Archiv: USS Liberty

31.03.2019 - 12:28 [ Al Jazeera English / Youtube ]

The Day Israel Attacked America | Special Series

Published on Nov 3, 2014
Al Jazeera investigates the shocking truth behind a deadly Israeli attack on a US naval vessel.

31.03.2019 - 12:21 [ Mondo Weiss ]

‘The New York Times’ runs Israeli propaganda on ’67 War: It was ‘defensive’

Furthermore, the most widely believed reason why on June 8, several days after starting the 1967 war, Israel tried to sink the American spy ship USS Liberty, killing 34 Americans and wounding 171, was that Israel suspected that the ship might be overhearing Israel’s communications about its plans to attack Syria, which could have led the U.S. government to lean on Israel not to attack Syria. Israel took the Golan on June 9-10.

The Times has been showing some encouraging progress of late on Israel/Palestine, but this article is a reversion to the worst days of propaganda and disinformation.