Daily Archives: 7. November 2012

07.11.2012 - 22:59 [ The Raw Story ]

Despite Obama victory, Clinton still aims to leave State Dept

Current US ambassador to United Nations, Susan Rice, had been seen as one possible successor, but her reputation might now be tarnished over the fallout from the militant attack on the US mission in Benghazi, eastern Libya.

Another name mentioned in corridors is that of respected senator John Kerry, current chair of the Senate Foreign Affairs committee and former Democratic presidential candidate.

07.11.2012 - 22:54 [ The Raw Story ]

Julian Assange says victorious Obama ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing’

“There is no reason to believe that will change — in fact, the Republicans will push the administration into ever greater excesses.”

Assange urged the United States to free Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking a huge cache of classified military documents to WikiLeaks and has been held in solitary confinement in a military prison for over two years.

07.11.2012 - 20:53 [ Die Welt ]

Karlsruhe rügt `Schnäppchenjagd` im Gerichtssaal

Fraglich bleibt allerdings, ob die Richter dem Wunsch des ehemaligen BGH-Richters Wolfgang Neskovic nachkommen. „Das Bundesverfassungsgericht sollte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um diese Praxis zu beenden“, sagte der Justiziar der Linkenfraktion im Bundestag. „Denn das Strafgesetzbuch ist kein Handelsgesetzbuch, und die Gerichtssäle sind keine Markthallen.“

07.11.2012 - 20:11 [ Azerbaijan Business Center ]

ITU offers to arrest people on slightest suspicion of being involved in cyber crimes

Baku hosts a meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Ministry of Communications & IT. The event is dedicated to possible and existing risks in the cybernetically connected world.

At the meeting, Director General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Hamadoun Toure underlined importance of development of cyber security methodologies by various countries, useful and applicable for other countries seeking to ensure their safety.

07.11.2012 - 20:02 [ wired ]

U.N. Must Lead Internet Regulation Effort


Proposals here range from combating spam and improving network security to mandating identification of communications’ origins. Governments are looking for more effective frameworks to combat fraud and other crimes. Some commentators have suggested such frameworks could also legitimize censorship. However, Member States already have the right, as stated in Article 34 of the Constitution of ITU, to block any private telecommunications that appear “dangerous to the security of the State or contrary to its laws, to public order or to decency.” The treaty regulations cannot override the Constitution.

07.11.2012 - 19:58 [ Fox News ]

One month until they regulate the Internet

A U.N.-sponsored conference next month in Dubai will propose new regulations and restrictions for the Internet, which critics say will censor free speech, levy tariffs on e-commerce, and even force companies to clean up their “e-waste” and make gadgets that are better for the environment.

07.11.2012 - 19:45 [ WCITLEAKS ]

Asia-Pacific Common Proposals for the work of the Conference

This contribution presents the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity Common Proposals (ACPs) for the work of
2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications. These proposals have been developed
by the APT Preparatory Group for WCIT-12 which held three meetings through 2011-2012, and have
been approved by the Member administrations according to the approval procedure for APT
Common Proposals to the WCIT-12.
The proposals are included as Addendum 1 to this document.

07.11.2012 - 19:42 [ WCITLEAKS ]


I. Introduction
This contribution presents proposals to the World Conference on International
Telecommunications 2012 (WCIT-12) that have been developed by the United States of America
for the revision of the International Telecommunications Regulations (ITRs). The intent of these proposals is to support a revision of the ITRs that advances the worldwide goal of greater competitive and affordable access to telecommunications networks. The ITRs have provided a foundation for growth in the international telecommunications market, contributing to overall economic development around the world. The United States supports efforts to utilize the ITRs as a tool to foster continued development of international telecommunications, without overburdening the telecommunications sector with unnecessary and intrusive regulation. The United States reaffirms its readiness to work with all of the delegations to achieve a successful outcome at WCIT-12.

07.11.2012 - 19:37 [ WCITLEAKS ]

Bringing transparency to the ITU – WCIT-12 Documents

The forthcoming World Conference on International Telecommunications is marred by a lack of transparency. Access to preparatory reports, as well as proposed modifications to the ITRs, is limited to ITU member states and a few other privileged parties. This leaves civil society groups, and the public in general, in the dark. To foster greater transparency, we are offering a way for those in possession of such documents to make them publicly available. They can be anonymously submitted to us, and we will publish them here.

07.11.2012 - 19:06 [ Slate ]

Is Puerto Rico on Its Way To Becoming the 51st State? Possibly.

ongress would have to approve a Puerto Rican bid for statehood, something that President Obama has said he‘d respect in the event of a clear majority decision. But it‘s still not clear if the White House will consider the majority votes from Tuesday enough to take up the issue.

07.11.2012 - 18:33 [ Telegraph ]

Angela Merkel wants clarity from David Cameron over Europe. She‘ll have to join the queue.

Certainly, the signal being sent by many Conservatives these days couldn’t be clearer: we want out. Even members of the Cabinet are, sub rosa, declaring themselves ready to leave. Not unnaturally, you can barely open a newspaper or read a blog these days without coming across a prediction of inevitable exit.

Still, there’s a fact in all this that gets curiously little attention. The Prime Minister doesn’t want Britain to leave the EU, and neither does his Government.

07.11.2012 - 18:29 [ Guardian ]

Merkel calls for eurozone countries to surrender key tax-and-spend powers

In a rare landmark policy speech on Wednesday to the European parliament in Brussels, the German chancellor voiced Berlin‘s absolute determination to stand by the euro and to strengthen the EU through greater integration of policymaking. But her commitment came with a price tag that many others in the eurozone may find hard to swallow.

07.11.2012 - 17:38 [ Think Progress ]

In Historic Move, States Legalize Marijuana. Now What?

For the first time in history, two states passed laws yesterday to legalize and regulate marijuana for recreational use. The successful ballot initiatives in Colorado and Washington, backed by numerous law enforcement officials, signal exasperation with the failed War on Drugs, and a willingness to better tailor the legal system to states’ public safety and public health goals.

07.11.2012 - 17:07 [ AntiWar ]

Election 2012: Ron Paul’s Revenge!

What’s particularly nervy — galling, really — about the idea that the US ought to be spreading our democratic system across the globe is the fact that we don’t have anything close to democracy in this country

07.11.2012 - 16:11 [ Personal Liberty Digest ]

Clinton Plans Exit ‘After Inauguration’

“I’m aiming to leave shortly after the inauguration; that’s my plan,” she said.

The Sept. 11 death of U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans at the consulate in Benghazi have left a cloud on Clinton’s tenure at the State Department, the Journal said Thursday.

07.11.2012 - 15:34 [ n-tv ]

Obamas bunte Brandmauer hält: Republikaner haben ein Wähler-Problem

die „Grand Old Party“, wie sie auch genannt wird, sieht sich nach Barack Obamas Sieg einem dem größten Richtungswechsel ihrer jüngeren Geschichte gegenüber. Erneut sind sie im Kampf um das höchste Amt im Land gescheitert, und es sieht so aus, als sei ihr Wählerpotential schlicht erschöpft. Ihr bisheriges Fundament aus weißen, zumeist männlichen Konservativen wird immer kleiner.

07.11.2012 - 15:28 [ Wikipedia ]


Der ZDF-Fernsehrat setzt sich aus 77 Mitgliedern, die die im Bundestag vertretenen politische Parteien und weitere gesellschaftliche Gruppen vertreten, zusammen. Dies sind Vertreter der Bundesregierung, der 16 Bundesländer, der Kommunen, der Kirchen, Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbände, der Journalistenverbände, des Sports und der Umweltverbände. Welche Verbände und Organisationen Vertreter in den ZDF-Fernsehrat entsenden dürfen, regelt der ZDF-Staatsvertrag. Die Ministerpräsidenten berufen die Mitglieder des Fernsehrates nach den eigenen Vorschlägen der jeweiligen Verbände und Organisationen. Viele Vertreter von Verbänden oder Organisationen sind Parteimitglieder, so dass etwa CDU und SPD deutlich mehr Vertreter im Rat haben, als die Zusammensetzung erahnen lässt.

07.11.2012 - 15:17 [ Radio Utopie ]

Das ZDF: Sieht man mit einem besser?

(11.Juli 2007)
Berlin: Die Realität wird ja bekanntlich von unserer Wahrnehmung bestimmt. Ergo können wir getrost davon ausgehen, dass unsere Realität zu nicht unerheblichen Anteilen von einer Institution bestimmt wird, welche uns beständig empfiehlt auf einem Auge blind zu sein, weil man so besser sieht.
Sehen wir uns das ZDF also mal näher an….

07.11.2012 - 14:16 [ Guardian ]

Myths about the birth of the euro

The Report on Economic and Monetary Union in the European Community, which laid out the euro blueprint, was presented in April 1989 – a time when no one (with the possible exception of some Kremlin strategists) was thinking about German reunification.

07.11.2012 - 13:58 [ Welt ]

Merkel ließ offenbar beim ZDF intervenieren

Merkel war offenbar so wütend, dass sie in einer CDU-Präsidiumssitzung zweimal von einer Kampagne gegen sie gesprochen haben soll. Der damalige Generalsekretär Ronald Pofalla habe daraufhin mit den Worten „Angela, ich kümmere mich darum“ angekündigt, beim ZDF zu intervenieren. Er saß damals im ZDF-Fernsehrat.

07.11.2012 - 13:22 [ Greek Reporter ]

Greek Court Says Pension Reforms Not Legal

(01.11.) Greek pension reforms requested by Troika of the European Union-International Monetary Fund-European Central Bank (EU-IMF-ECB) to secure a pending loan of $38.8 billion may be unconstitutional, a Greek court ruled on Nov. 1, further complicating the government’s plan to pass a pending $17.45 billion spending cut and tax hike plan.

07.11.2012 - 12:08 [ Radio Utopie ]

Nachrichtenagentur Radio Utopie auf https umgestellt

Wir möchten diesbezüglich noch einmal darauf hinweisen, dass es effektiv weder Datenschutz noch – bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, die wir hier ausdrücklich unterstützen möchten – Datenschützer in dieser Republik gibt, geschweige denn eine politische Partei die dies auch nur umsetzen wollte. Umsetzen heißt erzwingen. Alles andere ist Gequatsche.

07.11.2012 - 11:01 [ Deutsche Wirtschafts-Nachrichten ]

Konservative in den USA fordern Abbruch der diplomatischen Beziehungen mit Brüssel

Der Think Tank ist für seine extreme Haltung zu diversen Themen bekannt. So sei der von Menschen verursachte Klimawandel ein Mythos. Er plädiert auch für mehr militärische Einsätze im Nahen Osten und für erhöhte Verteidigungsausgaben. Die Vereinigten Staaten sollten sich außerdem aus der Unesco zurückziehen und die freien Märkte als moralische Instanz anstelle der Staaten einsetzen, so die Auffassung des Think Tanks.

07.11.2012 - 10:58 [ BBC ]

Concern over ‚souped up‘ human race

A race of humans who can work without tiring and recall every conversation they‘ve ever had may sound like science fiction, but experts say the research field of human enhancement is moving so fast that such concepts are a tangible reality that we must prepare for.

07.11.2012 - 10:56 [ techdirt ]

EU Finally Realizes The Public Is Watching CETA: Softens Criminal Provisions For Copyright Infringement

Last month, through all of the secrecy shrouding the Canada-EU Trade Agreement (CETA), it was revealed that the treaty called for the same criminal copyright sanctions that European citizens widely rejected when those same sanctions showed up in ACTA. This was just as people feared, and those who noticed were furious that the EU would try to quietly undo the public‘s ACTA victory so quickly and brazenly.