Archiv: Raman Protasevich

25.05.2021 - 07:01 [ CNN ]

Detained Belarusian dissident appears in video as fury mounts over ‚hijacking‘ of Ryanair flight

„The attitude of the [Interior Ministry] employees towards me has been as correct as possible and in compliance with the law,“ Protasevich says in the video, which was posted Monday evening to a pro-government social media channel.
„I continue to cooperate with the investigation and have confessed to organizing mass riots in the city of Minsk,“ he also says. His supporters believe the video was made under duress.

24.05.2021 - 08:30 [ ZDF ]

Erzwungene Notlandung in Minsk – Belarus nimmt Exil-Oppositionellen fest

Nach der Notlandung in Minsk sei bei einer Überprüfung des Flugzeugs keine Bombe gefunden worden, berichtete der Oppositionskanal Nexta. Daraufhin seien „alle Passagiere zu einer weiteren Sicherheitskontrolle geschickt“ worden – unter ihnen auch Protassewitsch. „Er wurde festgenommen.“

Protassewitsch sei schon in Athen vor dem Einstieg ins Flugzeug verfolgt worden, hieß es. Lukaschenko habe mit einem Verstoß gegen alle Gesetze ein Flugzeug „gekapert“, kritisierte der Kanal.

24.05.2021 - 08:22 [ ]

Blinken condemns ‚shocking act‘ of Belarus forcing plane carrying opposition journalist to land

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday condemned the forced landing of a Ryanair flight by Belarus and the arrest of an opposition journalist on board, calling it a „shocking act“ that endangered the lives of U.S. citizens and everyone else on board.

In a statement, Blinked vowed that the U.S. would respond with its allies in the region, and called for the „immediate release“ of journalist Raman Protasevich, who according to reports, was detained by Belarusian security forces after the flight landed.