Daily Archives: 4. Dezember 2012

04.12.2012 - 23:43 [ the Star ]

Kosovo former fighter to hold talks on becoming PM

A former Kosovo Albanian guerrilla commander, acquitted last week of war crimes, said on Tuesday he expects to become Kosovo‘s prime minister, a move likely to anger Serbia just as the European Union is pushing the two to mend ties.
Ramush Haradinaj, who served briefly as prime minister in 2005, told Reuters he would begin talks within days with Prime Minister Hashim Thaci on the opposition Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) joining the government.

04.12.2012 - 20:17 [ Palacmusic ]

Altes Land by Peter Prautzsch

As the end of the year closes in Peter Prautzsch returns to the surface with a soothing and somewhat picturesque new EP featuring 7 tracks each recently recorded in September 2012. ‘Altes Land’ (Old Country) again takes the quiet path laid down by the early 2012 album release Schwere See. All arrangements wander through rich organic textures, meandering in and out of the carefully shaped musical scope. You wouldn‘t record this sort of music in spring as these nostalgic drones, intimate loops and dusty field-recordings illustrate the beauty of late autumn field walks.

04.12.2012 - 19:36 [ techdirt ]

GEMA Feels It Isn‘t Killing German Nightclubs Fast Enough, Moves Towards Charging DJs Per MP3 On Their Laptops

GEMA‘s ongoing efforts to destroy as many music venues as possible in the name of „performance rights“ continue unabated. If anything, GEMA‘s approaching some sort of event horizon in terms of PRO insanity.

04.12.2012 - 19:32 [ techdirt ]

Fixing Copyright: Is Copyright A Part Of Free Market Capitalism?

To hopefully demonstrate this clearly, we‘ll start out with two examples of other „markets“ that show that just because you set up a property right and create a market, that doesn‘t mean it‘s a free market. First up: air. Yes, that stuff we all breathe. It‘s clearly a valuable good. Extremely valuable. But… if we‘re to believe the maximalist view, because we don‘t directly pay for the air we breathe (even if we pay for it indirectly) it must be „valueless“ or „worthless.“ So, clearly, the best way to deal with this is to set up a monopoly privilege in air — such that you need to buy a „license“ to breathe air that isn‘t yours.

Think of the massive industry that would be built up around this.

04.12.2012 - 19:31 [ Guardian ]

Roger Ailes reportedly urged David Petraeus to run for president in 2011

t has long been evident to observers of the right-wing Fox News channel that its creator and current chairman, Roger Ailes, likes to play kingmaker within the Republican party. Why else would he have employed no fewer than five potential presidential candidates as his on-air contributors?

04.12.2012 - 17:57 [ techdirt ]

ITU Approves Deep Packet Inspection Standard Behind Closed Doors, Ignores Huge Privacy Implications

Techdirt has run a number of articles about the ITU‘s World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) currently taking place in Dubai. One of the concerns is that decisions taken there may make the Internet less a medium that can be used to enhance personal freedom than a tool for state surveillance and oppression.

04.12.2012 - 17:20 [ Deutsche Wirtschafts-Nachrichten ]

Wettbewerb: McKinsey rät Unternehmen zu Kriegs-Spielen

Um das Verhalten der Konkurrenten besser zu studieren und mögliche Schwächen neuer Produkte zu erkennen, seien McKinsey zufolge derartige Spiele ideal. Oft neigen Unternehmen zudem dazu, sich selbst zu unterschätzen, und auch dem könnte auf diese Weise Abhilfe geschaffen werden.

04.12.2012 - 16:52 [ Gulf News ]

UN calls on Israel to open nuclear facilities

All the Arab nations and Iran had planned to attend the conference in mid-December in Helsinki, Finland, but the United States announced on November 23 that it wouldn’t take place, citing political turmoil in the region and Iran’s defiant stance on non-proliferation. Iran and some Arab nations countered that the real reason for the cancellation was Israel’s refusal to attend.

04.12.2012 - 16:51 [ Haaretz ]

Bringing Israel into the WMD-free zone

On the same day that Bibi and Barak were sitting in Jerusalem ordering the assassination of Hamas military head Ahmed Jabari, a group of five Israelis joined a two-day „Athens Dialogue“ in Greece, to discuss the establishment of a „weapons of mass destruction-free zone“ in the Middle East.

04.12.2012 - 14:55 [ Youtube ]

Una delle cariche della polizia francese

3/12/12 Many No Tav activists have reached the French city of Lyon to contest the Italian-French summit on train high speed. The police abused of his power, blocked the protesters, beated young and old people while the Prime Ministers Monti and Hollande using all their pleasant kindness and the newspapers and tv that they govern, that everything would gone smoothly from now, on the Tav, the responses to the economic crisis and much more.

04.12.2012 - 11:12 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die Radio Utopie Musik Charts Dezember 2012

Bei Radio Utopie wählt Ihr auch diesen Monat wieder Eure Charts aus der Welt der Freien Musik unter Creative Commons Lizenz. Die Neuzugänge im Dezember:

04.12.2012 - 11:08 [ techdirt ]

How Did Syria Turn Off The Internet… And What Other Countries Can Just Hit The Off Switch Like That?

After the internet was almost entirely cut off in Syria last week, it came back over the weekend, and people are still puzzling through exactly what happened. The government keeps trying to blame others, such as attacks by those fighting against government forces. However, an analysis by Cloudflare has made it clear that it‘s almost certain that the government was behind the shut down:

04.12.2012 - 10:38 [ Alllgemeine Versammlung der Vereinten Nationen / General Assembly of the United Nations ]

Resolutions Aim to Neutralize Nuclear-Weapon Threat, Open Passage To Multilateral Negotiations; Israel, Iran, Syria, South Africa Explain Votes

Calling on Israel to accede to the NPT without further delay — in another traditionally contested resolution — and on it not to develop, produce, test or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons, to renounce possession of those weapons, and place all its unsafeguarded nuclear facilities under full-scope Agency safeguards, the Assembly welcomed the conclusions on the Middle East of the 2010 NPT Review Conference, according a resolution on risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, by a recorded vote of 174 in favour to 6 against (Canada, Federated States of Micronesia, Israel, Marshall Islands, Palau, United States) with 6 abstentions (Australia, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia, India, Panama)

04.12.2012 - 09:38 [ Netlabelism - The Netaudio Magazine ]

Netlabelism Cast 15

This special edition of our podcast is mixed by Simon Haycock a.k.a Bitbasic. Simon selected his favorite tracks from the Cut catalog and mixed them for your listening pleasure. It’s a bass heavy affair with tracks by Roughquest, Mekha, Existance, Rain Dog, Koloah, Actraiser, Lostlojic, Totte, Vax, Sigmafly, Great Skies, and Essay. With such an impressive roster of artists it must have been hard for Simon to make his final selection. You’re gonna love this mix…

04.12.2012 - 09:24 [ gulli ]

Britische Regierung will „Cyber-Reserve“ aufbauen

Die britische Regierung plant den Aufbau einer „Cyber-Reserve“, die sich mit Sicherheitsproblemen durch Computerkriminalität befassen soll. Die vom Verteidigungsministerium organisierte Einheit soll es der Regierung erlauben, Fachkräfte aus der freien Wirtschaft in ihre Arbeit mit einzubeziehen.