Archiv: the Wondering Left

20.12.2018 - 14:58 [ Spiked ]

Westminster’s stupidest row yet

With 100 days to go until the official Brexit date, the government and parliamentarians are at loggerheads over which way to best betray the largest democratic vote in British history. This raises urgent, era-defining questions over who rules: Westminster or Brussels? The people or parliament?

And yet, the question that has gripped the season finale of the Westminster village soap opera is whether Jeremy Corbyn mouthed ‘stupid woman’ at Theresa May during Prime Minister’s Questions yesterday.

20.12.2018 - 14:53 [ Sky News ]

Voters left wondering as parliament goes from panto to farce

With just 100 days until Brexit, many will be watching MPs and wondering if there‘s enough leadership to guide the UK.