Archiv: the Italian People / das Italienische Volk

26.03.2021 - 17:03 [ ANSA ]

Pupils across Italy protest against distance learning

Pupils and teachers in 60 Italian cities were striking and staging protests against distance learning on Friday.
The protest-strike was called by the Priorità alla Scuola community and some unions.

17.01.2021 - 18:45 [ Robin Monotti / Twitter ]

BOLOGNA, ITALY: Customers escort police out of the #IoApro restaurant under the cries of „Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!“


17.01.2021 - 18:36 [ Robin Monotti / Twitter ]

A very angry Italian opposition MP (@VittorioSgarbi ) backs the #IoApro (#IOpen) movement & calls for an insurrection against government restrictions on businesses, he says „Open up, & don‘t worry, in the end we will make them eat their fines“.


The revolution starts tomorrow.