Archiv: Marah Bakeer

24.11.2023 - 22:57 [ ]

Young prisoner, Marah, is fighting medical negligence to get her high school diploma

(December 23, 2015)

Marah Bakeer, a student in her last year of high school (Tawjihi), insisted to her friend, Asma’a Elkhatib, to join her family to take lunch at her home. At first, Asma’a refused her friend’s invitation, but after many attempts of convincing her, she had eventually accepted Marah’s request.

On the way home … The two 16-year old girls, wearing their dark blue uniform, and school bags on their backs, left the bus at the entrance of Beit Hannina town, and were excitedly talking about their school life and the crucial year they have to pass; to move to college and build up their future.

In the midst of their talk, the Israeli forces stopped them at the main road of the town. One of the soldiers came close to them, and fired twelve bullets towards Marah’s small body, while he was shouting “Subversive .. subversive!”.

Asma’a freaked out and had no idea about what to do or where to go when she saw her friend Marah covered with blood, crying, while the soldiers were only watching her bleeding.

Marah was left bleeding till she lost consciousness; then the soldiers moved her to the Israeli hospital Hadassah to receive medical treatment, while her friend Asma’a was finally able to escape. This was on 10.12.2015 at noon.


Israel claims that “Marah”, who lives in a family of five members, was holding a knife in her hand to stab one of the soldiers who were in the place of the accident. However, their story was denied by Asma’a and a group of students who were in the place at the time of the incident. Also, a video tape was published and widely shared via social media showing Marah screaming and crying with no knife near her.

The mother refused the accusations made against her daughter that she tried to stab an Israeli soldier; and said during our phone call with her: “My daughter is dreaming of getting the university certificate; to make us proud of her, and all the Israeli accusations are totally refused”

24.11.2023 - 22:55 [ Paul Steinbruckner / Twitter ]

Marah Bakeer, who was arrested in October 2015 when she was 16 after stabbing a Border Police cop. This is not an „innocent“ „political prisoner“ this is an attempted murderer because she was raise that way. Stop your propaganda! She should still be in jail!

24.11.2023 - 22:43 [ Younis Tirawi | يونس / Twitter ]

Marah Bakeer back to her home in Beit Hanina in Jerusalem.
