Archiv: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS)

12.08.2020 - 19:16 [ CNBC ]

Russia wealth fund head: Sputnik V vaccine could be delivered by November or December

„We were just fortunate that the coronavirus was very close to MERS, so we pretty much had a ready-to-go vaccine on MERS, studied for two years on MERS (and) slightly modified to be the coronavirus vaccine, and that is the real story, no politics … Russia has always been at the forefront of vaccine research,“ Kirill Dmitriev, CEO of Russia‘s sovereign wealth fund RDIF, which is backing the vaccine, told CNBC.

The World Health Organisation states that no vaccine or treatment for MERS is currently available, but says that there are several in development.

03.07.2020 - 20:59 [ Nasdaq.comMers ]

Why Gilead Sciences Shares Rose 18.4% in the First Half

Early into the health crisis, Gilead began testing remdesivir as a possible treatment for the illness caused by the novel coronavirus. The antiviral initially had been studied in other coronaviruses — severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). More recently, remdesivir entered clinical trials for COVID-19, and as promising data emerged, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration granted the drug Emergency Use Authorization.