to another.
Q: But aren‘t savers meant to be insured against losses when banks go bust?
Absolutely. Cyprus‘s deposit protection scheme states deposits up to €100,000 are protected. But in this case the banks haven‘t collapsed, so it doesn‘t apply.
The only person the Mail managed to speak to that was not full of indignation was Andreas, a 27-year-old physiotherapist (…)
“Personally I don’t have much money saved away so I don’t really have much to lose,” he concluded.
Addressing an election rally on Saturday night, Merkel said that “anyone having their money in Cypriot banks must contribute in the Cypriot bailout.“
It‘s now become clear: the threat to European savers and banks isn‘t anti-austerity parties but the Troika
A European Central Bank official on Sunday asked President Anastasiades for a decision on a levy on deposits to be taken today, so that commercial banks open on Tuesday, the Cyprus News Agency has reported.
In other words, if there is going to be a new wave of crisis in Europe, historians will be able to trace its starting point back to today’s Cyprus bank bailout.
The chancellor says on Sunday British government workers and military serving in Cyprus and will be compensated for the levy on savings introduced in the country.
By comparison the German-led group of EU officials who engineered this weekend’s Cyprus bank bailout don’t have a leg to stand on. Although they had years to consider their options (Cyprus’s problems are closely related to those of Greece and have long been almost as obvious), they have opted for a “solution” that amounts to probably the single most inexplicably irresponsible decision in banking supervision in the advanced world since the 1930s.
Money had to be found to prevent its financial system from collapsing. But imposing a 6.75 percent tax on insured deposits is a type of legalized robbery.
Anders als bei früheren Hilfspaketen entscheidet der Bundestag bei Zypern nicht mehr nach den Regeln für den zeitlich begrenzten Rettungsschirm EFSF, sondern nach jenen für den dauerhaften Euro-Rettungsfonds ESM. Diese sehen eine Art zweistufiges System mit einer Grundsatzentscheidung und einer späteren weiteren Abstimmung über das konkrete Hilfsprogramm vor.
Erik Prince als C.I.A.-Mitarbeiter (angeblich ehemaliger) fühlt sich berufen, ausländischen Staaten oder Konzernen tatkräftig bei ihren Investitionsvorhaben zur Seite zu stehen und gründete im vergangenen Jahr eine neue Firma Frontier Resource Group (FRG) mit Hauptquartier in Abu Dhabi.
Ya‘alon, military chief of staff from 2002 to 2005, is a hardliner on the peace process with the Palestinians, but is thought to be opposed to a military strike on Iran until diplomacy has run its course.
Thousands of activists from across Belgium gathered in Brussels on Friday for a march to the Bourse central stock exchange on the International Day Against Police Brutality. The unified protest ended in violent clashes with riot police, with young protestors pulling up pavement and smashing windows as officers made multiple arrests. Other protestors formed a human chain to separate the two groups.
The number of officers issued stun guns in London’s Metropolitan police (Met) will increase from 800 to almost 1,300, opening up a debate in the force over ‚mission creep‘ risks of using Tasers for minor violations, the Guardian reported.
This Sunday, the NY Times printed a story examining the authorization of the drone strike on US citizen Anwar al-Awlaki. Setting aside concerns that it reflected blatant propaganda, the article alludes to executive abuses for which no one has ever been held accountable.
World leaders such as US president Barack Obama are expected to attend this summer‘s economic gathering, and a massive security operation is planned at the luxury Lough Erne golf resort which is hosting the conference.
This week and next, the House and Senate will hold hearings (including this one today) to address the reported release of between several hundred and several thousand immigration detainees from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement („ICE“) custody.
Leaked U.S. State Department cables published by Wikileaks show that the U.S. Vatican Embassy saw the future Pope Francis as a contender for the papacy in the 2005 conclave, reporting him to be a “wise pastor” who could appeal to allies of Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger.
Ich möchte nicht nur erreichen, dass die völkerrechts- und verfassungswidrige Nutzung der US-Air Base Ramstein unterbunden wird. Ich halte auch die im Luftraum der TRA Lauter und im Luftraum über Ansbach stattfindende Vorbereitung von Piloten auf Angriffskriege für völkerrechts- und verfassungswidrig.
Vielfahrer bei der Deutschen Bahn sollen künftig passgenaue Werbung erhalten: Der Konzern will laut Medienbericht detaillierte Reisedaten seiner Kunden an Kooperationspartner wie Banken, Versicherungen oder Fastfood-Ketten verkaufen. Datenschützer sind empört.
I Blame Coco-Self Machine
Das Schwurgericht von Bologna stellte in einem Strafverfahren fest, dass die Loge P2 Kriminelle angestiftet, bewaffnet und finanziert habe, um mit Mitteln der Subversion und des Terrorismus im Rahmen einer „Strategie der Spannung“ die Vorbedingungen für einen Staatsstreich zu schaffen. Einige der mutmaßlichen P2-Mitglieder sollen direkt oder indirekt an den zahlreichen Attentaten, Putschversuchen oder terroristischen Aktionen der 1960er und 1970er Jahre beteiligt gewesen sein.[5]
Eine wichtige, bis heute nur teilweise aufgeklärte Rolle spielte dabei die von der CIA und der NATO aufgebaute Untergrundorganisation Gladio, eine sogenannte Stay-behind-Organisation.
Here’s the great idea after two „sacred cows“ like Dini and Pisanu expressed their worries that the M5S could get the position of president of important committees
Zehn Jahre nach der Irak-Invasion hat sich nichts geändert. Der Präsident des Bundesnachrichtendienstes, Gerhard Schindler, folgt wieder einmal den Vorgaben aus den U.S.A.
On Friday, a three-judge federal appeals court panel unanimously ruled that the CIA gave an inadequate response to a lawsuit brought by the American Civil Liberties Union seeking records about drone strikes. The CIA had said it could neither confirm nor deny whether it had drone records because of security concerns.
Cyprus‘s parliament has postponed an emergency session on a controversial bailout deal for the country‘s banks.
„It is important that in Europe, and in the exercise of whatever initiatives are possible and needed especially for the economy and jobs, the government remains under the authoritative leadership of Mario Monti until a new government is formed,“ Napolitano said in a statement.
Grasso still did not get an absolute majority in the upper house.
German policymakers have outlawed use of the European Stability Mechanism in rescuing Cyprus, fearing the country will remain unable to repay debts.
Nicht nur die zypriotischen Banken, sondern auch die Niederlassungen ausländischer Geldinstitute auf Zypern spuren nach Wunsch. Das Einfrieren von Vermögenswerten, sonst bei Kriminellen, Terroristen oder blutrünstigen Despoten in Einzelfällen geübt, wird erstmals weltweit auf ein gesamtes Land und auf Millionen unbescholtener Bürger angewandt.
Obama arrives in Jerusalem on Wednesday for his first trip to Israel as president. His first priority will be resetting his oft-troubled relationship with now-weakened Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and evaluating the new coalition government Netanyahu laboriously cobbled together.
The president also will look to boost his appeal to a skeptical Israeli public, as well as to frustrated Palestinians.
Celer is Will Long, who currently lives in Tokyo, Japan, working in publishing, photography, music, and writing. He curates and manages the label Two Acorns, and handles all releases, communication, and distribution of Celer and Chubby Wolf, also performing live regularly as Celer, and collaborating with other artists. Celer has published more than 90 releases in North America, Asia, and Europe.
Depuis avril 2010, Trashvortex est une série de concert organisé par Xavier Lopez et Mathieu Garrouste à Kobé, petite salle à Ivry sur Seine. Une programmation pointue, concerts intimistes avec des artistes de renommée internationale ainsi que la scène locale qui en fait désormais un lieu incontournable pour jouer ou écouter la musique expérimentale à la porte de Paris.
Proiekt Massage was a short lived project from 2002 – 2003. The Slovenian band consisted of Yoshi (kruh), Samo (Automassage), and Rok (Neuf Meuf, Automassage, kruh). In that year they produced only one EP. No-Source is pleased to be able to share this archived work with you. The music is experimental and lo-fi in composition and sound. Electronica, ambient, post rock, noise influence throughout. Melody and noise compete throughout. There is definitely some similarities between Proiekt Massage and other projects by band member Rok. Share and enjoy.
Vom Mikro- zum Nanometer-„drug carrier“
Bisherige Verfahren erlauben den Medikamenteneinschluss bis zu einigen Mikrometern. Für den Einsatz als „drug carrier“ in der medizinischen Praxis sind aber meist Nanokapseln deutlich unter einem Mikrometer im Nanometerbereich erforderlich. Im Projekt „Akusto‐fluidische Herstellung von Nanokapseln“ arbeitet die von Prof. Dr. Thomas Franke geleitete AG „Mikrofluidik/Biophysik “ des Augsburger Lehrstuhls für Experimentalphysik I an neuen technischen Verfahren zur Herstellung von Kapseln dieser Nano-Größenordnung.
In zoology, cannibalism is the act of one individual of a species consuming all or part of another individual of the same species as food. Cannibalism is a common ecological interaction in the animal kingdom and has been recorded for more than 1500 species. It does not, as once believed, occur only as a result of extreme food shortages or artificial conditions, but commonly occurs under natural conditions in a variety of species.
In the spirit of the Revolution of 1848 and making use of the last remains of the freedom of speech, the activists advanced closely to the center of power, the parliament. DADA also included the ending point of the canceled demonstration of the radical right-wing Jobbik party, the Deák Ferenc Ter. There the political artists held several speeches in Hungarian, German and Gibberish – to the applause of passing pedestrians.